i became a DEMON in Blox Fruits

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today I will become the strongest demon in all of Blox rooms not that demon actually yeah that demon I'm talking about unlocking the brand new sanguin art fighting style that just got released in blo sus upate 20 this is exactly what I've been waiting for so in this video I will be completing the trial to unlocking the fighting style unlocking all of the skills with it and then using it to kill a bunch of people just like a real demon would completing the sanguin art trial step number one kill the brand new Ray boss the Leviathan oo and then harvesting its heart with a harpoon this game is getting really dark now of course in order to obtain the leviathan's heart you need the Beast Hunter ship which has like its whole new requirements to obtaining and I'm just going to skip all that and get somebody else with a boat to join me so uh from what I understood you guys telling me is that bribing helps increase the chance of the lives and spawning but it doesn't necessarily mean we have to bribe him so we're just going to skip that part all right let's set sale for danger level six right now I think this is where you find it I'm at danger level zero we're perfectly safe where we are right now let me give it a boat review all right it's got a cool Leviathan Harpoon at the front it's covered in ice okay there's a little there's a little Nook what bro I'm glitched I'm glitched already I am glitched zero out of 10 this boat sucks yo stop the boat stop the boat man hey wait a minute all right are we literally like not moving this sucks who's driving this boat indeed what is what what kind of game is this okay indeed possibly the worst driver in all the block RS nobody ever give him a license uh can we just get another boat make sure to follow the big rocks okay follow the Rocks there's so many damn rocks which you supposed to follow oh oh we're in extreme danger okay we're in danger level six question Mark but everything's like pitch black how are you supposed to see who what's hitting me what the hell's hitting me Sea Beast hey yo SE Beast Spa here too oh the lightning is hitting me there's lightning that's wild our boat just sank the C Beast actually sank our boat bro the Beast Hunter Boat the one that's supposed to pierce through CB skins just got sunk the irony is so real so uh I guess we got to start over all right we're in danger level six now all right Terror shark raid boss okay people said kill this thing say less boys all yo it's actually got a HP bar is that new oh no I'm dying hey yo it's strong stop stop the boat stop the boat please God I'm die what happened to Leave No Man Behind oh thank you bro oh my God ice Pig literally wanted to see my downfall all right teror shar's Dead all thanks to me I'm the best oh look Terror ice mutant tooth and 300 fragments that's sick hey bro watch your jet how how did our bow just sink again all right continue our journey please don't let the bow sink please don't sink again I have a feeling our boat is going to sink again before we find the Leviathan that's just how trash my luck is oh my God what did it what how I didn't even see what happened we're going to continue our journey oh no oh no swerve can't believe oh what they're still going oh my God bro this is actually so annoying this the most annoying thing I've had to do okay last time we made it to like 6,500 M away we're like a an entire thousand M away from our previous record hey yo what the oh what the what the what [Music] what look at this ugly look at this ugly little little snake we about to oh we could use Buddha for this does Buddha damage it I'm using the Buddha okay so remember guys remember we must kill the Tails that's what I that's what I've been told okay you know what I don't have stats on sword oh also M1 doesn't work so this is useless I'm changing my fruit all right magma shower wait I Must Destroy the segments first I thought I was oh my God what is happening this is the most epic battle in the history of blocks why am I spinning like a Beyblade let me get a good look at the leviathan's face show yourself there it is Yo looks kind of sick no it looks sick guys look it's girados oh we destroy the segments so we could finally go for the head yes take that okay no cap I thought the Leviathan was going to be a little harder to kill he's almost almost dead this is your king we're about to get the new fightings now boys we're making out of the third SE with this one let's go baby wait what hold on wait I got no rewards from that did I not do enough damage did I get snaked you get none from Main head oh okay oh that's the heart oh you got to Harpoon this yo ref get off let me Harpoon it ref no okay fine take all of the glory we we must now bring uh this frozen heart back to the Tio post uh in order to get the Leviathan heart I will not feel safe until we finally bring the heart back to Tiki Outpost and have the levia thin heart in my inventory but after that happens let's just take a look at what what else we still need so we need one heart got that easy didn't really even struggle number two 20 demonic wisps how do you get those by killing demonic souls okay what are those there NPCs at haunted castle all right great I need 20 of those okay 20 vampire fangs dropped by vampires in the second SE oh these things are easy what else and two dark fragments I should have many dark fragments dark fragments are dropped by dark beard and just judging by the amount