Bloodhound LSR is looking to set a new land speed record & 1000mph is the target. Here’s how

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[Music] well welcome to a new Harry's Garage video and W do we have a car in the garage today look at it it's the blood hand land speed record car this is doing a tour this week because they want to go out to afre again and do the definitive run and set a new land speed record and I'm very pleased that Stuart Evon who is CEO of the project is in the garage to explain all and the facts behind this car and what it can do and how mental it is we've been chatting for about 20 minutes but I've got to get it on video so Stuart come and join me thank you ever so much for bringing it in the G it's a real pleasure real pleasure thanks for having me it was quite a fit wasn't it try to get it in the door yes it was yeah the tail fin had to come off but it's in it is and there it is magnificent if I say so myself it's quite big isn't it and um yeah you have a background from RAF so you've done Jets just like Andy green haven't you uh that sort of thing yes as an engineer so I I did almost 20 years in the Air Force working on tornadoes and typhoons which is obviously the link with blood hound this has a typhoon engine as I understand it and this I I can't get over the size of it and I I saw thrust SS which was even bigger as well that had two engines but this one you've you've sort of had another look at it and this is designed in a different way it's very long but it's quite narrow isn't it so that that's the big difference and you've quite correctly identified this is this is all about reducing drag so the shape of this has been developed and evolved to reduce the drag and not just use pure Brute Force to punch through the air and and break the speed of sound yeah and you've had this is the car that went out in 2019 and we're all you know hoping to see it do some great thing that was a test run though wasn't it yeah absolutely sometimes people think we had an attempt on the record that that's not true we never had an attempt on the record um high-speed testing is what we've we've we've called it and it's all about demonstrating the modeling we've done on a supercomputer matches reality so in effect our wind tunnel testing was taking the car out it's covered in sensors taking out the desert to prove the track prove the car prove the team and come back and go is this car actually closely matching the modeling that's been done and the good news is absolutely so that's why we've come back from the desert and gone this car is so ready for land land speed record speeds Beyond 800 milph Beyond 800 miles hour and it did 600 I've got the number some you'll know it 628 628 and and the target was 600 wasn't it yeah indeed and and and we just pipped the 1,000 km an hour which is which which was yeah yeah very satisfying but in terms of the serious side of it that's the speed we need to get to the although the car's not going supersonic the air flow starts going supersonic so it's in the transonic region and that's really important when you're starting to validate very complicated aerodynamic flow watch the video there's a great video of you actually doing it and you you saying that Andy was a bit annoyed with because he kept the foot in one second too long didn't he yeah indeed and and and and the discipline is so key for the driver that's one of my actually one of my main requirements as a driver but um we learned a lot about the slippery nature of this car you know and the winding down the engine it still wants to Surge forward so Andy learned a lot about about that and when we go for a record run getting it spot on is so important um you can't have any room for error at the speeds we're operating at so so we learned a lot and and that was actually development testing and now we're we're ready to go back out there and I've sort of got ahead myself cuz it's such an exciting thing there the reason for the road tour at the moment is to raise the funds to do it and this amazing offer there hash supersonic driver absolutely yeah we we're coming to the end of our road show it's been a brilliant week um it is this twist I'm calling it a Twist I I decided and we can talk about the background and history and where where we've got to but going forward I I need the funding to get back out the desert and this Twist of a new driver has garnered so much excitement um that I'm hoping someone will step forward and take on that challenge of driving 800 milph I've I've looked at it and yeah I think Andy green is the man for the job and I I the stats we I mean just what that driver goes through yes um yes is it what the G I've got join the acceleration stage 2.5g potentially up to that yeah I mean it's significant it doesn't it is crazy I mean one's bad yeah indeed indeed indeed it is but you know it's you know a lot of people have flown in aircraft and you you can pull more G than that um I think it's for me I mean I've never driven the car Andy's the only person who's driven this car it is the rate at everything happens and the ability to deal and respond and I go back to that discipline doing the right things at the right time reacting if there's an issue and we've had some you know there's some we had some minor issues that's what happens in testing and it's it's that ability to deal with it when you you are under pressure there's no air conditioning in here