Blippi Visits Wildlife Park -Wolves & Other Animals | Animals for Kids | Learn about Animals

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[Music] in this video we're seeing real wolves and learning about all different kinds of animals let's go [Music] hello it's me blippi and today i'm at predators of the heart wolf encounters in anacortes washington this place is awesome i heard they have a lot of cool animals here like sloths tortoises oh alligators of course wolves and a lot of other cool animals i am so excited to learn about all these animals with you yeah let's go [Music] [Applause] did you hear that yeah that was a howling wolf whoa hey wow check it out whoa these wolves whoa that is so cool these wolves names are kakoa good job kakoa and that one right there yeah his name is max and the people up there that's ashley up there with kokoa and that is holly whoa hey did you think that these wolves kind of look like dogs i know i did too but hey let me tell you dogs and wolves are different species but they're actually both what's called canines yeah well hey wolves are pretty smart they can actually hear a human from 10 miles away [Music] that is really far away and they can smell a human from two miles away wow look at them they're so cool looking wow they look nice and soft up there whoa that is so cool check them out wolves actually have about 30 percent larger brains than dogs yeah gray wolves they can bite two times harder than dogs wolves have babies one time a year yeah and the babies they actually can't see or hear when they're babies and they're the size of a pop can that's so small wolves live in what's called wolf packs yeah there's about two to thirty wolves in a wolf pack wow so cool [Music] check it out yeah this is a sloth hello hey whoa do you see how slow he's moving wow he is moving so slow actually sloths can actually swim pretty fast they swim three times faster than what they move on land or climbing in trees hey are you hungry look at what i brought oh a grape here you go are you hungry here you go oh nice and gentle whoa do you see its teeth their teeth are so sharp yeah they're razor sharp hey and check these out over here here's another one whoa here's the second slot hey whoa how are you here you go are you hungry do you want a grape yum you love your fruits huh oh he's using his hand these are actually two toad sloths whoa hey and look at this one down here whoa what are you doing all the way down here you're just climbing you wanna try a grape here you go oh maybe this one's not hungry we'll go back to this one over here oh the first one seemed really hungry all right see you soon here you go buddy whoa you are so cute look at its toes yeah the toenails whoa looks like they're really long and curled so then it can hang on things like branches and trees whoa all right see you again bye-bye [Music] whoa check it out it looks like we have four tortoises we have one two three four tortoises whoa and this one over here is so big hey how are you hey my name's blippi this is a celcotta tortoise whoa and it is so big yeah they can actually get a hundred pounds and a hundred years old but this one's actually 20 years old whoa he's so big still though whoa and this one over here oh excuse me excuse me this one is another celcada tortoise here check this out i'll rotate him around so then you can see him oh hey this selkata tortoise is actually five years old so he's a lot smaller oh and here's two more over here wow do you see these these look a little different here let me turn them around here you go yeah this is a red footed tortoise whoa are you going to your friend over here all these tortoises have shells that are really hard that then they can curl up a little bit inside to help protect them whoa look at you go you're so fast all right check this out oh hey all right i'm gonna pick him up and see how heavy he weighs all right wow that was so heavy whoa you are a good boy i love tortoises [Music] whoa check it out this is salvador whoa he is so unique looking look at his head it's so long and skinny wow it's long and skinny because then it allows for him to go inside ant hills with his face in his mouth buh-bye anteaters can actually eat 30 000 ants a day and they spend about 30 seconds per ant hill whoa here he comes yeah they actually only spend 30 seconds for anthill so then the ants don't crawl on them and get attacked yeah wow what smart creatures whoa their eyesight actually isn't that good but their smell is great whoa salvador you like your lunch yeah [Music] whoa check it out this is a groundhog and it looks like he's eating a banana whoa so cute groundhogs are really cool because they actually go into hibernation yeah that means they hang out inside underground during winter time when it's cold but then springtime they come on out see the sun whoa hey and actually they're burrows yeah they go in different directions kind of like an ant hill for 66 yards in different directions that's about 200 feet hey buddy you want another banana here you go oh here you go i'll set that right there for you for later so cool [Music] here you go bean whoa check it out this is a porcupine there you go bean yeah do you see beans quills wow yeah porcupines have spikes yeah quills and actually they can't shoot them out like what you might think they can what they do is first they release a smell and if the predator doesn't get scared then it puffs up and then it'll back into the predator or maybe the predator will attack it and that's its defensive mechanism