Blue Protocol Class Overview Guide - What Class is Best for You?

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hello everyone ether song here and I'm back with another blue protocol video and in this video I will be looking at the five classes currently announced for blue protocol and are play Styles based on what we know from the closed beta test the new official website and the developer live stream I will give the names and descriptions of skills based on information from the closed beta test or newest developer live stream when possible also as a disclaimer some suppose beta test skills may have undergone changes or have been removed I will note what skills we know have changed in addition new skills have also been added to the game you should know the full extent of the changes when the network test begins one thing to note for people new the blue protocol is that all classes can be played on the same character there's no need to create an ALT you aren't locked into your class choice and you can always change your class later before I introduce the classes I would like to First give a short overview of the skill system in the game this is important for understanding how classes play first up let's talk about tactical skills these are your main class skills and each class can equip up to four tactical skills at a time what tactical skills you choose is up to you for example depending on what skills you equipped your build could be more supportive or more offensive you could focus on single Target damage or area of effect skills trying out different builds looks to be an exciting part of the game apart from tactical skills you also have an ultimate skill this is a powerful skill that can be used to turn the tides of the battle in addition you have two regular skills one is your basic attack another one is often related to a unique class mechanic there are also battle imagines that can be equipped to call forth the skill of a monster and are shared among classes so all together you have four tactical skills one ultimate skill two battle imagines and two regular skills apart from skills there are also passive abilities that can be set to add more diversity to build now let's look at the classes the first class I will be discussing is the Aegis fighter this close range class uses a sword and shield and acts as Cornerstone to A party's defense they use skills to stop enemies from advancing and give their party the advantage in battle class's unique mechanic is The Shield gauge they used it to protect himself from enemy attacks the gate reaches zero the Aegis fighter gets the guard break status and is unable to guard or use certain skills first let's look at the Aegis fighter skills from the closed beta test let's begin with the Egypt Fighter's two regular skills brake slash is that you just Fighters main attack there are variations of this attack based on directional implement the next regular skill is Shield guard counter-attack you can guard against enemies by using your Shield gauge and to close beta by holding a normal attack while guarding you could prepare to initiate a counter attack however this version of countertech has undergone some changes in a recent developer stream we learned that it is no longer a counter-attack stance but is now a guard counter action that can be performed after guarding continuing on let's look at some tactical skills the first skill is Shield charge an attack where you charge forward with your shield and stun enemies higher levels of the skill allow for follow-up attacks the next skill is blowby you send out a shock wave damaging and taunting enemies in the area [Music] says the Fortress skill you get a buff allowing you to guard attacks without consuming your Shield gauge continuing on here is the sunrise charge skill you charge forward with your Shield causing a light explosion on hit additional levels allow for follow-up attacks and larger light explosions here is the Regeneration skill this grants you healing over a set amount of time the next skill is Celestial pillar it creates a pillar of light around you that continuously damages enemies [Music] the stuff is Crescent light skill where you perform a light empowered slash and finally we have a look at Aegis Fighter's old ultimate skill judgment Shield however we have seen this change to a more defensive ultimate in the recent developer live stream now let's take a look at the updated class video from the new official website for skill used here looks new and see how it produces a shield of light to protect oneself and party from attacks here we have Shield charge the next skill is Fortress and here's the blow beat skill in the closed beta it also taunted enemies but taunts may act differently now with the newly introduced hate or aggro system the developers have stated that with this new height system many of Aegis fighter skills generate High hate so low beat May utilize this finally we can see Aegis Fighter's guard skill and a new guard counter attack after guarding an attack the Aegis fighter is now able to follow it up with a guard counter this replaces The counter-attack Stance mechanic as seen in the closed beta test next let's take a look at the gameplay and information we learned from the developer live stream here that Aegis fighter