Blood Types Explained: Easy and Simple

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what is going on guys don checking in welcome to mint where we bring nursing to you [Music] so today we are going to talk about blood types we are going to talk about antigens antibodies and rh factor you got your notes ready because i'm ready let's get going today we're going to talk about blood types these blood types are type a type b type a b and type o for us to understand these blood types we first need to understand the concepts of antigens and antibodies let's start with antigens antigens are what we call surface markers they are called surface markers because they can be found within the surface of the red blood cell so if this is your red blood cell these are your antigens they're on the surface of the red blood cells they're called markers because the blood type that you have depends on what kind of antigen you have on your red blood cell so if you have an a antigen within your red blood cell your blood type is a type a blood so if you have a b antigen on the surface of your red blood cell your blood type is the type b blood now if your red blood cell contains both antigen a and antigen b your blood type is type a b now if you do not have any antigens on your red blood cell then you are a type o now we can remember this as zero meaning you have zero antigens on your red blood cell that is a type o blood type so aside from surface markers these antigens have another important function and that is these antigens can trigger an immune response and for them to do this they have to interact with antibodies in contrast with these antigens these antibodies are found outside the red blood cell they are found within the plasma and the primary action of these antibodies are to interact with an opposite antigen to trigger an immune response so let us discuss antibodies of each blood types that we have starting off with type a blood the way our blood works is that usually we have an opposite antibodies in relation to our antigens so if we have an a antigen on a red blood cell our antibodies are anti b antibodies so by its name anti b it will only attack b antigens what do you mean by that so if a type a person gets a type a blood there will be no reaction or immune response why because these antibodies will only react to b antigens but if this person gets a blood type e these antibodies will interact with the b antigens because they are anti-b meaning they will go to these antigens and destroy them this is usually the transfusion reaction that people experience when they receive an incompatible blood type now let's talk about type b blood again antibodies are usually opposite of the antigens now for this blood type who has a b antigen you will have anti a antibodies you get a type b blood there will be no reaction why because these will only react to antigen a b antigens no reaction however if you get a type a b blood wherein you have both type a and type b antigens these are anti-a antibodies they will still interact with the a antigens of this red blood cell causing a transfusion reaction next blood type is four type a b blood remember always the opposite right so if both antigens are present on the surface of this red blood cell the opposite of both there will be no antibodies floating around the plasma so if you get a type a blood no reaction will take place why because there's no antibodies right same goes if you put a type a b blood or a type b blood or a type o blood no reaction will take place for this patient who have a b blood type because there are no antibodies in this person's blood this is why a person with a type a b blood they are considered to be the universal recipient meaning they can have any types of blood type a type a b type b type o there will be no reaction now let's move forward to type o blood o meaning zero antigens right so again the opposite concept of antibodies and antigens if you do not have any antigens on the surface of a type o blood what do you think you have on the plasma we have anti-a and anti-b antibodies always the opposite zero antigens anti-a and antib antibodies in the plasma having anti-a and anti-b antibodies on the plasma this can only mean one thing and that is it can only get a type of blood type because type o blood type does not have any antigens on the surface meaning these anti-a and anti-b will have no antigens to attack only type o blood types can be given to a type o patient meaning if you give a patient a type a blood anti-a antibodies will attack this blood type because you have a antigens the same goes with type b blood because we have anti-b antibodies since type o blood does not contain any antigens on the surface this blood type can be considered to be a universal donor check this out if you give this type of blood on a person with type a blood meaning they have a antigens here and they will have anti-b antibodies these antibodies will not react because they don't have any antigens to react to right the same goes with blood type b where they have b antigens on the surface and they have anti a antibody these antibodies cannot destroy this no antigens present and of course type a b person who does not have any antibodies will have no reaction at all thus making type o blood to be a universal donor and the way you're gonna remember this is that type o for donor so o they're both oats zero antigens are universal donor so let us review type a blood will have eight antigens on the surface of the red blood cell and for the antibodies they will have anti-b type b blood type will have b antigens on the surface of the red blood cell and they will have an anti-a antibodies type a b blood type will have both a and b antigens they will not have any antibodies on their plasma and lastly type o blood type they will not have any antigens on the surface of the red blood cell but they will have anti-a and anti-b antibodies so again it's always the opposite a antigen anti b b antigen anti a a and b antigens no antibodies zero antigens you will have anti a and anti b antibodies so with these blood types let's see what kind of blood types they will be compatible with so for type a blood type you can have type a blood and a type o blood anti-b won't have any reactions to this because it has only a antigens and anti-b won't have any reaction to this because it does not have any antigens on the surface for type b blood you can have type b blood and type o again no reactions for anti a because this have b antigens and this does not have any antigens on the surface for type a b blood you can have type a type b type a b and type o so because there are no antibodies on this blood type a b blood types can receive a b a b and o making a b the universal recipient and lastly for type o blood you can only have type o just because anti-a anti-b can potentially destroy a b and a b you can only have a type o blood for a type o blood type as you can see for every category a b a b and o type o blood types can be given these blood types making type o blood types to be the universal donor o for zero antigen and o for universal donor now that we are familiar with what is compatible for each blood type let us briefly talk about the rh factor the rh factor usually tells us whether you are a positive blood type or a negative blood type so if you have an rh factor on the surface of your red blood cells such as these your blood type will be a positive blood type if you have a antigens on your red blood cells plus the rh factor that makes you an a positive bloodside for b antigens with the rh factor that makes you a b positive bloodside for a and b antibodies on the surface plus the rh factor you're going to have an a b positive blood type and lastly zero antigens but with an rh factor you are going to have an o positive blood type so think about this way the positive simply indicates the presence of these rh factor on the surface of your red blood cell however the absence of the rh factor on the surface of your red blood cells make you a negative blood type so for a antigens without the rh factor that makes you an a negative blood type same goes with the b antigens no rh factor that makes you a b negative blood side a and b antigens no rh factors a b negative flood type and lastly no antigens no rh factor that makes you an o negative bloodside now looking at this chart we have already established what blood types are compatible with each blood type when we add rh factor in the equation it gets more specific let's talk about it so for positive blood types they can have a positive and negative blood types so for patients with a positive blood types they can have blood that are a positive o positive a negative and o negative the same goes to b positive blood types so if you have a patient with a b positive blood type they can have a b positive blood type o positive b negative and o negative a b positive they can have a positive b positive a b positive o positive they can also have a negative b negative a b negative and o negative blood types and finally for patients with o positive blood types that can have an o positive or an o negative plus however it gets different when you have a negative blood type meaning you do not have any rh factor on the surface of your red blood cell so if you have a negative blood type you can only have a negative blood type as a donor meaning for a negative patients you can only have a negative and o negative blood types for b negative blood type you can only have b negative and o negative blood types for a b negative you can only have a negative b negative a b negative and o negative and finally for all negative blood types you can only have a negative blood type again for positive blood types meaning positive rh factors on the surface of their red blood cell they can have a positive and negative blood type for negative blood types they can only have negative blood types that's it so that is it for today guys i hope you guys found that video helpful if you haven't already please hit the like and subscribe button by doing this our videos will go straight to you but don't forget to hit the notification bell button so you guys get notified when we upload new videos once again my name is don mit signing out
Channel: MINT Nursing
Views: 110,066
Rating: 4.9239211 out of 5
Keywords: Blood type, blood typing, blood types, rh factor, antigen, antibodies, RN, RN school, nursing school, registered nurse, lvn, LVN, LPN, blood transfusion, transfusion, min, mint, mintnursing, RT, nurse, school, medical school, medschool, dr
Id: wckwUSuz8uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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