Blindfolded Skydiving w/ The Dolan Twins!

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- Three YouTubers die skydiving. It's a good headline. (upbeat music) Hey guys, it's Molly here again for another video. And I have like the gems, the golden boys of YouTube here with me. - Thank you. - I'm so stoked. You see it in the title. You know what we're doing. - Yeah. I'm very stoked. - They can't wait. - Stoked is an understatement. - Guys, I've been skydiving three times and like, no this is going to be my third time actually. And I am just as nervous as, actually the most nervous. - Third times a charm. - Yeah, but in a good way or bad way? 'Cause the first two were nice. - Usually they say a good way. - Okay. So hopefully it's a good way. - Fingers crossed, my mom, you guys, literally this morning, cause I don't have like a will or anything. So this morning my mom filmed me, while I was getting into my Uber and she was like, say it Molly, and I was like, Molly Burke, I'm off to the skydiving. If I die, I'm leaving everything to my parents. I don't have a will. So this is me saying everything goes to, Neve Francis Burke and Peter John Burke. - [Mom] What date is it? - I don't know, Sunday, the 18th 2018. - No. We're not, we're not going to die. We're gonna be fine. We're going with professionals strapped onto our backs. The only thing is I can't see, if I'm actually strapped in or not. So that's the one thing that's scaring me. I feel like when I'm in the moment, I'll be able to feel it more. Like you always have more control when you're in the moment. When you're thinking ahead, you just start to trip out. - Oh, no big deal. Just falling from the sky at what is it? 150 miles per hour, 100, 200 miles per hour? - We don't have to talk about that part of it. - It's 120 when you deploy. - I don't wanna, I don't wanna know the details. But there's something else, very exciting. - What may that be? - This isn't just a collaboration with the Dolan twins. This isn't just us blindfolded, skydiving and risking our lives. - What else is it? - It's my merch announcement. This is me like using you guys. (clapping) - It's all good. - It's all right. - I'm wearing my merch twosome. I might be using you a little bit. - [Man Off Camera] Well plug it, plug it. - There's a link below as well as mine, above. Mine will be above there like, their link will be below. You'll still sell more. It's fine. I'm so excited. You guys might recognize this little guy on my hat. His name is Mr. Whiskers. If you're like a true OG viewer, then you know who Mr. Whiskers is. - They do denim hats, that's dope. - Yeah, thank you. So basically I did this blind girl drawing skills video, where like people suggested things, I should try to draw on a whiteboard and I did. And everybody fell in love with this cat that I drew. Mr. Whiskers. So everybody was like requesting Mr. Whiskers merch. - I'm kinda falling in love with him right now. - Right. Isn't he a cute little bugger? - He is cute. - So finally we have a Mr. Whiskers hat. This is my actual handwriting and my actual drawing stitched on. And we have my little bee logo on the back. - Nice. - And then this hoodie, which I brought some for you guys, so we can all be matching. Don't worry yours isn't pink. And then we have these T-shirts, I'm wearing mine underneath. What way does it go? Oh, look at the tag, it's my name? It's my handwriting so it's not actually cute, but it's like personalized you know. It's not a good logo. - For that, it's cute. - And this has my bee and that's like my actual tattoo. - Really? - Yeah, I have that exact bee tattooed right there. And then he's flying out of the pocket. This is hashtag killing it, because we're the killer bee club over here. One for you. - Thank you. - One for you. - Thank you . - And then the hoodie, which is exactly the same as this one. - I like it. - So it has my exact bee tattoo, again. And then on the arms, it says, "living freely". We'll insert better photos and stuff. But it says living freely, which is my exact tattoo. - Oh nice. - So it's like the exact font of my tattoo, which isn't a font. - It's sick. - It was like handwriting. So I had them recreate it. But the most exciting part, the hood, it says living freely in braille. - Oh that's so cool. - And you can actually feel the braille. - I was just gonna say it pops up. - Yeah. It's puffy. So you can actually read it. So the way it goes, is like when it's on and the hood is down, it says living freely that way. - Shall I demonstrate? - You demonstrate. You guys can be my models. - And we're in. (clapping) - I have like a- - [Man Off Camera] Nice, yo. - Yay. Does it fit? - Yes. - Okay, so turn around. So that's like, it says 'living freely' this way. So L I V I N G F R E E L Y. Living freely. Okay. So this is Gallop's merch. So like I have the hoodie in black and pink. We've got the T-shirt in white and black. We've got the denim hat. So those are my merch. And then Gallop has two things. - He has his own line? - Yeah. So it'll all be on my site, but like he has two merch pieces. - Fancy. - So this is his bandana, which is Gallop, dressed as a unicorn. It's called the, be a unicorn bandana. - At least humans can wear that too. - Yeah. - But also like also Gallop can right? - Here, we'll show some options here of ways you can utilize this. 