oh hey bean do you like that banana yeah bean was actually found in a bean patch whoa hey bean [Laughter] so cute [Music] well porcupines are so cool yeah i'm definitely not gonna pet bean today yeah because bean is enjoying his banana see ya whoa did you see that this box just moved hmm i'm not seeing an animal anywhere else wait a second i wonder if there's an animal under this box one way to find out here we go whoa check it out this is a giant hairy armadillo whoa hey how are you yeah her name is ren whoa she is so cute look how big she is she is so active yeah armadillos typically roll into a ball to protect themselves yeah like that but actually giant hairy armadillos can't do that whoa look at her what they do for protection is they dig in the ground yeah dig holes that's called burrowing whoa and she loves to eat insects oh she is so cool maybe i can pet her [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa check it out this is angel hey angel yeah this is a blue and gold macaw wow she is so pretty look at her colors wow blue and yellow gold and then look looks like she has some green on her head hey wow and look at that sharp beak [Music] whoa hasn't this been fun learning about all these animals today yeah it was so much fun at predators of the heart wolf encounters in anacortes washington i sure did have a lot of fun learning about animals with you thanks for coming along well this is the end of this video though but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me angel b-l-i-p-p-i [Music] flippy good job all right see you again bye-bye [Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout flippy hey it's me blippi and today we're at the pasadena humane society to see which animals need a home i am so excited come on [Music] okay now we're at the shop where you can buy treats and toys and food and so many things for all the pets here okay what do they have look every day is catterday that's funny this is where the cats eat their food oh look over here some toys whoa [Music] this is called lamb chop [Music] and it looks like a little fish i bet this is for a kitty to play with because kitty kitties love to play with fish okay some crates look if you need to transport your your pet from the humane society you will probably take it inside a crate like this see so then they're nice and safe when they travel [Music] unleashes wow look at all these colorful leashes this leash is the color red this leash is the color pink i bet you know this color i wear this color all the time yeah it's the color blue come on this side wow look at this color yeah that's so bright and vibrant this color is the color pink yum some more treats but wait a second this looks like it's for i can't open it anymore oh hey can food come here [Music] some cat food more bulls these look like dog bowls [Music] come over here you have a dog or maybe even a cat you've probably seen these bags yeah they have a lot of food in them i think this is for chickens or maybe it just has a chicken flavor to it oh and treats yeah look at this these are treats and dogs love these maybe we can get these and go feed them to a doggy come on [Music] do you see this dog this dog's name is timmy oh and do you see right here he has a bow tie on just like how i have a bow tie but my bow tie is the color orange and timmy's bow tie do you see the color whoa hey timmy timmy's bow tie is the color red wow that's a really cool bow tie timmy [Music] hey remember the treats we got earlier yeah timmy loves them hey timmy look at what i have for you a treat yum timmy loves these treats this is equivalent to like our um a nice tasty salad or even maybe like a piece of pizza yum good boy timmy okay last one here you go [Music] okay now let's play with pierre and panther there they are [Music] see this right here is panther hello panther hmm so cute and so soft hello see oh so cute okay you want to go say hello to pierre hey oh hey oh hi oh i wonder if they're siblings i don't know but they look so similar hey there's some toys over here let's go kids oh let's see if they like these hey okay you want a toy oh i guess not hey you want a toy you want a tennis ball ready [Music] okay here we go oh you want this toy what about what about this toy they are so cute [Music] look at what it is it's a kitty cat this kitty's nice and tired i think it just took a nap you know in the middle of the day when sometimes you take a nap this kitty just took one of those i wonder if the kitty had a dream yeah look at this whoa this is a cat toy hey kitty hey kitty i don't think it wants to play right now but cats love to play and it's really important to play with your pets like this kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty that's funny oh [Music] see there's more cats in here there's more over here [Music] wow a lot of them are sleeping oh hey look hey hi oh what do you have here i have pumpkin pumpkin is one of the cats that we have available to find a new home today yeah she came to us with nobody to care for her we're hoping somebody comes and takes her home and makes them hers oh wow can i pet sure pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin is really nice and really sweet hey isn't she pretty there she is the green eyes so pretty all right bye-bye bye the critter house i wonder what kind of critters are in here come on wow this room is great look hello it's sleeping but there's a guinea pig right here oh that's funny okay oh what's over here oh hey birdie oh it's a bird look [Music] cute little bird oh look that