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[Music] yet this is the pickup for the electronic ignition system the rotor will be attached to the tip of the stator using a supplied washer [Music] so [Music] the rotor must be centered between the two years of the pickup we will come back later once the bike is wired to set timing this is the ignition module for our electronic ignition system we will use the supplied velcro to mount it to the top of the voltage regulator and avoid too much heat [Music] [Music] this group of wires come up from the trigger module at the stator and up to the ignition module connector [Music] [Music] hollywood [Music] so so [Music] here i'm drilling holes in the bars to get the wires to the switches from inside the bars these wires will run back to the input side of the m [Music] unit [Music] so [Music] [Music] i heard about you long before we met you're winsome and you're young at least that's what they said underneath the glader and your goal you can't deny the fact that you are growing old included with the switch is a three wired mini harness for ground this will provide a ground source for each of the buttons [Music] [Music] nothing could prepare me for your style the way your laughter seemed to go for miles and miles you have a thousand guys that never fall asleep someday i will leave you when i've had enough of your beauty [Music] maybe i will never leave you when i'm in love with your beauty [Music] because for now hold on using a multimeter i'm checking continuity to ground when each button is depressed [Music] so here we have our ground and our positive going to this little jumper here off of the hot we have the alligator clip that we're going to clip to the m units hot and then this also coming from the hot will go into the m unit lock which is here so that'll actually cut the m unit on so now the m unit is on and then we're going to use this little led as our test this lead is coming from ground here and we're going to use this to mimic a switch you know all the switches go to ground and that's how they tell to cut the item one so any switch is just a switch to ground for this demo we're just gonna put this led into horn just because it's easy straight forward here on the m unit we have the ground all locked down here so we have the ground from the battery the ground to our mimic switch and a ground to the led light on this side of the m unit we have the outputs the outputs are all 12 volt hot on the input side you want to input ground from the switch so all of the switches are wired to ground so when you flip the switch it outputs a ground signal and that ground signal goes into the input side of the m unit it's digital so it's not like a traditional switch where you would be running hot through a switch in this case you're running ground through the switch so the switch never sees any current all it's doing is putting a ground input into the input side of the m unit when that happens it signals the output side to output 12 volts hot for this example we're using the horn and we just put an led light in it to make it easy simple so this is the horn input side and this wire is wired straight to the ground so when we put that in the light bulb cuts on there's no current running through the switch side at all it's just showing the input side ground and when the input side sees ground it outputs 12 volts and that's the same for all of the inputs with exception to the lock which the lock gets 12 volts to cut on the m unit so if you were to take this out now we're mimicking or turning the switch off so when you cut the switch on whether it's a normal key switch or maybe like the m lock it shows 12 volts to the input side where it has lock and once that comes on the m unit's now on it's the same procedure whether it's the horn or the headlight or the ignition or whatever you know maybe the turn signals it will do a certain signal just for example because the turn signal actually flashes and there's different settings depending on how you want your turntable to do whether you want it to do off and then full on and flash or maybe you want fifty percent and then full on flash but you can go throughout the settings and change that i'm using the basic for this demo on the actual bike we're using the blue and what the blue does is it allows you to control these settings via the phone it also has a feature in there that once you're within bluetooth range it it cuts the m unit on or cuts the bike on so that you don't need a key they recommend not using this as your only key and to keep a backup normal key just in case let's say your phone dies or the app fails or something like that and then you'd have no way to start your bike so although it has that you still want a traditional key or maybe the m lock as your backup so these little orange pieces release the little clips that are inside of there now they recommend using these little furrows on the ends of the cables normally i use those and you want to solder them in because what can happen is the little furrows that come with it if for whatever reason the cable gets pulled and you come out of that furrow it'll leave the furrow inside of the hole there and it makes it very difficult to get it out so what i'm doing on this build is i'm actually using the deutsch connector pins instead of the furrows one i like the crimp a lot it's got a really nice crimp with the crimp tool and two the whole thing doesn't sit inside of the m unit so if for whatever reason you do pull this cable out you still have something to hold on to to pull the to pull the actual pin out of the m unit because i've gotten those little furrows stuck in there and it's a pain to get them out because there's nothing to grab onto now we're going to put this into right turn signal which is the hot off the led and then we're going to take our mimic switch and we're going to put it to the right turn signal input so now it's flashing and you can change that setting to be 50 percent and then full bright or off and on but see this is now pulled out because you can use momentary switches or you can use normal traditional switches so to turn