'Cause one of my friends is like I don't know how I'm going to. And I'm like, girl, I got you, you can use this. You could use it as a decor, on like your dresser. You could use it in your hair. You know, like roll it up and tie it, in a cute little knot, which I do. You can rock it around your neck, like a traditional bandana. You can put it on your dog. - Or out of your back pocket. - As a Kleenex. There's so many options. - Yeah, I was going to say, just like as like a fashion statement. - Exactly. - You can really put in on anything. - Or you can use it as a blindfold when you go skydiving. - Ooh yeah. I would also like to state, that I designed all of this myself. You're getting stuff designed fully 100% by a blind girl. - You're getting your money's worth. - Yeah. And speaking of money's worth, I worked so hard to make this stuff. Like the most cost effective without compromising quality. And I think we can all agree. - Yes. - It's good quality. - Good quality, very soft. - Well priced. - It's vert soft. - He actually has this unicorn costume. I like sent a photo of him in the costume, to the team I was working with. And I was like, I want you to literally draw him, in this exact costume as a cartoon. And they did it. And then it's my handwriting saying Gallop on it. And it'll be on sale. It's live right now, right now. It's the first day. - First day right now? - Just went live. - All right, well, watch the video, then go get it. - Yeah, yeah. Or pause it. - Or pause it and get it, then watch the video. - Exactly and watch the video on their channel. - So we can all have it while the videos going on. - Exactly. It's on sale from this date to this date. It's a limited edition collection. I wasn't sure if people would like it. So I was like- - I think they will. I like it and I'm a person. Together we're people and we like it. - That's true. And Gallop likes it. That's like, I mean, what more do you need? You guys like it? And it goes, well, I'll design more in the future. Also this pop socket that I can't find and that is Gallop's literal paw print. If you guys watch my Instagram story, a couple of months ago, you saw me trying to like put his paw in an ink pad and like literally trying to get his pawtograph. And we finally got a good one and he put it on a pop socket. Yeah, his pawtograph. - Today, there'll be things that you're able to see, that that we are in. - Right. So like being fully blindfolded. So nine out of 10 blind people have remaining vision. Which is something, a lot of people don't realize. So 90% of us in the blind community can see something. So being blindfolded, isn't like the most accurate, but it's the most accurate I can get, in a situation like this, because there's no way to replicate my vision. - So being able to see light, will you be able to like tell the ground's getting closer? - No, because I can really only see, I can really only see shapes and shadows, if someone is back lit. Like standing against a sunny window and today is a really, like I can tell it's not a sunny day. My mom is like, terrified about me protecting my eyes. And I'm like, mom, I can't see anyway, it's like fine. I wanna keep what I've got left. I've learned how to utilize what I have. So we just passed a waterpark and it dawned on me that like, water slides scare me. - Really? - And now I'm going to jump out of a plane. Like, what am I doing? - They scare me too. We can just go to a waterpark instead. - And I don't do roller coasters at all. Like hard no to roller coasters. - Then why are you skydiving? - That's what I'm wondering. I love adrenaline but there's something about water slides. Water slides scare me less than roller coasters, but there's something about those two things, that like scare me. But like I'm going to jump out of a plane. Okay. I'm starting to feel it in my tummy. - All right we're here. - I'm feeling it in my tummy. - They have indoor skydiving, maybe we can just do that instead. - Yeah we can do that. - I did indoor skydiving. I'll link that video below. And in that video, so like, I still have my long hair to my butt at the time. And they're like, oh, just put your hair in a ponytail. They should've said braid. It took me two hours, to de-tangle my hair. - Oh, that guy's doing tricks. - Oh they are getting closer to- - Can you see them Jake, what do they look like? - [Jake] They have all different color parachutes. - Whoa that guys doing back flips. - Whoa. - They are getting really close to each other. Weaving in and out of each other. - [Molly] Oh god. - These guys are all pros. See that, look how chill it looks. - Yeah it looks chill. - When it's just us, we jump at like very different times so then we don't feel close to each other. I'm pretty sure. - These guys are all very pro. - It makes me want to get, doesn't that make you want to get your license? - This makes you want to get my license. See now, I told you when I