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[Music] girls and boys are waiting for toys we're making that fill the lay up each year all our smile are wide like the ribb that are tied getting ready for [Music] Christmas's with cheese come on dude hey gumy give me some space yo dude what are you do doing what it was still half full what the [ __ ] ah those colors just make you horny [ __ ] you m not we say anything to report over nothing to report over in two clicks turn right before AB say I don't understand n for okay another one please speak more slowly I know this one trying to drive me wild M any youone have a gas mask cies have you ever smell swap plenty of fresh air up here another one uh write that down L luta yeah it's lutan benav benav that was it yes very good what was that [ __ ] hell I knew it I knew it situation awareness [ __ ] Charlie's been head okay contact stand by it's ever and dongan [ __ ] be on alert check clear Bravo Two Men down I repeat two men down help me [Music] prepare ATV for metabat oh [ __ ] oh my fo stop stasio I will shoot come me who is that tell me tell me it's not toing all right Bravo this is posma local at 11:00 possibly armed permission to fire over this is Bravo stand by Roger gummy come on oh we need a met back here on the double what the [ __ ] is going [Music] on yo m do a visual negative latest position 11:00 this is Bravo here call in details yeah I have visual 10:00 stop I repeat stasio I will shoot Tim can you hear me warning shot medic medic Bravo this is postart I repeat one local possibly armed can't be sure requesting permission to fire over stay calm now stay calm stay calm yo M where's molder I don't know this is paot permission to fire over yo Moulder make the [ __ ] call [Music] D life signs question mark qrf in 10 Z minutes status of the two wounded not two one wounded this is Echo correction medac for one WEA and one Tia copy Delta Oscar November 284 I repeat one Kia Delta Oscar November 284 over I [ __ ] 8 man [Music] today we lost a close friend and Buddy as a result of a cowardly attack that is tough it hurts but we all know that this can [Music] happen Tim vangan also knew that today he made the biggest sacrifice a soldier can make he gave his life we cannot let Tim's death be in vain which is why we'll carry on with our job here we owe it to Tim and to ourselves Romeo Squad Alpha Squad and most of all Bravo Squad it is important you know that we are here for you so let us have 2 minutes of silence now attend sh [Music] [Music] squads dismissed [Music] po [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] twice one warning shot followed by one direct head fired did he carry a weapon yeah can you confirm that mus yes Comm I understand that you asked for permission and received it I had to decide on the spot Evers was badly injured and vanan Sergeant M okay this is what happened the situation was as such Commander the sergeant did give me permission yeah the squad was in danger I asked Sergeant Moulder yeah I gave the order does anyone have anything to add Hoffman oh maros I um the sergeant did the right thing all right understood I'll write up the report you remain on call should we need more information on understood that is not how it happened what difference does it make we resolved it truth will out and then what happens right then what then what Moulder gets dismissed and they'll send us a new bloke on the next flight listen Moulder may be a dick but he's still our Sergeant seriously gummy okay [Music] [Music] so he decides to [ __ ] in the bag then he opens up the hatch and then stands there waving his bag around next thing the back snags and he's like what the he pulls on it and it rips then toe comes out with a bunch of tissues here let me help hey Serge you shouldn't be alone now man it's okay man I'm up to my FB no come on hey Carry On next yeah Captain blaming comes back from a foot patrol he totally freaked damn it Tim what are you doing are you insane we still had another 8 hours in that YP we should have flown them all the hell bastards sergeant [Music] [Music] listen he it whis whistling and it's a few meters wide he feel a breeze and it's seriously close and if you're hit you won't hear it bullet travels faster than sound oh that's chill so you won't know that you're hit right you're weird man we We join a s sha with ala and Romeo Squad Roger what are they Ying about what do you think burer babes of course how about you who's the handsome hung with the red mustache is that them I'm talking or you hey quiet please stay sharp boot licker you heard the sergeant what the [ __ ] adash ask what he's up to everyone break Camp what if Moulder catches you speed it up don't be paranoid he's far too busy for 360 postma dongan to me Scout at the hillside Roger 12:00 at 100 yards one pickup truck 10 men armed I have a clean Target can't we fire negative don't shoot Pig up approaching can we fire abort I said don't shoot hey [ __ ] cut it out Rush ceasefire make them stop B baset he wants to know why why he didn't help I follow the rules of engagement tell him yeah go on and tell says what what are your rules your rules not to help to let the Taliban Escape no discussion we need to go we need to regroup with Romeo and Alpa at you say you come for peace not fight I say no fight no peace in Afghanistan