you're in a desert you're wearing all your suit your helmet on you're operating a car that is shaking down the desert is not it is smooth but it's still got those bumps and shakes well I've been looking to do over 220 230 mph once you're over 200 mil hour it feels chuffing quick right but I mean I've been with trees going past I suppose in the desert it's a bit more open it is uh but it's insane once you know I mean just Bonkers numbers yeah up there but that's the appeal I think you know is you know humans have always wanted to push the limits break records and um that's the exciting bit um there's other things about the engineering I'm an engineer so you know the challenges we face in building the designing building and then running the car what what the challenge it was great challenges you said engineer on the Jets have you been up in the fighter jeton have you ever been yeah I have very privileged so as a engineer in the Air Force I was very privileged when I was on a tornado Squadron to fly in a tornado actually out in Kuwait along the Iraq kuwy border before the second war and then I have flown in I've got seven hours in typhoon um it's an amazing compared typhoon to tornado huge difference huge difference the performance vertical takeoff you know twice the speed of sound low flying tanking and you it the strange thing is in the tornado you feel like you're in a fighter jet it's all bit shaky smells of oil and you're like right I'm in a typhoon silent smooth it's almost like you're in a Boeing aircraft and to some extent um you've got a capable git that really sorts you out so you know even I with not very accustomed to it was doing 9g and the suit squeezing my legs squeezing my abdomen keeping the blood in my head um amazing amazing good have you are you a member of the Thousand M hour Club then have you done a thousand well yeah in theory yes and gone up high as well where where the um you see the blue and black cuz obviously that the actual height go is a bit classified but you get the blue black because it can go so high so what's I've been up in Concord I was very lucky to fly in Concord and that is just the most extraordinary sight when you see that that's probably very absolutely s yeah very similar very special sensation if only I'd flown in Concord what an iconic British project that was just the design still and it looks a bit like this isn't it the nose you you probably yeah we were talking earlier about Concord we put this next to Concord and many of people go look at the nose and you well funny why the shape's very similar yeah we ought to go through some of the details have a closer look so yeah pointy nose Concord nose that pierces the airf flow and that's when you get the sonic boom or something that's where that's the critical point isn't it where it actually break the sound barrier yeah indeed but shock waves do start appearing on various other parts of the car um and they actually happen before the car goes supersonic but when the car does go supersonic the main shock W starts and starts moving back that's that's the picture I've seen exactly yeah now we ought to just say this isn't actually the the car that was out in South Africa this is a mockup of it well an earlier one wasn't it yes this is the model because you're refining it now aren't you hopefully once the funding we get gets they all green lighted these won't be on it they won't these winglets um in the early designs the early iterations the modeling we did um there was potentially a need to add these winglets to allow us to control pitch pitch stability basically and on the rear so so following the testing and the further modeling we've done we we're deciding we don't need these for the land speed record oh okay and the other interesting thing we'll look at the wheels in more DET at the back I don't know why I thought there was three three in or total one at the front but yeah two here there was actually yeah there's two at the front two at the back in board it's all again about reducing that drag um but yeah hidden away the suspension is all hidden within within the car and then behind that yeah we move into the very important place where the driver sits the dri well just going back to the you have suspension there is a little bit of suspension yeah absolutely very substantial suspension both on the front and rear and again this is a mockup model so you're not able to see that but under the paneling is the full suspension for for the whole car absolutely very important yeah right oh right okay then yes as you say driver lucky guy sits here gets perfect view cinematic view of limited view limited view but um yeah protected in this carbon fiber monoco best place for him um absolutely just in front of the engine intake is he locked in then when is that how it works yeah so fully strapped in into the seat and within that whole safety cell of the carbon fiber monoco um hatch goes on clamped in and there we go and actually an interesting fact is we have two coolant tanks on either side so just behind this panel we've got um on both sides we've got coolant and I can I can talk about that but in essence full of water that's to add additional ballistic protection for the driver so in effect you've got these two water tanks then you've got the carbon fiber safety Cell It's all about protecting the driver so what's the water cooling then so the jet engine um needs Cooling and it's actually