Blind Reaction: Arcane Season 1 Episode 4 "Happy Progress Day!"

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hello everybody flamin shark back with another video and today we're going to be jumping in to episode 4 of arcane happy progress day so uh it's been a little while since i watched uh two and three i forget if i watched one two and three altogether or if i watched one and then i watched two and three i think i watched one and then i watched two and three like the next night well it's been a little while since then i was reviewing the episodes you guys know my opinions on the last episode i think it was one of the best episodes um i've seen in a while from any show so it was incr it was absolutely incredible uh easily my favorite episode so far um so someone did inform me that these are these are actually called acts so i can call them acts there's act one act two and act three so they are kind of three kind of three episode like the first three episodes go together the middle three episodes go together and the final three episodes go together so we're entering the middle half the second act of arcane uh so i'm imagining we are getting a time skip even the title happy progress day feels very much like it's implying that time has passed curious to see how much time has passed um and how they're gonna handle this uh obviously the big thing is uh and also i was re-watching the episodes and you guys have to understand because i kind of watched all the episodes all back and i don't remember this being said but um i think it was milo that referred to powder as called her jinx and vi was like nah bro and then that was kind of the the whole thing when she when uh vi referred to powder it was like you know milo was right your jinx obviously a reference to the first episode so i don't remember that i somehow missed that uh obviously i apologize for that because i have my audio is like really loud in my headphones so even when i'm talking over the dialogue even though it might be edited to it even though it's edited differently for you guys i can hear everything that's being said um but i do occasionally miss stuff so that one's on me i apologize for that but uh regardless incredible stuff i mean [ __ ] hell that last episode was god tier uh and honestly i can't even imagine what this show is gonna be like moving forward because i feel like i mean that episode three was so dark but i feel like we the first act was essentially setting the stage i feel like this is where the real story starts and um if we are getting a time skip then that means we're gonna get to a point where you know science and magic um was hex tech is going to have been uh progressed quite a bit and the world is better for it or at least uh piltover is better for it obviously how that how that helps uh what was it uh zoun zom i think it's zom or something uh i actually don't have the name of the place i have the lanes but i don't have there's there's another term that refers to like the the whole city or the country whatever um and it starts with a z but i don't have the term in my notes but uh at the very least it's going to help piltover continue to progress and be at the head of innovation and technology but it's probably going to have done no benefit uh with the people of the underground and if anything the city might even be worse off uh because of the stuff that happened but if time has passed maybe things have cooled down obviously powder is getting um powder is now getting mentored by uh silko which means that that's a whole thing that's going on and i'm very interested to see how they interact um the thing is with jinx with powder that's so interesting is like i said i only know her through fan art so i don't know her personality but if i was to predict her personality it's very it's the harley quinn kind of vibe right so oh this could get really weird like i wouldn't even i would honestly would not be surprised if she calls selco daddy which would be really [ __ ] weird but uh i mean it fits the vibe i'm really curious to see what powder's like um and i'm imagining the next time we see her she's going to be going by jinx and that's going to be really cool i need to cut my nails never they're starting to get long again that's not good um but uh i'm really curious how they're going to play this there's honestly so much stuff i'm super [ __ ] interested in seeing how it all comes together and i'm super excited for it so um we're about to get into this episode i've really wanted to do this for a while and i'm really excited to be able to watch the uh these episodes my plan tonight is to watch episodes four five and six which obviously will be three separate videos for you guys um but i am hoping to watch uh my i'm trying to watch four five and six and the next time i record arcane i'm gonna try to watch seven eight and nine together because that seems to be how the experience was intended because obviously if i'm from my understanding they released the first three episodes one week and then like the same day the next week they released four five six and then seven eight nine so kind of a semi-binge netflix format that that's an interesting like combination between the netflix drop a whole season all at once format