is a tank and uses a shield to defend and counter attacks you can also see how the Aegis Fighters counter-attack has been changed since the closed beta test it is now closer to a guard counter being able to counter even after being knocked back when guarding we also get a look at the new enemy step jump system this allows characters to jump in the air towards an enemy and then jump off that enemy for a double jump from there you're able to follow it up with an air attack also called an assault attack assault attacks performed by jumping off enemies also get enhanced depending on the class for the Aegis fighter it is able to bind enemies with this attack compared to close beta the biggest change for the Aegis fighter is the addition of the hate or aggro system to the game as such Aegis fighter skills on average generate high amounts of aggro another big change is to the Aegis fighter now has a new Ultimate in the closed beta test the ultimate skill was an attack but now that Aegis fighter has a buff that they apply to themselves the buff grants increase defense super armor and regeneration in addition casting the skill heals the Aegis fighter and refills their Shield gauge furthermore while this ultimate is active the Aegis fighter gains another class gauge this Gage's level rises by attacking and after reaching a certain point it can be reactivated to Grant allies regeneration and defense up through this the Aegis fighter is able to protect their allies as well this adds a new level of strategy as to when best to use their ultimate the next class is the twin Striker this close range class uses two axes to unleash a furious onslaught throw a flurry of attacks their power is able to exceed its limits the twin Striker's unique mechanic is the combo gauge this gauge fills up as a twin Striker attacks enemies increases twin Striker's damage up to 130 percent and is used to fuel some skills let's first look at Twin Striker's skills from the closed beta test start with the regular attacks Beast swing is Twin Striker's basic attack there are variations of this attack based on directional input [Music] the next regular skills is PAX tornado you step forward to do a spinning slash damage is reduced while using the skill now let's continue on to Twin Striker's tactical skills first skill is brutal blow perform a wide area slash in front of you the skill can be charged to increase its power here is falling impact you Leap Forward letting out a damaging shock wave on impact next is war cry you let out a war cry giving you super armor for a set amount of time next is Crimson blow perform a spinning fire attack higher skill levels allow it to be charged increasing its power and Elemental strength here's lava impact perform a leaping fire attack leaving a carpet of flames on impact that cause continuous fire damage higher level of the skills allowed to be used up to three times next is blood ax this allows you to drain life from enemies you damage and this is burning rush you perform fire and Buick attacks in front of you higher skill levels increase the number of attacks we have the twin Striker's ultimate skill Vortex impact you knock the enemy in front of you in the air and then do an area attack on the ground [Music] now let's look at the class video from the new website the first skill looks similar to burning Rush from the closed beta perhaps the skill is changed to no longer be a fire attack or perhaps this is a new skill the next skill looks like ax tornado [Music] here's fall impact [Music] next is brutal blow and finally we have the war cry skill continuing on let's look at the information we learned from the developer live stream developers start by saying one of the basic ways applying the twins tracker is dodging enemy attacks and coming back in to strike he also learned one of the biggest changes to the twin Striker since the closed beta is how the combo gauge works in closed beta after taking damage the combo gauge would reset back to zero spite of the twin Striker having drain attacks it could use to heal back up from a hip this caused the twin Striker to feel a little incohesive as such taking damage no longer resets the combo gauge once the battle ends after a short amount of time it will reset to zero there are no skills which also use the combo gauge as a resource for example this twin Striker is using a buff that consumes part of the complicate to increase the power of their tactical skills as for other changes the twinstrikers right click or secondary regular skill now has super armor and drain in addition it's a salt attack also drains as such it is possible to play like something of a Berserker by taking enemy attacks head on and draining the heel back up we are also introduced to the new party chain system this is the party chain that appears on the top left of the screen it is accomplished shared among the Party by raising the party's Combo Number particle gain increased attack as well as Buffs after a certain number of combos the next class is blast Archer this is amid to long range class proficient at party combat there are a class of the cells at Party Support depending on the combat situation they can use a variety of skills such as area of effect attacks heels or status conditions to turn the tides of battle in their favor