that off if you were on the bike you would just push the push button for the turn signal again and then it will cut the item off so you can cut it on and usually it'll flash three times or it's a setting that you can have it flash just three times with a single push uh but i guess out of the box it's set to just flash so that we're turning it off again and then if there's ever a short or anything happens where let's say you short out the led it's just going to flash this and cut off the item it's really straightforward once you wrap your head around that your switches are just making connection to ground [Music] now back at the bike i will finish wiring the switches to the deutsche connectors and then to the m [Music] [Music] one more unit one more goal is all i get this time around [Music] one more night to sing a song see the light dance along an empty floor i've come to know quite well [Music] i've been lost underneath its spell just for now take my heels in through my best try to forget all the rest remember my good intentions [Music] caught up in the whirlwind [Music] to make the whole thing disappear [Music] is [Music] is one more song [Music] this time around this time [Music] this time now we're installing the cables from the input side of the m unit into the deutsch connectors that connect to the switches back at the handlebars [Music] my toes touch the same floor our world has been shaking on [Music] is your worth changing [Music] is your world changing your face tells me always [Music] [Music] we start with a large loom at the m unit and it branches out into four smaller loops these looms connect to the deutsch connectors for the switches break switch and m lock [Music] is my eyes are wide open i see you clear my toes touch the same floor our world has been shaken up [Music] moving on to the output side of the m unit i'm splicing in wires to go to the headlight for the turn signals and the turn signal indicators for the gauge the wires going to the back of the bike are for the brake light turn signals and license plate light wires leading to the front are for the aux power for the gauge and power for the high beam and low beam [Music] so [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] leads from the neutral switch oil pressure switch speedo and rear brake switch will need to be extended to get them to the headlight bucket where we can connect to the gauge [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] i've been out looking at places for so long but everywhere i look it points me back to you don't you say we got too crazy a little mischief makes fun he told me i was your favorite book was it true those good old days are worth looking back there's one thing on my mind in those times [Music] what i remember those eyes they spark like the stars [Music] baby in those [Music] all fake hours [Music] [Music] i will give you a chance to explain or maybe tell me you're sorry now even if things will never be the same i will give you every hour on the clock for my heart [Music] you said [Music] is was it all fake love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so here's a quick rundown of the electrical system here we have our switches and the wires that come out at the end of the clip bonds down and around into these deuce connectors these are removable this is running all the way back up to the switches so that if anything needs to be removed to the bar it can easily be done the other side of the connector comes down and around and then back into this loom and then into the input side of the m unit down here we have the output of the m unit some of these wires go to the back for the turn signals on the brake light and then some of the wires go to the front for the headlight and the aux power to the gauge back here we've spliced into the turn signal wires to get them back up to the front so this is our cable running to the back of the bike this is our breakout box for our rear brake light and turn signals in this box allows us to control the turn signals within the brake light this is our connector to our license plate light and our ground and then this is a connector to the breakout box having the connectors like this allows us to remove the entire tail section without cutting any wires [Music] so down here on this side of the bike we have our speedo oil light neutral and brake wire all bundled into this loom this loom comes up and merges with the wires from the m unit into the headlight bucket so this is the single loom coming into the headlight bucket for the gauge and the turn signals up here um this connector goes straight to the gauge and in that connector you've got a power supply that's key switched your ground your constant on so that you don't reset the gauge when you turn the bike off it'll keep your information your speedo sensor your green for your gauge control because one of the one of the buttons on the handlebar is to control the gauge so that runs into this one as well the orange is your can bus that comes from your breakout box and then here at the breakout box you've got your tin signal inputs your neutral light your high beam all of that stuff goes into here consolidates into one orange cable and then the orange cable into the gauge these are all on connectors so that this can all be removed the gauge wire is this small one here and it's connected there with this plug so if we want to remove the gauge we can just disconnect this single plug and everything will come off and the turn signals are on little plugs as well so they can be removed you can't fit the the actual connector through the hole but you can depend these things fairly easy and then that way you can get these off easier as well [Music] now that i have the m unit all wired up i'm going to go ahead and connect my iphone to take a look at some of the [Music] settings [Music] here we can set the distance range for the keyless go that allows the bike to cut on when you're within range [Music] in the blinker setting we can set how we want the turn signals to behave when the buttons are depressed we have options of pressing the button and it's staying on for 10 seconds 20 seconds