Blusa | Maalaala Mo Kaya | Full Episode

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I believe that we are responsible in creating our own destiny. However, sometimes, life leads us somewhere else. The path that we thought would lead us to our goals turns out to be the path leading us to our darkest moments in life. Tonight, Kapamilya, let us witness the story of two sisters who were challenged by destiny. [Charo on V.O] Forced apart by their struggles and were tarnished by our cruel society. -[boy 1] Maida. -[boy 2] Maida. Look, she's carrying a kitten. She's like the cat. Because she's a stray as well. Ah, I see. So that's why she has a kitten. -[boy 1] Ow! -[yells] [boy 1] How dare you throw that at me! [screams] -[boy 1] You're crazy! -[boy 2] Crazy witch! [boy 1] You're crazy! [boy 2] Look at this crazy woman. [screaming] [boy 1] Crazy! [boy 2] It wants to fight, look. -[screaming continues] -[woman] Stop teasing her! She's trying to hit us! [crowd clamoring] [all boys] You're a crazy woman! Maida, the crazy woman! [boy 2] Look at her. What a nutjob. Don't you see that she's crazy? [boy 1] You're crazy! [Nemie talking indistinctly] [Nympha] Nemie? I'm gonna buy something. [chuckles] We're a long way from home. I'm glad you managed to find us. Hmm? Mom said you didn't want to stay at home. You never come home. Nemie, if you don't want to stay there, maybe you can stay with me. Sis, I need to go. I'm going to Manila. I have a job waiting for me over there. I'm gonna be successful there. Sis, I'm gonna get rich there. We'll finally have a better life. I promised Mom and Dad... Mom... Mom... I can't disappoint Mom. I'm the only one she relies on. And Dad... Dad is sick. He's penniless. He doesn't have money. I want to help him. I'm going to Manila, sis. I got to go. I'm gonna get rich there. [sighs] We'll finally have a better life. We'll finally have a better life. We'll finally have a better life. [Nympha on V.O] Dear Charo, my story is about my sister, Nemie. She's smart, has big dreams for our family, and is full of hope. Your skirt is torn. Don't worry, I'll stitch it up for you. Thanks, sis. -That's very thoughtful of you. -Oh, stop. [both laughing] You know, sis, I really want to go to Manila. I wanna work there when I grow up. Why go there? You can work here. Everyone says that you won't be successful here. We won't get rich. But I want to be rich. And once I become rich, I'm sure Dad won't have to sell sweepstakes anymore. And Mom won't have to wash clothes anymore. But that means, we're gonna be apart. No, sis. I promise that I will take you with me wherever I go. To Manila, to America, to Europe. I'll you anywhere with me. [Nympha] You promise? Yes, I won't forget about you, sis. Wow, my daughter has big dreams. [Nemie] Why, Dad? Is it bad? No, dear, it's not bad to dream. So you better prepare yourself. [father] We'll all prepare for it. [mother] I'm so proud of my daughter. She's the first honor. You're the one who's gonna bring good fortune to this family. You're our only hope. Dear. You're gonna make mommy rich, right? Yes. Aw. [chuckles] And you're gonna lift us from this poverty. You won't put our sacrifices to waste. You're gonna study hard, okay? Yes, Mom. I promise. [mother] You're amazing, dear. And because you're the first honor, I have a gift for you. -Really, Mom? -Yes. Wait here. Here you go. I haven't paid for it yet, but I will as long as I keep washing clothes for Mrs. Agusan. Wow, Mom. It's pretty. Thank you, Mom. Thank you so much. What about me and Nympha? Oh, please. You want something, yet you're too lazy to study. Just like Nympha. She's dumb. Why should I give you anything? At least Nympha's studying hard. She gets passing grades. I should probably take them out to the movies. I see. You want to go out and spend, huh? We're not earning much yet you want to treat them to the movies. Unbelievable. [gentle music playing] [sighs] There you go. See? It looks good on you. Have you seen Dante? He went out with friends earlier. [shushes] [father] Your mom's not around. Let's go watch a movie. -[both] Yes, please! -Okay? [laughs] -We'd love that. -Okay. So, girls, did you like the movie? Yes, Dad, it was great. When will we be able to watch a movie again? Don't worry. If I get to sell more tickets, we'll watch again. -We'll do it again. -But, Dad, why don't we buy more