Blockchain + AI = Decentralized Artificial Intelligence

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today my talk is gonna be about decentralized artificial intelligence aka what happens when we take the two hottest technologies of today AI and blockchain and put them together rights just sprinkle everything on top of each other right so let's get right on into this we've got a lot to cover so machine learning AI this has been around since the 50s it's not a new technology it's a pretty old technology but basically the idea has always been the same we have some datasets right some input data set and we have some objective we have something that we want the AI to do in this case classify a car is it a car or is it not a car so what we do is we feed this AI a bunch of images of cars so think of it like an Excel spreadsheet with two columns and column one you just have pictures of cars and call them two you just have labels car car car car or cooker car right and so the idea is that the AI learns the mapping the relationship between the input data and the output labels there is some relationship between everything there is a function in life for everything but that's that's a bit of a tangent the idea though is that the human would have to extract all the features of what it means to be a car right this is kind of what a car looks like this is the shape of a car this is what the exhaust pipe looks like this was a very tiring process but this is what humans had to do we'd extract features by hand and so what happened is once we've extracted those features we would feed it to some kind of machine learning model and there's a lot out there eventually it would learn the mapping and then give it a new car picture and it would know hey this is a car but a few years ago there was a scientist who said let me take one specific machine learning model called a neural network and sure drop the beat right drop the mic and feed it lots of data and lots of computing power and add a lot of layers deep layers aka deep learning that's what we call it what happened is when we did this it started outperforming every other machine learning model and now deep learning is the hottest topic in machine learning it is outperforming everything else self-driving cars drug discovery everything hot that you're hearing about AI is coming from deep learning okay so that was my one slide overview of AI so now blockchain right so a couple years ago there was a programmer who no one knows named Satoshi Nakamoto who released a paper on a cryptography mailing list detailing a system called Bitcoin that allows two people to transmit value online without needing a third party namely a bank so what happens is instead of a bank being the third party there are a group of people called miners and anybody can become a miner you just need a laptop right anybody can become a miner and the idea is that when I transmit value to you from me these miners have to approve this transaction they to say okay let me check this list of transactions so every miner has a copy of every transaction that has occurred in the network and they have to approve whether or not this transaction is valid or not right because they have the list so you might be thinking wait a second couldn't someone just fake just create a bunch of accounts and say hey I'm the majority of the miners because the majority of the miners have to approve a transaction for it to be added to this list of transactions well no because Satoshi said every single miner has to prove that they have solved some random mathematical problem it's called the proof of work algorithm and that means that you have to have more computing power than the 500 fastest supercomputers in the world combined to have the majority of the computing power in the Bitcoin network and because no one has that much computing power no one's been able to hack Bitcoin and that's why it has a over 100 billion market cap as of yesterday more than the GDP of some countries and no one's been able to tack it it's been around for a decade it's a really powerful technology let's keep going here but the really really interesting part about Bitcoin is not the actual application but the underlying data structure of Bitcoin so this is kind of a rough diagram of what it looks like very simplified but the idea is that we have some lists of transactions right I'm talking about this list of transactions that all of the miners are holding and we group these transactions together into little groups that we call blocks and each block points to the next block so one block is like okay I'm Alyssa transactions here's a next law and that's like oh thanks for that okay here's an list on the next block right and it becomes this kind of chain a blocks okay a blockchain right so it's a blockchain that's what we call this data structure and because of the proof-of-work algorithm no one can modify it it's an unalterable immutable in computer science terms shout out to all the programmers out there it's an immutable data structure that no one owns and this is a very powerful idea so I like to call this the yin and the yang of AI and blockchain right these two technologies go really well together but no one's really put them together yet so this is a very futuristic thing so the yen is AI AI is probabilistic it's all about computing the likelihood that something will happen the prediction of the future using what it's learned and an AI is always changing its updating its weights it's learning about the future and an AI is a set of algorithms that guess at reality the yang part our block chains block chains are not probabilistic they are deterministic you know exactly what's gonna happen right there are permanence they are unchangeable and they are algorithms and cryptography to record reality so these two things can go really well together if you break them down into what they're really good at so we live in a world where we are all using these services right and these services collect and monetize our data that's the business model but this is a problem because our data is the most valuable thing we have and it will become more valuable as everything is slowly automated your data will be the only agency that you have it will be your most valuable asset so you need to own it but right now we're giving it away for free in return for a free service ideally these services would be paying us for our data right but that's just not the case right now we need to redo all of these apps that we have in web 2.0 