Blue Jays score a million runs off Red Sox mistakes, a breakdown

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the red sox are playing some of the worst baseball you'll ever see and the blue jays took full advantage of it last weekend this breakdown is brought to you by draftkings of aldi's on the bump he's already given up six runs two on but two outs one more out get out of this one more out get out of this ball one ball two ball three now he does have the open bass force everywhere ball four not what he was trying to do at all and cora is like hmm okay well that's my kind of one good starter right now and this stinks i guess we'll have to go to the bullpen he's like should i really do it should i do it should i do it ah damn gotta do it [Music] not what he wanted so austin davis comes in he's got a bases loaded jam but he only needs one out one pop-up and he's golden tapia's up he's looking to do more than just pop-up first pitch pop-up damn he's bummed hangs his head but don't worry red sox don't catch fly balls these days where is it where is it oh way behind you man on the warning track you're not running after it oh verdugo is okay verdugo will get it for you from all the way over there nice slide pops up gets it in but tapia is hustling too the helmet kicks off the feet are kicking look at the third base coach waving him look at his teammates saying get down get down get down even though they didn't need to it's just more dramatic that way red sox fans have no idea what hit them no idea what hit them they're just celebrating having fun it's 10 to nothing now if aldi's thinking i could have done that i could have let in those three runs i could have given up a pop-up cora is like are they sabotaging me what what what and tongue out having fun enjoying it ah tongue in but a little smirk here like maybe this gets me out of this oh pressure not happy wasn't his plan wasn't his plan either he planned on hitting a real home run not inside the park home run but fun is fun comes all the way in verdugo verdugo read his misread right away sprinted after it i do find it nice slide nice pop-up play i do find it odd i know that verdugo might have been faster to the ball but that his natural reaction wasn't to sprint after it is odd to me i think it's jarring for everyone tapia with a nice slide oh fun everywhere and this didn't end the next inning they're one out away from getting out of the inning and we have a hit by pitch and then a little swinging bunt to the pitcher great out of the inning no they throw it away and what do the blue jays do take full advantage the next batter hits a three run home run an error with two outs leads to a big home run to make it now it's 15 to three all right fifth inning now there's two outs again two outs again with two on and they get the pop-up they want to get out of it but no one decides to catch it oh my goodness so the blue jays score run and now cora's thinking this is sabotage what's happening here they don't like me and then a ball a walk another two out hit drops in if they caught that pop up they're out of the inning instead now toppy goes for a real home run just misses just misses but that's going to be an rbi w up to 19 runs vladi peppers the wall that's going to be more runs of course thinking what in the hell is this my fault 21 runs now if they caught that pop up they would have been out of the inning and now blue jays broadcast starts missing swings because they're just showing the the dugout so much and another two out run now they're showing the catcher and they missed that pitch really and now it's gonna bloop in and they score i think it's 11 runs with two outs all unearned because they drop that pop-up but it's actually earned because if you don't touch the ball it can't be an error which is just a dumb scoring system and they finally get out of it and the red sox fans cheer cheer cheer for the home team standing ovation for getting out of the inning bad times in boston i tell ya if you are a blue jays fan and you're have you noticed that the away broadcast is really feel like a home broadcast for the other team i think because of covert rules the blue jays are the only team that are not sending an away crew because you're seeing the same exact thing on the home and the away feed this is what they all did in 2020 but i noticed that the blue jays still did it in the series maybe they're doing it all season so that's just something i noticed thanks to draftkings for sponsoring the video appreciate them as always
Channel: Jomboy Media
Views: 1,397,004
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Keywords: a breakdown, mlb, jomboy videos, jomboy, jake sucks, talkin yanks, jomboy podcast, tv podcast, just talkin podcast, mlb breakdowns, Talkin yanks, jomboy jake radio
Id: 824D9OTyQXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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