tickets? That way, we'll be able to sell more. Dear, success isn't determined by luck. You earn it, you work hard for it. Never forget that, okay? -Yes, Dad. -Yes. Come on, sis, let's do our homework and review our lessons. [Nympha] All right. [Nympha and Nemie chuckling] Hello, Nemie. Can I walk you home? Nympha, he's so persistent. I already told him that I'm not into dating because I'm focused on my studies, but he still won't stop. Talk to him for me, please. Uh... Uh... I'm sorry. But you heard what my sister said, right? She said, she doesn't want to date anyone. Besides, you don't have a chance. So if I were you, I'd look for someone else. There are other girls out there. Okay? Excuse us. I feel bad for him. He seems like a nice guy. Sis, you know I can't date anyone. It's gonna distract me from studying. And it's gonna hinder me from getting rich. [sighs] -Shall we? -We shall. -[Nemie giggles] -[Nympha] Hmm. You're not helping around the house, yet you still find time to get into fights. What's gonna happen to your future? If I hadn't stopped going to school, I wouldn't be this way. Dante, don't talk to your mother like that. Why are you always blaming me for us being poor? You're the ones to blame. You want a family, but you can't sustain one. Shut your mouth! When I used to pay for your education, did you ever go to school? Why can't you be like Nemie here? She studies hard, she's smart, she gets high grades. We're willing to bet all the money we have left on Nemie. Because with her, it's a sure win. Mom. How about Nympha? If she wants to study, she can go to my cousin. She's looking for a helper. She will work for them so that she can continue studying. But, Mom, how will she be able to study there? Dad, I'm going with Nympha. It's not final. Your mom and I are gonna talk about it. What do you mean? There's nothing to talk about. I've made my decision. Mom, don't do this. Mom, don't let Nympha work as a helper. [voice breaking] Mom. Dad. Dad, let her stay here. [pensive music playing] Sis. Take care of yourself over there. Don't forget about us, sis. I will miss you. Don't cry. Sis. [both crying] Sis, take care of yourself. Sis, take care. [Nympha on V.O] Despite our efforts to dissuade our mom, we couldn't change her mind. My sister and I got separated. Nemie was focused on her studies. As for me, I was focused on working in order for me to go to school. Mom, I'm a valedictorian. Look. You're kidding. Really? Mom, look. I got high grades. [laughs] I'm so proud of you, dear. [Nympha on V.O] Nemie's hard work paid off. [baby crying] But I could no longer endure the hardship. What are you doing to my baby? He won't stop crying and you're not doing anything. All you care about is your studies. Focus on my baby. That's what I'm paying you for. Do you understand me? Huh? Are we clear? Yes. My goodness. Give him to me. My baby's gonna get sick because of you. Give me that. Give me all that. You're so stupid. My gosh. [baby continues crying] Nympha? Sis? Look at my grades. They're high. Sis, look. Hey. Are you okay? I don't wanna go back there. They treat me badly. I can't take it anymore. I don't care... I don't care if I graduate anymore. [sighs] I don't care if I die dumb. I just don't want to die there without dignity. -[sniffles] -Come home with me, then. Don't go back there. You know... I know that... I know Mom and Dad want me to graduate. But... I just can't do it anymore. I'm just forcing myself. I will never be as smart as you. I can't do as they say anymore. I give up. [solemn music playing] Sis. Don't cry. I'll do it. Let me do it, sis. I'll graduate for us. I promise you, sis, I'm gonna do everything I can to make it happen. So stop crying, okay? [sniffles] Mmm. [solemn music continues] [Nympha on V.O] Nemie became a scholar in UP Los Banos, while I took a vocational course in tailoring. Until the day we've been waiting for finally arrived. Her graduation. Nemie graduated with the highest honor, summa cum laude. -Congratulations, dear. -Thanks, Dad. You don't know how happy I am right now. Thank you. Now, just like what I promised you, you won't have to work for long, you won't have a hard time selling sweepstakes, Dad. Oh, thank you, dear. That means, I don't have to accept the job in the other town. No, Dad. You don't have to. You'll only get sick. I think you should rest. Because as early as