and the weekly format i think that's a really cool format that i think a lot of shows could really use because ironically it's similar to what i do with my reactions which is sets of episodes and and honestly like i said it's very reminiscent of how i do my reactions ironically to shows that aren't 40 like plus minute episodes i do that for basically any show besides invincible and now arcane they're the exceptions ironically so this is one of the only shows that i do like single episode reactions and uh yeah so it is what it is but hopefully you guys don't mind too much i'm sure you guys are really enjoying it and i'm sure you guys are you know just just happy to have the reactions to arcane because i i know a lot of people um i always i always get to see a ton of uh watch arcane or comments on youtube and discord and stuff it's really funny honestly um but yeah i mean i don't even know when exactly this is going to come but this is going to be like probably yeah in january i'm imagining that these videos will have started in january so you might be seeing this one in like february maybe i don't know but i imagine that the arcane reactions will have started in january 2022. i'm recording this on december uh well technically it's the seventh now because secondly the morning with the night of december 6th 2021 uh and i plan to have this all recorded before you guys see any of them which makes sense because i'm gonna record four to six and then i'm gonna record seven to nine on some other night anyways i'm super excited to see vai and i'm even more excited to see powder because i can't wait to see them when they're all grown up and i can't wait for this uh i can't wait to see jinx really i should say jinx not powder because i imagine she's never gonna be called well via might call her powder when they have their interaction that could be a cool moment where it's like my name's not powder it's jinx they could have a cool moment there but really this is probably the last time we're gonna get uh from now on it's probably jinx and uh i'm excited for that because one that's a cooler name and two again from the fan art i've seen this character seem so much in my [ __ ] wheelhouse um to be fair though almost everyone likes those type of characters like i said you know the vibe that i kind of get and i [ __ ] love her design so i'm like so excited to see her in this art style because the santa this show has an interesting art style and it's so well animated that i'm like super hyped so let's just let's not waste any more time we got a 40-minute episode i'm i'm almost definitely gonna have to cut before i do my post game but if i don't have to pause to really break down anything or really something that really freaks me out uh we'll be able to do the reaction to one cut and then we'll have the post game so let's just jump in to season one episode four of arcane happy progress day in three two one and play here we go this is the good old netflix action and yeah here comes the uh yeah there's vine jinx because even vi she looks older there too like that doesn't look like the vi we've seen so that kind of further gives it oh it's uh i don't have his name written down but it's the little creature guy [Music] okay is this a time skip or are we still in the there's no way to tell from you wanted to see me professor ah come in jace yeah that's chase believe it our city is about to turn 200 years old oh wow a bicentennial it's shaping up to be an amazing interesting yeah he looks a little different i think he's probably older stan diddley huh i don't know much about him everything he built either exploded melted or toppled over and yet here he stands stanwix said his personal he looks like the magical scientist focused on something our foreign he realized nothing he could accomplish could compare to the contributions of his students i had no idea that was his sacrifice interesting a dear friend the council has recommended you give the progress day speech this year but you always give that speech i i can never take your place i agree with them your hex gates have done wonders ah yeah scholars from distant lands reignited passions in arts and science that's so cool you deserve this honor obviously it's gonna lead to some weapons technology that's really to do my best to make piltover proud professor in the end that's just all technology is good and bad you might be able to share you can't run from love a grand reveal victor and i have just think the next chapter of hextech come to the lab this afternoon i'll show you i'll look forward to it you certainly have something to live up to my boy oh yeah yo yeah the city even looks a bit different i think it looks cooler honestly and it already looked really cool god why does the show look so good i'm waiting to see by what's happened with her also this is so loud in my ears holy [ __ ] i literally can't hear myself right now like the music is so loud but it allows me to easily hear the dialogue [Music] we get the op or are we going to see one of them ah op okay let me get some enemy i i'm not positive on this but if i'm not mistaken they wrote this song for [Music] arcane because it's very on the nose of the silence that allows for my mind to run around with my ear up