Blood and Bacon - Origin Story of Wildcat

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hey what is up guys vanoss here and before today's video starts I have a quick announcement for you guys so today's video is sponsored by best fiends which is a mobile game that I've been playing with for the last couple weeks and I'm kind of addicted to this game I'm not gonna lie it's sort of a problem but that's okay because there's a charity component in the game which I really like plus they recently put my owl mask in the game which makes me feel a lot better about myself for playing this game too much but anyways if you haven't played best fiends before it's a puzzle game where you get the color-coordinated different objects and you have a bunch of objectives as you could see in the top left and the other part of this game that I really like is you get to collect and upgrade characters which is always fun and you can see them on the top row there and what they're useful for is to take out the enemy which are the slugs and I know that's super random and I don't understand why the bad guys are slugs but they are so deal with it and their attacks towards the slugs are determined by the moves that you do within the puzzle so of course the better the moves you make the stronger the attacks of your characters are gonna be against the slugs alright so you understand the game now I want to tell you about the treasure hunt that they're having in the next three weeks so in this treasure hunt you're gonna have to try to find 15 different objects in the game and one of those objects is mine which is the owl mask and the other 14 items have to do with other content creators but you know I'm pretty sure that my ala mask is the most important one to find definitely but they did give me a clue to help you guys find my owl mask and the clue is to help Edward on his quest to make malaria no more and if you guys don't know malaria no more is a charity which raises awareness for of course malaria which is a great cause that this game contributes to which I really like as I said before and if you do end up finding all 15 items in this treasure hunt you either win a free character or a bunch of golden diamonds and no not real golden diamonds don't be ridiculous okay the in-game currency but anyways be sure to download the game the link will be in the description of course it's completely free and also check out their Facebook page because that's really gonna be listing all the clues for the treasure hunt and also be sure to check out their video featuring Kate Walsh from Grey's Anatomy because apparently a clue is gonna be in that video to find one of the objects for the treasure hunt and I didn't even know who Kate Walsh was before I saw this video but it actually is really funny so go check that out yeah that's pretty much it I know I've been talking forever now so I'm gonna and probably and this intro mid-sentence but before I do that thank you so much for watching as always hope you enjoyed today's video and I will talk [Music] day one yeah so where we brought a seven what the [ __ ] who's this guy this is leg I don't know your skeleton were you thinking about that he's drooling oh you got me I don't think I'm gonna make it much longer [Music] all right fine let's go whoa Wow - holy [ __ ] why are we killing they they did that to the farmer there could only be one Wildcat rusty to clean yourself to yourself oh yeah hip game oh ah shoot shoot the things when they're flying in the air sucker kick him kick him into this nice yeah what happens if you walk into it does anyone want to try yeah let's try it of course keep doing it maybe there's a little baby one this little baby pink play where ah my pegs where watch out behind you what's the little one doing is he gonna attack you what's his name guys damn bacon yeah he won't get off money actually gonna attack us yes he's he's always got me dead see he watched me I don't know why he just walk straight past me yeah yeah the bow with you - oh God he still wants you what's going where the [ __ ] is this guy going are you just kidding me right now instead of figure eight and came back on the side of my head I looks like I took a bullet that's that's what I look like every time I finish eating spaghetti marinara you say all my balls my balls oh hey ranae's I need to use them alright hit one this one oh [ __ ] this one right under me oh yes well that's one way to do it holy [ __ ] I was a very very quick round Oh what happened you get down self up your arms are gone my arms are gonna see dude he's got no arm are you gonna grow them back wait I think he's constantly bleeding to death yeah go drink water yes everybody everybody knows how to fix losing your arms that drink a lot of water yeah the club now haha if you have four limbs you can't be in this barn wow this is a depressing life wake up every day see this son of a [ __ ] you won't die I gotta go listen to this Oh what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] he's friendly he's friendly he's maybe he's not the only one wait wait what it's him keep on talking about myself my big fat head until you shoot down [Music] okay chill where is he going die oh he's coming at me he's coming at me okay let's listen to the sound effect of him wrong he put a microphone beside him while he was sleeping and he just snorted to the mic ah [ __ ] I go heal with water if you need it come on we got this keep your yeah what about me distrust yes he's gonna die you're gonna die we got it we got it's gonna die yeah die you piece of [ __ ] Thank You old alright oh you can go inside it guys we're safe in here this is exactly what it looks like in the side of a pig yeah moving on what's the new weapon we got we got a shotgun yeah it looks like there was something on top of the silo right silo yeah how would you be able to get up there guys probably want to look down oh god it's a key key yeah there we go open that white barn over there you get up there I don't know why I got it I got it I got a cowboy hat you got their milk and I jumped look drink the milk and then you jump high yeah well we that is a pretty cool cowboy hat oh yeah run it just automatically did it for me Wow yes a get now oh my god boss fight oh my god oh my God look at the size of it oh yeah what the [ __ ] did she just spell a blimp wait Oh hurry internal epic and we might have done that prematurely guys I'm gonna drink my milk and I'm gonna jump on top of her this is how you do it this is the pro strap right here yeah oh oh she cooed on me yeah shoot the open wound he's gone oh [ __ ] what happened oh she's what oh I died yes she's trying to suck us in [ __ ] it a bit we got it we got it we got it gosh oh I'm down don't you go down now I am bored you down only shoot the hog jell-o are you serious guys is more to do I'm Dan you're ready everybody your time right here boys come on day 21 2004 three weeks man I feels like it's been three weeks in real life giving you good at the paintball good yeah it is legit our objective is to paint this bar Oh oh my god you could paint the pigs yes [Music] you're just what are you doing in here hate penis in barn check form you know we're Russians get there bill [Music] I'm wearing a Russian hat and I find that offensive ha ha ha that's it guys that's it for me last round oh boy here we go oh god get them off me please I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm dead I'm down thank you thank you when you revive people come back in with full health oh no no I'm dead you got that one you got that one speech them up come on you can do it Louie finish your mom do it Louie your help your solo go drink some water movie by film again yeah by a robot yeah give a pill you have a pill right yeah no oh keys back where is he dorita come on even a bar of healthy he has a corner of health shoot him when he's returning he doesn't recharge as much and I have four more milk Bell Chloe should be he beats all the kids up come on come on hey throwing getting that but beat that but everybody looks but get away get away get away from me oh [ __ ] oh god I thought he died hiding to see the spirit come on we're gonna do it wait can we do it I guess we beat them we did it yes [ __ ] yeah oh my god leave this beautiful piece of art we made we can unlock the days all right guys welcome today 101 it's been a long-ass year so far wait there's none left is the end oh look how calm they are oh you should notice as friends oh wait keep one alive okay was the last one don't worry about the bharden and we shall call him wild cats this is the origin story of I am wild
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 18,163,556
Rating: 4.906208 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Montage, video games, gaming, Vanoss, VanossGaming, Gameplay, Secret, Zombies, Parody, Glitches, Glitch, Comedy, Epic, Trolling, Multiplayer, Funtage, easter egg, pc gaming, pc games, blood and bacon, wildcat story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2016
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