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Channel: Dafydd Phillips
Views: 865,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: US, NAVY, DISPLAY, TEAM, DEMONSTRATION, BLUE ANGELS, F18, HORNET, EL CENTRO, RED ARROWS, THUNDERBIRDS, MURICA, USA, AMERICA, LOW, FAST, JET, STUNT, PLANE, MILITARY, AVIATION, AVGEEK, 2019, FIRST, AIRSHOW, 4K, VIDEO, MACH LOOP, DEATH VALLEY, jato, rapido, aviacao, авиация, реактивный самолет, военные, militares, 軍用航空, RIAT, FLY, BY, NAVAL, MACH, SOUND, BARRIER, SONIC, BOOM, independance, day, 4th, july, TRUMP, WASHINGTON, FAIRFORD, new york, hudson, top gun, DCS, top, gun, topgun, maverick, baltimore, atlanta, houston, dallas, Pensacola
Id: w4e0GMwy2s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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