tomorrow, I'm gonna start looking for a job. Aw. [giggles] But before that, we've prepared a little feast inside. -Come on, let's go inside. -[Dante] Come inside. Okay, let's. [father] Thanks for preparing, son. -Nemie. -Yes? I made this for you. You did? I know you're gonna need new clothes once you start applying for jobs. This is beautiful, sis. I'll wear this. [chuckles] What are you doing here? Nothing. I just wanted to see you. Huh? But... [whispers] Go home. -Sis. -Uh... Nemie, this is Nick. Hey, congratulations. Thank you. -Sis. -Hmm? I didn't know you had a boyfriend already. What are you saying? He's not my boyfriend. He's courting me. He's persistent. I already told him I won't give him an answer yet. Because I haven't graduated yet. Well, now you can. -[shushes] Oh, shut up. -[giggles] Come on, let's eat inside. Nice meeting you. -Come on. -I'm coming. [laughs] [sighs] Do you really have to go to Manila with your sister? She's alone. When will you come back? I don't know. We'll see. What about me? Nick, I haven't given you an answer yet. But when? If you can't wait-- Nympha, I've been waiting a long time for you. Tell me. Do you love me? Nympha, do you love me? [sighs] Yes. But... If you love me... If you love me, you'll wait for me. I just want to make sure that my sister will be fine in Manila, then I'll come back. [sighs] I'll wait for you. [father] Nemie, take care of yourself over there. -[Nemie] Yes, Dad. -Look after each other. -[distant rooster crowing] -Hey, Nympha. -Take care of your sister. -Yes. And don't forget to prepare everything your sister needs to apply for a job. Dear. I know that you'll finally fulfill your dream of getting us out of poverty. [chuckles] -Take care of yourself, Mom. -[mother] You too. Dad. Let's go. [Nympha on V.O] After graduation, Nemie fulfilled her long-time dream of going to Manila and finding a job there. Sis, hurry up. I might be late for my interview. -Why are you in a hurry? -Wait. -It's still early. Huh? -Run, run, run! What is wrong with you? We're gonna get hit-- [screams] Hurry. [Nemie laughing] Ow. My stomach's grumbling. You're just hungry. Let's buy some food over here. -Come on. -Sis, wait. Do you have money? Of course. I still have some. Because the room we're renting isn't pricey. [giggles] Miss, one burger, please. Here. Wait. What about you, sis? Oh, don't worry about me. Go ahead. You're the one with an interview. Sis, just have a bite. I'm good. Go ahead, eat up. [pensive music playing] [Nympha on V.O] Nemie tried applying at different offices. At first, she was confident. Until she realized how difficult it is to land a job. She has a lot of competition. Mostly are from Manila. Unlike her. Idiots. They're all idiots. Are they threatened by me? I'm overqualified? Sis, I'm a UP graduate and a summa cum laude. Yet they won't hire me? A bunch of idiots. Relax, Nemie. Here. -Unbelievable. -Drink this. -Okay. -Thanks. Hey. -Sis. -What? Whose clothes are those? Our neighbors'. I decided to wash clothes instead of not doing anything here. Plus, we'll have extra money to spend. Right? Hey. I'm a UP graduate, summa cum laude. But I can't find a job. Don't worry about it. It's normal. Think about it, every year, many students graduate and there aren't enough job opportunities out there. Sometimes it's about luck. So don't lose hope. Because your luck might finally come soon. Go ahead. Change your clothes. Then, give me those dirty clothes so I can wash them. So you can use them again tomorrow. [brush scraping on fabric] -We have no vacant positions. -Wait. -I'm just gonna try. -Nemie, let's go. Don't treat me like this. I'm not dumb. I already told you, there are no vacancies. Go find a job somewhere else. How can I be so sure when you won't let me in? I already said there are none. -Come on, let's go. -Who are you, anyway? -Are you the boss, huh? -[guard] Get lost! Hey, don't push me! Miss, you won't find any job here. If you want, you can try applying as a dancer in a club. With that face of yours, you'll do good there. [Nympha on V.O] During those moments, I never left Nemie. I gave her all my attention and time. That's how much I love my sister. I'm sick of this life. Why can't I seem to get a job? Nemie. Don't take this the wrong way, but maybe there's something wrong in the way you approach people. People can't help but think that you're