Blind Tasting vs. ROBERT PARKER - who finds the 100 POINT WINE?!

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master of one and today I'm going to dive deep into the way I score Wines By blind tasting and rating wines that received high scores on Robert I don't know what these wines are but I know that there's an 85 point and 90 point and 95 point and a perfect 100 point wine in the mix we don't know which one is which let's find out [Music] the 100 point scale is a controversial topic even if I don't go into the things Luca Maroney does don't ask just to watch the video while it is commonly used it is still confusing and I'm often surprised about how little people even from the trade know about the meaning of a rating the system uses a 100 Point quality scale in which ones are given a rating between 50 and 100 points so yes wines get 50 points just for showing up and you could discuss whether that makes any sense but I'm not gonna once with the score between 50 and 59 points are considered unacceptable and you rarely see one scoring this low they are only 63 ones in that category on Robert and most of them were actually rated by the man himself and I gotta say Bob didn't hold back back in the days in 1982 he wrote about in 1974 Lafitte Rothschild this wine is Browning badly has a tired stale flat taste and is inexcusably diluted and very short and thin on the palette quite poor 60 to 69 points means that the wine is below average and contains noticeable deficiencies and I would say this category is getting smaller and smaller with improved quality management and better seller techniques 70 to 79 points means that the wine is average which should mean that quite a lot of wines actually fall into that category but you rarely see a score starting with a seven and this is on one hand because wine critics generally don't rate these run-of-the-mill wines and on the other hand if they do producers don't necessarily want to promote the fact that their wine is average there are 3 346 wines scored in the 70s on Robert 80 to 89 points are given to ones that are good to very good and oftentimes you find the best bargains in that category they're 185 000 wines rated in the 80s and interestingly this curve is the distribution is slightly skewed because more than half of those ones actually received the score of 88 or 89 everyone receives between 90 and 95 points and should be outstanding and a great example of its type and whilst receiving 96 to 100 points are extraordinary and represent the best of the best what is interesting to see is that the 90 to 95 Point bracket is actually the biggest bracket on Robert and close to one quarter of all wines rated are rated 90 or 91 points 100 points are however still very rare there are only 990 wines that were ever scored 100 points roughly half of them were scored by Robert Parker and one of them is sitting here right in front of me looking at the numbers you might want to say that the scores are not evenly distributed they are very much grouped around the 90 point mark which seems to be an issue or something that I might want to look at when scoring wine myself but now let's get into these wines Leon picked them I don't know what they are I'm going to blind taste them see whether I can identify them and whether I can find out which one is which let's go all right let's start with the wine number one it's red the wine is quite pale in color so there's really not a lot of concentration here it's very pale very light in color which does help on the nose it's really light very fruit driven so there's quite a lot of cherry flavor coming through quite a lot of well yeah ripe berry fruit raspberries so it's delicate but aromatic the list of light-colored red wines is fairly short there's Pinot there and there might be Grenache there there could be nebula there there could also be something like trollinger on there so a very light colored specialty from Germany nebiolo would be more spicy and I don't really get that licorice Dimension to the flavor and the texture is just not nebiolo-esque nebula has lots of tannins quite a lot of acidity and that's not this it also has some sort of wildness that I would not link up with Pinot Noir even though this could be a Pinot Noir color and structure wise but I have like some kind of herbaceousness here coming through that I don't get from uh pinot and strolling our tollinger of an arch tends to be very light very fresh lower acidity and very little tannins this could be an ambitious trolling arm maybe but I don't quite see it so this leaves me with the Nashua ganache based blend and this would point me to Southern France but this isn't a very typical greenish wine from that part of the world I think it's probably well made with a very light touch made in a way that you don't really extract a lot of flavor and then in the end you have something light and fresh like this I would rate this 84 points I think this is good but nothing very special so I'm guessing that this might be the 85.1 it's well it's good it's fresh Lively but it's not nothing nothing very special so let's move on to one number two and this certainly