BMW i8 owner review after 4 years U.K.

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hi everybody i'm doing a video uh regarding my i8 and how i have lived with my i8 for the last four years just over four years okay so this is my i8 um this is the so like i said i've had it just over four years i'm just gonna go explain to you guys what it's like to live with every day okay now i've seen a lot of informational videos on youtube regarding bmw i8s and the ones that actually inspired me to buy a bmw i8 so um and that was quite a few years ago but in the meantime this is uh this gives you an idea of what it's like to live with own one okay so i charged the ia overnight on the trickle charge just a free pin plug because it's not fully electric with it being hybrid and only having a short amount of miles on electric you can just charge it on a trickle charge overnight so that's usually suffices for the charge okay one of the biggest draws biggest pulls of the i8 aesthetically i mean outside it looks amazing it's got to be the gullwing doors a lot of people say to me you know what what's it absolutely like you know when you when you go to a car park try open the door actually if you look at the door it never goes any wider than say an average door opening at say 35 40 degrees so getting in and out of the car is not difficult parking next to cars is not difficult neither the actual interior of the car i mean when i got it for four years ago it looked very very futuristic and you know there's a lot more futuristic cars now for example the tesla's the new mercedes the new bmw i models they look a lot more futuristic but still to me when i jump in it still feels like a a very futuristic nice modern looking car so this one is a coupe it does have two seats in the back now some of the reviewers have said you know the two seats in the back are useless you know what i would totally disagree i have my wife and two young children one five-year-old one eight-year-old boy and a girl and you know what they sit inside the bag comfortably and you figure well they're just kids fine that i agree they are just kids but i've had adults sat in the back and i've done a 700 mile round trip with two adults in the back and yeah little periods of time when it was a bit uncomfortable but any 700 mile round trip would be uncomfortable but generally they uh they want they want it wasn't too fussed by it it was not too bad headroom isn't amazing uh in the back that is but in the front you'll have no problems okay so again getting into the car is it's not too difficult best way to do is get sideways and push your legs over but you get used to that but the actual interior of the car again like i said looks really really nice driving the ia it drives phenomenal it really does and it drives like any bmw model the best way i can describe it it drives like a one series if you drive one series you can drive the ia okay um it goes fast when you want it to you know it's uh very very very fuel efficient aesthetically like i said it looks phenomenal to me and that was the main reason why i bought the car so four years on so i was looking at getting another car and um i thought i'd keep hold of the i8 because i do like the i8 coupe quite a lot and it just looks phenomenal for me it just looks phenomenal one person didn't say to me says oh it looks too retro like a like an 80s type supercar and i thought one minute me personally i think the 80s supercars look the best supercars but you know that for me was wasn't wasn't a detrimental comment but but more of a compliment to the actual aesthetics of the car but yeah it's a it's a beautiful car indeed so running costs okay so this was the last of the free road tax so the raw tax is free okay the insurance i pay annually on this is 600 pounds a year i did have an accident a couple of years ago which was my fault and also i got three points uh on my license last year again so that up the insurance but i said i paid 600 pound a year uh which isn't too excessive uh servicing costs are relatively inexpensive especially if you get like an emac plan from your local bmw dealer i'm down in devon so i use uh uh bmw ocean down at plymouth uh who really really take care of me i pay i think about 15 pounds a month uh for a service care plan which is less two pound a month less than what i pay on my wife's mini so that puts into perspective how cheap serves and costs are you every three years you'll have to do a major service which is nearly a thousand pounds but you know you expect that the cost of the tires can be expensive i think it's 150 pound four tires with the tracking but again that's going to be every two three four years depending on the the amount of driving you do so i've got about 35 000 miles on this car and i do regularly take it up to the northwest from devon and i've just literally covered in flies and all sorts of debris because i've literally just come back from manchester yesterday so you know it's a 350 mile trip um so yeah it's uh it does regularly go up and down the m6 and m5 okay so i was deciding to get a new car i thought what should i go for uh so i went to go uh look at the lamborghini um