Bloons TD6 - 4 Player Challenge - Tier 5 Bomb Tower

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well today we're trying something new with blue star defense six because we got myself blade dropsy and guess two and we're gonna be taking on the four circles challenge that's right each of us is gonna use only one type of tower and we're gonna get all three tier five versions of it see how long we can last as a team dropsy's running the buccaneers steve's running the sniper blades running the ninjas and myself the bomb towers oh did i mention i put it on hard mode good luck everybody yeah i don't have enough money for my ninjas now does anyone have any enough money for anything yeah i have a sniper i hope you'll have enough to cover us for round one i don't know that my sniper's gonna shoot fast enough guys pull it together man so now steve pull it together i can't afford any help i have 650 for mine that's 5 40. gosh okay well after this round you'll be able to get it wait it uses my mana shield yeah oh that's such a help i still don't have enough money do we not get an end of round bonus bro i can't do this steve pull it together man come on what are you doing oh my gosh oh my gosh i can't hold on guys this is going so horribly um we should have done hardwood oh god they're already scoring we're all gonna die okay because anyone afford anything i need 21 more gold if someone can send me 21 gold oh wait we actually can send each other money blade pow bleep go blade sorry it's 540 you lied and now we're all gonna lose because of you oh gosh okay guys i have enough now all right good pull it together team come on nice blade nice save all right we're going to win this we're going to win this guys we're touching jerome how close are you to your tower i am uh fifty dollars away okay you got yours oh yeah we're in we finally have towers too now drops is your first time really playing balloon six so you can get only one version of every tier five towers so we're gonna each get three towers and go full top root full bottom route full middle route or whatever order you so choose i would i'd say top root for you first uh for your first one then middle root for your next one and then bottom root for your last one and i just call in monkey cash drops yeah i mean yeah sure i said josh you could actually go different route am i gonna be the only one to do that uh probably oh cash drops oh wait no you can't call in your cash drop power-ups okay i don't know anyone's just asking what do you think this is what kind of a show you think we're running here i don't know okay i don't really know either so uh at least we're not losing any more lives yeah right y'all just tell me what i need to do because like i've played balloons but i haven't played this one specifically i think i'm gonna go the bottom route [Music] yay i finally did some damage guys i'm productive it's okay once i get this upgraded oh man now we're moving and grooving i'm definitely starting out bottom route for the sniper the faster firing okay nice because i'm just going so slow right now oh you can re-give us our lives back steve i just realized i think i'm gonna do it care packages oh you're right if you go the middle route steve yeah you can call in care packages you could supply some money steve you might be you could be hero stephen i'll go middle route first yeah i got i am a hundred dollars away from frag bombs i kind of feel like i love how much you're contributing to this you're welcome you really are now wait we could supply hook steve how much would it cost you steve so let me see upgraded supply drop is 7 000 it might be a while before we can actually start really supply hooking you yeah there you go i just got frag bombs so now i'll actually be able to really help out a bunch getting money as the sniper is so slow well it's the same for everyone dude we all never want pop yeah you know you're right i feel like our best chance is getting steve that thing so i'm gonna [Music] should we try and supply hook steve early on guys it's a strategy my gosh my cannon misses like 90 of his shots get it together dude what is he doing nothing's getting past uh dropsy and i right now so where my top liver so steve if i start supply hooking you when you get the care package will you give me some monies back of course my there we go steve's now at 680. so if you guys if you guys want to keep contributing to him and at three thousand forger gets bound to sing bolts and another seven thousand and he gets the supply drop this could either be a great idea or a horrible idea yeah oh wow steve look at you go yeah now i'll just go middle route the rest of the way and hope for supply hook or supply drops all right i might save some of my own money for a bit here to get cluster bombs because that'll really help me be a contributing member of society well you're contributing here yeah you're really contributing here yeah i can't kill the black balloons because they have an explosive resistance but i can pop the uh the other guys so that's good that's that would i mean you went over if you didn't so yeah yeah it would have been toast and now i have super fast missiles so do you would you guys rather me be able to pop moab balloons or yes okay yes then right now none of us are really set to take on moabs all right then i will save up to get the moab mauler we just need it by round 40 that's when the first uh moab comes in geez 40. yeah oh my goodness this is going by so quick i do round 32 yeah right quick question are we stopping at around 80 or are we going all the way until we lose i mean steve