Blue Origin NS-15 launches! (Rocket and Capsule Touchdown)

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seven six five four command engine start two one and we have lisa go new shepard go beautiful liftoff from our launch site one in west texas you can follow along as she gains speed in the bottom left corner of your screen there's the speedometer altimeter in the middle there first milestone on our trip to space max q that's when the dynamic pressure on the vehicle is at its maximum the toughest point in flight for the vehicle and max q is confirmed all right right about this time in your flight you know on ascent you're gonna max at about three g's we've known it before the max g's that you pull as an astronaut on new shepard actually is on decent so here on on ascent it's about three g's and it comes on gradually as you go faster and get higher up there until of course main engine cutoff and separation and that is when you get to feel those beautiful zero g's we're waiting for that here next stops nico and separation coming up here on mikko main engine cutoff so far a clean burn from our be3 engine there it is main engine cutoff lost wrong all right appears we have uh lost the link to the jay lair so far though everything appears to be nominal so far what we have seen a clean lift off we did have max q maximum dynamic pressure that is that is essentially for the rocket the hardest point in the flight and then we had a main engine cut off and now as you can see separation here we've got our infrared camera especially on the left side as you've seen earlier in the in the show it is a little hazy down there in texas so we are going to rely on multiple cameras here as the vehicle continues its ascent towards space we have passed over just about here the carmen line there it is a hundred kilometers or about 328 000 feet if you were inside there patrick you will become an astronaut and we're just waiting for the two craft to hit their apogee you'll know they've hit apogee when the speed hits zero in the bottom left corner of your screen there it is apogee just at about 346 000 feet of course we're going to have official stats for you after the flight via twitter but so far so good patrick looks to be a nominal flight of new shepard you see the booster on the right and the capsule on the left this is when they've begun their descent as we've seen in the past obviously the booster is going to beat the capsule down to earth as it's more aerodynamically better aerodynamically shaped and thank you again everybody for joining us live for new shepherd's 15th flight to space we are five minutes into what appears to be so far a nominal flight for new shepard we of course preceded the launch by what appears to be a perfectly executed astronaut experience rehearsal while there are no astronauts on board today that was a critical step towards our march towards first human flight all right we've picked up our long range cameras again there you see the booster the bottom of the screen and the capsule on the top at this point the booster is re-entering the atmosphere it means it's going to have air pressure against which those aerodynamic surfaces patrick and i were walking you through can push against to to guide the rocket back to its landing pad and to think this rocket will have peaked at almost mach 4 and it's by the time it touches down it's just going to touch down at about eight kilometers per hour or five miles per hour so relatively speaking a nice soft landing critical so we talked about reusability the softer the landing the quicker you can turn it around right you're not jostling the rocket you're not jostling the hardware you want to be able to flip it around nice and quickly so there you see the aft fins we also call them the pie fins because they're shaped like pie wedges all right there go the drag breaks and there you see all the speed leading off of the off of the vehicle and waiting for our be3 engine to relight there it goes oh look at that smooth landing and touchdown welcome back new shepherd oh my god what a beautiful landing i think that was one of the smoothest landings i've seen of this rock it almost looks unreal it looks like cgi i know some of you on the on the internet seem to think that believe me that is a reusable rocket that takes off and lands what a beautiful land it looks like it's ready to go again yeah just you know put in those drag breaks put in the watch fins fuel her up let's go again but until then the show is not over we do have the crew capsule here on board we have mannequin skywalker as well as a couple of payload lockers filled with postcards from club for the future from students from around the world we are waiting to see the drogue shoots come out they will be followed by the main parachutes and a little wink from one of those big beautiful windows look at that there go the drugs and here come the mains all three parachutes are out we're looking for full inflation and there they go i love that so far so good a nominal launch nominal landing for the booster we're waiting for the crew capsule to come into land we're at about 1600 feet to go and a nice smooth descent at about 16 or so miles per hour just at about 25 or so kilometers per hour that is a nice smooth descent there's the valley of our west texas launch site launch site one as we call it what a day so far patrick let me tell you now at 800 feet to go here we should remind everybody that we do have the uh the retro thrust system that kicks on just in the last moment basically just creates a nice air cushion for the capsule so that if you next time hopefully you know when you and i are up on in that capsule one day we are going to be uh getting a nice air cushion underneath the capsule touchdown oh it was absolutely spectacular patrick i told you it was going to be worth the wait look at that definitely i love you so you can just see it just as it lands you see that puff of air and it kicks up all that dust but it's just such a gentle landing right there a beautiful launch and landing for both the crew capsule and the booster team blue congratulations to all of you what a day you should be so proud and again patrick soon you know if you're an astronaut on board that is going to be a ride of a lifetime cannot wait to check out those onboard cameras to see the views that mannequin skywalker had today he gets to have all the fun gets to go everywhere i know that guy geez that
Channel: CNET Highlights
Views: 74,137
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: event, livestream, 2020, live, ns-15, new shepard launch, blue origin, ns-15 launch, rocket launch
Id: 8fsQBioaet4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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