Death Note Decides Who DIES in Blox Fruits

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the person's name that's written in the Death Note shall die in Blox Roots I will be spinning two random Wheels five times each one containing a list of names and one containing the method of death whatever both Wheels land on decides whose name is going into the death node and the method in which I'm going to be killing them in Blox fruits but before we begin here are a couple of rules rule number one I must find my victims in random public servers rule number two to make this challenge possible the names don't have to match up exactly just part of it rule number three if if I fail to kill these five players in the next 24 hours I must write my own name in the death note and invite players to join my server to kill me and maybe get my title that was a that's a long Rule and of course rule number four guys this is all for fun for Content I don't have any ill intent towards anybody all right with that being said let's go murder some players all right first entry into the death Noe who we got here by the way these are all popular anime characters oh the MC right off the bat all right and how are we going to be killing kingg Luffy using the combat fighting style okay that sounds sounds like it's pretty easy I am righteous I am Kira I am Light Yagami I am cringe that's that's what I am and I shall pass judgment on my first victim yep that's right take a good look everybody now I know this is just a prop but it still feels so wrong to write Luffy's name in here now let's get to server hobbing uh shouldn't take too long to find somebody named Luffy uh based on my experience and because I am using the combat I'm just going to stay in the first seat all right first server no louy up to a terrible start already this should be louy should be in every single server in Blox FRS get me a luy server get me in there where's ly let me at [Music] him oh Zoro are you lost bro hey Zoro you can't just oh my God guys that's not me hey I did not do that bro Zoro this was not your destiny your name was not in the death Noe how did you die also you can't ignore me like this man why is he here bro first Zoro and Sanji where the hell is your captain all right I'm coming after him oh he's gone Sanji knew Kira was coming and decided to run away what a coward guys I must have hopped over 50 different servers before realizing to myself finding Luffy is harder than finding the one piece but then it happened I finally came across this one all right boys I think we found him where is he where's Luffy let me add him bro what Luffy left the game well looks like he was one step ahead of Kira this time it's all right I'm Li Yagami and I love a game of cat and mouse I can't wait wait to hunt you down Luffy and sorry for being so cringe guys uh in this video I mean you can't do a video like this without being extra cringe right like I'm literally cosplaying in Roblox so just let it slide well well well we meet again all right no time to waste bro I got to find this guy before he escapes let's see if that main character plot armor can save you this time Luffy you are the man I've been SE I can't all right let's kill we're going to kill him with a combat yes we did it we did oh wait what the he's a ghost it's the ghost of louy I thought I had him come on bro catch him catch him at any cost ah ly the plot armor is too strong why is he running bro just die just let me kill you come on get him he he can't run forever there's just no way yes yes we killed Luffy I am the pirate king no I'm I'm light I'm I'm I'm I'm Kira I I got I forget it's complicated Kira strikes again uh a lot of you guys were asking when one piece was going to end but it ends now so you're welcome all right let's find out who our second victim is going to be victim number two here we go come on oh what the hell not going to lie I almost feel bad for this one all right how are we going to kill uh ring Goku hopefully not by feeding him a bunch of donuts I don't think that's on the list okay we must um drown him in lava that is pretty cruel also kind of poetic you know somebody who is fire dying to somebody who's magma not going to say it all right let's see here it's in the death no so it must happen so in order to pull off this lava kill the only place to do it is in the second SE and that's where I currently am I've also chaned my inner ring Goku to maybe bring me some luck in finding him demon slay really hasn't been popping in the last year or so so rang Goku a little irrelevant I'm sorry to say I know that's your favorite hash but not many people are Nam ring Goku these days so wish me luck what the hell Luffy is in here bro you know how long it took me to find him in the first SE what did I say guys just as soon as you stop looking for him he shows up hey yo nuu the real nuu okay I'm not in the death no yet thank god oh hey there he is what's up brother fake 3.9 mil PVP listen you're talking to me bro you're you're literally talking to me so to absolutely nobody's surprise it took forever to find a ring Goku in a public server goes to show how popular demon slur is right now but we finally did it ladies and gentlemen I present to you ring Goku with Tails