Blocked Drain 790

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foreign block drawing to block storm water we've actually got two problems here one is storm water this here runs through the building underneath out to the street on the other side somewhere I believe we'll put some tracing dye or Ninja Turtle juice in after make sure we know where that's running second problem [Music] second problem is under here that there's a grease trap and uh it's not working real well at the moment so I need to clear that we'll do that after [Music] me yeah yeah I'll hose it down Ben not a problem he actually is front into the toilet area as well so I'm probably not going to go already yeah yeah I'll hose it down no worries all right so there's some really tight bends in here so we're going to use the little ax they're going to throw through the blockage put it in through this little hole here down through there and then we go thank you looks like some groceries are already going down the system it's a long way down I might grab some Ninja Turtle juice [Music] give her a little sprinkle just so we know when it comes out of the street where we are go we're on something there come on drop away there we go we've got a round up well we went through it then can you do me a favor could you go around to that side of the street oh you did okay I'm not out there yet because I don't want to spray anyone there we go got it Ben on the count of three one so three look at that beautiful nope yeah it's blocked where are you from in here going down thank you yeah of his members you can hear me is that all span from what I remember is from heat is out from here yeah I can hear it but I can't see it maybe one if I let go it'll all come out [Music] foreign to the ER into the mains underneath the road here yeah yeah all right so the storm water's clear we don't know where it runs through that's a mystery but at least it's running clear it's not going to flood in here [Music] um all right now we'll work on the uh grease truck foreign [Music] Mike looking at this cross I don't recognize being pumped out for years now [Music] this is not Sydney water oh yeah yeah yeah [Music] now I don't know where the inlet and the outlet of this is it goes that way do you reckon yeah [Music] I don't like gray stripes span man stinks it does stink y pressure up [Music] so you wouldn't want this going out to the street or wherever the storm water goes oh floodgymology you can take some photos if you want Ben that might be the way to go just film it on your iPhone maybe it runs into that foreign crust on it [Music] there we go [Music] foreign strikes [Music] [Music] something tells me this runs to that okay well you think so because that's clear okay which side is default That's How we'll know which direction it's heading so that's there that seems to be shallower and that's even shallower okay you reckon that way then okay I just got to keep trying I'm trying not to fall in see if I can find a hole in there foreign [Music] all right that's uh not working [Music] I guess I've got to put my hand in there Ben see what's going on we go okay so there's like a baffle oh yeah yep yep oh look at that glove [Music] all right so I found found a pipe but it goes up like that okay all right oh yeah look at that oh all right let's try and get this greasy glove off there we go you can stay there greasy glove so there's a pipe without that far down it comes in drops down and goes across like this so we've got to shoot up and into it [Music] wow [Music] where's the top of it there's the top drops down and across all right [Music] now I need to turn that on a 90. to drop it down up the pipe like that on a 90. feels like I'm in there all right thank you beautiful now that's the hot it should be Ben see this pipe here that drops down goes across here steps off so once that rises to a level then it starts flowing up to the mains that way um have you got some detergent like a big bucket of detergent I can buy one if you want it I'm just thinking if we floor it around here and in there it'll help break up that grease um actually I've got something in the van I think I've got some left yeah yeah it's called Grease release oh okay that's it's the proper industrial stuff right we might we might pour a bit of that around here and try and break it off foreign looks like something else that a Truckee like myself driving around would use to get the tall in the van but trust me it's not doing it then we can smell it first oh yeah that's gross release I'll put a bit of that on the glove sprinkle a bit around there hit there bit in there yeah yeah it's about 120 bucks for a bottle like this wow it's very powerful stuff it's got an enzyme in there that breaks down Grease I recommend all restaurants put a bit of that down there everything once just to keep it liquefied otherwise it turns to Croft [Music] okay I've got to put a little bit in here while we're at it [Music] so this little gross track must be separate [Music] I'm just going to give it a bit more blast in there yeah so if you look down the bottom there then where my wand is that's where the where the waist goes [Music] oh yeah yes I reckon that's the word we'll use foreign I wonder where that one goes [Music] into the shop maybe into the hand bison okay all right well Ben they're gonna have to get someone out to pump this out because it still needs to get that cross and everything off there and in the meantime I'll wash everything down yeah okay no worries thank you mate all good all right foreign pressure all right one so back on my shoe want some groceries on my shoes [Music] all right let's close it down check the toilet door which one's the toilet door this one yeah I can't help me to open it or the um the door the door's locked all right if you like I open it um why is it blocked in there good man so I just got to check the toilet I'll close this back up again just leave it like that right oh yeah you want me to hose down the floor okay [Music] foreign thank you [Music] foreign beautiful last but not least ah looks like we have a little blockage in this Gully I'm just running the uh hand basin and this is filling up the with grease so I'll try and hit that with the gurney thank you all right down we go pressure on oh [Music] there's our water that's when we needed clearing very good only a little bit of groceries left now it is Grace release oh come back on Ninja Turtle dust foot there that one there good ones here all right grease trap clear stormwater clear washed all good [Music] release pressure [Music]
Channel: Drain Addict
Views: 253,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blocked drain, blocked sewer, blocked drain pipe, drain blockage, drain clean, blocked toilet, drain cleaner, blocked pipe, blocked sewage, pipe unblock, clogged drain, drain jetter, jet drain, drain, sewer, drain cleaning, clogged, toilet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 44sec (2024 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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