hurricane and then the ferrari california and i started looking at different cars people possibly astomatic dbs i really wanted a convertible just living down here in devon you'd really do need it because the the weather is quite nice in comparison to the northwest so and you know i was looking at taking all the thick boxes what can we go for i thought well bmw is probably the best car i've ever had you know to live with it drives like a normal car servicing costs are excessive it looks an absolute it gets compliments everywhere i go and it's not ridiculously expensive it's not a ridiculously expensive car you know so what i decided to go for was another i8 so i went for the i8 roadster now truth be told this is not the color i wanted i actually wanted blue but i looked high and low these cars are really really sought after the roadsters are really really sought after and they only made 3 000 worldwide and i think only 10 of them are in the uk so they are really really sought after and it's hard to get hold of one of these um so the orange was again not my first choice of color i wanted to buy it from uh a bmw dealership been doing the franchise i bought it from bmw heathrow uh big respect to jazz for taking care of me there and uh everything that they did for me so i bought it from them and again like i said i did want the blue um somebody did have a blue another dealership did have the blue but it was like 25 grand more and i thought do i want the blue that much i want to part with that type of money extra on top of this and i thought yeah you know i'll stick with i'll stick with the the orange one so i mean if anybody looks close enough they call it e-copper but it's more ginger so this white one i refer to as ninja and this one i refer to as ginger so between the pair of them i've got the ginger ninja okay again you know it looks phenomenal inside exactly similar to the setup to the coupe except this only has two seats but you have a wide rear cabin area here where you can put lots of things in you know and again with the doors up with the doors up and the roof down it's a beautiful day today the door's up with the roof down it just looks a different beast altogether you know so it's um it really it really is quite an inspiring looking vehicle and again to live with the reason that i went for the i8 roadster rather than say a uh lamborghini or the ferrari california or i'll even look to the fire for a8 but it's such a nice car you drive off you're not waking all the neighbors up you know it's you drive off in e drive mode it's really really nice to drive it's electric it runs smooth it drives like a normal car it doesn't make all the popping noises that most supercars would make petrol supercars i know with the advent of electric cars that them days are over but you know it's still there some people love the roar of that but think about it you know i'm a middle-aged man i don't want to be driving down the road with the engine going blah blah blah blah blah i want to drive nice and comfortably so and again look when the doors are up it just looks phenomenal it really really does and between the pair of them you know i i think they are really really really nice cars so if anybody's thinking about getting one again the servicing costs on the on the roadster exactly like that of the coupe okay so i've got on a service plan up here team i think 15 pounds a month is so cheap it's so cheap what i play you know it's uh it's no money oh i should leave the doors open yeah um inside you have all the same setup as you have on the coupe except you've got touch screen this time which is good and these do come with uh apple apple play which is quite useful the boot size is very similar not a huge amount of boot space in either of them but you know it's it's again manageable you know you take that into place perspective how much boot space you're actually gonna have not a huge amount but it's enough i've got another triple charger there if i need it if i'm out and about somewhere but most of the time you know just leaving it charging overnight and on the trickle charge that gives it enough to go going got new tires partly recently i said 1150 all in but yeah generally it's uh they're both just fantastically fantastic looking cars uh that's my opinion um again running costs are very very minimal so most of the time you're gonna be driving on electric and it does kick in some of the petrol as well and but you can you can easily get 50 plus miles per gallon just riding driving around town between electric and petrol so you know economically is very very good but you don't buy the cars for the economics you buy the cars for well the field how it makes you feel you know um so i think personally it's a really lovely car now these are all the pros i've gone through what cons would i say well the cons i would say initially with the ia is it did drop quite significantly in price when they first came out but the pro to that i would say now is they are really really really holding their value really really well and i mean very very well remember they stopped making these so this one here is a 2020 model this was one of the last of the production