move out Serge Diana was right Tim and I were ideally placed to engage with move out you should like this okay not like this you're not Rambo okay got it ho flag flag half staff honorary salute for what a stench man this isn't our job is it I think so this is sick man yo what if this was your stuff I'd let you Chuck it think you might lift a finger there Moss right is for the bin left is for back home how's Evers his other leg was busted up too they had to cut it off he's going to be a father he put in a request for early leave [ __ ] man it'll be right in time for the birth dude are you serious what M can you shut your trap just this once [Music] [Music] last warning stop your vehicle now [Applause] get out of your vehicle I repeat get out of your vehicle down down medic Charlie Pap over what's going on P they're pissed off about something Sergeant what about the body 12 hunter in EOS to discuss tomorrow ceremony fore [Music] [Music] okay okay okay okay yeah yeah I have a pen here pen there you go I have no pen pen no no pen nope give pen sorry pen bug her off no I don't have a pen I have no pen go on you pen buzz off come here look for you we're going to clean the entire vehicle then we'll practice lifting up the coffin when you're behind the vehicle trying to lift up the coffin it's hard to lift it onto your shoulders and do all of that in one fluid motion so we're going to secure to a roller track if it all uh get done the right way okay let Logistics know if you need anything who's carrying all of you and long as things need to be sorted who's to help you posmo Fred take a step to baric seat and Sergeant can't someone else do that I wanted to look in on Evers anyone sorry Fred Evers will have to wait some whbs my condolences on your loss Sergeant mhler Corporal postma can you come with me happy birth birth to you happy birday dear Happy Birthday [Music] to cut it out wait stop Coral postma right posma we're going to need to know about what happened happened last night we'd like to ask you a few questions okay I have nothing to hide so go ahead The Rules of Engagement state that the use of force should be proportionate is this your first tick it's the first one where we lost a mate you are enrolled in the office a training program yeah to finally put my time here to some use you think you're wasting time here no I do not our report says you fired shots how many uh I fired twice one warning shot and uh the asent was armed yes has that been proven yes I saw that he was armed can anyone confirm that may I go on is there a problem what is your opinion of Sergeant Boulder well we're a team what does it matter what I think do you think he's a capable officer what was going on was your Comm Switched Off hey why didn't you respond thanks to you we're not shipping off additional body bags look at it that way 11:00 11:00 50 y we got four locals AR move in POA missman are they responding negative hey P P Bravo Squad to the BM now we need confirmation on the victim negative back off postpone that's an order he did what he had to do he made the right decision yeah but he didn't want confirmation on the victim they were locals they will rig their bodies booby trapped them we couldn't take the risk Moulder had given you permission to shoot yes you're sure of that yes did you hear different from from Moulder enough for now we'll call you in again if we need you they repatriate him for the next two years back to the civvies waiting at home until they sorted it all out you don't know that he's [ __ ] big time po here hey yeah have any of you seen Moulder no not recently something wrong why can you pass me a wrench how'd it go with the wimps load of [ __ ] suckers for protocol but they can't pin anything on me right so uh if you see Moulder I'm in my fab yeah they're pretty pissed off up in the Ops room because of all that business at the gate why is that why don't you ask them right anything I should know they say the dead Afghan was was unarmed this [ __ ] man come on he came straight at me now molder [ __ ] shouldn't we do something like what what could we have done tell me have you talked to the MP yet yeah have they asked you about the shooting mhm and whether Moulder is a good sergeant and of course he's a good Sergeant one of the better ones take it I can't take it we all knew about you two the whole Squad knew except for Moulder you didn't want to hide anymore once this was all over then we would carry on together he and I and what am I of his now we'll bury him and then where will I be will will I be standing at attention outside just watching I am nothing of his now I am going to miss him so badly you were his girl that's what he told me [Music] yeah you know m investing Afghanistan style the only way to get rid of the Taliban stop them from growing somebody has to make the difference yeah absolutely so long as we're here yeah you're pretty close aren't you she wants to report it oh [ __ ] they'll transfer one of us but for her that's not a problem what do you think don't know we're having a fun time but Fred has it all planned out moving in kids I just don't know I'm only 23 you know well you'll get out whato now you're standing here okay change of plans we're doing an OverWatch on Hill 1434 harash what's going on Escape tan they're back we can take them no they regroup