arrogant because you graduated from UP and are summa cum laude. But it's the truth. Why would I lie about it? I understand. But that's not what I meant. Sis, I know what I'm doing. Don't mind me, please. It's just that, we're running out of money. Maybe it's best if we go home. Okay. Go ahead. If you want to go home, go. [Nympha] I can't leave you. Sis, I'm an adult. I can take care of myself. Don't think you know better. I'm not saying I know better. I know that for a fact. You're smarter. You got to graduate. Okay then. So next time, don't tell me what to do. I only said that as your older sister. That's all. Just because I'm your older sister. [sighs] There are opportunities waiting for me here, sis. I won't go home until I have a job. I don't want to be laughed at. Mom and Dad are depending on me. I don't want to fail them. I don't. And you, sis, I'm begging you. Go home. You don't need to be with me your whole life. Find a good opportunity for yourself. Sis, focus on your life. -If you don't get a job. -I will, sis. I will take on any job that will pay me big. I just hope that you won't settle for a job in exchange for your dignity. Don't, Nemie. [morose music playing] [gate creaking] [Nympha on V.O] I need to go back to our place where I will start anew. I had to leave her even if it hurts. Ma'am, you haven't read everything that's on here. I'm a UP graduate, summa cum laude. See for yourself. It's all there. I'm sorry. Perhaps you can try somewhere else. Do you know how much I spend on photocopying these? Instead of paying for food, I pay for photocopying this. So I'd appreciate if you'd read it. [morose music playing] [Nympha on V.O] Nemie continued to find more jobs. She didn't stop despite the struggles and exhaustion. But she endured everything. She didn't want to come home a failure. And she would do everything to avoid that. [morose music playing] Sir? Sir, I'm sorry about this, but... do you have any food there that I can eat? I haven't eaten in days. I'm sorry, I don't have money. [somber music playing] FUN HOUSE [percussive music playing] [sensual music playing] [man] I'll leave you to it. You're pretty. You're gonna earn big here. [applause] [host] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the new star of the night, Donna! [crowd applauding, cheering] [Nympha on V.O] Nemie entered the world of dancing. And when she saved enough, she decided to go home. But fate can be quite ironic. Give me your money. Give it to me. Mister, don't do this. This is for my family. I worked hard for this. I said give me your money! Mister, please. -I worked hard for this! -Give it to me! Mister, this is for my family! Mister, no! [grunts] Mister, that's for my family! Give me back my money! Thief! Thief! Somebody help me! Help me! He took my money! [crying] Give me back my money! Give it back! [somber music playing] Nympha. Nemie. I'm glad you came home. We didn't know where to find you. Tell me, what happened? Dad? Dad, I'm back. [Nemie's dad] Nemie? Dad. I was worried about. Why, Dad? Did Nympha tell you something? Get up slowly. She said she left you in a good condition. But you never write to us. I didn't know where to find you. I wanted to go to Manila, but... I don't have any money. I'm sorry, Dad. I was just... I was just busy with work. I'm happy for you, Nemie. You finally reached your dreams. Dad, what happened to you? Nemie? [Nemie's mom] Nemie? -Mom. -Is it really you? You look so different now. You've glowed up ever since you stayed in Manila. How are you? Are you working in an office? What do you do? You must be very successful. -[chuckles] -Did you bring anything for us? I'm sorry, Mom. On the way home, I got robbed. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you next time. My goodness. I keep telling you. You should buy a car so you won't get robbed. [Nemie's mom] Your father is in dire need of money. Ever since he worked for the government and started spraying insecticide for those that kill malaria, he must have inhaled all the spray. He contracted a lung disease. [sniffles] Have you taken dad to a doctor, Mom? [Nemie's mom] We don't have any money. I can't rely on your siblings. Dante is unemployed. And Nympha earns little as a dressmaker. Nemie, you're our only hope. Okay, Mom. I will go back to Manila. [sighs] Dad... I feel like... I'm about to die soon. Dad, don't say