there he is in the flesh look at that be rang Goku I miss you so much man it's been many so many wait oh no oh they don't speak English in This Server that's a problem how is he how am I supposed to lure him outside look at him crawling look at him crawling R Goku's a furry everybody confirmed okay looks like his Bounty is not too high so we should be able to take him if we get on to a PVP so let's try to lure him out somehow into the lava should I just straight up do it should I just straight up say like come outside all right rang Goku come to me come to me brother English is a universal language so hopefully he understands he he said question mark he do he doesn't understand why can somebody translate what he's saying over here I really want to know oh he said what do you want I'm just going to be straight up I just tell him the truth I must kill you with lava it's my destiny as Light Yagami we got to hit uh sprinkle a little bit of cringe in there you know what I mean do you allow it he said LOL I think he's trying to say come wait actually let me do it let's go buddy flame of Shiro is about to die to the magma oh why' you jump why'd you jump you messed up the whole thing man come on come on get in the lava come to me one last chance he's standing still this might be it let's go hit him hit him yes yes yes oh my God we actually did it it's a miracle I mean it's it's Destiny I am Justice that's what I should be saying well there you go guys the prophecy of the death node has been fulfilled once again rain Goku is now dead so I guess this video is technically Canon now victim number three kilaa okay um pretty common name but definitely don't see that as much as rang Goku and Luffy so might be a little bit hard to find kilua and how are we going to kill kilua well the good news is if we do find kilawa um we're going to be able to pack him up pretty easily so with our third victim I'm going to be honest I think it's going to be harder to find a kilaa in a random public server than rang Goku himself but hear me out I got a strategy so we all know Blox Roots is the most popular game on Roblox right it currently has almost 500,000 players online this is what I'm hoping okay I'm going to search by the name kilua and hopefully there's somebody online with that name and they happen to be playing Blox Roots let's put this Theory to the test this person's online what game are you in bro what game are you playing what's your favorite game why isn't Blox roots on here let's not lose hope here guys anybody on Blox Roots why is everybody offline oh boy it's not looking good uh maybe this strategy is not going to work everybody many Tic Tacs later is that kilawa dude I didn't even I didn't think this was possible finding a kilawa by randomly hopping a public server who's watching Hunter these days oh he's right here get him I must sneak in a kill I must sneak in this kill yes we got kill I sned it oh what an epic snipe dude here oh no no no no no no no no yo I ain't even part of this bro I don't want no beef so victim number four I'm hoping for Gojo because I could probably log into a random server now and there'll be five people named Gojo woo Goku hey you know what not Gojo but they both have go in it how are we going to go kill kakarat of course with a katana it makes perfect sense [Music] uh if you guys can't read this cuz my handwriting is trash it says Goku Katana that Death Note has spoken all right let's get to this honestly don't feel bad about writing Goku's name in there because if he dies let's face it Shenron just going to bring him back to life so it's not even a big deal and also guys um you know I hope I don't jinx myself I don't feel like finding Goku in a public server is going to be hard oh we so close we got a Gojo but no Goku let's see how many Gojo we can find before we find a Goku all right that is the second Gojo uh and we still have not come across Goku Gojo zatu there it is Gojo number three oh boy this has been much tougher than I um I expected to be honest there's where's go Goku where are you there it is Gojo number four bro something is wrong with the anime Community when Gojo is more popular than Goku himself this is disappointing there it is Gojo number five bro what the hell I'm going to give up I'm going to change the name to Gojo should I can I scratch out anything that's written in the Death Note Gojo number six all right we got another Gojo what is number eight I honestly lost count Gojo number nine oh oh god what the hell is yo get away from Spawn man scare the out of me oh wo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why do I feel like like this is a hacker server wa why is everybody a default all right I am going to write all of their names into the Death Note uh this is how serious it is guys if you are a hacker or exploiter in Blox frots die in Blox [Music] Roots it worked guys the Death Note works all right um this thing might be real all right guys literally nine Gojo later and hopping probably like 500 servers who would have thought Goku would be the most difficult person to find in a public server but there he is in the flesh the strongest Sam of the all the king of all plot armors The Undefeated Goku let's go kill him where's that filthy saian