arrive, I'm going to be a lot less nervous. - You just landed. - He just landed. - That was the guy that we just saw doing flips in the air, just landed and he just like starts, like, he just like walks it off. - Wow. Yep. We are you here. Like, there's no turning back. - No, I'm excited. Are you nervous? I see now you're nervous and I'm excited. - I'm both. I'm like really excited, slightly nervous. I'm happy, no shade to Elle. I'm happy I'm here with you guys because Elle was so nervous that I think would've made me more nervous. I'm also appreciative cause you guys are making me less nervous. - Okay good. - Since you've done it before. - I'm glad I can do that. - Instead of like going also with somebody who's never skydived. By the way Gallup isn't here because Grayson's allergic. - Yeah I'm sorry. - So now Grayson is Gallup. - So he's my Gallup. This is so intense. - You agree? - Yep. It'll match the signature on the hoodies. I don't know it says my O looks like an E. I just try not to pick my finger up because if I do, then I get lost. - Yeah, no, that's good. - Three YouTubers die skydiving. It's a good headline. - They're really covering their backs just in case we die. That's really making me feel like I'm not safe. But they said like hey it's going to be fun. - So yeah no suing us, all right then. - Awesome. How many people have probably backed out last minute like while watching this video? - A lot. - Yeah. - Not us. - Like after the two waivers, the video, and then this video, it's a lot. They're like really preparing for you to die. - [Man Off Camera] All right, you signed away your whole life, how do you feel? - I mean, at this point, if I die, this is so morbid. But if I die, I honestly feel content with what I've done in my life. Like I can honestly say like, I'm cool. I feel like I've accomplished some good stuff. Like I've made a difference in the world. - Okay. We're going to have a safe and successful and exhilarating skydiving experience. - It's going to be great. We're not gonna be able to see it, but it's gonna be great. - Yeah. I'm actually excited because I didn't I didn't focus on feeling it. I was just kind of looking around last time and I think I was like, yeah that was only thing I was focusing on but I want to feel the sensation this time. - I'm so curious to hear at the end of it. Like what you guys say. - Yeah. Okay, I'm ready to jump. - There it is. (slapping) - Did you just hit him? - That was hard, that was really hard. - I could hear that. I knew what happened without even seeing it. What a mean brother. I would have never done that to you. - Thank you. There's a group of people here and they said their subscribers and they just went and they said it was really fun. - So they said the view was amazing. - But you guys aren't getting no views. - We're not getting no view today. - I'll be able to tell when I'm getting closer to the ground because it's going to get hotter. When you jump out of a plane, it's like 30 degrees. Even if it's like 80 degrees outside, which it is right now. And then you pull and then you float down and it gets warmer and warmer. And that's how you know you're getting closer to the ground. - It's time. - It's time. - Time to finally get suited up. - I'm screaming, woo. Cause I'm nervous, but I'm trying to play it off like I'm excited, but I'm really nervous. I guess I want to stay really calm and just let my- - Just breathe. - Yeah. - I think that's going to be my plan is just like lots of deep breathing. - I'm so nervous. Once you put the blindfold on, you're like ugh. - Okay, well I be cold. - [Man Off Camera] Are you from California? - No. - [Grayson] She's from Canada. - But I'm always cold. - [Man Off Camera] You're from Canada? - Yeah. - [Man Off Camera] You'll be fine. - How does it work? I don't know. - You just hold hands. - What, wait is that it? - No, you're harnessed. - Okay we get harnessed. - You're like clipped and strapped and you're okay. - [Man Off Camera] I'm about to put the harness on you. Okay? - Okay. - [Man Off Camera] There you go. - You know I'm blind, right, they told you? - They mentioned it. - Okay. How many times have you jumped? - This is the 4364th. - Wow, all right. So we're safe, you've done it a time or two. - My survivability record is okay. So the last time I jumped with a blind person. - Oh you've jumped with a blind person before. - Oh yeah, so they said afterwards that they got really scared in the plane just before we left. So what I'm going to do this time is just speak to you and keep you informed about everything that's happening. - That would be very helpful. - Until we leave the plane okay? - That would be really helpful. (plane engine roars) - It's going to be really loud. It is kind of scary. - Okay. - Just trust me. - It is kind of scary. Wow, cool, all right. Let's do it. - Any questions? - No. - You ready? - Yeah. - All right girl. - We have, I hear you're Canadians. - I'm Canadian. - Al right, so am I, high five. - Where are you from? - Montreal. - Toronto. My dog's from Montreal. He only know French. - Well that's fab, parlez vous Francais aussi? - I don't know