bird was white look there's a white rabbit wow you see that rabbit hey i have a treat for you come look over here wow i have a rabbit friend right down here huh okay oh where are you going oh look hey rabbit [Music] oh there it is hey it's running around [Music] rabbits have really big ears [Music] okay rabbit hey how are you oh it's really soft and their ears are big okay bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah that was awesome [Music] so many cute animals well see you later bye bye [Music] a pet keeps you company it will be there whenever you're in need it cheers you up when you've had a bad day a pet can be your best playmate dogs and cats and bunnies and rats these are the pets pets pets turtles and snakes goldfish in a tank these are the pets pets pets my pet my pet is my very best friend gotta take care of your pets my pet my pet is my very best friend you've got to feed them and clean them sometimes you've got teach em how to behave sit fight or sit some pets you have to walk with them others you can talk to them and some you have to clean out the cage spiders and birds and ants and worms these are the pets pets ants ponies and frogs hamsters and hogs these are the pets pets my pet my pet is my very best friend gotta take care of your pets my pet my pet is my very best friend come on everybody sing along my pet my pet is my very best friend you've gotta take care of your pets my pet my pet is my very best friend you've gotta take care of your pets [Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout [Music] hey it's me flippy and look at what it is whoa it's a real ice cream truck and today you and i are gonna learn about ice cream trucks [Music] all right now let's learn the parts of this ice cream truck on the outside whoa it's so colorful whoa and look there's some ice cream right here we have a strawberry shortcake we have an ice cream sandwich we have a drumstick and we have a red white and blue ice cream [Music] whoa look at these so cool they're pink rims so then the ice cream truck can drive around on the [Music] street sweet wheels and tires oh what's this huh it says children slow crossing it looks like there's lights let me show you all right you see this red knob you pull it out and watch what happens whoa these lights flash orange and the sign comes out from the ice cream truck so then you know not to get close to the ice cream truck or at least just be very weary so then you don't get hurt so we'll keep that out right now let me show you something else oh you see this this is a switch for music [Music] you hear that music that means the ice cream truck is coming to you so then you can get some ice cream and look at right here some social media of this exact ice cream truck in las vegas nevada sweet oh then look right here look at all these ice cream choices we have whoa this one has the color red orange green oh and look at this one one of my two favorite colors orange yum oh a ninja turtle oh spongebob squarepants and let's see here remember this one yeah it's on the other side too it's the strawberry shortcake yum oh look at this this is the window that you walk up to and this is where you order your ice cream from huh hello hello wait a second no one's in here i have an idea maybe you and i can go inside and serve some people some ice cream come on all right now let's hop in the back and serve some ice cream but first we need to turn off the generator this is what provides power to the freezer let's turn it on whoa it's like a mini engine that produces power to keep the freezer really cold but the freezer is already cold so we can turn it off all right let's hop in the back and serve some ice cream whoa the inside of an ice cream truck so excited [Music] whoa this is where the driver of the ice cream truck sits it's just like a normal vehicle a steering wheel a shifter knob a set of keys but we're not here for driving we're here for ice cream wow this big white thing right here this is the freezer let's open it up whoa look at all this ice cream all right let's pick out five ice cream bars ready all right okay we got one one [Music] three oh oh over here four all right and let's see here we go all right fine all right five let's shut this to keep them nice and cold so right here we have five one two three four five five ice cream bars but now we need three snacks hmm okay how about some popcorn one how about some some chips two snacks huh what else oh yum all right three three snacks so we have five ice cream bars and three snacks five plus three is one two three four five six seven eight yum all right now we need to let everyone know on twitter and instagram where we are all right [Music] okay we have some ice cream here let's pass it out all right first we have cotton candy who wants cotton candy there you go thank you you're welcome okay we have an ice cream sandwich yum thank you you're welcome and a hello kitty yeah you're welcome all right enjoy the ice cream thank you bye-bye [Music] that was so much fun learning about this ice cream truck with you well this is the perfect time for the funny fun ice cream song let's make some ice cream that's yummy yum let's make some ice cream that's funny fun let's make some ice cream for our tummy tums let's make some bunny bun ice cream i like it sweet let's make some ice cream with strawberries with whipped cream cream and bananas please i like it sweets make some ice cream with strawberries like a sweetness makes me honest cream let's make some ice cream with chocolate sauce warm and gooey