that. -Dad... -Promise me that you'll be here. [Nemie's dad] Okay? Dad... I need to go to Manila to work. I'm doing this for you guys, so you can get better. Dad... wait for me. What's your job in Manila? I'm in a hurry, Nympha. I don't have time to explain. Just answer my question. Do I really need to tell you? No, I don't. [Nympha] There's something you're not telling me. Are you an investigator now? What is it that you do in Manila, Nemie? Leave me alone, Nympha. Nemie, I almost forgot about myself for you. [Nympha] And you're going to say that to me? I shouldn't have cared for you from the start. I wish you didn't. So I wouldn't be experiencing misfortune. You follow me like a puppy, now look what happened. You! You bring me bad luck! Maybe you're right. [Nympha] Maybe I bring you bad luck. Because I'm not smart. I'm aware that I will never be successful. But don't blame me for whatever's happening in your life. You did that to yourself, Nemie. Not me. [somber music playing] Why didn't I get a chance to follow my dreams? I'm smart. I was a summa cum laude. But what did I do with my life? Do you know what my job is, Nympha? Do you really want to know? [Nympha crying] I'm a dancer. I'm a dancer at a beer house. I can't come home empty-handed. So... So even though it's demeaning... I suck it up. So we can have money. So that when I come home, I have something to tell about my life. Even though it's a lie. My life is going nowhere. I didn't want this. I didn't ask for this. But I promised you guys. I promised Dad... that I will fix our lives. And I will do it. I will. I won't break my promise, especially now. [Nemie sniffling] [sighs] Take care of them. Don't tell them... what I do. I don't want to upset them. [man] You're up next. Do your best. You're going to earn big. [crowd cheering] Hurry up. [Nympha on V.O] Nemie went back to Manila. She continued to work at the place that accepted her. My sister disappeared for a few months. We didn't hear from her for months. I'll go now, Nympha. -Send my regards to your mom. -Sure. Nympha! [Nemie] Nympha. I'm sorry. I'm sorry it took me long to get back because I needed to save up for dad. How is he? Nympha, stop being mad at me. Please. I brought presents for everybody. Look at this. Take this. -What are you doing here? -Mom. -Mom, no. -How dare you. Your dad waited for you, but you didn't show up. You looked for you everywhere, but we couldn't find you. Only to find out that... You have no shame! You have no principles! How dare you! -Mom, I didn't want to do it. -How dare you! I didn't want to do it. Your dad died with resentment towards you! Mom, I didn't want this. You have no shame! You wasted all our efforts! -You killed your dad! -Mom, stop! You killed him! [Nemie's mom sobbing] -Mom... -Get out of here! -Leave! -Mom, I didn't. Go back to Manila! Go back to your job! -How dare you! Leave! -Mom, no. I didn't know how to give you everything you wanted, Mom. Mom... I don't care if I sold my body. I only did that because I love you guys! I love you guys so much! I love you, Mom! Mom... Mom... [crying] [somber music playing] [sorrowful music playing] Dad... Dad, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I took so long to come home, Dad. [Nemie] Dad, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I'm sorry, Dad. Dad! [sobbing] Dad! Dad... Dad... Dad... I'm sorry! [Nympha on V.O] Nemie was always never home. She was always guarding Dad's grave. She would go to the bell tower, the place we used to go. The place that witnessed our joys and miseries, our wins and losses. Nemie... Nemie, let's go home. Come on, let's go. I want to be alone, Nympha. I'll stay here. [somber music playing] [Nympha on V.O] After a few years, my life got better. Nick and I got married and started a family. Psst! Psst! Come here, kitty. [Nympha on V.O] I've neglected my sister. I found out she was admitted to a mental hospital. We visited her. When I saw that she was doing well, we took her home. Nemie? I brought you something-- Where's Nemie? I don't know. She's not upstairs. -Let go of me! -[Nemie's mom] Nemie! Let go! Let go! Let go! Nemie, stop! -Come with us. -I'm not coming with you! No! No! No! No! No! No! Let go of me! Let's go home, Nemie. Come on. -Stop it. -Let go of her! No! Nympha, I don't want to go with them! I don't want to go home! No! [Nympha on V.O] We found out