French. I just know dog French. (speaking French) - [Man Off Camera] How you feeling bro? - I don't know. I'm a little bit nervous. Just cause just cause I'm blindfolded. But now I feel like I'm in good hands and this is where my nerves start to wear off and turn into excitement, but like this, this is like sketch. - [Man Off Camera] New perspective. - Really. I really feel like my other senses are heightened. I feel my whole body. I'm like more aware of it. So I'm really going to feel the sensation of falling more so than I ever have skydiving. - [Man Off Camera] Buckle your seat belts. - In the past, which I'm excited for. It's cool, I've never like cared to pay attention to like my feet or anything. It was more just soaking it in through my eyes. So this time it's going to be through the rest of my body. - I'm pumped. I'm ready. Like, I'm just like, let's. Do I look nervous? I feel excited. I mean, I'm definitely like I have a bit of nerves. - [Man Off Camera] A little squirmy. - She's smiling a lot more than usual. - I feel like I have more excitement than nerves but there's definitely a bit of nerves in the excitement. - Yeah, I'd say you look excited. - Oh, you guys we're so afraid. - Oh my god I'm terrified. - [Man Off Camera] That's super convincing. Yeah. We'll use that. - It's really funky. I feel so legit with it though. (plane engine roars) - I think that's our plane. - Here we go. - Blindfolds are on. - [Man Off Camera] All right follow me. (upbeat music) (words drowned out by plane engine roaring) (upbeat music) (whooping) - We made it. That was the most confusing thing I've ever done in my life. - How you doing Molly? - We're in the air. We're floating. - Yeah. I can see the light. - Awesome. - [Man Off Camera] Okay they're up there. They're all just little dots right now. (wind blowing) There's Moll. Moll and one of the twins. They're down, there alive, they made it. You're alive, congrats! - My ski goggles didn't survive but I did. I'm sure the unicorns had fun on the way down too. We're like a fun little human train. (laughs) - When I landed I had no idea I was near the ground. - Really? - Yeah. - You didn't know? - I could tell but I didn't know I was that close. - Did it feel different? - So different. That felt 10 times scarier. - [Man Off Camera] Molly how was it? How'd it feel? - Okay. I'm going to say I liked the parachute part more than the free-fall part. - Me too. - When can I take the blindfold off. - We're almost there. - All right, cool. - Then you can see the world again. I can't but you can. - All right, ready? Set. Go. All right guys we did it. - We're here? - Oh my Gosh. - Where did you think we were? - I thought like over there. - Don't go anywhere okay, I got some information. - Okay. - That was 1 million times scarier than than non blindfold skydiving. - The feeling was like 10 times. I don't know. He said, all I know is that he said that was really sketchy. I'm glad we're in good shape now. After we pulled and when we landed he was telling everybody else how sketchy it was and that it was, it was fun. It kept his job interesting. I think I almost got into like an accident. I have no clue though, I didn't see anything. I couldn't breathe because I was so scared. I didn't know if I was dying or not. So I didn't, I couldn't, I couldn't breathe. - Did they let you control the parachute? - No I didn't. - My guy put my hands on the loops and I like got to like turn us. - Oh my guy goes, do you wanna know what G force feels like? Pulls it and my face was like this. You can watch it back in the footage like insert clip and my face was like that. - Floating part was it's like magical, magical. It felt like so peaceful. I was like, I could just float with this parachute forever. - What happened? I was really confused. So I know I did something wrong. I was just really disoriented. - All right, so, remember the position that we're supposed to do when we leave the plane? What was it? - That. - You did this. The exact opposite. But, it was a level four scenario, which isn't quite as bad as a level five, but it's definitely worse than a level three. I'm totally making that up, we're fine. (laughs) - I just felt like we we're flipping a lot. - We did flip a couple of times right off the bat. Watch the video it's going to be hilarious. - [Molly] Did he really like fully bend forward? - [Sky Diver] He did, it looks like he was trying to grab his knees. - [Twin] I was so confused, everything was just so disoriented. - [Molly] You were like very disoriented. - It helps keep it interesting for me. You know, it keeps me on my toes and it was fun. - Well thanks for saving my life. - Yeah, of course. - [Molly] You're like yeah no problem, all in a days job. (laughs) - Certificate. Put that in a heart shaped frame, put it on your fridge. - Cool. - Heart shaped frame specifically. No ovals, squares or circles around. - Gimme a hug. - Thank you so much. - Thank you, I really enjoyed that. - That was so fun. I liked getting to pull the thing that was so fun. - Good, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Come back anytime. - For sure. - I