of fragments that I have you guys should know how many dark fragments I got a lot hey dark fragments we got 98 so I met that criteria demonic wisp we have one that's all right we only need to get 19 how hard could it be and vampire fangs we have zero even less than the Demonic wisps yo this is the longest journey back this part is so un necessarily tedious I don't know why all right drive under the arch I'm sitting give me the heart give me the heart give me the heart where's the heart hey yo I thought it melted for some reason I thought I thought we lost it I thought that's what happens when it melts that's the scariest animation ever bro don't play with my heart like that it just drops into the ocean that was so scary man Block's almost put me in an ambulance tonight all right there we go there's the Leviathan heart obtained one heart almost lost my own heart from that all right there's the homie shaffy hey man bring me 20 demonic wisps 20 vampire fence and two dark fragments all right you're asking for so much that part is easy only thing I was worried about is the uh was the Leviathan heart we could do the rest so um we got to head to haunted castle we're going to put on the we're going to put on the uh the good old Buddha and since I have all my stats on fruit I got to reset I'm going to put out on sword all right let's do this all right it's auto click time baby give me them wisps wow they have a really hard time spawning don't they this might take actually longer than I thought these are the only NPCs that spawn demonic wisp oh we got one okay 18 to go and the vampire fangs are harder to get now than it was before Oh no how long could it take an hour it can't take longer than that right hope I'm not foreshadowing something look see there's another one if I get one per minute it's only going to take like 20 minutes so I think we need like five more wisps let me get my blood demon AR fighting style bro why is this so hard I just wanted cosplay as nezo y'all making this way more difficult than it should be hey there we go never thought I'd be farming out here this is the weirdest place to be farming what a strange set of requirements yes let's go baby all right no time to waste we got to head on over to the second SE and kill a bunch of vampires all right here we are at the vampires they dropped the vampire tooth and uh wait was it vampire tooth oh vampire fangs okay yeah they have fangs not teeth that's how they suck blood so I have H zero vampire fangs right now and we're going to go for 20 okay yeah uh maybe they are very difficult to get [Music] are the vampire fangs actually harder to obtain than the Demonic wisps it can be hey there's one how many we got how many I can't believe I'm checking already there's zero point vampire Fay all right we got two now three hey keep them coming I ain't going to complain hey keep them coming [Music] what if I say like oh dude the vampire fangs are so hard to get it's like impossible I'm never going to get a single one reverse psychology on bloxs now they're going to want to give me as much it works the reverse psychology I would hate to grind for vampire fangs I don't think I'll get a single one what the hell who said he wasn't going to be able to do it they all doubted me it's especially myself let's go what what's happening oh my [Music] God let go Chan I'm coming for you that was so cringe oh my God guys give me a break I got no sleep hey man would you like to learn the sanguin art fighting style for 5 million oh nobody told me this no I changed my mind it's too expensive I don't want it anymore guys all right end the video everybody thank you for no I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking of course we're going to buy that's pocket change look how many fragments I have are you kidding me let's go oh look at that [Music] pose blood in my vein just like like everybody else yeah that's not really that's not really a cool saying is it all right I'm about to M1 all these fools bro all these all these trash news without sanguinar getting M1 look at that beautiful effect look at that animation look at the insane damage you can't stop the blood demon art you cannot stop NES go what's good boy what's good why you running this guy's a coward bro guy's a coward with the capital K okay I'm dead I'm dead I lost 26k Bounty shouldn't have done that that was a that was a stupid move now that we finally unlocked the sanguin art fighting style we could finally cosplay as neeso no I'm just kidding but our job is not finished we must now take our new found fighting style unlock all of the Mastery with it and become the strongest demon in all of Blox Roots sounds simple enough move aside M on ah llama we meet again you guys already know this is the best place to get Mastery we're going to get all all of these moves in no time blood Bane drain Scarlet tear Devourer of world yeah these moves sound real menacing let's go baby we going demon mode Let's go I heard the range on this M1 is really high let's actually give that a try how far is the range really not this far not this far not this far okay it's not that far I don't know what they're talking about I love the VFX it's absolutely perfect if the skills are any good this might be my new favorite fighting style listen wait wait wait wait all right let's go let's unlock the first move with this come on come on come on come on hit me hit me hit me hit me hit me hit me hit me hey oh my God it's still going 141 in one kill oh man it's about to be a