to the ground i'm searching to behold the stories that are told i don't know who that is necessarily actually a woman with a rifle the grace but once it almost sounds like it's talking about wrestling misery everybody wants to be my enemy everybody wants to be my enemy i don't know the whole song yet i might listen to a non-league related weird video um it's a really good song or i might check out some maybe a music video or something after we after i'm caught up to the series or something [Music] there's a good chance i will have already recorded something like that but in case i haven't tell me if you guys are interested in something like that [Music] because by the time you guys see this i will definitely be done with the the main series and there's a decent chance i might have already recorded a video like that for after wow the man of progress holy [ __ ] jace is like a celebrity now which makes sense [Music] yeah the visionary behind the hex wow a beacon of trade and prosperity for our great city of progress wow excuse me sorry sorry excuse me he's a very busy man [Music] oh hello hey serves you right yeah you're still avoiding her i'm working oh i can see that i mean there's so much crime to thwart outside your family's tent i can only imagine the strings she called to have me posted here it's your fault really for not following her into a career more befitting your station she'd do anything to keep me from seeing the real world well at least you'll have front row seats to the speech speech i'm giving the big address tonight we really have to send it to anarchy i know right it's crazy nice interesting so she's uh she's uh i don't even i i i honestly know what they're called but like an enforcer enforcer i assume the outfit looked different but that might have changed because again i don't know how many years have passed so interesting so caitlin's an enforcer and all grown up the [ __ ] is that oh i saw the one guy oh is this going to be related to silko's group yep yep that's a soco boy shipping manifest from your friend downtown damn [Music] all right damn yo that was sick interesting the fire lights oh okay they're they're they're they're huh they're they're taking on taking on selco's group are they like just another faction that is okay so that that that's a containment for five minutes so there's the the stuff this much shimmer before shimmer shimmers shimmer is the goo i know what that means but yeah it's the purple it honestly looks like some like really crazy looking drink oh my god yes oh my god jinx oh my god oh my god we're gonna see jinx oh god oh no she's here oh she's about to rape you in the metaphorical and possibly literal sense oh good god dude i can't take this i'm way too excited for this i hope they play like the music some one like a original song or some music oh my god this is too much oh i'm so hyped i love how they're building this is like a horror scene i just can't wait to [ __ ] see her she's got a [ __ ] reputation too oh my god there's a [ __ ] swing set she's a [ __ ] boom oh god what the hell wow damn she's good [Music] good god yeah [Music] yeah you messed up unit oh good god dude and she's got the freaking dust to make like a epic entrance oh my god damn that's some long-ass hair holy [ __ ] hi yeah hi oh jesus yeah you've got her her flanker grenades or whatever they're i don't know what they're called damn that holy [ __ ] damn her hair is locked she girls die on a haircut her whole life probably damn popped his ass and stomped his ass okay so she doesn't seem too crazy but this is definitely the look she's got on the tattoo i can't lose you um it's not really mine right because you're a jinx man hers get [ __ ] up you're not ready it's not really her though i bet [Music] uh yeah that's no way it's really her right who is that oh jesus yeah she did that that freaking like freaking gatling gun in her um in the freaking uh what's it called in the op when she's fighting by oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] she's she's losing it so [Applause] [Music] you are supposed to guard the cargo oh what the [ __ ] god she's she is actually kind of terrifying i'm not gonna lie i am in love though i will say that i'm in love you think he will approve she's not as outwardly crazy as i think science should be used to improve lives as much as we do but she's more safe she's more it's she's more inwardly crazy which is interesting now crystal like they asked built the hex gates like they asked it's our turn to decide the future of hextech professor i'm so glad you could make it i wouldn't miss it for the world my boy what do we have on the docket it all began with this yeah yeah of magical energy too volatile to be handled outside our workshops hextech was supposed to bring magic into the life of the common man and now it finally can a hextech gemstone [Music] that was he gonna smash it wait yeah yep yep yeah holy sprockets all these brackets we found a means to fortify the crystals this new version is stable and absolutely safe wow so they're like indestructible we present to you the next chapter of hextech can now design portable devices [Music] yeah and obviously this is going to be used for combat or virtually anything wow and it's got that's