Bloons TD Battles | I Joined a RANDOM Tournament and WON?! | Cobras are OVERPOWERED!

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Ryan or 2d and today we're gonna be playing ourselves some balloons tower defense battles in today's episode I thought we're going to jump into tournaments since they recently fixed tournaments now I know before you blow up my comment section I'm working on getting a balloons youtuber tournament going I'm in contact some of these people are very unresponsive and kind of a pain in the butt to get a hold of um but we're gonna we're working on okay and I want to have it really I want it to be awesome okay guys I want it to be a thing so I'm trying to create like a community and get these people involved so it will happen it just might not be for a little bit but just know in the back end I'm working trying to get it fixed not fixed but get get the ball rolling alright so without further ado let's hop in today's video where I'm gonna jump in to just a random tournament and see what happens guys okay I don't see if we can maybe troll some people let's see so we got this thing so what's this so it looks like there's two people in there we're gonna see what kind of tournament we want to join in right let's see around the limit 24 starts in two minutes let's see wait what every tower is banned except to Cobra the nor Troy what in the world so he wants what what what's even happening here okay no I don't want to join that tournament whatsoever that's that's so weird here there's this go there's three players in here so I'm gonna join let's join this one this looks fun this looks fun this seems very enjoyable so there's five out of eight people involved it looks like that we're playing on Bonanza mode and the Cobras not banned so I think what I'm gonna do guys I'm gonna join in all looks like somebody's left it's okay it's fine we have only four players though that would be more than fine I don't know how that works but it could just be a two on two and we can just absolutely roll everybody in this game mode I think that would be so funny I don't know we had another person okay awesome alright guys so I instantly got promoted during this tournament so I'm not actually gonna have an opponent for the first round but that's fine so we're gonna just jump back and forth and see what the strategies are one of these people is gonna be my opponent right so they got ninja uh super monkey and banana farm they're focusing on getting that up as quickly as possible they want to get their banana farm going I think getting Cobras in this game is gonna be hilarious I think it's gonna work right boost him ananza and they're not fans and they don't really have much to deal with the Cobra either one of them their strats do not have for dealing with Cobras right they don't have a village so they're super monkeys worthless right the only person that's gonna be able to hit camos is going to be the ninjas and I just don't think the ninjas are gonna be able to like you just can't do much against it right and by round five I'm going to have some warms of it and they're gonna constantly have to be on the defense trying to defend it right I think here's the plan I think this is what the the A+ plan is for this tournament guys okay we'll see we'll see if this is gonna be able to work but we're gonna want to put down a bunch of banana farms and then as soon as we have the upgrade and I mean as soon as we have the upgrade guys um the bustier again because we're gonna use it once to get the special banana farms we're going to instantly sell all of our banana farms put down all the Cobras we have and I mean all of them upgrade them one time and then boost again and then like this guy look at this guy is having troubles popping some of these balloons he's actually and then on top of that I'm just gonna send balloons to and then by that time we should we should have one so I think we want our attack to go on around by round eight we're gonna want this to be happening right because it looks like these guys are going for the laking these guys are definitely trying to play some kind of crazy late game here and I don't know I don't think that's what we're gonna want here right we don't want a crazy late game we don't want something insane already we want the game to just be over right that's that's what the plan is where you just want the game to instantly be over we're not we don't want to have to deal with this I don't know why he thinks nuclear submarines are a good idea nuclear submarines are most definitely not a very good idea nuclear subs are good if you have just one of them just one of them because that gets it kind of gets rid of camo balloons but all of those I'm not I'm not I'm not sold I'm not sold please somebody get this guy monkey farmer you have a lucky farmer please put him down please put him down goodness gracious this guy does not want to have to deal with this so these two guys are fighting now and I'm gonna have to go up again one two those but there's still mr. beastie and then another guy over here let's see how these guys are playing because these guys could also potentially be my opponents right so again same strategy right like this guy looks like this guy is the they're all very very similar they're going money like that none of these are examples of being able to stop it so the semi-final is going to you're gonna have to deal with that this is perfect for I kind of want to glaive I want to leave forward possibly we'll see glaive Lord could be good but let's head back into prodigies game and the other guys and we're gonna see how they're doing I really don't know how long this is gonna last so looks like the guy on the left the prodigy he wants to get set up for a Sun God's trap right which we're not gonna let them we're not we're not gonna want these guys want to go do these like ultra late game strategies right and that's just not what we want we don't want anyone to have of late game actually you know what this runs this is gonna end real soon this is going to end real soon because look ninja popper four six seven he's lost some lives right he's lost lives and so if we around twenty nine and ninja popper has not damaged him at all you lose he literally just loses right because he's already lost in life so is I'm not really worried about this kind of situation right we're not in a bad situation it looks like we're gonna go up against prodigy and honestly