Blocked Drain 792

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thank you Ramon oh God block trying storm water it flooded right through here on Monday through the door yeah it's just with the water in his pool yeah all the way there okay all right we might go down with the reverse and try and get those roots out because I reckon they'll be roots the water will come up supposed to be will come out there it'll it'll come out [Music] roots sand all right got something yep got a big one oh roots there's a bird's nest all right even you keep on pushing it doesn't work yeah I'm just cutting further roots yeah yeah it runs a long way where it goes Nobody Knows all right I might go have a listen under the ground see if I can hear it [Music] there's an outlet there but nothing coming out foreign [Music] [Music] I'll bring it down we'll have a go going Upstream I can hear it under the bins out the front um yeah yeah down there [Applause] oh foreign lost it there it is more roots shockers all right we'll try from the street now thank you foreign this is this is a bit of a um lorry because that's in line with where I can hear it and that's the NBN eh yeah so I've been known for going through stormwater oh damn that's only new one is it how long ago are you oh yeah all right that's the one this is the one this one before it's a long long time here already okay I still remember when they opened this one okay up she goes yeah hopefully we'll forfeit from this end is something happening I think we're gonna get it ever since I don't see water coming out there yeah you know what I mean yeah ever since then I didn't see any water coming on there well today's the day yeah today see the water is going down there no no it'll go down [Music] yeah not yet foreign yeah we're here that's why there's a rule Before You Dig you ask first Yeah in our country like that like those telephone companies yeah yeah see my kids I'm lying try yeah yeah doll before you dig that's right here we go foreign thank you I saw this one coming up yeah it's probably been like that since they did the work you'll have to tell Terry that it's broken there yeah I reckon they cut it did a budgie yeah you know what I mean [Music] they do the body yeah yeah first time I saw water coming up serious I always pass right here you know what I mean well I probably won't come out for long it's only temporary just to get it get you out of trouble but they'll have to fix that foreign I'll get my spry fine yep okay that's our stay what is the one that's been black yeah yep well it's broken it's broken so it doesn't go in here it's broken already hey right see it's broken already from here yeah it's all right up to there but that's where it's broken that's why it doesn't flow properly yeah yeah oh [Music] block drawing seems like everyone today yep yep thanks Holly pleasure Ramon that's more like it isn't it yeah yeah beautiful now I'll just clear it up for you yeah yeah okay I'll hose it down yeah I got high pressure that'll save you straight away okay yeah yeah let's scoop it in then thank you yes sir yeah just double check my the one button oh yeah you got a blocked bathtub you just use it once is it newer holes okay that might be a problem then I fixed under here oh maybe that's part of the connection I don't think so all right I'm gonna hose this down going from this end [Music] yep foreign lots of water in there street I'll be back all right that's looking lovely very good at least it's flowing all good yeah give us a look at the bar from on and we'll see if we can clear it with the old road pump thank you I'm here you know what I mean yeah yeah this is there also they are ashamed of coffee yeah yeah thank you luckily my big dog get left already my daughter's dog oh yeah this one they are fighting with each other all right so this is the boss yeah foreign [Music] does it come off yeah there we go [Music] [Music] out [Music] okay that's the watch first device it's no no no there's a whole lot there yeah that's cutting away because when I clean it uh that's good no this one yeah now you're gonna just you just push it down like that yeah yeah yeah I know and if you want to release it you pull it off yeah [Music] yeah this should come out because that one I I cleaned that no that's not supposed to come out yeah yeah you can't take that out yeah when I every time no you're not supposed to pull it out there is a way to pull out yeah yeah and that seems to be getting away all right it's okay now yeah yeah okay okay [Music] so just throw this off like that if you want to clean it you take that off and you screw it back on and if you want to fog it you'll push it down yeah like that that'll fill so this is everything all the dust all the hair it goes there you can get the hair and everything required sometimes you have the hair here and you know yeah yeah when I clean it I can get the hair everything yeah yeah that's all clear yeah oh God
Channel: Drain Addict
Views: 1,272,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blocked drain, blocked sewer, blocked drain pipe, drain blockage, drain clean, blocked toilet, drain cleaner, blocked pipe, blocked sewage, pipe unblock, clogged drain, drain jetter, jet drain, drain, sewer, drain cleaning, clogged, toilet
Id: hLbLhEtzxQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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