Blippi Visits a Raspberry Factory | 1 HOUR BEST OF BLIPPI | Blippi Toys: Educational Videos for Kids

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[Music] wow look at where we are we're in the frozen food aisle in a grocery store look at what it is yeah frozen raspberries they're so sweet and high in vitamin c i wonder how these raspberries got here [Music] wow look at all of these raspberry bushes and all of these raspberry bushes have raspberries on them and this is the color raspberry red and it's so tasty well since we're picking these to be frozen we pick them at the perfect ripeness and actually we don't pick them we shake them off with the harvester [Music] wow we're in front of the harvester see and deep in there it's shaking these bars like this and so then the really ripe raspberries fall off into the harvester look [Music] so now we're on the harvester this is the machine that gets the rest very soft in the push oh and look at the driver hey guys i'm the driver seat and the driver operates the harvester and these things tap they're plastic bars that go up and down real quick and shakes the raspberries off of the bush [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] after the raspberries get shaken off the bushes they arrive on these conveyor belts so what do you do i look at all the raspberries and pick off the bad ones whoa like oh like this one right perfect okay put that there and say goodbye to this bye [Music] there she goes picking off all the bad ones wow look at him and his train he passes it to the girl and then she stacks them up [Music] good teamwork [Music] [Applause] now that the harvester is really full they have to pull up next to the truck and unload all of the raspberries [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now the truck arrives to the facility and then the raspberries get taken off the truck with a forklift whoa that forklift can carry a lot of raspberries [Music] okay so the raspberries came from the farm and got transported from a truck and then a forklift pulled it off of the truck and load it up right here and so now all of these raspberries are gonna go into this cooler watch this [Music] there they go into the cooler [Music] bye [Music] oh hello now this is basically a giant refrigerator so then the raspberries get nice and cold super quick look he's wearing nice warm clothes wow that's a lot of raspberries [Music] so what we're doing right here is we're taking a weight of these raspberries see okay now that we have them all weighed up we bring them over here [Music] and this is where they get loaded up whoa and then they get taken to the top [Music] look at those machines [Music] they're putting the raspberries on another belt [Music] then the raspberries go to the top and then this machine flips the trays and the raspberries come out of the trays wow look at all the raspberries see the trays go bye-bye [Music] so many conveyor belts wow those look so tasty hello ladies you're doing a mighty fine job now this room is where the raspberries get frozen it is so cold in here [Music] look at him [Music] now all the raspberries are frozen so we have to put them in boxes all perfectly weighed out look at that look at all those boxes of raspberries wow [Music] so the raspberries just finished getting packed up into these boxes so then what we're doing is loading it into the back of a semi truck and the semi truck is going to deliver it to the grocery store [Music] so that's how the frozen raspberries got all the way to the grocery store they grew on the bushes really big and red and then the harvester drove down the aisles of bushes and shook them off and then they got packaged up in these plastic bags and then they arrived here hey i think we should go make a frozen raspberry smoothie together [Music] whoo all right now it's time to make a raspberry smoothie and a raspberry sandwich yum all right so let's make a sandwich first all right whoa whoa before you touch food you have to wash your hands let's go wash our hands [Music] all right here we go get your hands nice and moist okay whoa now you have to put soap on your pants and then you scrub a dub dub but i'll tell you the correct amount of time alright you have to say blippi blippi blippi and then you keep going faster and faster until you can't say it anymore all right ready [Music] blippi blippi blippi blippi blippi flippy blippy blippy all right whoa now you rinse the soap off your hands all right dry off your hands i am so excited for the food that we're gonna make together all right here we go let's get some bread for our sandwich ooh the heel yum i'll save that one for someone else though all right there we go [Music] one slice of bread two slices of bread all right there you go all right let's uh start out with some peanut butter [Music] yum take a big scoop i love peanut butter okay okay slop it around oh yeah look at that yum okay and on this other side [Music] we are gonna put some raspberry jam this sandwich is gonna taste so good all right take a big scoop of raspberry jam plop it right there [Music] all right spread it around oh yum yum all right put it down put the lid back on all right here we go let's cut it in half all right and let's cut it into quarters yum look at that whoa all right let's uh put this on a plate [Music] all right okay one two three four oh yum all right you know what beverage would be so tasty with this raspberry sandwich yeah a raspberry smoothie okay i'm gonna teach you how to make one first we need to go get our milk hold on okay so i have almond milk and normal milk so let's put a little bit of almond milk in here [Music] [Applause] perfect that looks great and let's put a little bit of normal milk in here [Music] okay perfect i spilt a little look that's okay we'll