the oil needs cooling so we've got yeah and obviously on this car we don't have a radiator Grill so we've got a quantity of water that will cool the oil get and the temperature raiseed but then when we get to the other end we can dump that heat by dumping the water because we don't have the air flow cooling your radiator like you do in one of your wonderful cars right the intake is there yeah that that is the jettin up there yes right across the top we've got yeah intake and then it's the intake goes probably most the way down the length of the car from the front of the intake and then we've got the actual jet engine itself sat in the top below the F yeah it's right back here oh right civilian airplane you see the jet by when on the wing just there the blades so that's right down here some yeah and it it all goes back to this length thing so we've got to stabilize the air flow and actually that's a really clever part of the design uh working with Rolls-Royce because stable air flow in a jet engine or a car or an aircraft going supersonic is really challenging um but because of the length of the car we need the engine the reheat the the flamy thing at the back has to be at the back so then you go okay the flamy thing has to be at the back the engine therefore has to be at the back okay but at the intake okay we've got to work out where the optimum place to put the intake and then get into the clever airflow design actually the front of the car including the canopy is all shaped in that weird shape deliberately to set up the airf flow before it even hits the intake for the engine what's all in here then so just behind the the driver we've got a rocket fuel tank fairly substantial size we haven't mentioned the Rockets no no indeed so yeah we come so so yes so so again getting all the stuff and we've got a a fuel tank for the rocket we've got fuel tanks for the jet engine we've got gearboxes and other technical equipment we've got the the what will be electric pump to drive the rocket fuel to the rocket so then you need a battery pack um but before that we it wasn't we're going electric now but you know there's some history to that and then um yeah so by the time you fill it all up there's there's not much space left sorry gearbox what on Earth I need a gearbox on this thing for yeah I'm not changing gear yeah no indeed so what's that do indeed so you can drive the hydraulic system and then we've got air brakes not shown on this car so it's all about we're now moving on to how do we slow down so air brakes you need hydraulic Rams to push air brakes out at high speed so hydraulic power is again so that's driven off the ej200 the jet engine we'll keep with a go bit at the moment so we we've got we've got the Jet Engine and yeah that's got boost of what's it it's 20,000 of frost do you think it's is it oh the EJ so the ej200 yeah a an amazing engine keeping the figure simple it weighs about a ton without reheat without the Flames out the back max power without that you're looking about 6 tons of thrust okay you put the reheat in it's going to go up to 9 tons of thrust which means you know you got a ton of metal highly complicated piece of Machinery you get it running and it will push out 9 tons of thrust it's unbelievable and that you know if we were to point this car straight up it would go up and accelerate significantly I mean we're looking we ran it around the 7 ton Mark in South Africa so tust it's off with three tons being kicked up the backside right and does it when you do the run you start the Run does he add the reheat from the moment he says right we're off almost right almost um the word spooling up so the driver starts the engine he'll then you'll see on some of the video well you see on all the videos he goes forward puts the throttle in gets it going gets the air flow going cuz you need some Forward Air Flow It's foot to the floor yeah full reheat and then off she goes yeah and the acceleration is crazy isn't it not not in the first few you know people go oh yeah it's a bit slower than maybe your one of your sports cars but once it gets up to 200 she's off it's it's within seconds 2300 400 and we do we we did up to the 628 in 50 seconds 600 milph in 50 seconds and and most of that is beyond the the quickest parts are 200 to 500 where it just kicks on up it's it's mindboggling absolutely and that run it was still accelerating hard at 600 was it so you you and yeah we ought to explain where you do this it's yes yeah it's sou South Africa you found one of these amazing places Vistas that's just nothing isn't it fast amazing place in the middle of nowhere uh beautiful um but just perfectly flat because it gets the regular flooding and and that's key some of the historic places are not getting the regular flooding they need to keep them perfectly flat right so Bon of all Salt Flat salt so what's the surface where you are where you going it's a dry lake bed so yeah you imagine in a desert it's being flooded it's a yellow Sandy very simple terms very dried out yellow Sandy um lake bed pretty Flat 12 miles of flatness right um we've cleared it of stones which is obviously a big issue and there's been some big stones but the majority of small stones being removed um the texture does change right so we we noticed Andy there were some performance issues as we went through various textures of of the desert and so it's not perfect everywhere but we don't have any