I'd rather go up against prodigy right this guy he's not prepared for a late-game strategy that's just not what he wants to do he's not what he wants to deal with it's not how he's just bad right he's putting down what is it what is this guy doing what are you doing is he out of money or is he going banks I think he's going banks he's not going banks this guy is this guy is I don't I don't understand what this guy is doing he's out of money he's actually broke right now who I know those are banks those are banks I'm sorry those are banks I thought I thought I the fact that he had the texture practice on kind of messed with me those are the banks okay so he has the banks he's gonna pop the zom-- geez no problem I'm not really worried about that okay maybe he's not gonna maybe no he's no he's got this he's got this he doesn't got this he doesn't got this he's lost he's he's done for dude to sell your banks sell your banks and put down another a monkey and you're gonna be okay that's all he's got to do that's all he's got to do the way he wins this is he sells all of his banks on and then he immediately rushes with like other balloons that's all he's got to do but he's ninja popper my guy my dude you're not you got a this guy's lost he's not even gonna be able to get yeah yeah that's that's that's that's game so our tournament against prodigy is about to start all right I'm ready to do this tournament after watching him play I'm in his head I know he wants to think I know how he wants to play I know what his strategy is gonna be and I know how to beat it guys alright so with this tournament about to take away remember guys hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications because we are going to cheese our way to the number one spot of this tournament guys this is just a random tournament that I happen to come across so all right looks like our games up guys our games up I'm actually kind of excited I feel like I don't know why this is this seems like there's so much more pressure this is so much more intense having to go up against just random people right and like a tournament right this is I lose I'm out of the tournament right like that's GG but if I can win that goes to the next one and then if I win that I'm the number one champion of I guess out of everyone that's playing today we're still waiting on opponent hopefully he joins soon I want to play against him I like that everyone's trying to do these ultra late-game stretch your opponent should be here soon alright I'm gonna take a simple one alright guys so he's finally in it's time to do this guys you guys know what's up we're gonna be doing banana Tower we're gonna be doing some ninja monkeys and we're gonna be doing a cobra random doesn't matter what we random that's actually pretty good random memory roll it cuz sniper alright I probably should have just kept the other one that's way better alright this guy has no idea what's about to hit him guys okay so first things first banana tower alright we're putting that down right at the start I don't know what this guy strategy is right no idea so he also went for the banana I put this in the wrong spot I wanna I want to put those down there I'm very not smart I apologize in advance my friends I apologize we need as much money as we can get right at the start right like we need to get like I think I probably think three no we can get four cuz we can get for it look he sold his what is this guy doing he doesn't know he doesn't know what's about to hit him there you go oh he went Cobra Cuban Cobra he went Cobra okay okay this is good this is good I'm gonna out Cobra him I'm gonna I'm going to out Cobra this guy this guy this guy when Cobra I'm gonna out Cobra him he doesn't know okay I'm gonna I'm gonna boost okay Tower mega boost good good good this guy has no idea this guy actually has no idea what's about to hit him this guy has no idea what's about to hit him okay um all right let's get let's get a ninja down okay you haven't you have no idea what's about to hit you my friends you have no idea you think you can run a cobra Factory you think you can run a cobra Factory oh my friend my friend my friend my guy you are about to see the wrath of Cobras you have no idea who you're going up against my friend nice knowing you pal GG it's so over for you you can't even hit camo balloons get him out of here you literally already lost you already lost you have no way of winning you're so done you're so done you're so done you think you can run Cobras against leave get out of my house you literally you're so done get out of here get out of my house you think you can run Cobras against me the Cobra master no no this might be just all alright well that guy's those guys oh that makes me feel so good he's like you know I'm just gonna run cobras against duty the Cobra Master yeah sure nice try nice try bud try again next time try again next time okay all right well nothing like I just got wiped off the face of the map round like five we robbing into the next game Oh mr. BC look this guy's going coppers too so this guy is also going cobras but like it seems most people aren't doing the same Cobra stress I'm doing like I feel like my Cobra stretch way better like what was can I click on these towers no so he's just doing the OC this one sends the balloons so let's see this guy's playing it smart the way you beat somebody okay so here's the thing Cobras are very very easy thing to beat okay the way you beat Cobras is you just rush them think look look to see what this guys doing this guy's smart right this guy's very smart you can't defend against this right all you have to do to beat Cobras is you rush them okay you just rush Cobras okay so look at this guy so this guy this is what happens right so when somebody puts down this is this is how to defend against Cobras right so this is the idea Cobras make you just just miserable in the beginning of the game right they just constantly rush you with overpowered with loops right so your initial reaction is when you see a Cobra is I'm about to get rushed I need to get defensive what in reality what you do is as soon as you see Cobras you just take advantage of that and rush them with everything you got because cobras are very weak towers they can't defend against that stuff right so they now immediately they have to start defending themselves and now that they're there on the defensive you can start getting more eco you can put