Blox Fruits, First to Awaken Dough Wins The Permanent!

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today me and zor are going to be racing to awaken every devil fruit and Blox fruits we're going to be racing to complete five raids in order to fully awaken our fruit but there's a Twist we're going to randomly get custom Hearts we can either be good or bad the loser of this challenge has to give away a perm leopard fruit to summon in our Discord the ending was crazy so keep watching all right Luffy are you ready to awaken every fruit and block fruits um no not really well too bad you're spinning first I bet you're going to get rubber you can't even awaken rubber you idiot you got dolui that's not d That's a cupcake that's one of the best fruits but it takes so long to awaken oh my God I'm going to be here until like 1:00 a.m. all right now let's see what I get you're probably going to get something like kilo fruit oh I got ice all right let's do it I'm literally going to destroy you so fast no I'm going to win this race all right you know what I'm out of here uh guys I don't even know how to start a raid let me Google it really quick where the heck do I have to go I don't know where this raid is guys finally I made it to the island oh my God I'm definitely here before Zoro she'll be right in here according to the YouTube video wait what Zoro how are you here oh H hi Luffy how'd you get here before me you were going the complete opposite way oh I don't know I was just walking in like a straight line and I ended up here but I don't know how to start the raid don't ask me I'm color blind all right the first color is red blue all right there green green like my like my head okay and then blue again blue again there all right let's go let's go wait the door's not open Luffy did you put the colors wrong uh no I put them in R I don't trust you I'll do it myself all right Luffy I did it I'm going to start my raids all right Z I'm following you how do we even start this do you know no go away go away well Luffy before I enter my first raid I have to spin the wheel of custom Hearts the wheel of custom Hearts it's the wheel we have to spin before every raid and it has a bunch of special abilities some bad some good I'm spinning in 3 2 1 go I hope you get give me something give you something bad I hope you get the worst one on there no hockey oh no can you even do damage to them without hockey I don't know but this sucks let's try all right I'm about to start my RAID I'm going to do this easy peasy oh no I'm going to lose without hockey this sucks okay I got one down so far I just need to take this slow wait you're actually killing them without your hockey that's possible I didn't even know that no oh no oh no oh no are you almost dead yeah I'm at 1,000 Health right now I'm running can you hurry up and die no I'm not dying I need to complete this I'm going to awaken my ice cre before you awaken do we'll see about that if you awaken do before I do then I'll just beat you in the second race I don't know if I could do this without hockey oh oh no be die oh I died dang it all right I'm about to enter my RAID I'm spinning for you what are you going to get please give me something good something good nothing bad give me skip wait what no jumping how am I even going to do this that's like the worst one all right watch me solo this raid good luck Luffy all right Zoro I'm on I'm on my Island man I don't know how to use my moves I've never used this fruit before Oh sticky though oh my God I'm almost dead I'm almost dead already all right I'm going to start my RAID next I'm not letting you get ahead of me let's see what I get I got call a friend I know exactly who I'm going to call wait Zoro you got what all right I just messaged Naruto that's got to be cheating what nope I got the heart too bad you know what I'm almost done with my RAID I'm on the third island right now well now it's going to be a 2v one so I'm definitely going to win this race Zoro I died oh my God that raid was so hard did you actually die let's go hey Zoro how is Naruto here let's go complete the raid you're so lucky my heart makes me not be able to jump all right Zoro let's do this go in the teleporter let's do this um Zoro are you forgetting to let me spin again I just died all right I'm spinning right now you going to get give me a friend I want a friend skip a raid skip a raid no oh my God I only need four more raid Zoro you're going down we're on to the next Island and I didn't even kill one enemy this is great that's so unfair you get a friend well you skipped the raid that means you're ready ahead of me I have to complete five raids and you only have to complete four Zoro give me a harder challenge these guys are too easy you're even stronger than tono with your help we're definitely going to awaken ice before he awakens though bro this raid is so easy then why did you just die it was because I couldn't jump but now I'm really going to go God mode well we already completed four Islands we on to the last one I'm going to catch up to you in no time zor I'm on the four the Island right now I'm almost done you know what I'm going to take