undulation I mean that for a car doing 800 miles an hour that wouldn't be a good thing yeah good Lord so you you've done yeah 50 seconds to 600 M and it's still accelerating at that point yes yeah it wants to go and but that that goes back to why we're out there it's all about testing so we needed that speed because the air flow is transon we're in that um but yeah it it could go faster with the jet engine right Wheels yes not your average wheel this is it no um and solid solid aluminum alloy metallic Wheels um they they took a long time developing this a the shape the design testing them spinning them at high speed um and one of our concerns my concerns was obviously whilst we were confident they would be good and that on the surface the worry was whatever damage you know you are interfacing a seven ton car car with a desert and there are some small stones and so on I'm actually really impressed with we've got spares but we don't even need to go there all the wheels that we used are in still perfect they've got tiny Nicks and so on but no structural damage to them whatsoever well I was looking it's yeah 10,200 RPM maximum speed on this isn't it um yeah and that's 50,000 G at The Rim yes but that it's phal but I think what what's what's interesting compared to probably your previous videos is obviously we're not driving the wheels no so so they have no grip they're perfectly smooth but in very simple terms the cross-section is like the hull of a boat so when you get up to high speed the desert's behaving more like a fluid so you're actually beginning to plane on the desert floor and interestingly the steering of the front wheels actually has an aerodynamic effect in steering the car rather than the grip on the rather than the grip on the desert and so they won't actually spin directly to the speed of the car so there's slip as well because there's no grip these there's nothing you know there's very little grip and actually skiing almost yeah so like a boat and then what I understand when you're out there you can't go up and down the same bit of desert as well no and so therefore yeah having one narrow strip's no good to us and then the testing was all about the incremental speed so I think literally the first run we did was like 100 milph and you saw this car pull away yeah and it just just but that's testing and then we incremented the speed but absolutely the wheels are putting very you know putting tracks in the desert so you can't go over the so so we actually we had multiple tracks all marked out on the desert floor and we used a track for each run as we increased the speed so that's quite a discipline cuz you have a finite number of runs you can actually do when you rock out on this record run may be surprised to hear that this is Thoroughly planned through before we went there like a military operation indeed um so absolutely and and and there are other reasons why you don't just get out there and keep running keep running just till you've done what you know it's very disciplined and you might have to repeat a run based on something but it absolutely it's all planned out the number of tracks and the space we have because we haven't got an infinitely wide desert as well so all of that has to be worked and geography drives how we accelerate and how we stop because there are limits to the size of the TRU cuz you right we we're doing a record run we're going to get to 800 mil hour how far have we gone to hit 800 milph yeah 5 six miles 5 six miles of the 12 of the 12 plus safety but in very simple figures that's what we're doing so actually the profile is up quick down quick and and therefore acceleration is important deceleration is important and you've covered you know within less than 2 minutes you've covered up to 10 to 12 miles 10 to 12 miles so you do need 12 miles You' got a couple of Miles safety which is crazy but we then have runoff there is runoff that if right yeah it's not a clear for a mountain no you have a little bit and I didn't see these on the car when he did 628 then no for the testing we need to do um we didn't need these fairings to reduce the drag further but when we go back out to the desert the rear wheels will have fairings to reduce the drag and they significant reduce the drag um on the car because as you note this is shaped like a pencil but then the rear wheels are stuck out in that airflow and it's a significant challenge to reduce that drag but it's stability isn't it exactly right and this is where I do not want to be standing when this thing's running isn't it so yeah we look around the back here yeah now jet engine up there something else down there isn't it the rocket let's talk about the rocket yeah so not fitted on this car no at the moment or not sorry on the real car on the car that you took out to separate you did not run the rocket at that point did you no it why not why didn't you just bolt it on just go yeah indeed so I was responsible with the safety running the car and and it goes back to the point about validating the the data we've got on design of the car with the real car um and very much the high-speed testing was we'll go out there and we'll validate because if we found a fundamental problem a deviation between the modeling and the real car we'd have to go back to the drawing board and and redesign stuff so it was that confidence check the car is good to go we can now come back and we can actually now precisely design