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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the 2018 BMW basic off-road training this weekend we have seen one of the highest number of attendees taking part in this event organized by Mohammed Latifi brand manager at a GMC BMW and once again with Michael and Robert from Germany who have now become regular visitors to the United Arab Emirates and are considered very much part of the GS family community here in the Middle East let's get on with the show and over to Michael and Robert for today we will start to set up the bikes initially so the first thing we have to do we have to lower the tire pressure we will go down to 1.5 bar we will also talk light about why we do that but this we will do in the separate groups so we have a little bit more time to explain a little bit more time for questions you will get assistance from our mechanics and also from us and the next thing is we want to do is we want to move the handlebar a little bit more up and forward so bring your bike on the center stand so you can stand on your bike you should not be in the position like this on the bike in a more upright comfortable position here so we will always be around we will assist you if you're not sure if it's if it's too much forward or if it's not enough we will help you if you have any questions if you have any requests if you have anything you have heard about is it true or is it not true if you're interested in some motor motorcycle or technical things we have good contacts to Munich to the development department so we have it inside start slowly there's no rush we have two days time and we we want to build up confidence from the bottom ok as you that we will split up into groups Robbie you're taking this slide and I take the other side please thank you here thank you helmet join the group and we start riding for a warm-up [Music] yeah at all happy to be here again always great time to come to Dubai for the training so we started with the basic training was looking forward because also lots of new participants we're here it's always nice to see how the community is increasing [Music] in the beginning we always start to develop good technique for the standing position on the bike we have some nice exercises for this yeah it's not boring we always try to ride and develop better skills by riding the impression everybody was happy was improving the writing skills and at the end the most important thing is that people have fun and really enjoying that's what we're here for and that's why we all riding GS or off-road bikes start with the first basic part so we want to talk a little bit about the position on the pipe the basic training was a big success again we had a the biggest group ever and even on the waiting list we had still a bleak amount of people waiting to get placed in the basic training well if I stand up I can balance myself with the foot picture I do not need to to hold the handlebar I can look and if there's a so I have a better overview I'm not looking like this inside of the cockpit or in front of the tire because I want to see what's coming up next ok jump on your bike and let's try a slalom [Music] as if I was a little bit up yes that's nice look ahead okay it was a little bit up and always to the steriliser the handlebars help us up a little bit and always were paranoid to the end of our way to the outside yeah very nice very good cool thing that's on the guts [Music] Robert demonstrates the difference in riding off-road closing the legs or hugging the petrol tank with your needs makes turning wider and more difficult however open legs as wide as possible the rider can have greater degree of control allowing the motorcycle to move freely in rough terrain [Music] at every given opportunity Robert and Michael take the riders out for a free ride this is so the riders can put to practice what they've been learning all weekend they are constantly reminded about body positioning breaking turning and looking [Music] if you have to bike in a balance positions like this yeah so you do not need much force to hold the bike here you see you can hold it with one finger if it's in balance and this is what we are trying to use what we're trying to do when we are in the offroad we're trying to balance the bike we keep the weight pushing on the wheels or not sideways so it's also good exercise for you at home you can balance the bike because then you get the feeling of how much movement is possible without getting too much side water so you just can hold the bike very easily if you go too much to the side no way to hold it but if you drop the bike can happen we have the protection system so happy the Texas theater normally not much happens if the bike is on the ground how can we pick it up the first possibility is you use the handlebar therefore I'd go to the know when I put it on the steering lock I go very close over the handlebars not like that because if I push here I can slip by this in the back so it's always better to live like this or not like this like oh very close I do it out of the knees the bike is up again the second way we heard about this ski with the reverse I go to the rear now I have to put the handlebar on the other side so inside out of my legs so I have no don't need much power and the arms I just need a little bit power in the legs this one is easier also for for ladies sometimes this one is the easiest way to lift it because you only use your legs not the army in this situation you see I always already put out the side stand because the big risk of this technique is doing too much and then it's on the other side recommend you to integrate all these exercises in your daily motorbike life always try when you do sharp turns slow turns remember the technique when you do a long distance trip yeah you feel some pain stand up relax a bit remember all the things all the way then the progress relaxed on the handlebar play around of it and in this way you really hone your skills [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so now we do a braking exercise very important also for on-road off-road to stop the religion in the shortest possible distance before the practical exercise Michael spoke in details on the safety and danger of breaking both on-road and off-road what we want to do now is we want to switch off the ABS systems so you can lock the wheels no ABS anymore be careful because that if you push too hard you lock it the riders have already carried out the rear and fun braking exercise and now the combination of the two and what we do now is read now combine the two exercises we accelerate again after my signal you close the show to pull the clutch with the rear brake heart and keep it locked then you concentrate on the front brake like youth is now like a position line equation forward breaks together but the rear brake is only locking so no controlling because you need all the concentration for the front brake yeah put on the front face look like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 390,625
Rating: 4.7540565 out of 5
Id: 3KhvwemItmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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