in a recent live stream we saw the blast Archer's new unique gauge fills up from damaging enemies and can be consumed to heal one's party first let's look at the blast Archer skills from the closed beta test once again let's start by looking at the regular skills first Errol Rush is blast Archer's main attack this attack has variations based on when the attack button is held during the attack chain here it's a slalom shot regular skill you shoot a powerful arrow and are able to Dodge in a Direction however this was shown to be replaced by a healing skill in a recent developer's dream continuing on with on a look at the blast archers tactical skills starting out we have the strike Arrow skill you let loose a powerful Arrow you can also charge the shot to increase its damage hitting an enemy's weak point will further increase its damage next is lethal shower you rain arrows down on enemies in a set area charging the skill increases its area and Power [Music] and this is healing Arrow you create a healing rain in a set area charging the skill increases its area and healing amount [Music] the next skill is hypnoblast you shoot an arrow that puts an enemy to sleep here is negative resonance you shoot an arrow that spreads its conditions to nearby enemies next up is Hunter spirit you are more difficult to be targeted by enemies in addition you decrease the time it takes to charge your skills and reduce the cooldowns for all party members this is dust Force you create a dust storm at an area that does Earth damage over time and increases the effects of negative conditions power can be increased by charging it finally we have blast Archer's ultimate skill mortal Gravity the skill pulls in and damages enemies for a set amount of time now let's look at the new blast Archer video from the official website first skill is Strike Arrow next we can see the lethal shower skill raining down arrows on the enemy it is followed by healing Arrow skill creating a healing area [Music] and finally we have hypnoblast putting the enemy to sleep continuing ons look at what the developers had to say about the blast Archer and the developer live stream ing into this video we can see that there are multiple enemies present this is to show off blast Archer's ultimate skill you can group enemies up with the ultimate skill and then lay down AOE to take them out another thing the developers shared is that if you look closely some of blast archers damage numbers are blue this shows that the blast Archer is hitting an enemy's weak point s vary from enemy to enemy but the head is very common by aiming for the enemy's weak point you can increase your damage another thing we saw here is that it is now possible to recover after taking a hit from an enemy when a blast Archer is commonplace Styles is putting an enemy to sleep applying Buffs to oneself and then hitting them with a powerful attack and blue protocol the blast Archer also acts as a Healer as such the blast Archer's class action has undergone a change since the closed beta test we now have a gauge that increases as you damage enemies King enemies weak points increases the gauge even further and by right clicking and using the class action the blast Archer is able to heal depending on how much the gauge was filled feeling Arrow also still exists but depending on the party's composition other classes drain skills and the party chain May provide enough healing on their own as such playing without healing arrow is now a possibility another thing noted by the developers is that the blast Archer can both lock on or free aim its shots for enemies like these foxes the enemy head is low so not much aiming is needed but for other enemies manually aiming to hit their weak points could provide a big boost to damage continuing on here is the spellcaster it is a high difficulty long range class and is most powerful when allies hold the front line it fights from a distance and eliminates enemies with a number of high damage Elemental attacks for as long as their EP remains the spellcaster's class mechanic is the EP gauge is the resource used to cast spells the spellcaster must stop the refill it to continue casting spells first let's look at the spellcaster's skills from the closed beta test let's start by looking at the regular skills spellcaster's basic attack is called Trinity shot it has variations based on directional input [Music] it's Elder regular skill is called Ingram charge and it is how the class recharges deep after using spells now let's take a look at spellcaster's tactical skills the first skill here is called fire blast shootout Fireball it can be charged to increase its size and damage next is Blizzard you call forth a blizzard at Target location charging increases the area and duration of the spell [Music] this is lightning you shoot out multiple lightning bolts to pierce enemies to close beta the skill appears to have undergone some adjustments allowing more lightning bolts to be shot without charging here we have thunder mines you send out balls of lightning that track foes and explode damaging the area charging increases the number of mines [Music] next is flame grenade you shoot out a flame grenade that explodes damaging the area [Music] continuing on here is frigid Crush you call forth large blocks of ice to fall