the rocket and the size of the rocket and the power of the rocket into the car um and go back out to the desert so that's the reason so with jet engine alone you can't break the record would you get 763 no you need that one and that takes you beyond and as I understand you've got to break the record by an amount you can't do 1% yeah and it's right at the sound barrier isn't it where that speed as well it is absolutely so and it goes back to the geography of the land you know you could have a car that slowly slowly gets up to a new record but by then you've eaten into desert and you literally covering miles in seconds so so you need the extra boost of the rocket to take you up um up to the speed very quickly so then you can start coming back yeah ask silly question but isn't it just a bigger engine you don't do away with the rocket and just a bigger jet engine you would but this is one of the most powerful jet engines in the world and there isn't anything biger better and then there's a link to these are on loan the jet engines on loan from the military so from the Air Force yes and they're classified bits of equipment so you can't buy one of these right so so actually again when the project was formed they needed an engine asked the government and they said yep because of the impact this will have on stem and so on they loan the engine so again that's driven the design of the car if we found a different engine maybe if there was a bigger one then the car would have been different so so everything is set in Train by what decisions were made in the early days so you had to ask the government to have an engine a typhoon yeah it's a typhoon test engine it's not used anymore so it was used in the development program when the typhoon was being developed for the Air Force and other nations they then when they finished test flying they went into storage and then we came along Richard Naval came along and went actually their amazing engine can we borrow one right and um with Lord Dron um the discussion was yeah but what's the benefits of the country and it was inspiring the Next Generation into science and engineering all right and that's still what this is about absolutely absolutely one very passionate part of me is about the inspiration that this will give if Britain goes out and sets a new lands speed record there'll be a whole run after school kids who will grow up seeing that and be inspired to at least consider engineering science maths wow so that rocket engine is going to take you to the the next the 800 plus absolutely and yeah sort of conversations it's capable of theing of a, miles an hour isn't it but uh yes so I get that question answer a lot um again going back to the modeling that was done on the supercomputer um that was the that was the the target was set for the U modelers that were designing the car were looking for that th000 miles per hour one step at a time though so again going back to approving the car we've proved it to 600 plus next phase is out to the desert 800 plus new record then we'll have all the data we need to come back and actually go right review the position where are we at are we in a good state is there a desire you know does somebody want to do this does somebody want to fund to to go faster I'm not looking that at the moment no I will look at that once I've got a new land spe record you want the land spe record 800 mph yeah yeah that's quite special and the rocket I'm I'm there was a lovely detail on the engineering on the rocket cuz it needs fuel pumped it and an extreme rate doesn't it and it used to use an engine out of a Jaguar supercharged 5 L tucked up the front and you was tell the story about Andy what he was meant to do I can't believe a run so again that that that we needed a power unit to push the huge quantity of rocket fuel into the rocket tube to give the thrust we need and again they you know it's it's large figures and at the time years ago um it was decided engine from something like out of that car you right you get it all up so as well as starting the jet engine you get the the Jag V8 up and running you then are idle then you when you want the rocket you then got to ramp that up to Max chat so he's he's at 5 600 m point take it out of idol get it up to Max and then when it's up to Max drop the clutch engage the pump suck all that fuel and it goes straight into there light lights up and off you go and and that's all you know it's a 20 20 seconds right and then obviously by then you're flying through 800 mph you then all got to shut that down and then and then think about the stopping part so again the challenge of all that engineering is just fascinating the rocket is actually in in very it's very simple you put the fuel under high pressure over a catalyst and it just breaks down to steam and oxygen at very high temperature so it's not it's not even a rocket in the sense of like a firework it is Steam and oxygen at high rate and obviously that's green and there's no carbon involved in that whatsoever um but the concept of the rocket is actually very simple the hard part is getting the volume of fuel and the pump to operate and all of that but the jet engine conversely highly complicated piece of Machinery everything all those spinning components really really and still impresses me how they make something like this they are extraordinary and on this attempt the idea you're using sustainable fuel aren't you so