i think we're gonna go all the way to each other i think we'll be very lucky if we get the round h you know what we should have done we should have had some one person just be banana farm i was thinking that but we should do that as a supply hook challenge next time let's have three people have banana farms and one person get like i don't know i don't even know what i don't know we'll totally some ideas if you guys want to see us do more four-person versions of this let me know this is a lot of fun for us that would be insane we could do one where one person's primary one person's military one person's magic one person's support oh my goodness blake yeah blade of kiss maximus you mad man all right keep it up oh come on team come on team wow i really need to stable get that mo up assassin for us for the active ability and steve you are so close to getting bouncing bullets dude no once you get that care package you'll the reason why we won't care package dropsy is because that'll allow steve to active ability call on extra lives and money for us see he will be the cash man jerome you may be in like the worst location well moab assassin doesn't matter i can hit them anywhere on the map that'll mow up come on yep that's crazy makes no difference to me or should i say it makes no difference to my tower things are getting a little hectic now see when you get one with the balloon impact and balloon crushed you and everything just freezes right there in the middle for us all day again all right we're gonna need hit us with it well for around 50 we're gonna need dropsy i'm giving you a ton of money so that way around 50 comes around because two moabs come in then and i'm gonna need help because i can assassinate one but now with your monkey pirates ability you'll be able to harpoon one out of the sky gotcha there we go yeah i got an achievement called pig monkey pig chunks steve i'm gonna keep supply hooking you there's 600 bucks oh thank you my friend there's a incoming yeah they're coming fast but we'll be good and dropsy i would recommend if you could get a destroyer one next and that way you can have one that fast shoots adam too that'd be super appreciated oh yeah yeah all right i'm at 5000 out of the seven all right next one's on you drop see i just active ability to that one wait how do i do that uh it's in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen big that guy right there nice and steady i gave you enough money oh okay never mind yeah you're just shy of it that's all right we'll get it this round all right then you owe me big time steve i've been just supplying me money loading off the cash on you wait jerome which one did you tell me to do for this uh destroyer which is the top route okay okay that one goes like super lickety-split quick it's like really powerful you'll love it oh my god use your harpoon use your harpoon oh didn't even eat it we lucked out i got a tier three of each ninja wow blade you've been stacking on the money haven't you killing the game so does that mean you can just give everybody else your extra money no oh you said tier three tier three my bad yeah it's your five way too costly i got the supply crate now all right as soon as i'm already starts rolling in you need uh dropsy call on your harpoon the last one oh geez oh geez oh geez oh it's fine it's fine it's never fine you say that that was his last round about there all right there we go nice 800 that's good thank you steve no problem buddy you remembered i remembered you helped me out now i'm helping you out i'll help the squad man well helping you out is gonna help the squad out i gotta say jerome when you get that balloon impact that's gonna help which one is blue nintendo oh yeah yeah what is that explosion i'm so violent or fun oh i didn't realize that one yeah yeah that's 3 000 away though yeah we'll get there uh we'll get you there buddy oh that was well time dropped whoa your care packages are awesome dude i know it's useful oh no oh no it's fine everything it's totally cool oh can you harpoon in a second oh that one only gave me a was that 100 oh no okay 550 nice so not bad there we go i have two tier four of these towers now i'm gonna start placing a couple more snipers down for myself yeah you can forget about me for a while dude [Music] you can harpoon that out of the sky the red ones yeah carpoon i gotta wait on the that's fine um is it okay yeah okay we did it we survived i was actually afraid there for a second so level 60 is the last of uh medium mode so now we're on to the hard mode rounds i got my first tier four guys i'm not gonna i am getting a little nervous right now i'm getting very nervous right now i'm a little nervous i feel like once blade gets a sticky bomb actually if you get sticky bomb we're set okay that's what i'm saving up for now the ninja monkeys are so op i love it and then once i get the balloon sabotage and i throw slow everything down will you guys blow it all up oh yeah whoa okay okay they're moving quick wow we cleared them out real quick this popping is very satisfying every second shot close promises have more cluster bonds here more over cursive cluster sounds awesome it's also three thousand dollars but we'll get there it's taking everything in me not to put down more shinobi tactics i know i know how much is it upgraded by like five percent or you don't know for each one i don't i'm not sure [Music] feels like probably five percent but we got this guys level round 80 gonna be easy i don't know about easy i'm i'm hoping that i can get my sticky bomb before before we get there i don't think anyone's gonna