on foes at Target location you can increase the number of blocks of ice by charging the spell this is follow bullet you enchant yourself with in-ground bullets whenever you use a tactical skill you send out seeking bullets of the same element finally the spellcaster's ultimate skill is called Meteo Inferno you call down a meteor to strike the Target location for massive damage next let's look at the updated spellcaster video on the new official site we can first see the spellcaster using fireblast the next skill appears to be a blizzard it looks like the visual effects of the spell have been updated quite a bit continuing on this is in-ground bullets the effects of the seeking bullets have changed they no longer match the element of the spell being used so perhaps they are now non-elemental damage next up is lightning the number of rays of lightning have been increased without needing to charge and finally we can see the spellcaster recharging EP within gram charge let's also look at what we learned about the spellcaster in the recent developer live stream the developers start by saying that depending on skill used the spellcaster is able to deal large powerful single hits or aim to raise the party chain with multiple hit spells for damage itself is very high and applies a large amount of Elemental build up to enemies so they are able to aim for Elemental bursts overall they have high burst damage but in between casting spells they need to stop to refill their EP having an ally cover them while they regain their EP is very beneficial and is one of the reasons they are a party oriented class another mechanic that developers introduce here is the long range class enemy step jump opposed to close range classes who put themselves in position to do an assault attack on top enemy long-range classes distance themselves with enemies through this enemy step jump mechanic the final class is heavy Smasher this is a close to mid-range class that holds the front line using a heavy Hammer that's capable of shooting their tremendous blows shake the Earth and protect their allies from groups of enemies its classes mechanic is the cartridge system heavy Smasher uses these cartridges to perform ITS Tactical skills and there are no cartridges left certain skills cannot be used until cartridges are Reloaded the heavy Smasher was not in a closed beta so we were going to jump right into looking at its classic video from the official site first skill here appears to shoot out the weapons ball and pull enemies back in on its return next we can see the heavy Smasher doing a powerful leap attack is followed up by what appears to be a super armor buff [Music] this next skill appears to be acting as a magnet or vacuum Gathering rocks to shoot out at a foe foreign effect we've attacked it leaves behind slow-moving whirlwinds which look like they will damage foes next let's look at what the developers had to say in the developer live stream as we can see here the heavy Smasher is able to shoot out the ball part of the hammer it is not only useful for shooting at enemies but it can also be shot backwards to fling oneself into the air opposed to the twin Striker which excels at doing multiple hits and raising the party chain the heavy Smasher has slow powerful blows this video the enemy is a boss so it is a little hard to tell but weaker enemies can be knocked back or knocked down to the ground as I discussed earlier this class's tactical skills use cartridges to activate how many cartridges are needed is dependent on the skill once cartridges run out tactical skills can no longer be used so you need to be on the lookout for a chance to reload the class also has some mechanics that give extra cartridges when you reload at zero remaining or gain certain Buffs when reloading [Music] the class itself acts as something of a subtank it has high base HP and is able to put super armor buff on itself making use of those allows the heavy Smasher to withstand enemy attacks thus if your main tank is in trouble you can step in and take aggro for a moment heavy Smasher is also able to move enemies around with its skills so if there is an enemy Shield user in the way a heavy Smasher could knock them away so their team can get to the weaker enemies behind and that is the end of my overview of blue protocols classes which class do you like the best I am personally leaning towards a spellcaster or blast Archer but I want to give all the classes a try I can't wait for the network test and games release as for future classes we have seen some of the supporting characters from the story using different weapons than what the current classes use for example Terrace is shown wielding two swords carvine is shown wielding a spear and another character is shown wielding guns spear in a gun class in particular seem likely to come in the future the reason for this is because if you look closely at the weapon shop and Aster leads there are already guns and Spears on display what other classes would you like to see in the future let me know in the comments and that brings me to the end of this video as always thanks for watching and I hope to see you next time bye
Channel: Aethersong
Views: 293,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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