absolutely so I've faced a number of challenges um since taking on the project um and one is relevant um and we've got to be relevant you can't go breaking records if you're not relevant the big thing that needs to be done is we need to prove that we can still have fun we can still break records um and we can still push engineering boundaries but in a sustainable way so my intention is to run this without a drop of fossil fuel and that would really open up everybody's excitement to hold on a second we can carry on doing the fun things um without having that impact on the environment well I'm running all these on sustained plastic a fuel now just because I've just intrigued whether that is the future it's a lovely direction to think all these things can live yeah but you the other bit I can't get over how little fuel you're actually burning relatively to do a run yeah but that's cuz the time you know you get into you get into a typhoon fighter jet can do an hour flying around and go through probably eight tons of fuel which is just astronomical figures so you're into that but we're we're we're ramping up for a minute and then we cut to idle right then we stop a few minutes later so it's because we are yes we're using a lot of fuel in that short period but it's for such a short sorry to do a run then it was 30 approximately 390 can't 390 l in the fuel tag for the jet engine and that also allows the driver to come to a Halle and do a UI yeah to get it back round back on the track cuz we've got to turn this car around in an hour and everybody goes an hour is really easy but if you break it starts from the the you're in through a flying mile so when you leave the flying mile the timer stops you got to slow down stop do a yui get the driver out um get the dump the heat we talked about refuel the rocket fuel the jet fuel do all your important vital checks you can't just send this car again having done 800 plus without checking it get the driver back in and then go back again and get through the flying mile again within an hour um it's challenging God that is isn't it and are you in that flying Mark are you still accelerating was you a constant speed yeah you would in in very simple terms you are still so you are accelerating at all times until you turn off the engines so it is that profile up obviously the acceleration decelerates as you get up to your top speed but it you you're there and then as soon as we're at the right Point again it's that discipline the engines are cut and you're suddenly going from potentially 13 tons of thrust pushing you forward to 13 tons pushing you back yes we haven't done the stop B have we so yeah the stop so he's throttled off oh my goodness yeah what's he do next not very much at that point obviously dealing with everything in cockpit but in simple terms the deceleration is just the drag pushing you back there's no need to do anything in terms of slowing it down because you've got that 13 tons approximately of force pushing you back and it's huge and then when the speed starts dropping down to 500 400 you've got air brakes which are they not on this car but they stick out in the air flow start pushing out in the air flow and then you've got shoots we've got two shoots but we only need one and so one's are redundancy yeah and that can't come out until a certain speed can it is it 500 Miles hour yeah and we're finessing those speeds having done the testing for it so we did a number of parachute tests in South Africa again that's the data we'll then go to when we finalize what we are going to do so whilst we've done the testing we've now part of the phase of going back out is sit down and go right okay we're now going to work our profile work out exactly when we're doing what and we also tested the air brakes out on the car as well in South Africa to understand the drag and the stability and so on and then as final bit is brakes on the wheels isn't there yes so people oh yeah well they they come in at the very last end and know we say you're talking 200 miles hour the very last and people go but for us that's slow so we're getting to but um it really is for slowing the car down in the final few hundred milph but more importantly it's critical to stop the car in the right place right if you don't stop it in the right place the whole record run can be thrown out the window because turning you've got to get the car right on the exact same spot right place to start the second run the bit when I've watched the runs the bit I'm really surprised was how much Andy's steering and put he's putting in It's Not Dead stable when I'm at 200 mil I'm dead stable but he wasn'ted again the testing we're learning the stability and actually in the lower speed up to 3 400 there is ative and even the slightest so obviously we've got to get the weather right the crosswind the the on the real car the fin is a lot bigger and that's deliberate because once you get up to higher speeds you know like the dart on the dart board it actually becomes more stable so probably the bits you've seen is when when you've got that instability um but yeah it's a big it's a big car and any little buffet and crosswind you're fighting with it um and you're traveling such a fast distance that you need to correct you know keep it correct otherwise you're off very quickly you travel a great distance and so yeah it's um it I haven't done it but it looks challenging it does doesn't it yeah and