a nap while nuto beats the boss good night you just basically just got a free raid hey uh Nar I have a I have a proposition for you Nar what is it do you want to help me with my RAID and I'll give you some Ramen Ramen nah I'm good oh shoot I'm almost dead I'm almost dead I have to go into the ocean I hope you die this island is so hard and the raid is done oh we did it let's go narudo good job oh my God I'm on my last Island I'm on my last Island Z this raid was so easy well I just awakened my first ability let's go I died again Luffy you know what that means um I think it means we're one1 yeah we're tied right now and I'm still going to beat you nope I'm on to my next raid but first let me spin the wheel what am I going to get what am I going to get oh my God what are you going to get put your eyes closed how am I going to do this I think you need to get Naruto again Luffy since I have to have my eyes closed can I please have Naruto again let me think um please fine you can really oh that's so nice of you nuto come back yay I'm back all right Luffy let's pin for you now what are you going to get please something good I need something good give me like a teammate or something wait what what is this I can freeze you for 2 minutes that's so unfair yeah you're going to die on this raid am I hitting anything no zor you're hitting nothing ah I don't know what I'm hitting but I'm hit hard to activate wait zor move they're hitting you I think Luffy froze me yep I did wait so I can't move for the rest of the raid Zoro you just got launched move move you're getting attacked this sucks I can't see or move nope you can't move for the rest of the raid I'm going to the final Island you're safe now Zoro oh thank God I can stop swinging my weapon my eyes open I can see again all right time to awaken my second ability all right bye guys but Luffy I'm ahead now it's 21 well you had help from Naruto like two times that's not fair well technically you haven't even completed any raids yourself you just got skip a raid well technically I have a harder raid than you true but now we have to go on to our next raids SP first please give you something bad give him something bad to get bad skip a ra let's go that means it's 31 I only have to do two more raids all right you know what I'm probably going to get something like call a friend please let me get Naruto give me Naruto or free pass that even mean that means you get nothing Luffy all right I'm going in my next raid oh my God I'm Lally about to die I didn't realize raids would be so difficult my strategy is to wait in the water while I heal I just died how did I die take the L Zoro take the L why you so happy I died that's messed up I'm dead did you actually die this raid is literally impossible Zoro I don't know how I can do this how many legendary fruits have you wasted I can't really do math but like I think like 20 that does not sound right but come back let's do the next spins what hard am I going to get please give him something bad something bad no hockey again are you kidding me Zoro good luck you have no hockey and you're all by yourself all right time to spin for you oh my God give me like a teamate or something give me food even you got call a friend oh my God I'm going to call narudo n Brut come here I need your help hi I'm here that's so unfair you know what I'm calling my friend too tono hi Zoro I'm here Zoro you're cheating you even roll get a friend what is this this is so easy why are you dying so much shut up thank God for tandro let's do this can't believe I was dying so much on this freid we're already on island to let's go narudo I'm just carrying all of you today whatever I got Tandra Tandra is even better let's do this is tan max level like Naruto well he already has awakened ice W so he's like a master at Awakening fruits and now he's going to help me awaken mine before you awaken do I'm going to make sure you beat Luffy Zoro oh my God Island four we're already on island five let's go kill the boss wait zor I died what you died how am I going to win this without you I'm sorry I got a little bit distracted all right let's kill this boss let's just end it all look how low he is oh my God this raid is so hard one he just he's dead he's dead we just won you guys won a raid yep we just beat the first raid oh I ran out of time no that was so close P come back I need your help is this a 2v2 or something something I want to awaken my fuit with tandre so yeah we could do a 2v2 all right I guess I'll awaken it with Naruto we both like to eat I want to call it team Uzumaki I want to call it team Luffy no let's do rock paper scissors rock paper scissors paper oh I win no okay it's team Luffy then ours is called team Zoro more like team sucks don't talk to my friend that way anyway time to spin get something bad something bad you're not going to get anything good skip an Island an island that's so good all right it's my turn to spin what am I going to get all right let's see what you get please give me something good I need something good I need to come back bro rash heart what wait what did you get what did you get oh my God I just got something so good I'm