or 30 seconds [Music] with the tail light you can have it pulse at different rates pulse then stay on or just stay on the app also allows settings for the handlebar controls alarm and aux power behavior all right so uh this week we've got 90 of the wiring complete really the only things i have left are the battery terminals or the cables to the starter and to the ground you know the bigger gauge to wire we also need to install the headlight bucket the headlight bucket uh will have the led projector in it and that led projector comes with a transformer that's rather large and because of that we didn't want to make all the connections inside of the headlight you know typically you get to the headlight and it's like okay well now i need to connect this to this and this and this and it it becomes kind of the end point of your cable but in in this case because i wanted to use the connectors and i know the connectors are large you know the connectors that go to the gauge and the connectors that go to the turn signal i'm kind of fighting space and so i didn't want that to be where where everything gets connected so i kind of did it further back in the harness so that leading into the headlight bucket it's a single strand of wires and then that gets terminated into you know the connector or the little module but anyway the grounds and the hots you know you'll need multiple grounds you'll need multiple hots for different things you know you've got uh like two turn signal grounds you've got the ground to the breakout box you've got the ground to the headlight you've got the ground two the gauge and so rather than kind of making all of that inside of the headlight bucket i kind of broke it out prior to in the harness so that i could have that all sorted before you get to the headlight otherwise you have uh just a big bundle of wires and connections inside of there that that creates a bunch of or takes up a bunch of space the connectors i was kind of on the fence about using it when i got down to wiring but in uh you know in hindsight it was definitely the way to go it makes it a bit easier to troubleshoot where something is connected wrong or something goes bad because you can easily access both ends of the cable without cutting loom and and breaking into stuff you know you can just pull the connector and put the put the multimeter on it so so that that's kind of nice and i i like i like the way that that worked out and then if a particular item fails it's easy to check it swap it out check make sure you've got current on on the on the connection they do take up a bit of space so you have to be careful where you put them to make it a clean install for the m unit you know i wanted all of the let's say the wires for the switches to come out in one bundle and go off in one direction and then the same for the outputs but because you're running turn signals to the front and the rear it was just difficult to do i didn't want to run all the cables to the back to terminate to the rear turn signals just to turn around and run those wires straight back up to the front so we kind of splice them together shortly after the m unit and then random back the other way and that's how you ended up that's how we ended up with the with the cables running in either direction you know the same for the ground that we run across there i don't think it looks bad it turned out okay you know it wasn't how i thought that was gonna look but um all in all it's it's still pretty clean you know the worst is when you're when you're running stuff you know up to the front and you're running stuff to the rear and now you've got cables coming out the immunity going every which way and you can do that and it's a heck of a lot easier than to do how we did it you know running a line now let's say it's let's say it's an auxiliary hot you know you run it up and then or how how we did it was let's say you've got an auxiliary hot and you're running out we spliced into it in a number of places so that when we got to the end of the cable we had already you know let's say four hots coming out that didn't need to terminate in one spot on the end of the cable because it just adds a bunch of bulk so rather than do that we have the lead and then it kind of trees out to get us all the hots that we need and all the places that we need to be because you can't you can't put more than one cable into uh into a furrow and then go off in different directions one it doesn't look very clean and two it's just not a it's just not good practice so rather than that you know we come out we treat tree entry to feed all the different items you know the wiring was kind of tricky because you're you're basically doing the same thing cutting wires crimping over and over and over and over again and you know i mean you've got we've probably got 20 hours into this and 20 hours of running wires isn't going to be very entertaining or informative in that sense because you just can't track where the wires are going you know it's not cut and dry we're not just putting on a piece it's a lot of pieces and a lot of a lot of things going together needless to say it was a tricky video to make so hopefully it turns out okay hopefully it all makes sense there's a ton of footage i need to go through all right so that does it for this week um we're almost there we just really need to add fluids but anyway getting closer we're almost there links to the products used listed below and don't forget to like and subscribe
Channel: Cognito Moto
Views: 7,160
Rating: 4.9689922 out of 5
Keywords: Cognito moto, Cafe racer, Bmw, Bmw motorcycle, Bmw r75/5, R75/6, R100, R80, R65, Bmw cafe racer, R75 cafe racer, Motorcycle build, Motorcycle cafe racer, Yamaha cafe racer, Caferacer, Fork conversion, Fork swap, Airhead, motorcycle vlog, cognito moto rearsets, cafe racer garage, motogadget m-unit blue, charging system, cafe racer, fork swap, motogadget, motogadget m-blaze pin led turn signal, motogadget m-unit, motogadget m button, motogadget m lock, motogadget motoscope pro
Id: W3am7D7GiR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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