Andy is he up for another run or does he say no I want someone else to do it is it's so a very good question and that's the point of this road show is um I since post we came back covid struggling with Finance um I've been blood 's been quiet but I've been actively pursuing funding sponsor and so on and ownership investment um we've got to the point and I've worked you know we work together with Andy and Andy's contributed to my decision to do this is in order to get across the line on the funding this Twist of excitement is the new driver Andy is all for this he's staying on the team he's been key not just as driver he is key to the car the development and he's done the testing so he will be there to supervisor Mentor a new driver and then you get the celebrity angle you know the Netflix's and Amazon wanting to film someone who's never gone beyond 2 300 milph and and that is the exciting twist that right which I feel um makes this project takes you to another level in excitement yeah and you so it's 12 million this is what you're going to generate and that gets you out the desert and that's going to get so and that's with a significant contingency because obviously the world's gone a bit crazy at the moment so so that is the cost to take the car the team everybody back out there to set a new land speed record absolutely and if funding came in by the end of the year when are you going to that mean you could get out there you think good question so I have been very clear I will not announce anything until I am fully funded that's because I think we've been there before where we've got some funding said we go and then we didn't go I'm very clear on that so so we need we need a couple of years once we get the funding to go so we are not out in the desert next year um and so you're into 2526 but I highly caveat anybody watching this video do not hold me to that date now please do not no once I have the funding and the person who or the entity that's invested and they we decide to go public we will declare we have all the funding and we will give a date and as we did in South Africa we announced we went and we achieved the date we said we would and until I announce there is no date but you've asked me a question I'll give you an idea of the timeline I just as lame looking at this I I think 12 million isn't actually that much to what you could achieve I'm amazed it's a only 12 minutes yeah it's it's a challenging challenging time out there but I'm I'm confident and I think the key thing i' would say is the 12 million is not like a Formula 1 season one year no so if if hopefully someone steps forward goes I want to put my logo change the color of the car make it my code i title sponsor 12 million they're going to get the announcement they're going to get the year when we rebuild prepare the car so that's over a year then there's the deployment period there's then all the hype surrounding deployment and setting record and then when they come back so you're looking at that 12 million over actually three years or longer I mean I'm absolutely certain we'll get a LC record well that will longer you know whoever's logos on that car will remain on there for a very long time well you got to remember the the record currently set 763 was 1997 wasn't it so it lives for a very long time at these big numbers doesn't it absolutely CU you're just running out of places where you can do this yeah and the engineering challenge is is is growing as you go faster yeah well it's utterly fascinating I really hope you get the funding how can I sort of put a little I can't I Haven got 12 million but I want to put like 100 towards it or something how you you got a crown funding how are you going to do that bit not that is not the intent the intent is I need the all funding at once it's been looked at the crowdfunding it then gets everybody excited and then it doesn't quite make it um this very much appeals and it's it's sponsorship or investment um and potentially it's a a group of investors could come forward you get the sponsorship you cover your initial 12 million the Amazon and Netflix of this world with a new driver I think that's hugely exciting imagine the interview when they've done their first Run at 200 how was that yeah it was fine how was 300 how was 400 their eyes and we have cockpit camera and so so there's another R and then the merchand eyes and the rights afterwards so I think it's a good investment opportunity so well H like it's so nice to sit in the garage yeah that is that I'm impressed that yeah Derek got it in the garage he a great driver it's brilliant thanks for having me pleasure just seeing it come past the house when he arrived oh my Lord what are we doing today but yeah fantastic St it wonderful story it's going to happen it's going to Happ well maybe one day we get the real car here somewhere to store it yeah we've got space we'll see perfect there you go thank you such an exciting project I hope you like that deep dive into this speed record land speed record if you did well keep watching keep subscribing more videos coming on very soon control clear to roll wind is Sly three adjusting six nor hour oh
Channel: Harry's garage
Views: 529,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yMC99nnSzXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 36sec (2376 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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