power yeah he's gonna smash a rock yeah or grab it [Music] the atlas gauntlets the mining colonies and the fishers can work faster than without fatigue wow like literally you can power anything yeah imagine what our artifices could do with such a device i want hextech to be a tool for us to build a new world and now it's finally possible there is that though anyway this is our presentation quite amazing gentlemen you should be very proud obviously there are a few kinks to iron out and screws to be tightened but give it a decade of careful research and it will be ready oh don't worry my boy it zips past you in the blue wow yeah yeah like it's already ready yeah improving lives with hextech now a breakthrough like this takes time victor it's dangerous yeah into everyone's hands is dangerous keep at it and i'm sure you will discover a way to safeguard hextech against misuse that's a fair point to be honest though because yeah like i'm sure i don't know if these guys realize but you are basically building super weapons now obviously they have incredible uh capabilities but they haven't for creation but also for destruction so i get why little guy feels that way and i kind of agree with them like i agree with both sides which is what i love this series does a great job of making you agree with both sides whether it was vander and silco they both had points whether it's vi and jinx whether it's um freaking jace and uh freaking the bro whose name escapes me [Music] so kate over here is doing a little research research uh forget crime scene [ __ ] i don't even know what to say playing she's basically playing ace journey or dungeon romper or something uh-huh interesting [Music] yeah broke out after the five minute mark around the five-minute mark and yeah here was the freaking jinx [ __ ] yeah this is the real sauce right here that person who potentially died absolutely no way that was uh i didn't do anything she's crazy [Music] she shot me who shot you who were you working for i can't he'll kill me you i can protect you caitlyn kearman why does that not surprise me wow interfering in an investigation again you're supposed to be guarding your mother's tent nice i was sheriff but she doesn't need it and clearly this takes priority i realize you're used to getting your way kieran but we have a chain of command for a reason fair enough i understand but there's more going on here than just the smuggling if i could just question him i'll take it from here since you're looking for more work you can take the graveyard ship tonight at the fair nice well maybe something's gonna have to happen at the fair i want this one on a boat to still water prison in the middle of nicer ah okay it's been a while since we've seen this and by a while i mean an episode [Music] for me it's been a little while everyone looking baller it's looking even pimpier than before honestly ah the last more like a strip club now kind of i mean it's not but it's more it got more of that type of vibe than the vibe that it used to have which is like an old-school bar yeah it definitely got night club fire on us there are always mishaps in battle the fire lights were a target and most are dead it wasn't a mishap she froze up and lost her [ __ ] i mean that's true handle those brats she's a problem and we all know it we who's we i expect better from you than excuses damn it was your job to make sure things went smoothly and i like his hair he looks he's looking ballerina oh i'm so i honestly don't think i i don't have this girl's name either so it's the world's growing smaller every day that's the one thing that is cool yeah now we're cut off the topsiders are leaving us further and further behind yeah what happened she already told you i'm asking you damn she was just chilling up there one of those firelight wackos was a girl with pink hair jinx is adorable oh god what the [ __ ] what the oh your sister is gone oh god i know that as well as i do oh geez no i know yeah this is kind of weird right the rhythm can't stop him back in the old baby maker today's all of us the sons and daughters of zone deserve more than their runoff won't happen again i know oh jesus oh jesus oh oh it's like shimmer oh it's like just a tiny bit of shimmer interesting tabika will clean up today's mess savika that ogre couldn't clean a dust bunny with a blowtorch should focus on your ghetto tree holy [ __ ] take some time i don't need time take it anyhow just yeah she's she's interesting like i said she's not super crazy outwardly but you can tell she's really insane like she might still kind of be a good person deep down but you could tell that she's insane uh here's uh holy [ __ ] i wrote nobody's [ __ ] name down i have like 12 names and none of them are hello [ __ ] like a fourth quarter of them these people have nothing new to offer me the only one actually worth my time is him the golden boy oh he's one built over his heart oh speak of the devil i like that voice of that other girl yeah nice outfit oh that's awkward could i borrow you for a minute now so what do i owe the pleasure it's a heimerdinger when is it not he's doing more research he thinks we need more time it's progress day representatives from all over the world have come to see what new wonders a city