Blue Crab Crabbing with Crab Pots ( Bait, Set, Pull )

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[Music] [Music] alright guys definitely fix was taking our crab pots out here and we gonna set them out a lot of you guys in the crimping videos have been asking what type of bait are we using in our crab pots one thing that I want to do I want to go through the process of just showing you guys what we're doing how are we doing it and what we're using we do a lot of spots help bass fishing right here in South Carolina and you can see we're just using the spot tell bass carcasses to bait our crab pots I have old bait freezer that you know I just this is all I put in and it's bait to do my crab and when it's time to do it water temperature and air temperature is still a little cold right now but it's been a while since we've made a crab in video and I'm kind of eager to just get out here and test it out and see what we can catch and show you guys what's going on down here so thanks again for watching and I'm going to show you we'll start putting this bait in our crab pots I just got you know a certain mountain out here and we're gonna be set now full pots because me and Stephanie in South Carolina we can set out two pots per person Oh with a recreational fishing license I watch a lot of you guys crabbing in Maryland and different states and stuff and I know that in some places uh y'all are not able to use craft traps like we are for recreational crabbing but we are here I also have learned that in different state y'all have crabbing seasons well here we can crab year and not that crab and year-round is always good in our area typically during the colder months the water gets too cold in our crabs move out to deeper water we typically do crabbing back in March Creek but today we're gonna set them out in a little deeper water and we're just using this 14-foot small jon boat put a little full-course yamaha motor on it we're gonna go out here and settle mouth and y'all stick with us I get you some footage on where we gonna put them and I'm also gonna get you some footage on pulling Oh mother we catch anything or not I'm going to show you what we did what I'm trying to do is I'm just putting one whole fish or one whole carcass in each trap and I'll play each one of the plays that we play you know just the skin I'm just adding it to each one over shut my door make sure my straps pull I'm you know check over your pots guys make sure you don't have any holes or anything that the crabs can get out of make sure these entrances right here or about you know what you think the crap can go in and nothing get his way out up make sure your crab pot buoys have your name and address on them I can get out and do some crappy guys it's always nice to have somebody would you that loves doing the things you like to do Stephanie it's awesome when it comes to doing this type of stuff she loves being on the water and I love being on the water also so good for us if anything you want to say pretty day that's okay to be camera shy [Music] so guys will go out here and we go put these crab pots out we got them loaded into johnboat me and Stephanie once we say these crab pots out we gonna try to do a little sailing today also because we'll leave these crab pots set out for you know 24 hours overnight you know hopefully we'll have a decent quantity of crap but we'll see the four horse four-stroke motor pull this choke out adjust our throttle to the starting position give it a couple pools [Music] so you guys what's going on here put these crampons I'll adjust probably won't become you may not be interested in fishing one of my good friend yesterday me instead beat 26 football with two mercury to corner out or mode I'm sure hoping we're gonna be going offshore fishing in this area vote this year definitely try to show you guys some footage over we're gonna be doing some fishing probably forty to sixty miles offshore we'll be target Tom dolphin or mommy mommy grouper snapper just different things that are off the coast here it's up fishing close to the gulfstream out here I just want to let you guys know about we are doing all sorts of things on this channel groups it's okay that don't want to watch certain videos you know you could just go to the group that you like and stick with us on both maybe you'll start to get interest in the area and maybe you wanna do other in the area like we like to do we're not just so fishing channel we're not just a crappy channel we're just a channel to is showing people what we love to do while others can do out on the water because that is what we are about weirdest or water based channel that loves to be out on the water and do things over these little small Mars treats and get these crab pots that Stephanie make sure you keep up there so guys I decided what we're gonna do but go straight these crackpots over about a half a mile stretch here even though we use I'm full crab pot I'm gonna set them out where I know try to find the location of the crabs different water depths and I really enjoy reading the comments on all the videos Tim Reilly you know I know you've been talking to me about making these crappy videos and I know you one of the ones that really want to see them and hey this one is for guys like you that continue to understand that you do enjoy there is it first the seas are long Stephanie come down the creek I will say another horrible mouth as we move on out we're moving into deeper and deeper water we're moving into bigger water with rivers Iceland gets bigger Oh any of you guys out there that's interesting maybe even making videos of your own will tell you what we're using right now - camera is a GoPro Hero surprised us with it and we're enjoying it and I think this camera really does the next like Java night that couple a little bit can get back in the deep part of the tree me talking so much I'm just I guess good myself out of whack don't want us to be doing but that's okay yep not in a big rush [Music] these crab traps we do have 50 foot of rope off got irons on the bottom so they sit down real good bueno [Music] I can see that some of the crabbers have some fun on this room and I do not want you know in truth I'm just a recreational crapper just out here to make these videos and catch a few crab sauce I don't want to intrude on these guys at all [Music] so guys we've only couple about fifty yards right down the street this normal Road making sure it's about 200 what's good going out to the big river where our sailboat he is I'll put one out there by you bigger out there [Music] probably can't see very well but there's a belted thing [Music] they've come to this area when they get school or weather [Music] lots of crab pots out here see crab pop Louie's everywhere see guys look out in this big river you can see the crap the commercial crabbers they have this this air right here fainted pretty handily I'm assuming and they doing pretty good and just like I said though I don't want to intrude on their space I may put this [Music] [Music] River I will tell you guys on this side of the river just from knowing their yeah it really ain't that deep over here but hopefully some crab will come up in this area hey guys been about 20 hours since we set those crab pots out we're gonna go on out here