not telling you Zoro uh you're getting me a bit nervous right now you'll see you soon no stop wasting time let's start the next raid or else Luffy is going to catch up to us Tandra let's do this it's getting intense now come on we have to catch up we're so behind Naro take this are you ready Naro let's destroy tanra and Zoro this raid's going to be so easy I already have two moves unlocked only need need like three more well I already have three awakened I only have two more I'm going to beat you no you're not Zoro you guys stand no chance me and Luffy just beat the first island T let's hurry up we need to keep up with them y guys my custom heart allows me to kill him whenever I want and he has no idea Luffy I died bro I just died Zoro I died why everyone's dying all that's okay I'm going to win this alone Zoro are you on the last Island by chance uh why I think you have to follow your teammate what what do you mean by that I'm not going to die crash heart activate Game just crashed does my heart all right I'm spinning first let's see what we get please get something bad get something bad skip an island again wait what you going to skip an island again let's go we didn't use it last time because we didn't have a chance to but let's use it this time Zoro yep now let's roll for Luffy oh my God you got Skipper ra again it's 3 three now I'm catching up so fast that's so unfair oh my goodness all right Tandra let's start the next raid oh my God I just got this new cool punch believe look at this this Naro don't die this time shut up I won't all right Naro we're almost done killing the boss one more hit one more hit Naro yeah we're too fast for them oh my God we just we just finished it let's go Luffy good job um Zoro how are you guys doing oh we died oh my God you guys suck we're winning right now come on Naro we're about to win let's go do one more raid one more raid and we win but we have to spin first Zoro let's spin I'll spin first get something bad get something I'm already losing please give me something good Skipper raid is 44 now this is my third Skipper raid let's let's go I love these Hearts now it's my turn to spin what am I going to get this is getting so intense it's literally 44 right now either one can win oh my God oh my God yeah you're gone I'm winning what what did you get due to my lawyer telling me I can't tell you I can't tell you what I got is it auto crash again I might have to call my lawyer to answer that hello oh he said I can't tell you stop being stupid Luffy let's just start the raid it's 44 so whoever wins this race wins the first round me and Nudo got this in the bag already no me and Tano do that's right um zorao what island are you guys on right now we're on the third island what about you guys coincidence we're almost done with the third island I think we're going to win this already oh no found we need to hurry they're about to win let's do this noro hurry up on to the fourth island let's go Naruto no I died T clutch up no I'm going to use my heart freeze freeze heart freeze t wait Z I'm frozen I'm frozen he froze me they're already dead and they don't even have enough time to start another raid we got this Luffy we need to win this the boss is so low he's already at Red HP um I think I'm dead no don't die I just got up we just beat the boss we win no they beat us Sor we are are the champions we lost the first round Tandra but it's okay we'll come back oh my god look how cool my awakened dough is I have hands that come out of nowhere to make this big punch well I may have lost but at least we have two out of the 12 fruits awaken Luffy and by the end of the series we're going to have every single fruit awakened every single one that's crazy yep and we're about to awaken the next two all right Luffy let's see what fruits we get for round two I bet you're going to get something bad please give him the worst fruit ever come on oh spider that one's so creepy what even is that fruit how it's so easy to awaken that fruit it's not fair we'll see about that let's see what fruit you get please give me something good wait that's magma I don't want that fruit that killed my brother this is your least favorite fruit you got so unlucky that's too bad no changing I bet it's easy to awaken though at least noofy are you ready I just got my string fruit it's so cool oh my God are you sure that's string that just look like vomit yes a string Luffy show me your fruit um I don't think I want to that's lame I'm going to awaken my string fruit first yeah we're going to destroy you guys stop and spin the wheel already okay let's see what Hearts we get I'll go first get something bad get something really bad what are we going to get oh switch teammates that's actually so good Naro is such a high level you're betraying me Zoro that's so mean you know what just spin whatever I get give me something good I'm going to get the best heart ever heal heart he that means you can instantly heal whenever you want so if you're about to die just use your heart let's go you're going down right let's go nor wait where am I I'm lost Zoro you're going the wrong way come here wait where all right T we just