lines so they stopped these and so they've stopped making these cars so they've come super super rare as we go forward and i know a lot of people will see lots of i8 coupes out there on their trader with ridiculous miles on them so be it you know but these cars are always going to have a target audience because they just look so good they look so futuristic they're great to drive um you know they're a real great showpiece especially with the doors up and i keep going on about the doors but for me that's the highlight of the car now there's actually there's method in the madness regarding the doors the reason why they do go up in because if you look you've got a carbon fiber in a layer so you're average you're looking at a sill of an average car is about this wide but look at this look how wide this cell is it goes on and on and on so if it had a door going out it would literally have to go open 180 degrees before you can get in so it had to be goldwing doors otherwise you won't be able to get in and out of the car so there was some method in the madness um but again running costs are the same on both cars the roadster is a little bit more expensive to ensure and that's i think not necessarily because of being a roadster in a newer car uh with higher value i think it's because i've i can only use on my own claim bonus on one car and not on the other so that's why it's more expensive again it's a thousand pound a year it's not extravagant ah the other thing is i just paid for the road tax this morning the roads that didn't fall for the free road tax they stopped that in 2017 2018 something like that so this the the um alberta ninja ninja was the last of the free road tax so i renew the raw tax every year it cost me nothing on this one i've just renewed it this morning and it was 520 pound i think something like that for a year so you've got to bear that in mind next thing i would also recommend if anybody gets and i get bmw to fit one of these dash cams you can get generic dash cams done but the advantage of the bmw dash cam is it will locate exactly where you are you're positioning the speed you were doing the reason for that is is and i've got it on the on the coupe as well on the rear and the front the reason for that is because of you protecting yourself because these cars are so silent when they're pulling away it's so easy for somebody to walk out in front of you or a cyclist to go ride in front of you so that's another thing i would definitely recommend to as well as getting the service plan from your local bmw dealer if you are looking to get one i would get one from bmw with the warranty you can extend the warranty every year so after the car's over three years old you can extend the warranty and it's relatively inexpensive it's about a thousand pound a year but it gives you peace of mind um so it's worthwhile extending the warranty if you can afford it uh but generally very rarely things go wrong i did have problems with the with uh ninja when i first got it but that was literally within a few weeks so we're still under warranty from bmw because i bought it from them but i've had no i've had a little problem with ginger with a leaky roof but you know um bmw ocean plymouth managed to sort it all out and they were very very good with me um yeah i don't think there's anything else i'd like to report other than they just look phenomenal definitely buy one running costs aren't that bad the appearance aesthetically is amazing if you've got a family you can get the cooperate and get the kids in the back not a problem doing a big shop can be tricky but it's doable go and hold it with suitcases well i've literally just come back from manchester airport yesterday tricky but doable okay everything is doable so it does it take all the boxes as a family car definitely not but will it suffice well yeah it will suffice but shopping trolley pushing your kids around town that's the vice you've got to make do what you may do with you know but um i i love living with them i love driving them i love talking about them um and i just i think they're fantastic cars i think they're really really well made really well made um really well designed um and i think they are future proof because there's always going to be somebody who loves the car and i'm certainly one of those people i don't see myself ever getting rid of my i8 i think they'll stand the test of time and i think i'm just going to keep them going keep them going keep them going for as long as i can um other than that yeah i'll post another video on how the car drives um but yeah if you were looking to buy one i'd say buy it with confidence because they are fantastic cars god bless
Channel: L200ony
Views: 59,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bmw, i8, roadster, coupe, hybrid, electric, supercar, fast, review, owner, uk, devon, manchester, bmw i8 review, bmw i8 roadster, bmw i8 exhaust, bmw i8 UK, bmw i8 UK cheap, bmw i8 fast, bmw i8 18 year old, bmw i8 super fast car, bmw i8 asphalt 9, bmw i8 copper, bmw i8 faster car in the world
Id: Ezdp4wolmJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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