Blues Standard - When You're Down & Out | Guitar finger picking lesson

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[Music] do [Music] that's the thing i'm teaching you in this video nobody knows you when you're down now a little fingerstyle variation i'm playing all the time in my videos and i got so many requests of me teaching the thing so here we are on channel 2. also let me know if you want to see more of these tutorials by just subscribing to the channel and letting me know in the comment section and of course by hitting that like button it's down below i'm sure you know where it is thank you so much and do it gently again also on the second channel that goes so let's jump into it i'm just playing this with my fingers you can also play it with pick i played it with the pick for a long time and it's a lot of fun you just have to you know hit the strings with the pick that i'm finger picking there's a little thing you can do when you play the finger pink thing that is the slap and you don't have to see the slap as a really slapping thing in this video but more as a strum because we do a sort of balancing act between finger picking and strumming and you should remember that when i say strum we strum it with the index finger down and the thing about this motion when you strum it is that you can also use the thumb to just make a percussive sound on the strings so usually there is a strumming combined with a slab going on if you want to really jump into this technique i made a video like how john mayer plays the slapping techniques or you should get my course acoustic adventure but that's another story all right so let's jump into the main part it starts with the c major chord the one chord [Music] just play the chord the a string followed by something in the middle it doesn't have to be too precise this is blues you shouldn't be too strict anyways right so and the second thing is immediately the strum so you just hit the few strings and it sounds like a c major now we go to the e major chord and we do a trill so that's all of a sudden spicy thing going on so on that g string we trail between the g and the g sharp the open and fret one and meanwhile we played at low e and then you play the high e and you played a little melody going back uh going down from e to d to c sharp so that's fret three and two on the b string as well and when you hit that d note you can also strum the chord gently and add a slab [Music] it's just a cool thing so the first bar [Music] now we go to the second bar a7 [Music] so it's nothing too special it's again strumming and the blocking thing play the a string then we pluck the d string and then you just strum the top three strings or four and you can add a little slab and then you plug them so that's twice the high chord again the a bass note the d string and again the little strum [Music] nice that's the first bit play it slowly all right now we go to bar 3 and 4 d minor a7 and d minor again [Music] not yet okay so d minor we play the chord the highest three four strings of course d minor like this we just pluck it the entire thing four strings and then the top two strings and then a little strum but keep it small the strum so we don't do the strum the entire chord maybe just the g string or the g and b [Music] and then you plug the b string followed by the bass note the d string so that's a little special movement it's played in triplet so three notes on the second beat the g string played with that s strumming motion the b string with the middle finger and the thumb is playing the bass note and now we jump to the a7 chord and again same just the index finger is fretting the three strings and then the ring finger or the middle finger is playing that high g on top the a string the d string and then you strung those high strings again maybe with the slab [Music] right then immediately after you play that there's the d minor chord again but only the top three strings plucked because after that we land on the first beat of bar four that's the downbeat that's the thumb playing the d string [Music] so and now we just play a chord thumb it next plays the g string and then you do the strum again and then you go back down to the g string and with the index finger and now is the chromatic line walking up [Music] to f major where we are in a different spot cool um so we walk from d minor d to d sharp to e to f [Music] d string g string and then strum and then your pinky goes to f sharp that four on the d string and the rest stays the same i just play the same picking pattern amazing right and now we go to the c major chord and the bass note goes down by a c b a sharp and a boom because that a is the new chord to a seventh so from d minor [Music] and then you on the a you plug the entire chord a g the b and the d strings [Music] and then you follow it by a g string the b and e on top and then g string again and that's it that's the c to a seventh chord and then the end you just play a d seventh chord and you just do a random picking pattern that just comes to mind you can do whatever you like there isn't really something specific going on so i'm playing the bass note with the top three strings in the first and i'm plucking the chord and then do the slap and the strumming thing and then the highest string thumb on the index on g and the strum again open d string g string strum again and then the b string again so it sounds like this and then the five chord g seventh and there we are at the home court so plucking the top three strings with the bass note together plucking again strumming and that strum is playing the pinky on the b string so the d notes bass note again and then a little strum but while we do the strum we also do a little slide action from d to e flat and back to d and then open b string and there we are again so now i play a little variation going a little higher up the neck and let me just see if i can reproduce the thing this is actually from a video i recorded two years ago in the united states of america in um where was it again this part was actually in death valley and i just played three blue songs and i also played this and i wrote a little variation going higher up the neck ends like this [Music] so again a trill so we start up the same c major and then we play the e major again the trill the b string a slap on the g string and then the b string again [Music] and then to the a7 just a regular a7 voicing the easiest you can find middle and ring finger on the d and the b string fret two so thumb on the a string index on the d string slap and a strum and then we go higher to fret five and six on the g string and do a trill so we sort of copy what we played before but now on the a seventh chord so we play the a note in the bass a trill from five to six on g and then on the b string flat five and five on the e string as well that's just an a chord right there and then d minor that's the chord we're going to but now played over here the bar chord fat 5 on the a string d minor [Music] so we're going to keep that f on top strum and again the f on top [Music] with the index finger so the index finger is doing a lot of things and then to a7 playing the same chords on the same strings only the bass note goes to the e string so the thumb goes to the a over here so you play the entire chord the b string the strum and now we go to d minor just playing the power chord basically five seven and seven on a d and g and here's the chromatic line but you can also just play from an open d string i suggest you do that and then i think i played so the f over here with the f in the base on the low e string so thumb index on the d string strum and then to the f sharp diminished like this so for two on the low e we skip the a string fret one on the d string fret two on g for the one on b [Music] and then that's a cool alternate thing you can throw in there it sounds great because we keep on going with that chromatic line this is also what i explained in analysis video where some folks chose to play the g in the c chord at that last part because we keep on playing that chromatic line f f sharp c over g and then i even added one more it's an e over g sharp real quick so and then to a so we have f sharp g g sharp a that's a cool line going on there right so from the c o g and then i play this little chord g sharp for four on the a string for two on the d string and fret four on the g string this is sort of a secondary dominant again to the a7 chord over here so [Music] and again the same drawing pattern on the a7 [Music] um yeah and then just play a d7 chord you can also play it over here which is fun so five on a four on d five on g and three on the b string [Music] just that same picking pattern with the strumming and the plucking [Music] and then to g7 the same picking pattern we saw before so let me play it slowly one time for [Music] everyone [Music] do second round [Music] do [Music] and that is it that is nobody knows you when you're down now the way i like to play it the way you've seen me play it countless of times and please if you really want to understand the chord structure and what is happening on earth in this blues i suggest you check out the analysis video i made it's linked below and it's a lot of fun to think and to learn how to play the piece actually that's it cheers goodbye thank you for watching
Channel: Paul Davids 2
Views: 129,079
Rating: 4.9921803 out of 5
Keywords: paul davids, nobody knows you, tutorial, clapton, tab, tablature, blues progression, greatest progression, blues chords, video, lesson, guitar lesson, nobody knows you when you're down and out
Id: _Ds_Ibgm8lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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