finished our first island where's the next one not all the way over there yeah follow me all right on to the second island you're have so powerful nuto yeah I'll carry you don't worry Luffy if you win this race too then that means I have to gift leopard truits to people who join our Discord well what island are you on I'm on the second Island right now let's hurry up nuto seems like I'm going to win this one too I can't lose this I don't have enough Robux oh my God I'm L I'm so low heal heart activate you used your heal heart did it work oh my God I just regained some of my health back wow that's such a cool heart I'm fighting the boss right now this is really intense they're not even on the boss yet come on taner we have to hurry up let's do this Naro don't die now I'm so low all right toner we're on the last Island looks like we're going to be there on the last second we're both on the last Island don't die nuto I got this Z don't worry all Luffy I just finished my first raid what that's not fair how did they finish already heel heart activate what you use your heel heart again I have to I'm going to die if I I don't please die please die I want to win this so bad BR we're not going to beat this in time yeah we will Luffy stay strong no we let's start our next raid I'm almost back oh my God oh my God I just killed him oh he just killed me never mind he was so low no Luffy you died he was literally on one HP and I was at a second and he killed me bro you know what that means Luffy it's 1 Z it seems like you're going to be the one donating the leopard fruits Luffy I'm going to switch to Buddha this is going to be so much easier don't tell them though why would I tell them I want to win all right Zoro I think it's time to spin the wheel again all right let's see what I get please give me a good heart get something bad get something bad you're going to get something bad oh my God Luffy I'm not telling you what I just got but it's insane all right let's spin for you now all right what did you get Luffy I'm not telling you what I got either just know you're going down not if I use my heart first Naro let's start the raid hurry yeah yeah yeah I'm coming all right I'm starting the raid in three 2 1 go and I just started mine as well control opponent activate wait what that's the heart you got yep and now while I control you you can't use your heart Luffy I'm running straight into the water no no no stop going to the water just sit in the water why are you in the water no I'm just dead I'm just get out the water what are you doing oh my why did you die the stupid idiot activated his heart oh my let's I'm coming back it's fine let's start again oh you know what Auto kill heart activate killed Naruto what Naruto no wait what just happened why did I die he used his heart on you no I have to do this alone now oh this is so bad I can't do this without nuto we're so lucky tonero we got free pass get any hearts okay I'm fine with that I'm still fighting over here this is so hard without Nudo oh I'm getting destroyed right now I'm about to die I'm about to die no I died Zoro you died already yeah that was so difficult n let's start the next raid all right we're on this last he we're on this last hits and the boss is amazing what already we're so good Tano Let Me Just Awaken this move we're almost done we're almost done oh my God we're so close right now let's go we did it I got the second Awakening Luffy oh my God you're ahead of us right right now yep it's 21 I'm going to awaken my string fruit before you there's no way I'm going to have to give away this fruit my new Awakening is so cool I'm like Spider-Man Spider-Man that's so cool well guess what Zoro you want to see my move all right do it wo that looks like what happened to your brother Ace all right bye I I'm just going to go this way why are you so mean Zoro the next R I'm spinning spinning for me first come on come on revive heart revive heart what is that wait let me check so if I die I can respawn how's that work I don't know the hearts are magical all right let's spin for you next let me know what you get please give me something good wait what even is this heart I have to switch my hat with Zoro I don't want to do that I'm going to be bald again yay I have the straw hat again Zoro why do you look like that you look so dumb I'm Soo right now n don't save me we're on the boss bro I'm so low I'm almost dead right now D you guys are both almost dead you guys suck you try this R I would do that with my eyes closed oh my God we the ra let's go oh no I'm almost dead I'm almost dead don't die that was so scary the boss got me in an insane combo n get him don't worry I got it I just awakened my second move let's go well we just finished the raid two I'm about to get my third ability Luffy I just unlocked my third ability look how cool this is bro there no way you're ahead of me this much what yeah let's see yours now Zoro I just awakened this move what do you think about it uh I don't know let's ask Ace um all right bye wow that was so mean Zoro all right I think it's time to spin the wheel I really hope you get something bad yep I'll let you spin first let's