they have numbers now you wanted action you're getting it boss corpal posma please come with us bring your weapons my weapons what's this about we have Intel that there was friction in your squad notably between you and Sergeant molder says who that's irrelevant we want to hear your take on things we've already discussed that you're not obliged to cooperate you could wait for a lawyer in Holland listen uh I have nothing to hide huh I did what I had to do sit down sit down water coffee you spent the night in the Valle why didn't you return to Camp Holland orders from the sergeant why the Escape Taliban had returned with reinforcements uh they're here this is so [ __ ] not okay where are we waiting that's up to Moulder give the call so we can do our [ __ ] thing where is he with Di I've had it I'm so [ __ ] haded Sergeant when are we taking action not until we have more info might be too late we are going to wait we should take action now am I speaking Chinese what part of what I'm saying do you not understand we're just going to sit quietly while they slaughter an entire Village no discussion dismissed why do they give us these if we're never allowed to [ __ ] use them one more word and I'm reporting you is that clear fore speee hello walk C Yol B clear clear door on left one door left one door right we could have prevented this clear Village Hall now everyone out now it's a [ __ ] slaughter house there's nothing we can do here we're going back what about that girl we can't just leave her hanging there we're out of here Hoffman go [ __ ] it what now are you planning to bury her here in the Islamic way why don't you go and bury the village Chief and his family too and piece their body parts together while you're at it this girl is not our [ __ ] problem we need to get out of here this is exactly what they're after creating problems for us and meanwhile they're watching us and laughing their heads off fungan you take over from postma over and you change Vehicles let's move out I'm not a coward you're a man of action aren't you those retards need to know we're not afraid retards yes retards idiots that blow up schools kill their own kids I call them retards yeah sometimes you just have to act take a risk we cannot discuss every bullet with our government is that what you fired oh come on that's not what I meant what did you mean you could finally let loose and shoot is that what Moulder says how far away was your target I already told you 50 yards and how was your vision it was dark how far could you see roughly 100 yards roughly more less 100 yard what made the target a threat he came toward us did you see a weapon did he take Aim did you want to take revenge no fogan was your buddy yeah so what twice nominated the best shot of your class so there's nothing wrong with your eyesight do you know him no the peson say he's who you shot a 12-year-old boy sorry that's impossible I shot an armed man could you mean this he'd been taking photos of the burning Jeep probably for propaganda maybe you should have waited after all all right in our first interview you'd said you'd received permission to fire I'll have you know that's being denied by whom the bash by whom bhuna filed a complaint for the the culpable homicide or manslaughter of an unarmed citizen you understand this is serious po we're talking a possible War crime here that has far-reaching consequences a dishonorable discharge possibly even a jail sentence you're suspended pending our investigation understood sh the peace stable they'll fly him back to Holland tomorrow or the day after did you see the person that I shot right now I had other things on my mind sorry Fred they say I killed a child I want to know what happened understand it's ever and donga [ __ ] be on alert check clear Bravo Two Men down I repeat two men down Fred is it to you'll be right it's not to [Music] win Tim I'm right here everything will be all [Music] right do a visual negative everything will be all right [Music] medic medic stay with me my Stay With Me [Music] I'll be right back okay I'll be right back Moulder take care of [Music] Tim I abandoned him should have stayed with him Fred come on that doesn't make sense you did what you had to do Tim was beyond saving toing wasn't I know that but but I didn't even try so you didn't see anything [ __ ] hell that means I'm screwed you know what I can't get out of my head you shouldn't have cut down that girl what do you mean what do you mean just what I had said if you hadn't cut her down Tim wouldn't have had to take your position then he would have been in the BM with me forward March Hey where's everyone ceremony practice in the parking area Left Right face half turn and shoulder forward March postma Lieutenant do you have a minute I'd like to take a shower now we have diverging statements regarding the incident what really did happen did Sergeant Moulder give you the order or not why don't you ask him huh I'm asking you what is it with you and Sergeant Moulder you're so negative about him so and he about me no on the contrary is he protecting you why would he do that can I go you're sticking to your statement yeah okay and now what you are following Sergeant mould's orders your suspension is lifted lifted okay and Moulder he will be repatriated tomorrow he'll have to appear before the military Court