clean it up after all right and let's take a banana let's actually cut it in half because that's a lot of banana i want more raspberries than banana but i still do like banana bombs away all right and wait what are we missing here yeah raspberries okay i need to go get them from the freezer [Music] yeah frozen raspberries i use frozen raspberries because they're really good in here because then it makes it nice and cold and then it feels like little ice chunks all right how do we open this there we go all right the correct amount is one handful nope it's two handfuls yeah there we go yeah okay there we go and let's add a little bit of extra almond milk perfect all right let's put the lid on [Music] give it a little shake [Music] yeah now let's blend it on up wow yum that looks so tasty okay i'm gonna get a glass [Music] perfect yum all right let's pour our smoothie [Music] yum all right now it's time for the raspberry song raspberry razz raspberry raspberries razz raspberries a tiny fruit red and sweet called a raspberry berry raspberries grows on a plant loved by honey bee grass berries raspberries i think they're very very young on waffles and in yogurt cups raspberries i like them very very much and i just can't get enough it makes a wonderful jam juicing pie fillings berries raspberries a frozen treat on top of your ice cream and they're full of vitamin c's [Music] raspberries hey can you spell raspberry with me okay here we go r-a-s-p-b-e-r-r-y you did it great job come on everybody sing along with me [Music] one more time [Music] yum this food is so tasty well i sure did have a blast learning with you about how raspberries go all the way from the farm to your tummy well if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name you know my name right yeah it's blippi let's spell it together ready b-l-i p-p-i blippi good job now you know how to say and spell my name see you again bye bye hey it's me flippy and i was just dancing but it's really hot outside i wish i could take a break well no time for breaks when you're dancing [Music] oh do you see that whoa it's a popsicle cart and i love popsicles i think you and i should get a popsicle let's go hey hi blippi how are you what's your name i'm julia would you like a handmade popsicle yeah i love popsicles what flavor do you have this is cha cha cha it's mango pineapple and chia seed that sounds so yummy mango pineapple and chia seeds that is so yummy okay glad you like it do you want to see how they're made yeah that would be so much fun let's go let's go welcome to my kitchen wow look at this place it's so cool thanks now first thing you need to gear up oh check it out this is an apron here we go wow okay well what do we have here so these are all the ingredients we use to make our popsicles looks like a bunch of fruit and vegetables yep you got it we actually use a lot of superfoods in our popsicles so you'll see kale and avocado and spinach and chia seeds what's this this is a coconut wow that's cool a coconut cool what flavor are we making i thought we could make popeye popeye yeah all right that's why i call it popeye um i don't know why i use spinach okay so here we go called the spinach i was making it batch earlier so i thought we could just add to it okay so here's some spinach and what do you have strawberries strawberries and to sweeten it we use dates dates all right come on back oh okay so here's the batch i was working on earlier oh look at it all right that looks yummy go ahead let's add it in okay bye-bye spinach and then here are some strawberries and dates yum now what might be different about your kitchen is we have some big equipment we use here really i'm excited whoa look at that that thing is massive what does that thing do this is our immersion blender wow so you put it in whoa you hit the button [Music] whoa there you go so that just blends it up into a liquid it sure does wow that looks so yummy well now what do we do now we're gonna put it in our molds okay and i'm gonna get my trusty picture [Music] what so it's basically three ingredients all blended up to make one yummy tasting liquid so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna pour it in oh and then you kind of just have to feed it through shake it around yeah may i of course okay here's some more whoa we got some chunky ones in there that's okay there's some more okay and then next what we need to do is we'll just put in our sticks yeah like a popsicle stick have you ever eaten a popsicle and you hold on to the piece of wood yeah that's what we just put in there so it makes them so handy okay and now we put it into our extra special popsicle machine whoa what does this thing do it makes it super cold it freezes a popsicle in 18 minutes wow i'm so excited i sure do love popsicles hey check it out let's put it in whoa so is that just really cold in there yes it's actually made out of a special popsicle freezing liquid whoa i can't tell you all my secrets maybe for later well now what do we do well usually when i wait for popsicles to freeze i like to dance okay let's go [Music] [Music] whoa does that mean it's done [Music] all right let's shake off that good popsicle liquid okay let it dry all right i'm gonna grab this house so we don't slip on it that'll make a fun dance move we have to put it in the liquid okay and what does that do it kind of softens it up so it comes right out last one there they are those look so yummy i am so excited go ahead try one okay how about this one wow yum that is so yummy [Music] yum that reminds me i gotta go back out and sell more popsicles okay well do you think you could watch the kitchen for me feel free to make your own flavor make our own flavor that sounds like fun see you thanks for showing us around no problem but did you hear that