of progress has to offer if there's a time to present a new creation it is now great heimerdinger is a great scientist but he's conservative yeah he ever sees the cost sure piltover needs a leader who comes forward it goes both ways you really believe that hextech has the potential to change everything yeah it sounds like it already is starting to several potential investors investors of course everyone wants hextech for themselves it's your speech give the people a glimpse of the future that was all that was only slightly sexual recharge but it was just enough what the [ __ ] this jinx [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] are you doing it wasn't her uh it wasn't damn okay at least she damn she sees demons oh that's interesting that's all now he thinks i'm weak oh my god sophia cool clean it up oh my gosh what the hell these graphics are so good happy progress day and i'm gonna show him oh god oh i'm gonna show him you'll see what the [ __ ] jinx all right vic hey victor are you you look like you're on death's door where are you they were asking if i could do the address you should come up with me we're partners no no not in front of all of them all right have your speech prepared [Music] please join me in welcoming and of course we can't read any of it because it's in a different language and it's chicken scratch [Applause] and he's just gonna go for it and reveal what he really feels like he should and what he's been encouraged to reveal of course and it's weird because i i get both sides of it i don't really i agree with kind of everyone it's just a judgment call because you're going to make things better and worse it's necessary for progress but you have to go with it [Applause] interesting meanwhile we got caitlyn over here just chilling all right jason good evening wow i know many of you probably didn't expect to see me here today and believe me i'm just as shocked as you are nice [Applause] my family and i are simple people in our factory we made hammers they were probably used to cut the stones you're standing on right now no one in my life expected very much of me and that is precisely what makes this moment so extraordinary a few years ago the hex case opened their ports to the world and made piltover prosper beyond anything we could have ever imagined yep yep play to the crowd obviously the built-over elite are into that nice but we're not done yet [Music] this year we've created something new for you something that um he's hesitating oh he's thinking twice that we will share with you when the time is right things that will bring an end to your hardships whether you're the scion of our high houses or an honest laborer from the underground we vow to keep pressing forward for we are the city of progress and our future is bright i mean he might not have showed anything but he actually he really brought that speech together interesting damn they didn't like that interesting jase going the conservative route and of course there's the technology right sitting right there that it then i thought that talus boy was some kind of genius last year didn't he launch a blimp halfway across the continent airship actually an airship has a rigid metal hull it's not a blimp it's a balloon ain't it wow sure as hell looks that way pardon us if we aren't quite so refined as you can yeah she's a bit more what are you even doing here caramen don't you have a cocktail party to [Laughter] attend fire fire yeah hey good time to get to work yeah yeah let's just drop our freaking cigarette whatever you want to call it their version of a cigarette and not put it out i get there in like a freaking a city that's made out of metal but oh no is this is it jinx or some [ __ ] i mean it doesn't sound like jinx but this feels like faith by accident totally oh god oh jesus um okay i was about to say there's no way kate dies like that no she might got a little [ __ ] up though oh and she's gonna see her damn she got a glimpse of her oh that's that's that's gonna be important [Music] holy [ __ ] jinx is that the end of the episode i don't know happy progress today along with some of our research papers the situation is still the holy [ __ ] she's responsibility yet holy [ __ ] how did it come to this well they're going to they're going to come back and be left unchecked we've lost touch they may not be your preferred constituents but they're still our people the other city cannot be controlled not by us so where does that leave us mr we've seen their ingenuity over the years of course they can if the right person got a hold of it it's possible they could utilize its energy we need to address this immediately i agree it was my responsibility to safeguard this technology and i failed my mistake cost people their lives i have come before you to recommend that we suspend all hex tech operations until the situation is resolved including our laboratories the refinery and the hex gates have you lost your mind yeah must remain open piltover status as a global shipping lane depends on it sure yeah things have changed a lot but shouldn't the safety of piltover be our first priority you would sacrifice your life's work without the hex kids my goats cannot reach foreign markets till winter am i to tell the noxians