that Nemie hasn't been taking her medications. She's always causing a scene at leaving the house. I couldn't trust my brother to take care of her. And also Mom who's dealing with her illness. I decided to let her stay at my place. Here's some rice. [Nympha] Eat a lot. Here's an egg. Eat up. Nick, sit down and have dinner. Where's your other kid? She's sleeping upstairs. [Nick] You left her unsupervised? I fixed Nemie a plate. Nick, Nemie will stay with us for a while. [Nick] She might hurt your kids. She won't do that. Nympha, your sister is crazy. We don't know how her mind works. [Nympha] What do you want me to do? Kick her out? Nick, she's my sister. She needs me now. Just don't neglect your obligation as a mother. [melancholy music playing] [baby crying] Nemie! My God! What are you doing? Why are you feeding her that? It's already spoiled. My children can't eat the bones. [crying] I sewed it for you. I'm leaving. I'm going back to Manila. Nemie. I don't want to stay here. He's a bad man. -Nemie, wait! -Nympha, hey. I will follow her, Nick. Your sister lives in her own world. That might not include you. I can't just neglect my sister. What about me? What about the house and the kids? You're neglecting us. What about you? What are you to us? Our children are growing, Nympha. They need you. They need their mom. [melancholy music playing] -[man 1] The crazy lady is back. -[man 2] She's got her kitten. -[man 3] Hey, you. -[man 4] Crazy girl. [man 3] She's like a stray. [man 5] How can she shower when she's crazy? [men laughing] [men] Crazy girl! You stink! Hey, stay away! [man 3] She's stinky. [melancholy music playing] Nemie, you ran away again. I told you to stay at home. Come on, let's go home. No. I live here now. Nemie, you might get in danger. It's dangerous to stay in the streets. No one will take care of you. I can't leave them, Nympha. Poor babies. They might go hungry. I promised them that I will take care of them. I can't leave them. I'll stay here. You know, even though they're strays, they always come back home. But there will come a time where they're going to find their own homes. You'll be separated from them. If they... If they leave, I'll find them. I'll bring them back here. What if they leave you again? I will find them wherever they go. That's right. Me too, Nemie. No matter how many times you run away... I will never not let you stay at my home. I will never lose hope. [Nympha sniffles] [somber music playing] [Nympha on V.O] ...because Nemie had big dreams, and she couldn't bear the defeat. I'm not blaming my sister. She dreamed for our family. A family that relied on her alone to rise above poverty. I know that's what my sister wanted to happen. But in a society where opportunities are not equal, that's not an easy feat. And if I see people like her, I know they went through challenging trials and tragedies just like my sister. Right now, she's admitted to a mental hospital. And may your prayers help bring back a Nemie who is free, happy, and full of hope. "Until now, there's not a moment I don't think about my sister's condition and why this happened to her. And with every moment I think of her, it feels like a stab in the heart. Perhaps, one day, my sister will get better. Everything will change, and I won't lose hope. With utmost respect, Nympha." Whatever blows fate may deliver, whatever misfortune may befall us, whatever tragedy we face, what matters is that we never let go of a family member. We don't lose hope, and we continue to live, facing any problem or challenge that comes our way. This is Charo Santos. Good evening, Kapamilya. "BLOUSE"
Channel: ABS-CBN Entertainment
Views: 858,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABS-CBN, ABS-CBN Online, ABS-CBN Philippines, Philippines, Entertainment, Drama Series, Full Episode, MMK, MMK Full Episode, Maalala Mo Kaya Full Episode, True to life Story, Charo Santos-Concio, MMK Marathon, mmk full episodes, November 14 2021, 20211114online, YT0psMariel, MMK old episodes, MMK old stories, True story, Best of MMK, MMK best episodes, Maalaala Mo Kaya best episodes, Dimples Romana, MMK Dimples Romana, Dimples Romana videos, Dimples Romana MMK episode
Id: V2hEEj8yaPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 29sec (3389 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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