everything from eBay to Hoover to lift all of it Facebook right morally speaking this is a terrible idea to let some humans control our data in the case of Facebook they modified the newsfeed to affect large swathes of the populace and the 2016 political elections for example in the US it's just it's just very corrupt it's just not a good system and not even talking about it morally speaking let's talk about it technically speaking centralized systems are not good take the case of self-driving car network let's say we've got three self-driving cars at an intersection okay three of them at an intersection and they're dependent decide who has the right-of-way but if there was one central server that they all had to talk to a million miles or away then it would take forever and there would be there would probably be an accident ideally these cars could talk to each other without needing a third party or a central service or a server so both technically speaking and morally speaking creating what are called decentralized applications is a really good idea and it's what we call as developers web 3.0 and that's what's happening now if you're looking for something to disrupt you take blockchain you take AI you combine it together and you create apps that have never before been possible and that's the most exciting thing these days so this leads us to this idea it's a very abstract idea but it's starting to happen of what are called decentralized autonomous organizations or dowse for short you can also call them gaps decentralized apps but the idea is that these are apps that are run and maintained by the community that uses them right so think of uber for example when I am a writer and I'm trying to find a driver I have to use a third party namely uber to find that driver and so uber takes a cut of this and they have a bunch of malpractice as well that we all know through all of their scandals but ideally I wouldn't have to trust Huber I could just find my driver he would get paid more I would have to pay less because there's no third party so it would be better for both of us right we would all earn some equity because we are all a part of the network it's not just about earning money we'd also earn equity and we would be able to decide on the features of the app so we would be a more democratic process right it's it's kind of like a community owned grocery store for example instead of one central central person owning it everybody who is a part of the network would also be a participant in the infrastructure of that network as well so there's a lot of good that can come from this there's a lot of good that can come from this and that's what we're gonna start to see as we move towards web 3.0 if you're looking for a really hot idea something really cool to do this is it blockchain AI combine them together use this immutable ledger and have an AI live on the blockchain or at least speak to the blockchain and data is being pointed to to some distributed hash table or some kind of decentralized storage source and then there's a hope there's a hole token model I've only got two and a half minutes so I can't explain it everything here but there's there's so much there's so much that's that's what I'm trying to say but it's not all good there's also bad I can't talk about the good without talking about the bad right so imagine this what you're seeing here is a picture of art that was completely generated by AI there is no human in the loop so imagine an AI that lives on a blockchain and its job is to just generate art so what it does it does this it generates some art it then sells it on some marketplace it earns some money it uses that money to feed itself more computing power it uses that computing power to then to then generate more art it just keeps amassing wealth and no one can shut it down because it lives on a blockchain right no one can shut it down you'd have to have more computing power than the 500 fastest supercomputers in the world combined to shut it down eventually it becomes the wealthiest entity on the planet right so that's kind of scary if you think about it it's an unkillable AI and it lives on a blockchain so how do we stop this wait our responsibility as developers as people people who don't even program to educate ourselves on how this intelligence works and only then will we will be be able to stop any kind of malpractice any kind of bad scenario right the will of the collective will override anyone bad actor so we have to educate ourselves be more aware one resource for this is my youtube channel but the Internet is your university so it's your responsibility to use it as such I'm gonna end this talk with a rap about decentralized AI so I want everybody to stand up cuz I know you guys are sleepy I know there's been some sleepy speakers so please stand up everybody all right everybody stand up it's a it's a rap it's called smarter it's a play on words it's a parody of Kanye West stronger so I want you to put your hands up in the air as well so let's just go let's go I've got to read papers to try and make me smarter I trained my models in the cloud now because my laptop takes longer I parse through data like a boss now back then my code was ronger subscribe if you want to learn now let's spread this AI power let's trade it right now let's train it right let's make BOTS tonight and make music like Mozart tonight and pay our work on a cross tonight I've waited for the software all my life just give it some data and watch it explorers step back clap and give it encore he trained on 40 cores it's racer make GPUs anymore a game bought started off aimless but now it's like God in the matrix my chatbot speaks once I train it I work so damn hard to make this it'll generate words that it predicts and all I said to MIT then tested this step is the to invest in new data wizard training contestant come in I got to read papers to try and make me smarter I train my models in the cloud now cuz my laptop takes longer I parse through data like a boss now back then Marcos was wrong er subscribe if you want to learn now let's spread this alright everybody thanks so much [Applause]
Channel: Coding Tech
Views: 43,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blockchain, bitcoin, artificial intelligence, machine learning, decentralized artificial intelligence, decentralized ai, what is machine learning, slush, python, programming, coding
Id: ogk4DnqXvuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2017
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