huh oh boy wait he's max level oh that's going to be tough It's On Site Goku oh don't tell don't tell me his PVP is disable bro oh my my God time to hop another 200 servers looking for this guy psych I'm just kidding I waited the entire 15 minutes for his PVP to come back and I'm going to kill him what's up Goku you think I was going to give him that easily yo why is he just standing why is he just letting me kill him oh we actually did it guys patience is virtue all right if you wait long enough good things will happen I'm not going to lie guys I think all the kills I got so far have been pretty easy um none of these guys I killed actually fought back for some reason I think it's the Death Note the Death Note makes it so that you just kill anybody with ease so it looks like the strongest character in the history of anime also can't escape from the Death Note the Death Note prevails all right please be Gojo please be Gojo please please be Gojo please be Gojo please be Gojo please be Gojo please be Gojo I don't know if I want to mess with somebody whose name is sakuna we'll do one more Spin and we'll decide whose name we'll choose all right come on come on come on come on come come on come on come on come on come on come on yes no all right sakuna it is as much as I don't want to mess with sukuna I am definitely not messing with the prince of all saans all right you got to give me like Buddha or Kitsune or something [Music] man all right that's it I'm writing my own name in The Death Note all right I'm going to do what Gojo couldn't do I feel like my handwriting is getting worse uh that says sakuna rocket I mean you guys already know the strongest of all curses the man with a disgusting amount of 20 fingers all right the domain expansion malevolent Shrine will dice up anybody within a 200 met radius he is completely Untouchable until now we're going to go kill him so I'm going to go back to the second SE I'm not going to bore you with the whole server hopping thing let's just get right into finding this guy there it is everybody R suuna em must kill the strongest curse with the weakest fruit this this is going to be fun oh there he is sakuna come out here get out here buddy come out here if you dare wait wait wait what the hell that's him he left come back bro use some invisibility curse technique or something bro I had no idea he even disappeared you can run but you can't hide oh what the oh you've got to be joking you've got to be joking man we're going to tail him we're going to follow him until his PVP is active again he said yo wait does he recognize Who I Am the strongest sakuna is a subscriber of the me and you Channel who would have thought bro enable that PVP sakuna I'm here to do what Gojo can't combo fight back fight back bro what are you doing yo the sakuna I know wouldn't go down without a fight you're are a disgrace fight back coward you are star Creator can you gift [Music] fruit wow guys this is your strongest curse of of all time a beggar go to hell sakuna die just die go to hell bro give me that bouny too while you're at it so although the prophecy of the Death Note has been fulfilled guys I don't really feel satisfied with that anti-climatic ending those these kills were way too easy for some reason and that's why I decided to add one more entry into the Death Note come get this title noobs all right I got a server full of my Discord members here if you want to be in future events like these be sure to join the Discord Link in the description let's just get over with you nerds all right everybody peace they can't follow me no one knows where I am oh what the hell somebody actually got here oh we got two people here all right I'm off the scene oh what the hell hey guys I will die eventually I just want to don't I just don't want to die so soon bro all right get in the raid room actually that was a terrible idea I can't escape up and down up and down go up come on come back down get in here come out here get in here come out here no one knows where I am no one knows where I am dog HS let's go I'm going to the ship get in see if they'll follow me in hello there psych psych C it oh what the hell this guy was waiting oh no no no no no no no no no no no remote island all right come follow me out here now boy oh they don't even know I teleported this is perfect I can just chill out here no one knows where I am no one has a clue piz here oh my God somebody found me oh no no no who did it what peanut peanut I shall pass this uh over to you you are the new owner of the Death Note congratulations
Channel: MeEnyu
Views: 443,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, blox fruits, pvp, new fruits, blox fruits live, meenyu, robux, noob, pro, blox fruits troll, trolling, blox fruit gift, blox fruits update, indra, bloxfruits, bloxfruit, noob to pro, max level, event, update 20, blox fruit, enyuzee, blox fruits admin, mythical fruit, legendary fruit, kitsune fruit, dream fruit, sword revamp, yoru, tty, admin, anchor, update 22, update 21, winter update, trex, kitsune, t-rex, beast bundle, dragon, dragon rework, awakening, awaken, winter update part 2
Id: kdqSk3vkUOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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