nuts and cherries on top let's make some ice cream with chocolate sauce let's make some bunny fun ice cream let's make some ice cream with a gummy worm i'm green red and yellow yummy worms now let's make some ice cream with gummy worms now let's make some bunny fun ice cream let's make some ice cream yummy yum yum yum let's make some ice cream that's funny fun fun let's make some ice cream for our tummy tums let's make some bunny fun ice cream let's make some ice cream that's yummy yum yum yum let's make some ice cream that's funny fun let's make some ice cream for our tummy fun ice cream yum look at what i have this is some toy clay and i'm acting like it's ice cream but it's actually a toy so be sure not to eat it all right see this is like vanilla ice cream yum and this is like chocolate ice cream look we have some ingredients oh like this yeah some strawberry syrup okay let's take off the cap and here we go [Music] yum oh and look at this one it's like chocolate syrup whoa oh let's put some over here again all right yum that looks tasty and what we can put over on the chocolate ice cream is maybe some whipped cream yum here we go [Music] oh that looks tasty oh look at what we have over here some more some more toy molding clay i think this deserves us a cherry on top okay let's take some off right there and then squish it squish squish squish squish and let's roll it up that looks like a cute cherry let's put a little dimple up top yeah all right let's put it right on the chocolate ice cream yum oh that looks tasty but like i said be sure not to eat it and this one looks like we have some blue and some orange blue and orange my two favorite colors let's make some gummy worms all right let's take half of this orange roll it out okay ooh look at that the orange gummy worm put it right on top right here and then let's take the blue and we'll make another gummy worm and put it right there all right roll it out look at that gummy worm let's lay it right there and there we have two tasty looking toy ice creams yum well this is the end of this video it was so much fun learning about the ice cream truck with you and listening dancing and saying to the funny fun ice cream song well if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i-p-p-i flippy all right see you again bye-bye [Music] but before we play we have to take off our shoes all right here's my first shoe okay and here is my second shoe all right let's go play hey flippy have fun oh thank you okay come on whoa look oh wow some farm animals ooh a cow another count [Music] what else do we have over here whoa look at this it's a body interesting like my body like yeah i have a body like my abs my chest my back interesting and in this video you and i are gonna learn about the parts of our bodies wow all right let's go see what kind of parts we can find for this body come on whoa whoa a ball pit oh wait a second look over here come here look at what i found whoa see these these are arms arms and hands yeah just like what you and i have whoa all right so let's take these arms and hands and put them on our body i love my arms and hands because it helps me pick things up like this blue ball and throw it at you whoa or this red one whoa or this yellow one oh i did that with using my hands and my arms to throw the ball all right watch what else i can do with my arms and hands look at all these colorful balls wow i love my arms and hands all right let's see what other body parts we can find look at this red train what's this it's a purple car look at these tracks all right make way three all right here's another one here we go perfect we have one more but this one i'm gonna ride on it ready oh do you see what i see look down there whoa see these these are feet yeah like your feet and my feet and and also legs wow i love feet and legs let's pick out a pair let's see let's do let's do the orange ones huh that's cute look has toes on the feet yeah see now our body can stand up whoa speaking of standing i really love my feet and my legs because look they allow me to walk they allow me to stand they allow me to jump and they allow me to dance [Music] i love my legs come on all right there's so many things i see with my eyes over here hey speaking of seeing with my eyes i have a game for us to play all right i will look at something behind me and from there i'll tell you what i see and then you have to look and see if you see what i see alright are you ready [Music] okay i spy a butterfly [Music] do you see a butterfly yeah come here whoa look this butterfly is so beautiful i love looking at butterflies they just flap their wings and they're so graceful [Music] okay let's play another round of i spy all right let's see [Music] okay i spy my eyes a dog [Music] do you see a dog [Music] oh what a cute doggy oh so cute oh perfect whoa look a bunch of eyeballs whoa look their eyes yeah just like you and my eyes they allow us to see ooh i love eyes yeah just like how i i saw something and then you had to look to see something we used our eyes perfect all right i'm gonna pick these eyes but there's so many different eyes we can pick from oh these are nice oh these are real cool but let's use these yeah okay let's put them on right here oh oh oh maybe i can't use those ones they're a little too big okay let's do these ones yeah perfect yeah there you go look we have a a body which is the abs yep and then the chest yeah the core the back we have the arms we have the eyes the legs and the feet let's go see what other body parts we can find [Music] [Music] [Music] wow