has a very different color quite a lot darker I mean this is dark and dense which in a way makes it more difficult to identify because lots of red wines nowadays are dark and dense oftentimes the lighter wines are easier to to place but let's start this is good this is like I only it only took me a sniff to get that this is a very good one this is delicious and it's actually well I hope at least it's actually not too difficult to identify it smells of Cassis there's blackberry flavor coming through there are also some like slightly green or red bell pepper notes coming through on the palette there's lots of tannins quite a lot of freshness also but lots of weight and concentration so this is a serious serious wine that might have seen already some age but it's definitely not at the end yet so I think this is quite clearly a Bordeaux blend with a big chunk of Cabernet Sauvignon in the Cuvee this could be from many places but well I think due to its quality the balance the fact also that it's not overripe but it ripe and well well balanced I would actually say this should be from bottle due to the high proportion of Cabernet sodium that I can smell I would go to the Left Bank so everything on the left side of the giron Estuary and it could be pesaclionon but I actually think it's from the medoc and in the Maddock I would probably well I would be torn between San Jose and poyak it has quite a lot of Elegance and well it's well balanced which points more to salary in my opinion a little bit more elegant a little bit more refined project tends to be a little bit more rich and concentrated but well it does have lots of concentration too so I'm going to say it's from poyak and this might be the 100 point wine which is a bit crazy because I am paying for this wine Leon has my credit card and this could potentially be a very expensive video so yeah I'm going to say this is the 100.1 even though I'm not going quite that far I'm going to rate this 98 points but I'm I can see how someone thinks this is perfect in my opinion the structure is not quite perfect there is a little bit of kind of bitterness well but but it's I'm complaining here on a on a very high level this is a beautiful beautiful one and I hope it's not something crazy like because then Leon going to restrict your credit card privileges all right another dark red Beauty well with we're taking it down a few notches here all right the wine smells of cherries blackberries it's quite fruit driven there's a little bit of pepperiness coming through as well on the palate it's quite intense the tannins are a little bit chunky and clunky uh there's good freshness there though but this I think this is not the 90.1 this pepperiness spice flavor actually points me to Surah and maybe there's some muvetra there it feels again like a wine from the south of France it's quite a bit more concentrated and Rich more old-fashioned in style I would say um but it's I mean the fruit is there it's it's clean it's it's nice but I think there's a little bit of cooked fruit here it's not a sophisticated wine at all there's no like no flavors from aging the wine in Barrel or in Bottle there's nothing special going on this is like a quaffable red but well nothing nothing much more than that so I'm going to score this 84 points and now I'm kind of thinking that wine one was probably in the 90.1 so I'm guessing this was the one that was called 85 points I think yeah I I I would agree with that score and I might have to retaste why number one but but uh I think this is probably the lowest quality let's see before the big reveal I have to taste the last one why number four which comes in a very tall bottle and it is a white wine so well the the size of the bottle already points me into a direction not great variety wise but this looks like a German or azation bottle I'm honest here could be something else but well it has this like pale yellow color with slight hints of gold so it's quite clean and it smells good it smells of lemon zest orange it smells of really ripe Apple a little bit of Pineapple as well so it's actually quite opulent in flavor not being too blousy but yeah it has many layers and there's quite a lot of exotic fruit flavor going on on the palette it's super it's like straight as an arrow it's very fresh very refreshing the acidity is almost crystalline and there's also some grip there a little bit of like tannic grip and yeah body but it's it's a light and elegant refreshing one so for me flavor wise this is Riesling could be something else obviously I I can be wrong with Riesling as well but but I think this is very typical Riesling in flavor but where is it from I actually think this is a very good German Riesling like of course a gevex type so a dry wine from a special site that was made using very low yields um it doesn't feel well it feels a little bit more sunny and rich and more concentrated than the wines from the northern growing regions so I would say say this is maybe uranhassen or falz um it is certainly from a very good producer it feels a little bit funky and wild so so there's somebody who kind of lets the wine go but manages the process