you and i get to make our very own flippy flavor let's do this [Music] did you hear that all right you and i gonna make our very own flavor and i am so excited all right let's see what we have to work with all right you know what kind of fruit this is right yeah this is an apple okay looks like we have some grapes yum oh what are these check these out yeah these are lemons lemons are the color yellow wow and then we have some greens over here whoa spinach it's like hair whoa oh this is kale and kale is really yummy and it doesn't like containers that's silly okay let's put these back in here so then we can continue to see what type of fruits and vegetables we have like this whoa this is so heavy yeah this is a watermelon and watermelons are so big and yummy do you know what color is on the inside of the watermelon [Music] yeah red and the outside is green okay just a couple more bananas and [Music] pineapple no okay so you can see we have this big bucket right here and we need to put a lot of the ingredients right in here can't forget about the strawberries we'll start with those here we go [Applause] okay that kale whoa let's put some in there you're doing so good oh apples okay we could put the whole apple in there but i think we should probably slice it have you ever had a slice of an apple they're so yummy okay here is our red apple slicer and then put it right in the center just like that and then you push down whoa look at that that is awesome slice the apples so then you pull them out and then you can put them right in our big bucket wow and you keep the core you keep the core which is the center out of it because there's a lot of seeds in there speaking of seeds watermelons have seeds okay let's cut open the watermelon whoa i'm gonna be very careful because i'm a grown-up with this knife ready okay here we go chop it in half just like that flip it around look at that that looks so yummy our popsicles are gonna be so yummy okay um i have an idea here we go all right we have some bananas open those up here we go bye bye banana and we'll do another banana yum here we go look at it is that looking tasty or does that look tasty [Music] whoa and remember we learned what fruit this is yeah the coconut all right these are a little tricky to open but it's worth the trouble so let's take the coconut opener [Music] whoa we did it look at that whoa look at all that liquid i just want to drink it all up okay we'll put that in the bucket fur the popsicles oh yum okay use this little coconut device and pull out some of the coconut meat yeah right in there yummy there we go [Music] all right perfect let's bring it right over here yum all right oh spinach right here and then we have a bunch of grapes we'll do one two three four five six seven eight nine ten [Applause] eleven grapes all right and then remember these we used these earlier these are dates here we go okay can't forget about the lemons we have so many types of fruits and vegetables in here here we go wow okay let's take these and give a little squeeze have you ever tasted a lemon before okay let's try some whoa whoa that's sour okay let's wash our hands and then last but not least we have a pineapple we cut the pineapple just like that and see that yellow that looks so yummy so now we take this pineapple tool put it right on top and then give it a little twist wow look at that and then you pull it out whoa check that out then take it off just like this and that's gonna give it some nice sweetness to these yummy popsicles all right i think that's plenty look at whoa that's so heavy come on back here remember that next step that we do yeah she taught us that you put the bucket whoa right here you take the big blender whoa whoa and we blend it up here we go [Music] whoa all right now it's all mixed up wait a second though we need the magic tool this is a giant whisk check this out [Applause] [Music] righty it's adding some color okay let's put this right over here and then we can bring this up and grab this pitcher remember from earlier we need to scoop some out i am so excited pour some in [Music] let's grab another scoop okay here we go okay whoa all right i think that's plenty so let's give it a shake okay yes these are gonna be so yummy then let's take these sticks wow that's a lot of popsicle sticks put them right in there oh perfect okay now we need to bring it to the cooling station here we go set it down [Music] we did it all right now remember what we had to do earlier it's gonna take a long time so we get a dance while we wait did he carry dean oh you sure did the popsicles must be ready let's check them out all right whoa i am so excited i can't wait to see the ingredients you use me too [Music] nice and loose whoa look at them whoa my two favorite colors yeah check them out blue and orange shall we try them yeah do you like them these are delicious flippy you know what you need to take those outside and go sell some pops awesome all right let's go try some sell some popsicles popsicles popsicles who wants a popsicle i love popsicles and that was so much fun learning about how to make popsicles with you at mom and pop shop in costa mesa california well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i-p-p-i [Music] flippy good job well see you later [Music] look at the cherries they look so yummy i love cherries and cherries grow in clusters like these let's pull off a cluster and count how many cherries are in the cluster whoa okay one cherry two cherries and three cherries [Music] okay first thing you need to do is pull the cherries off of the tree and then you put it in the bucket right here and when the bucket is really full like this then we go to the bin and pour out the cherries whoa there we go look at all those cherries [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow look at all of these cherries now that the bins are full of cherries to the tippy tippy top now it's time for the tractor to load up the bins [Music] yum these cherries look so tasty and these cherries are the color red [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah whoa look at this giant door whoa gotta lock up the back of the truck [Music] all right now the truck is full of cherries now it's time for the truck to take it to the packing facility [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now that the bins are full and in the factory it's time to dump them in the water so they can get sorted and packed [Music] whoa look at all of these cherries they look so tasty yum so now it's time for the cherries to go up this conveyor belt and go get sorted in the factory [Music] [Music] there's so many cherries so what i'm doing now is oh here's one i'm pulling the stems throwing them away and then i'm also looking yeah i'm looking for leaves and throwing them away here's one yes another leaf good job i'm getting so oh yeah okay so now we make sure these these cherries are nice and clean so then they can go down the conveyor belt so then they'll be nice and ready for you to eat [Music] [Music] in this factory we're sorting into three sizes of cherries the first size is a small cherry the next size is a medium cherry and the last size is a big cherry [Music] oh hey so what i'm doing right here is i'm filling up this clamshell container all the way full with cherries and there's a scale right here so i can weigh it and now that it's the perfect weight i seal it all up now this goes to the store [Music] [Music] ah cherries [Music] the cherries are all packed up now they're being loaded into the back of the summit truck head to the grocery store [Music] well i'm a red round sweet fruit but some of us are sour too if it's not too cold and not too hot i can grow all over this world we're on i just start out as a tiny seed put me in the ground till i'm blossoming in three to four years i'll become a tree and in the summertime you get a taste of me cherry cherry cherry song everybody now cherry cherry cherry song sing along a hot fudge sundae i'm on top i'm the best flavor of a lollipop i'm a warm and gooey and tasty treat when i'm baked in pies for you to eat i go so well so many things from syrup to juice to the smoothie you drink and i bet you like coke even better with me cherry cherry cherry song everybody now cherry cherry cherry song sing along yo man cherry out i gots to go ripen hey it's me blippi and today we're at tanaka farms in irvine california tanaka farms yeah is a farm where you get to pick your very own fruits and vegetables yeah no grocery store today today you and i are at the farm here we go oh check it out it looks like there's a tractor and two wagons let's go here at tanaka farms you can ride the tractor on the tanaka farm tractor tour i'm so excited oh hey look hey who are you i'm farmer kenny ooh farmer kenny nice to meet you i'm blippi what do you do here i do a little bit of everything drive the tractor around and take you on tour whoa can we take a tour sure hop on all right let's go [Music] check it out i'm in a carrot field all right step on over and you see all this green that's the top of the carrot yeah you don't eat that the carrot is actually under the ground that's why they call it a root vegetable okay in order to pick a carrot we actually need to find the carrots so let's pull these back whoa there's a lot right here yeah see all this orange yeah those are carrots but they're pretty stuck under there so let's take this giant pitchfork whoa looks like a small fork but way bigger and then let's loosen up the soil wow and then we need to pick a carrot hey here's one right here wow check it out we got a carrot whoa yeah oh that's cool i love carrots they're the color orange i love putting them in my salads my carrot cake even some soup they're so yummy and they help your eyes be able to see at night whoa pretty cool hey and actually there's an animal that really loves to eat carrots can you think of what animal that is huh let's go find it [Music] oh cute bunny oh look it's a cute bunny wow this bunny's name is andy oh i wonder if andy wants a carrot from earlier here you go andy maybe andy's not hungry that's okay let's put andy down there you go all right there you go andy whoa i love bunnies they're so soft hey this is peanut butter and the other one its name is jelly oh here's another one look at all those oh hey here we go it's okay yeah wow do you see this chicken this is a modern game chicken yeah and they still lay eggs although they're really small yeah look at them hey they're so cute wow okay let's put peanut butter down so then peanut butter can eat some of the mealworms okay there you go oh oh and come over here i have something to show you wow right over here we have some eggs chickens lay eggs wow we have one egg two eggs three eggs and four eggs these two are big eggs and these two are small eggs but these two weren't laid by the modern game chicken these are still too big for those chickens okay we'll put these eggs back right here and let's go check out the chicken some more [Music] these chickens sure do love their snack [Music] oh [Music] wow do you see these these are carrots yeah they're the color orange i love the color orange it's one of my two favorite colors and these are onions wow that is a big onion and look at these these are also onions but these are called green onions yeah they're both onions but they look so different wow this is romaine i love romaine it's so healthy i like to put it in my salads wow and these are beets whoa these are golden beets and these are just beets oh look check these out these are cute these are