piece of cake but of course uh let's test out the move first before we continue with the next long Mama blood bang drain can I hold it oo look at the pose ah ah the pumpkin face popped out that was scary all right you guys already know how I feel about pay to win it's the only way to play the game let's go ahead and spawn the boss and continue if I had a penny for every time I kill a long mama I would have all the money I wasted on this game back continue on our domination woo the combo how fast am I killing this fool right now bro's getting bodied boy long Mama's getting cooked hold that hold that L now let's see if we can take the sanguin art to go kill another mama big mama all right it should be a little bit tougher but big mama does give a bit more Mastery I predicting a easy pack still nonetheless die large mother boom done just like that okay it's a it's definitely more Mastery but is it worth all that effort trying to kill big mom I don't think so let's go back to Long Mom hey all right now we've gotten Scarlet tear what we tearing up boys go tear some up all let's try to do a quick demo over here oh look at this pose what the hell I am scared I I am genuinely afraid for my life woo that one is so clean bro yo this fighting style is my number one favorite I don't even care I don't even need the third move this is good enough for me let's continue bullying l Mama oh we speed running this boys oh this is not going to take any more than 20 seconds are you kidding me right now that was so fast what the hell yo this thing is op for anybody who's new to the game uh since the update came out if you're ever trying to grind Mastery in late game come to llamas easiest boss to kill you don't have money for Boss respawn just server hop it's still very very fast yo this is going to make the Buddha M1 spam in PvP absolutely Unstoppable by the way nobody try this I'm going to try it I'm definitely going to try it absolutely decimation what you guys are witnessing right now close your eyes kids this is not family friendly bro this is we're one Mastery away okay I don't think we need to kill llama let's go just go kill some regular NPCs get this thing done hey let's go baby just like that in under 15 minutes we sped run the entire sanguin art fighting style uh let's do a Showcase of all of the skills we got blood bang drain not sure if holding it makes any difference we got the Scarlet teror absolutely gorgeous VFX and of course the Devourer of Worlds hey yo I just put him hey yo I remember this from the Showcase look at the M1 combo too look at this this is stunning oh no the Sun is up as a fellow demon I cannot stay out in the open I must hide [Music] inside now that we unlocked all the skills on this legendary fighting style let's go kill some noobs with it but not before we become a full demon if you have like half a brain cell then you know exactly what I'm about to do right now that's right we're getting the gold race baby oh buddy gold V4 literally have not used this since the race Awakenings came out if I could be totally honest with you I have no idea what this race does but it goes really well with the fighting styles and that's what I'm going to use it for demon mode all right we're going with emo and Ed knock my outfit over here for this one unfortunately I do not know any combos with sanguin art so we're just going to have to do some M1 spamming and hopefully get some kills we'll learn combos later we got lots of time for that hey y'all come look at this all right I see our first victim right here where you going bro I'm me go demon mode on you I'm a bird it's a look it's a bird I'm going to let me slap him out of the sky they call me the fly swatter what the hell that was so fast what was that hello oh we got somebody else here let's go baby sanguin art this guy's level is also higher than me by like 50 levels if I could get this kill we're goated I mean the sanguin art is goated oh the blood drain we hit it we did the thing oh he's running away he's trying to get away stop let me go oh yeah oh yeah baby here we go let me go demon mode what how is that a sus K lock FRS be tripping bro M1 spam no skill butd has what who am I talking to Yoda oh what are you guys fighting without me come on let me join get devoured boy dude that took out like half his health what on Earth is this where is he going everybody just yo this fighting sty just turns everybody into Runners that's wild bro get back here you're only the inevitable stop giving me sus kill demon mode demon mode Let's Go sus kill I'm too powerful I'm killing them with too much ease that bloxr doesn't believe I'm that good hey get back here son where you think you're running to son devour him devour him yeah demon mole let's go there's my bounty quit this game you suck well there you have it everybody the strong demon in all of Blox fruits be sure to subscribe to tune in to the next video where I unlock more stuff from update 20
Channel: MeEnyu
Views: 1,943,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, blox fruits, pvp, new fruits, blox fruits live, meenyu, robux, noob, pro, blox fruits troll, trolling, blox fruit gift, blox fruits update, indra, bloxfruits, bloxfruit, noob to pro, max level, event, update 20, blox fruit, enyuzee, blox fruits admin, mythical fruit, legendary fruit, mammoth fruit, kitsune fruit, dream fruit, sword revamp, yoru, tty, admin, anchor
Id: 0G9rSLchtqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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