would happily bring you skydiving again, okay? - I will ask for you next time. You got me to the ground safe so. - Perfect, that's a success. - We're alive. - And the merch made it safely home. - [Man Off Camera] Going in for a hug now. Backwards hug. - Yeah sorry, I should've said. - Yeah, you have to verbalize these things. - I'm just gonna like - It's like when people in videos go like this. And I like continue to talk. Okay, proper group hug. - Yay. - Good job guys. - Thank for doing that with me it actually meant so much. - [Man Off Camera] High five, high five. (laughing) We should text our moms right now before we forget because they were all really worried about us. - Yeah, mom texts. - I just said, survived. - All right. So now our moms know that we're okay. I think that our business is done. - Yeah. I'm sad about my goggles. RIP, I'll get a new pair. - I wonder where they went. - [Man Off Camera] When did they fall off? - Like right at the beginning. - [Man Off Camera] Really. - Yeah, my guy was like, it's making me emotional that these guys are like doing this with you. Like, this is amazing to see the three of you do this together. I was like, I know I feel so bonded. - I'm glad we could. - It made me feel emotional that you guys were willing to do that with me because it was super cool. - I was super grateful. - For my first skydive, to be with people doing it in my situation too. - I love a good challenge. And like, I definitely wouldn't have done this if it wasn't for you. I'm glad that I did something this cool. - I was feeling so grateful. Like while I was up there and just realizing like I would have never stepped outside of the box and pushed my boundaries like this, ever if it wasn't for Molly. So thank you for that. Hug. - So many emotional moments. - Hug for me too. - Okay. Thanks guys. Look. It's so official. I'm like, in the studio. - Oh yeah. - It's real. I'm actually at their place. - I thought you meant we're officially like on the ground. - We are, well I mean we officially survived. That's true too. - We've been here before in the video that we filmed for our channel, where you try to tell us apart right after you just met us. - Which was not easy. - Considering the fact that we are identical twins. - Not going to spoil it, going to let you watch it for yourself. Link down below, you won't regret it. I think it's super funny. And I might've gotten to smell them which... (laughs) Don't forget to go get your Molly Burke merch. Link pinned below. Get it before it's gone. - Man does it feel good to be down on the ground on the couch in my house. - The come down from adrenaline is really. - It's hitting. - It's really hitting me. - Yeah. - I'm getting a little delirious. - I'm real tired. - I've got a headache, I'm tired. I need to go to sleep. - I need sleep. - I need a nap. - Yeah, I definitely need a nap. All right well thank you guys so much for doing this with me. - Of course, thank you for having us. - Honestly, I'm like really impressed that you guys were willing to do that with me. And it was so much fun and I can't wait to go blindfolded bungee jumping next time. - Oh god. I'm not going to lie, that was the scariest feeling I've ever had. - And also thank you for making us look bad-ass. We wouldn't have done that if you didn't like challenge us to. - I would have never, ever done that. - And now we look cool. - I would have been way too scared to not do it. - Do you, do you look cool? Or maybe this part it was less cool. - Yeah, I kind of like curled up in a ball by accident while I was skydiving. And then the guys said that it almost killed us but I didn't know where I was so I thought I was like trying to like fall out of the plane. So I just hunched over. And like, I stayed there because I didn't know I was falling yet. And then he like wrapped me up and like extended my body and it was just, it was scary. - So glad we've got all the footage to prove this. - And I'm so glad that we're alive. - Yeah. - I'm glad we're alive. I'm glad I didn't kill you guys because fandom would have come for me if I killed you too. So thanks for surviving. - You're welcome. - And thanks for hanging out with me. If you are over here from their channel, it would mean so much to me if you hit the subscribe button and the little bell. I never remind people to hit the bell but you should. - Press them both. - Yeah, press them both, right now, super quick. - While you're at it, two's better than one. - And give it a thumbs up, three clinics. Third time's the charm. All right, love you guys. (upbeat music) - Oh, I gave the worst wave, I was like. (laughs)
Channel: Molly Burke
Views: 5,639,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: molly burke, dolan twins, ethan dolan, grayson dolan, hot twins, twin boys, blind, blind girl, skydiving, sky diving, LA, adventure, collab, collaboration, fun, scary, cute, scared, almost died, near death experience, merch, merch launch, new merch, merchandise, vlog, day in the life, follow me around
Id: pIP9em5uPcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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