radishes do you see the color it's kind of like a pinkish red yeah i like that color oh hey it's spinach these are in a little case a clear case yeah spinach is green a lot of these vegetables are the color green it seems like well see the radishes yeah the part that you eat is the pinkish red color but up here this uses photosynthesis to grow the radishes and this is the color green but you don't need the top wow kale you should try some kale chips sometimes yeah it's like normal chips but healthier wow are these drumsticks nope these are sugar cane wow that is so sweet wow japanese eggplant wow these are the color purple it's a very dark purple wow so cool and healthy we got some green celery we got some cauliflower can't forget about the summer squash yeah wow and we also have some green bell peppers yeah right next to the red bell peppers check it out yeah red green red green we'll put those back just right there and last but not least we got some corn on the cob i love corn [Music] all right blippi we're here i am so excited wow i wonder what type of food this is okay let's see all right we could go down this row right here this one all right whoa what are these those are watermelons watermelons wow it looks like there's two different kinds yeah there's these small round ones those are yellow watermelon okay those big oblong ones those are red seeded watermelon wow can we pick a couple yeah let's find something to pick okay so how about this yellow one right here right in the middle this one yeah okay how do you do it just go ahead comes right off when it's ready it comes right off wow look at it this watermelon is a circle or a sphere okay all right let me go i'll go grab a red okay whoa that's a big watermelon wow what shape is this looks like a sphere to me yeah kind of like a oblong sphere or an oval all right now can we put them down right here okay wow these are so nice okay all right so this is a normal watermelon and we know what the color inside is but we should just cut it open and check right see what it looks like wow yeah green on the outside and reddish pink red on the inside wow and do you see the seeds they're black seeds and white seeds whoa okay but since this watermelon looked a little different what's so different about it it just has a yellow inside flesh oh that makes sense yeah because it's called a yellow watermelon can we cut it open yeah let's cut it open and see when they're nice and ready they pop right open yeah whoa i've never seen a watermelon like this before look this is the color yellow wow all right let's compare them yellow red yellow red both are tasty wow let's see how it tastes um mmm that's sweet i love the taste of yellow watermelon what color is your favorite of watermelon my favorite is yellow mmm has a little bit different taste but tastes really good mm-hmm yeah let me tell you this tastes really good you want to try strawberry hmm strawberries are so tasty let's go pick some more strawberries okay do you see my container this is called a clam shell container yeah do you know what a clam is yeah clam is a shellfish and this kind of looks like it okay let's pick 20 strawberries whoa that's a lot of strawberries okay ready one two three four five six seven wow eight nine ten strawberries okay we're halfway there eleven twelve minus 1 11 12 13 14 15 sixteen seventeen almost there eighteen nineteen last one twenty 20 strawberries in our clam shell container good job [Music] wow what kind of plants are these i've never seen these before wow look at them they're so tall kind of looks like cornstalks but i know they're not cornstalks we're stopping all right blippi we're here on sugar cane lane sugarcane lane did you hear that oh that's what these must be sugar canes whoa okay all right farmer kenny all right what do we do now we're gonna cut some sugar cane down okay wow hey these are sugar cane nice stock whoa whoa that's a sharp knife he just chopped it down wow what's sugar cane used for you could use it just to suck on you could use it to press it out make juice out of it with it is that what they make sugar out of yeah whoa sugarcane makes sugar wow okay wow look at that so normally you just cut off the skin and chew on the inside wow so you can chew on that right there yeah okay [Music] wow anytime you use knife you have to be very careful right grown-ups and only grown-ups can use a knife [Music] oh all right that looks so yummy did you on that little end all right let's try it [Music] i love sugar cane whoa check this out whoa this is a monstrous plant and this is actually a flower this is a giant flower and this flower is called a sunflower wow can you tell why it's called a sunflower yeah because it looks like the sun [Music] wow and sunflowers produce seeds yummy seeds are really healthy well this has been so much fun learning about fruits vegetables and seeds with you at tanaka farms in irvine california well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job all right see you [Music] much to learn later it'll make you wanna shout with me
Channel: Blippi Toys
Views: 3,416,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, kid songs, toddlers, children, preschool, learn colors, learn shapes, learn numbers, tractors, fire trucks, garbage trucks, monster trucks, learn, Kids, Educational Videos for Kids, Educational videos for toddlers, for children, blippi animals, blippi videos, blippi playlist, animal videos, for kids, for toddlers, blippi visits, blippi learns, blippi full episodes, best of, best of blippi, blippi visits a raspberry factory, fruits, blippi raspberry, factory
Id: moGokaDVnBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 2sec (3842 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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