Do Not try to charge a LiPo Battery like this!

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hey guys backyard scientist here I have a lot of leftover lithium ion batteries from my last video kind of a bit of a tongue twister there but anyway I was reading the back of the batteries and it says all the stuff you're not supposed to do with it like for example do not shoot with the giant 30 watt fiber laser and a pure oxygen environment I promise you it does say that right there anyway I thought it would be a fun idea to try all the things that it says not to do on the back of the batteries so let's get started so this is the battery we're gonna take apart it has one two three four four cells I'm gonna try to separate the cells so we can do four separate experiments well let's start taking this apart and it shouldn't be surgery to take one of these apart right just a fair warning there is just probably going to be a bunch of messing around in this video so maybe we should take the time to learn about this battery because I'm actually curious what it looks like on the inside I've only ever seen the inside after they've caught on fire so do an operation right here operation don't it's like trying to defuse a bomb can I say that no anyway I cut open the lithium-ion batteries appear scissors and it looks like it's some kind of folded construction let's see what's going on here what is this this would be the positive side because the exits red and then on the other half now it's this which is connected to the negative electrode and in between these is the organic solvent that holds the electrolyte between them to let the electricity flow between the two plates so this is the negative electrode right here and it is actually a piece of copper with carbon on top of it and you can see it changing colors in the atmosphere from the oxygen and that's probably because I don't know there might actually be some lithium metal in there even though there shouldn't be I don't know that doesn't make sense whoa oops well I think we've learned enough about the battery let's move on all right so we found out why you shouldn't disassemble if the in battery now let's see what happens when you overcharge the limiting battery using a Tesla coil and this is a Tesla coil I made it's called a vacuum tube Tesla coil it's actually really simple to make and the coolest thing about it is it's super quiet and you can touch the sparks let me show you the power alright so for this one we're going to take this lithium battery and tape it to the end of this stick here and then see if we can charge it using the Tesla coil alright guys here we go [Music] but there is some red flame from the Liceo [Music] it's scorched a hole in the battery but it didn't make it catch on fire get this right there the Tesla coil melted the casing of the battery and it didn't short out the battery at just this battery still might even have some juice in it Wow okay look at that look what happened it will tip the scissors so I guess we'll just have to spooky smoke don't breathe this how about we charge it with the battery instead sorry guys I had to take a little break and go and get a jacket because it is getting a little bit chilly it's down to 67 degrees now and also because hopefully this jacket provides a little bit of flying degree protection now the packaging to this lithium ion battery tells you do not charge it more than one amp charging right now this battery can put out over 900 amps of starting power so we should instantly charge this 3 volt cell to 12 volts in a matter of seconds and that will be fun let's see how this works all right okay here we go three two one do it anything oh yes it is look it [Music] [Music] moving on I want to show you something that I've been working on it's just a prototype this is my laser cannon and it's basically a 30 watt fiber laser attached to a telescope and this thing can burn stuff for like 200 feet away the thing about this laser is it operates an infrared range of light 975 nanometers which means that you can't see it with your eyes and that makes it particularly dangerous because if you don't know if it's going to be reflecting off of something and hitting you in the eye so definitely have to wear these special laser goggles which block infrared light this is the device that I'm using it is a 30 watt fiber laser that was a part of a 10,000 watt system used for cutting metals some guy was just parting them out and selling them on eBay anyway the crazy thing is this thing is no bigger than a penny and especially the end of this optical fiber it is just so small and to have that amount of light heat coming out of it is pretty pretty awesome okay for this experiment we have our lithium batteries stapled to a piece of wood I made sure that it didn't puncture the battery or else it would be on fire right now and we are going to be adding pure oxygen to the fish tank alright everything's set up safety goggles on I have the GoPro app right here set up so we can hopefully livestream the camera and now we should be able to focus and view the laser using this let's try it alright so you can see right there that the laser is pretty much on target now now I just need to focus it alright so right now the laser is at full power it's at 9 amps 5 volts this thing is probably putting out about 30 watts of power so as soon as I move the mirror away we should have ignition let's see 3 2 1 oh it's on fire all right there we go oh [Music] boy wow that worked way better than I thought it would it almost caught on fire instantly let's go check it out alright guys I hope you enjoyed this video even though it was just a bunch of goofing around and having fun instead of something crazy but yeah it was a fun video hope you liked it see you guys next time bye
Channel: TheBackyardScientist
Views: 2,076,874
Rating: 4.9266844 out of 5
Keywords: Lipo, Lithium battery, Lithium Ion, Battery warning, Battery Safety, Fun, experiment, Backyard Scientist, Whats inside battery, Whats Inside, Opening battery, open battery, Funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
Reddit Comments

So, just to be clear, firing a 25W laser at my Lipo in a pure oxygen atmosphere is fine, right?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/TNorthover 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

I have to wonder what his neighbors would think about the laser cannon pointed in their direction

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/m3ltph4ce 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Desther 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2018 🗫︎ replies
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