see what you get all right I'll probably get something so good you never even I'm going to compare to it no teammate heart what's that Zoro I don't know read what it says no there's no way I lose my teammate let's go that's so good for me okay guys it was fun bye all right now it's a 2v one this is going to be so easy all right Zoro let's roll I got the no ra hard wow so we have to sit here for 5 minutes that's great uh Naruto wake me up in 5 minutes no wait what this raid so hard I'm almost dead what you know what I got to clutch up this is the fruit that killed Ace oh my God how am I already almost dead Zoro wake up it's been 5 minutes let's start our ra let's do this just killed the boss let's go wait what oh my god what have I been doing I'm about awaken my fourth move that means I only have one more Luffy this ability is so cool watch this wait what are those are those dragons nope it's my string anyways back to the race I'm about to do my last one wait your last one wait what roll for me roll for me hurry up please give me something good give me like swap teammates or something wait control I'm not telling you what I got oh no it better not be auto crash again anywayss n let's roll guys I just got the best one I'm going to make sure he dies right away Zora are you ready we're about to do our final raid control heart activate wait I can't move Luffy run into the water wait run into the water oh I can't swim though and I'm dead thanks a lot man I can't believe you got the control heart yep I got it again but the thing is he doesn't even know I have it I'm going to make him pay um Zoro what is it Luffy control heart activate what I can't move anymore I want you you to jump five times why are you doing this I can't believe you got the same heart as me now I want you to say Luffy is the best no no Luffy is the best I can't believe I just said that you know what I won't kill you that fast I'm dying I can't move help your friend Naruto out thank goodness okay Naruto good job but I might not be able to help you very much this round he's controlling me that's all right I don't need you anyways dang I can't believe he said that yeah I know he's so cocky but um I want you to walk into the water let's take a little dive let me jump let me jump please um get out get out get out get out I don't want you to die yet I want to play with you a little bit more thank god oh you almost killed me there Luffy don't do that again it's not funny well you did it to me and it actually did kill me well it's funny when it happens to you but not me oh then how about you get lost right now okay where the heck am I right now I don't know this isn't even my fault I'm lost right now you're the one who controlled me so well you're the one who killed me whatever okay thank goodness I'm back UMO Luffy leave me alone please I'm so close to Awakening my fruit oh this is your last ra I heard yeah it is I want you to only fight with your fighting style can't use your fruit only my fighting style the string fruit is so powerful that's Su okay I'll try take this you're doing like no damage I know I'm not good at combat oh no the heart's running out only have 30 more seconds you know what this is perfect time for my final challenge the final thing I want you to say is I'm sorry Ace wait I have to apologize to that donut into the water and you said it no no oh oh no I'm dying I'm sorry Ace that was so scary I'm sorry Ace I'm sorry I won't make fun of you anymore Ace I swear oh my God my heart just ran out there's no way he's going to win this now you almost ruined my chances of winning and my RAID is finished lffy I am about to win the second race no and done let's go guys I have fully awakened string this is so cool there's no way thisen this ability is all right well good job Zoro you deserve the win no you don't yep thanks n bye bye peace guys all right Luffy will you win the first race when you awakened do before I did and I won the second race so I guess it's a tie well then who's giving the fruit how about we both give away a leopard fruit all right I guess we're giving away two leopard fruits everyone join our Discord and we'll give away leopard fruits yeah click the link in the description it's the first link at 1 th000 members we'll give away another perm at the end of the series we're going to awaken every single fruit and blocks fruits by the way I also finish Awakening my fruit take this ow ow ow subscribe
Channel: AniBlox
Views: 58,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruit live, blox fruit tier list, blox fruits live, blox fruits race awakening, blox fruits codes, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits update 17.3, blox fruits update, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits race, blox fruits dough awakening, blox fruits best fruit, blox fruit, blox fruit roblox, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits, blox fruits roblox, roblox blox fruits, aniblox, update 20, tier list, new blox fruits, awakened dough, blox fruits update 20, perm fruits
Id: 8VcM1NJIkS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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