in the Little John boat and we will pull these crab pots and show you guys what we have [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one thing I won't mention before we get started today guys our videos are for your entertainment only don't ever use the things that we're telling you about the rules of regulations always check the rules and regulations for yourself one thing I brought with me today is a measuring device from here to here in South Carolina this gap to this thing here this is his fine and 1/2 inches if a crowd is over that he's gonna be if it's a male crap he's gonna be over five and a half inches right there and that was make him a number one male blue crab in our area and right here is just a five inch point and that's gonna make him just a keeper in our area I also brought these tongs to be able to grab the crab so little matter bronto rag just to keep myself a little clean we're starting out with the last one that we put in first I'm gonna work away background [Music] [Music] I can see one of the commercial forevers thinking that we pull one of his pot sticker rope and boo it back in the trap to keep it nice and me found this measuring device works like I'm saying from here this edge to this edge if this crab the points don't touch well that's an undersized crab in our area too small you can see it's a male crab by the apron the way it's pointed on the bottom so just a small male crap he's got he doesn't have any red on the claws that's one indication indication that if they have red on the claws a lot of times this could be females also so we would just put him back [Music] Oh second pot sure hope we got something in here that's worth keeping but this is a lot why we don't do a lot of crap in this time of the year in this area and we just wanted to get your crab pots out here we wanted to see if they you know moving into our area or we wanted to make you guys a video just to let you know we are still making the crabbing videos I see a few more crab in this pot they all male blue crab but they're small they're very small crab wonder sighs say guys do you ever wonder why certain times of the year the price of crab it fluctuates goes up down well this is why because these crabbers these commercial crabbers they don't catch as many crabs this time of the year they if they are catching a lot of crabs this time of the year their own out in really deeper water they happen to run their boat that's a little one two three four five six seven it was about crabs in there guys you can see there's just small crab but we're getting a good quantity for this time of the year and I tell you what I believe we're gonna have a really really good crabbing season this year and I can't wait to make those videos feel [Music] [Music] so Paul [Music] in the trap so I'm just trying to call rowboat unless I can so I'm just in [Music] [Music] those two crabs right here they're both males make you small again a male just too small one place that I like to grab crowd is right there at the swimmer fin typically when you grab them right there and you hold pretty firm they can't reach back then I'll stick this in here and guys see that crab right there he's still only about four and a half inches from point to point that's where I measure them at on the back of their shell the points are sticking out that's what I'm checking here we go from point to point look guys four and seven eights probably which is still not a keeper don't keep them if they close to steal so three crab pots zero keepers on to the full scrap let's see how this one does it's a little farther up in the creek oh we got something good girl we had to fool crap guys I just wanna mention that if you like the crab videos like and subscribe but it really helps the channel out if you want to know how blue crabbing or stuff is doing in the area you either gonna have to come out here and test this stuff for yourself or you're gonna have to keep up with guys like me that's making these videos for you that will you know come out here and test and show you what's going on in the area so I would greatly appreciate it if you go ahead and hit that like and subscribe button and I know Stephanie's making some videos and stuff also on the channel we're putting them in groups for you guys so if you only like the crabbing videos that's all you have to watch check out some of the other ones Dogo I mean there's some real interesting things on there Stephanie's doing a great job with this seashell of videos there's a lot of people that really love to see that type of stuff that's the reason why we keep making the videos a little farther back up in this Creek like I was saying but on quantity of crab there's three six seven eight crabs in here and there may be in our area that are making crabs and videos I've seen a couple where people are making a you know one or two it was a few years back when they actually did it I haven't really found anybody that's doing it consistently the one that I thought would might might make it as a keeper and I'm pretty sure this is so guys there's your gauge side to side again look at that that's the one keeper right there from point to point he's touching on both sides and anybody can make him something like this right here just cut it out of a piece of wood with a jigsaw or song let's see so he would make it as a keeper but and he's right there he's really close he's within a 16th of the end of being a number one male blue crab but give this shot of him swimming off their stiffness if we can get it off character for watching guys oh crap one key one blue crab I know that it's gonna be a little while before we make another video unless we decide to move them on out to even deeper water so go ahead and hit that subscribe button for us if enough people subscribed on this video I'll move these crab pots out to deeper water and I'll show you what's out there that's my word and I'll try to keep it thank you for watching and Stephanie thanks you for watching we appreciate you guys comments so go ahead and hit that like and subscribe button for us like we said and we'll make the video I subscribed so you got to say and like always guys YouTube to subscribe to a channel it's totally free it just helps us guys that want to make the videos for y'all and it helps the channel you know anybody knows the more subscribers you have the better the channel is we uh you know 436 subscribers last time I look no 439 this morning there was three more subscribers I'm super excited about each and every subscriber so thanks guys we're going thanks for watching
Channel: Salty Reflections
Views: 119,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blue Crab Crabbing, Beaufort South Carolina, Crab Pot, Crab Trap, Yamaha 4 Stroke, Spot Tail Bass, Crab Bouy, Jenkins Creek Beaufort South Carolina, Jenkins Creek, Doe Creek, Dufour Arpege 30, Baiting Crab Pots, Setting Crab Pots, Pulling Crab Pots, Stephanie Chavis, Oliver Chavis, Tansi Village, Marsh Creeks, Salt Water, Sail boat, Jon Boat, Johnboat, Duracraft, Dock, South Carolina Blue Crabbing, Spot Tail Bass Carcasses, Blue Crab
Id: _0mepbDSot8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 56sec (3116 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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