that'll take a few months his tour is over no longer suspended Come on B hey man here who will carry V dogan's photo tomorrow you you are our acting Squad Commander so it falls to you that is not okay you blow a child to bids and he pays the price you would have fired too I didn't see any weapon I'm just telling you straight okay M it's clear every man for himself H maybe at least I don't lie about it I just told the MP what happened a yeah why didn't you listen you if I ask permission to fire the sergeant has a duty to answer or else he has a serious problem yeah do you get it now M yeah the truth won't help him yeah I I helped him yeah yeah I helped him I thought you were better than this posma yeah then what the [ __ ] is this about what do you think you're doing Moulder is a perfectly fine Sergeant your story just doesn't make any sense [Music] did [Music] come on get inside hurry [Music] [Music] sergeant postma I'm here for vandongen why does it matter everything you stay I go that's all there is to it I need to know why because I'm a lousy Sergeant maybe it's better if somebody else takes my place huh you should have gone for those Taliban then all those people would still be alive so if the Ana shouts Talan you automatically believe them huh what if it was just a rival tribe and we had open fire the lawyers would have a ball unauthorized action War crime it was the Taliban so you would have just blasted away of them and what if it had been an ambush with hundreds more hiding in the bushes what then what then yeah what then yeah what then what is all this [ __ ] man they were Taliban it was not an ambush but I need to know that for certain okay I'm your sergeant I'm responsible yeah that's right just like you were responsible for that Village for that girl I didn't become a soldier just to watch people openly get slaughtered we should have intervened huh even if we were outnumbered I wanted to intervene are we fighting the Taliban or not answer the [ __ ] question do you want me to translate no he understands me very well few hours ago you didn't want to fight now you want to you should make up your mind he says the call so we can do our [ __ ] thing where is he with the he says I don't have to proof I fought the Taliban for the last 20 years you have to prove I want to save the village go what without you without the Ana you get your men now I gave you an order this isn't over yet I'll contact TK right away without the Ana it would have been suicide when I finally persuaded at them it was already too late would have made any difference yeah you think this is the hog postma where the majority vote decides this is the Army don't ask questions follow orders yeah and now you get all the Flack [ __ ] hell why hey why didn't you respond I asked you three times our Precision is 41 Sierra Papa Sierra Pap 799 56 2 3 66 go this is Bravo everyone report in hang in there we'll sort you out the metag is on its way stop I repeat stasio I will shoot warning shot I can't feel my legs hang in there sorry sorry I don't want to die I don't want to die this is Pula permission to fire over over help us on the way the metac is coming tell yo Moulder make a [ __ ] call already tell please tell tell who what do you want me to say Tim Tim Tim I led you down my fault okay [Music] now piss off private Deckers yes Lieutenant private de gase yes Lieutenant private D yes Lieutenant private Peterson yes Lieutenant private lambre yes Lieutenant private venberg yes lieutenant atten hi I was told to go here Peterson Corporal postma your first tour right one of those is yours you can hang your kit bag there hot water is between s and 8 in the morning and 9 and 10 in the evening clear yeah was this my buddies yeah we're saying goodbye to him later what's it like outside the gate forget what you've heard about reconstruction Mission fight Mission it's all about the person by your side that's who you're fighting for put your things away okay yeah [Music] departure 0.5 the f-16s are on their way you're taking over from Moulder po [Music] yes Tim van dongan was one of us is one of us he will always be one of us you will leave after the gun salutes good luck Left Right Face Forward March Moulder you should do this not me posma this is not your call Sergeant Moulder has been he told me not to shoot the local I ignored his order that is not how it happened yes it is that is what happened posma I don't know what you're playing at but [Music] they're waiting bring them back safely we'll come back to this later the ceremon is first for [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gold Screen Gems
Views: 34,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, full length film, movies, hollywood movie in english, hollywood movies in english full drama hd, new hollywood movie, Hollywood Movies In english, new hollywood english movies, hollywood english movie, English full movie, Hollywood Crime war Movie, Hollywood Action movie In HD, hollywood movie in english 2023, new hollywood action movie, english action movie, war movies, action movies, battle ground movie in english, free movies, free war movies, war action movies
Id: vA4Lmq1kc_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 32sec (4712 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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