that was awesome oh look a piano [Music] it sounds so pretty when i play this piano i'll play it again listen [Music] wait a second look at what it is oh look at what they are yeah their ears wow whoa so these yeah our ears see just like these on the side of my head they allow for sound to come in to my head and that's how i i hear you and you hear me when i talk whoa let's put these on our our body okay so these ears are on our head which those allow us to hear things yeah we can hear things like birds chirping outside or we can hear like people talking back and forth or we can hear things like like the tractor song when i play this piano [Music] they get the job done what an amazing song to my ears that was okay let's go find some more body parts whoa yeah all right two for two yeah okay you wait right here i'll be right back okay hello hi i told you i'd be right back okay let's go [Music] whoa this is roller okay come on baby let's go i'll put you right here all right let's go oh hey some fruits and vegetables let's put those in there so we can cook them [Music] of cooking vegetables look some corn on the barbecue whoa it smells so good oh wait a second look down here yeah speaking of smell how you smell things is with your nose it looks like there's a lot of noses down here like this big red one or this orange one or this purple one okay let's uh let's pick the purple nose yeah okay [Music] oh i think it's upside down there we go that looks good has a big nose that's nice i like it wow i love having a nose because it allows you to smell things like have you ever smelt a flower before i love the smell of flowers or have you ever smelt the smell of stinky socks [Music] the nose allows you to smell oh geez i'm kind of getting hungry let's go get a snack come on hello can i have a snack sure what would you like flipping oh let's see what they have whoa there's so many options i know what i want hello can i have a veggie straw packet thing sure thank you very much come on yum to open it up ooh yum an orange veggie straw a yellow veggie straw [Music] so tasty hey have you ever wondered why do we have mouths yeah look mouths right here there's teeth there's there's tongues and there's there's lips wow i love my mouth because it allows me to do things like talk to you hello hello hello hello it allows me to sing it allows me to yell hey hey over here hello it allows me to eat things too like these veggie straws hmm it allows me to whistle [Music] and it allows me to smile oh i love the mouth okay let's pick a mouth for our person okay let's do a big smile all right here we go look at that so beautiful i love it [Music] mmm that was tasty all right come here [Music] oh look a dump truck wow but look at what's in here whoa some hats ah i love hats see i'm wearing a hat right now because the hat goes on your head which is another part of your body whoa your hat your head is where the hat goes and your head has your eyes your mouth your nose your ears and your brain you are very smart you are very special all right let's put the hat on the head of our character perfect look it's complete all right let's go over the body parts we learned about okay let's take the color red and blue all right let's put u right there and let's write all the parts so the head [Music] and the eyes [Music] the nose [Music] the mouth [Music] the ears [Music] the feet [Music] the hands [Music] and i think that's everything okay no wait i forgot one yeah the legs perfect all right so here we are so these are the body parts that we learned today i have a game all right so what i'm gonna do is i am going to say the body part and you have to point to your body part ready um okay your head point to your head yeah your head good job all right let's cross off head all right now point to your ears yeah your ears that's how you hear things here with your ears all right what about your mouth [Music] point to your mouth yeah your mouth okay now your hands point to your hands yeah your hands yeah good job all right point to your nose point to your nose yeah your nose yeah your nose okay now point to your legs point to your legs yeah your legs all right good job and point to your eyes will you point to your eyes yeah right here wow your eyes and last but not least point to your feet are you point yeah your feet whoa whoa [Applause] all right there we go that was so much fun learning about all those body parts with you whoa [Applause] that was so much fun well thank you so much for learning about body parts with me at fidget's indoor playground in las vegas nevada well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name let's spell my name together ready b-l-i p-p-i blippi good job that's my name bye-bye [Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to [Music]
Channel: Moonbug Kids - Animals for Kids
Views: 1,326,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learning videos for kids, preschool, kids videos, nursery rhymes, animals for kids, animal TV show, animal TV, children animal videos, sharks cartoon, cartoons for kids, zoo animals, blippi animals, scary animals, moonbug animals, morphle animals, Blippi zoo, Blippi animal videos, dinosaur, trex ranch, dinosaurs for kids, panda, hamster, lion, pig, morphle, mila and morphle, blippi, cute animals, sharksons, shark cartoons, shark, farm animals, lellobee city farm
Id: mIEueqAZyZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 33sec (3753 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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