more towers and either they lose or it goes into the late game and by that point you've sent so much of them you have a really good eco and Cobras can't really do anything against you right so the ith Cobras are a very they're easy to counter if you know what you're doing right that's why they're not amazing the reason Cobras are really good in boosting Bonanza is because it's kind of a surprise like all of a sudden like here's the Cobras surprise right and so by that now that it's round fifteen Cobras don't actually do anything right there's no point for Cobras that he's not he can't defend against them right because he waited too long if you want to win with Cobras you actually have to immediately go in that right you have to like you see that by round five like I just sold everything and I just double down on my strategy right that's just the first thing I did healing us to cobras you need you and you see how many cobras I put down right and I think the way you beat that let me think um as soon if you get rushed with Cobras like that you're I really don't know I really don't know what you do against that um see like he's constantly stealing lies from him I think that's such a bad way to go about it I don't think that's a good strategy at all like he he's got Cobras but he's not playing him well he like he's I guess he's stealing lives and so his idea is by the time that it like he wants to get to round 29 and by the time he gets to around 29 it doesn't matter so I think that's what's gonna happen so I think mr. beastie is gonna end up winning cuz he has this Cobra strat but I think in the end my strategies are just gonna annihilate I think if he does this Cobra strut and I do my Cobra shot he's in for a nasty surprise because there's nothing he can do against it right oh this is good this is good this might win these might get by maybe see he needs to sends OMGs he needs to send some G so him jeez he'll get by but he's got to get those Dillon Jesus what are you doing guy this is oh okay this is what he needs to do send ceramics right now ceramics no don't say no on send ceramics ceramics just send ceramics if you sense Ram it you'll win oh my goodness oh my goodness we'll miss oh no top Phoenix wait to top Phoenix win top favorite one oh he needed he did exactly what he needed to do I I applaud that man I feel so bad because top Phoenix went through all of that work he went through all that hard work and all that effort trying to defeat the trying to defeat the cobras and then I'm just gonna come out of nowhere be like hi it's me and you're about to see you think that was bad top Phoenix you think that was bad wait until you see my strategy honestly I feel like I'm cheating like I feel like I feel like a mean individual for doing this like I feel like I shouldn't have done this to him Oh what's the map what map are we playing on I don't know what map we're playing on temple oh okay okay that's fine so banana farm ninja Cobra random sigh I don't want to cipher helicopter okay let's do this I'm ready to go I'm ready to go guys if you've enjoyed this tournament up in to this point remember please smash that like button guys they like just it goes such a long ways and lets me know that you think I'm doing a good job and that you're enjoying the content that I make here on the channel subscribe to channel whew okay we have to be on our a-game if this is to work guys okay okay Boop okay we want to be putting these things down like candy ok like candy this is very important okay better pants what there we go we we should be able to put down about four of these before the actual time starts right one I don't think I can put one there we're about to find out if I can we're about to find out real soon oh I can't no worries okay that's four um and then we boost them oh no I messed up I messed up I messed up I messed up Ernesto that's fine that's fine um I messed up I messed up though I messed up real bad here guys I messed up big-time that's okay I forgot to upgrade them all once oh he went super monkey that's okay um I messed up guys um we're gonna have to make it work though we're gonna have to we're gonna have to make this work we're gonna have to make this work um okay we're gonna have to sell these things we're gonna have to sell them now I I made I made a real bad call guys I made a real bad call and I might cost me the game that's fine all right boost boost that right off the bat seeking shuriken he's gonna start having a real rough time now though um I have that's fine yeah that's fine he can't he's gonna have to we just gotta really hope that we can just drive it home um next round if it doesn't matter these these towers don't matter these towers literally don't matter everything literally every every Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything we need more we need we need more we need more we need more we need more um all right boost it one more time that was literally the flower only possibility is he just can't deal with these things we just pray that this guy can't deal with the stuff okay come on there we go there we go I don't know I don't think he can deal with this I don't think he can't elephant he can't deal with it he can't deal with it he's done get him out of here the grass Cap'n oh my god Oh even with that mess up guys even though we fell from grace and we messed up I'll have you all know Totti is the Grand Champion oh my gosh guys I can't believe I came into this random tournament and just annihilated them thank you all for coming out to the tournament it was an honor if you guys want to see me play against more people in tournaments host more crazy fun things more trolling and balloon stevie babbles smash that like button thanks for watching guys and I'll see you guys in the next video bye everyone whoa
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 390,034
Rating: 4.867671 out of 5
Keywords: bloons td battles, bloons td 6, bloons td 5, Bloons td, btd, btd battles, bloons td battles hack, bloons td battles strategy, Bloons, btd battles mod, hacker versus hacker, pro player, boltrix rage, isab, superjombombo, tewiy, investement, bloons td battles cobra, bloons td battles cobra strategy, Bloons td battles strategy, Tewtiy, Mobile, iPhone, Mobile gaming, iPhone gaming, overpowered, Tewtiy bloons td battles, trippypepper
Id: UCt6aTWcx4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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