have any tier fives which is strange because normally by now we would have some tier fives i feel like oh definitely i feel like we don't make as much money from pops in this one i think it's because it's double cash mode doesn't work so i think it's it's not even double cash mode and it divides it by four which means every four balloons we pop we get a dollar which is very bad yes it's rough all right uh three thousand dollars and oh we're almost on wage 70. i'm actually jerome i'm gonna i'm gonna experiment with something real quick yeah because it seems like it's gonna let me do oh i can't put that down you can put down the instant monkeys and oh but they don't sell for anything oh you're trying to cheat i'll just see i wouldn't let us do we're doing this legit blade we're gonna win it's crazy to think that four player mode is harder than one player mode but yeah i would say if we went to like an expert map on hard i don't think we could have done it [Music] i really don't think we could have i yeah we'd have to do something different all right my cheapest tier five is 27 000 and there's no chance in the world that's happening so who am i dishing my cash to i think my cheapest is 14 000 which is the elite sniper yeah drops give much more cash but you also need everything else though you need a you need deadly precision you need yeah all right do you want me to pay it to you then uh it just depends do you want me to start working towards that elite uh sniper i don't see the point there's not enough rounds to pay for it i guess mine are expensive too forty three thousand thirty seven thousand but steve what about your you need five thousand for a full auto rifle and you need another like 3 000 for the deadly position and everything else yeah to be i mean i guess if you want to give me some money i'll take it because i'm not going to use it yeah leveling up his top one would be pretty good because then he'll be able to uh the main moab yeah to mobilize them and could you focus that tower on hitting strong targets instead of first steve of course all right that's what we're aiming for i'm gonna keep strong that i'll just keep dishing my money to use steve because i i genuinely am not gonna have a chance to use okay and all right yes yes yes oh bad times are here oh my goodness look at him oh yeah we stopped him to be fair to him i'm almost tempted to just funnel money to you to get the moab eliminator i don't know 20 years stronger and on a shorter cooldown yeah still we have three waves there's no way we would raise enough money for it how much do you need 27 000 we're not gonna have enough don't don't worry about me i would get your guy full auto steve and blade i would focus on your top guy balloon sabotage like i i would literally just forget about my junk i think we got this i think we're gonna do it too if we can make it to 80 it's game over because the z omg round really isn't that bad especially the main moab now getting to around a hundred i'm not so sure about let's do it i mean yeah i don't think we're gonna get to i don't think we're gonna get much past 80. all right blade you got it nice all right i got full aldo nice very good now the next obtainable thing would be dropsy's aircraft carrier for 8 000. that might be a while oh man look at that just going down so quick wow we crushed it there we go we beat horror mode how does it actually not have free play i guess not no it does it does next page oh you just said master yay dude that was awesome i can't believe well let's just keep going but i can't believe that i i really can't believe we did it i i didn't think we'd have it in us actually curious how far we can make i truly don't think much further i no i i don't either if we make it around 100 i'll be stunned in fact bro no way we're we might well oh nevermind i thought we lost there nah wow they were like off screen for me yeah they got really close if we can get blade master bomber we might be in this for a very long while that's so much cash okay that's 43 grand like yeah it's not very realistic i know i would say if we're gonna focus anyone now i would say dropsies i was saying my pirate one yeah because she can then pull in like three pull three at once yeah true and could she do it with zombuns too uh i'm gonna say i don't think there's some balloons but i sent you all my money dropsy thank you dropsy nice working wave 90. she just needs another seven grand and she'll have it slow him down whether by jerome yep let's reinforced ones man they don't mess around no they really don't they don't play i'm just keeping my finger spamming the assassinate ability hey at level 40. nice congrats how much more do you need dropsy oh oh oh we're doomed i can't hit him they're camouflaged oh oh my goodness so we're gonna need blade to be able to pop those blades that's called ddt's they're camouflaged yeah i might need to remake my uh saboteur then all right well my money will start being funneled to you blade um yeah i was going to say we i can just send all this over oh yeah do we want to just reprioritize from drop zone yeah just send everything to blade all right asap all right you have 30k buddy all right which one are you gonna get blade [Music] uh thing is i'm gonna have to like remake my monkeys is the thing all right well oh god that way that guy can get wave 92 oh that's gonna be it ah gg round 92 not bad for the four circles challenge
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 523,616
Rating: 4.9246092 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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