quite well I'm going to say this is from the false this is Riesling and this is probably the 95.1 I'm going to rate this 95 points as well it is a real Beauty all right back for the big reveal and well I I actually thought the tasting was not that difficult um sometimes it's easier to identify quality and that is actually the more important thing when it comes to plant tasting in my opinion spotting where the wine is from exactly it's not necessarily always that relevant but being able to identify quality without looking at the label is much more important if you're a summary if you're a buyer if you're a consumer who wants to drink better wine at good prices that is the real skill being able to identify the quality without looking at the label without being influenced by anything but what's in the glass but now let's get them out of their bags I thought that wine number three was the 85.1 why number one was the 90.1 after well reconsidering then I thought that wine number four was the 95.1 and wine number two should have been the 100.1 I'm pretty sure about that now so let's go all right so this was latier fit2 85 points so this is the one that was rated 85 points by Robert Parker I rated it 84 points and I was actually not too bad I mean it doesn't really stay what the QV is but it's certainly from the south of France from fito well yay me let's move on to the second one one number one I rated at 84 points I might have misunderstood the wine but I I just thought it was a little bit but it wasn't that exciting but let's see wow okay how about that for a beautiful label that looks stunning a a badenhorst family ones sanso from swotland in South Africa so I was completely off here sanso is a great variety that I didn't really think about but it is a great variety that can produce lighter colored wines this was rated 90 points I think the label deserves a hundred points to be honest but but the wine maybe maybe not I will retaste it and maybe I changed my mind but but I I didn't think this was that exciting it was really good though so now wine number four I thought was the 95.1 and it was ow the 95.1 so this was scored 95 points and it's the Brooklyn boy 2021 geismx Goes The Lager from the false so I was actually spot on there I mean I do know the wines from Brooklyn was quite well I really like them in general I thought this was a beautiful example not the best wine from the estate that I've tasted but a very good one and in this case I think that was the only one where I actually completely agreed with the rating from 95 points that's pretty fair so that means this must be the 100.1 and I am dying to find out what it actually is because if it is what it is I might well I might have to sell one of my cameras oh all right okay so it's it's the 100.1 and it's the 2010 Ponte cane from poyak so I was actually spot on in the right Village even um I'm quite pleased with my self here pontecani fortunately for Leon is actually well it's not a bargain I would say but it's quite a bit cheaper than the wines from the more famous neighbors La Tour Lafitte Mouton and they produce amazing ones and this was definitely amazing maybe not 100 Point amazing but amazing people sometimes ask me who the Old Gentleman in my previous intro was and that's actually Alfred Tessa from Ponte cane I've been to the estate quite a few times tasted Wednesday I had some beautiful tastings and dinners at the estate one of the standout ones in my life was actually the 1959 Ponte cane that I've tasted at the estate which was still beautiful from a vintage that isn't necessarily the most famous um but yeah what they do nowadays at the estate is quite outstanding and this is an absolute stunning wine I need to find out how much I paid for it but but yeah I think it's not cheap but hopefully I'm not going to sell one of my cameras let's see this was a fascinating tasting a beautiful tasting I actually retasted the badenhorst sanso and I I don't think it's a 90.1 not not to my taste but obviously there are differences in taste and my taste is not the correct taste it's just my taste but I I think I think it's not not 90 points but anyways so thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you did then please like it down here subscribe to my channel if you haven't done so already my question of the day is what do you think about scores do you like them do you use them comment down below let me know discuss and I hope I see you guys again very soon until then stay thirsty [Music]
Channel: Konstantin Baum - Master of Wine
Views: 164,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Konstantin Baum, Constantine Baum, Constantin Baum, Constantin, Konstantin Baum Master of Wine, wine basics, Master of Wine, Master Sommelier, Sommelier, Tasting, Blind Tasting, Red Wine, White Wine, Bon Appetite, Andre Mack, Wineking, Expensive Wine, Cheap Wine, Tasting Wine, Blind tasting, Jay Wineking, Wine King Jay, Sweet Wine, Botrytis, Botritis, Cinerea, Noble Rot, Rotten Grapes, Wine Grapes, Robert Parker, Wine Scores, Wine Ratings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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