their next shipment to the noxian side it appears we are at an impasse if we shut down the hex gates the city will suffer but if we do nothing we leave ourselves vulnerable to male factors more lives may be lost sure perhaps the time has come to explore a more radical solution what are you suggesting let's make some weapons mr talis has demonstrated his commitment to our safety he's willing to sacrifice his own enterprise and it seems to me only mr talis has the knowledge necessary to secure the hex gates i propose that a new chair be brought forth and that house talus be elevated to this august body what as a counselor he will have the resources necessary to protect all our investments councilor murdada this is highly irregular the council has held seven seats for generations does the boy have any experience only that of a scientist sure i believe counselor medarda is right hextech security should be administered by a scientist he's gonna accept down for that second the motion well then shall we vote interesting but this isn't what he wanted he didn't want to be a counselor oh this is interesting i actually have a lot to talk about here i keep waiting for this episode to [Music] that's definitely a jigsaw [Music] that's me half a dozen enforcers dead enforcers dead yeah a building blown to pieces oh yeah yep and i just do you have any idea what you oh just wait until you look i do yep oh my god i love the pink and blue nails how many progresses yep she just secured your future bro you you should be happy and you will be happy yeah oh that's so creepy it's your friends oh that's like a gift for daddy that's so creepy and i love it it's so bad yep she's she's so worth it you're probably gonna [ __ ] it up at some point but damn girl just flipping her gun how you feeling [Music] i've had a break in the case shouldn't you be resting while the trail is hot listen you know how i've suspected there is a single mind behind the undercity's violence the great conspiracy i think whoever attacked the square is our suspect the same symbols showed up at the botched smuggling operation at the hex gates the hex gates k-pop no wow just got a conspiracy their dealings localized to the undercity low priority the attack on the square changes things they've overstepped if i can figure out who made this it could lead me directly to whoever's behind it all sure the answer is here staring me in the face jinx i mean jake's isn't a boss but yeah you more or less prove any of this if i can just work this out marcus will have to listen yeah there's one thing i've learned about the council they need more than just theories yeah yeah how did you concern yourself since i became a counselor [Music] you're serious when why have they discovered how to govern with greece in a spanner i was actually hoping you might consider joining my staff house telesecurity that's a ceremonial position i'd live behind a desk you almost died kate damn damn you i just want you to save thanks yeah she have a job yeah she she likes she likes this job you don't oh attack your parents spoke to the sheriff oh this is the best i could do damn okay fair enough charity counselor damn she's like she's gonna go vigilante detective now it's interesting this cake character i thought she was gonna be pretty minor and she's turning out to be one of the main characters still water hold huh [Music] damn you're up to some stuff holy [ __ ] that does not speak with one of the inmates well folks in here are usually very talkative this one was hit by friendly fire he's got reason to talk must have been sent in today oh inmate two one three five yeah i'm uh afraid that's not possible why not uh well there's been an incident what kind of incident the well not oh jesus oh jesus you don't understand i have to talk to him oh you'll be able to as soon as he can move his jaw again you assaulted him oh is she gonna go see who's who assaulted him or is she gonna see oh my god it's fine oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] bye oh my god yo those tattoos though yo who the hell are you it's the frickin oh my god no i was not expecting that but i guess it makes sense oh it makes perfect sense given where we left off it makes perfect sense that she ended up in [ __ ] prison basically you know throw her in prison throw away the key because that's how they operate in this universe yeah that sounds cool but i'm i'm gonna i'm just gonna turn this way down to pretty much zero okay that was episode four of arcane that was happy progress day and that holy [ __ ] bye man that's crazy both vi and jinx are tatted up and ready to i was gonna say bang and then i realized how that sounded and then i was like damn that's kind of gross but then i was like oh wait no that's actually hot let's be honest i couldn't have myself being off brand and saying that'd be gross but we'll let the credits roll the show's so good they deserve that much um but yeah really interesting stuff there's a lot to talk about kate's really coming into play kate is probably gonna find kate's gonna probably end up getting kate's gonna probably end up getting uh [Music] violet out of jail and that's gonna set things up in a really cool way so i'm assuming vi is known for that tattoo the the the the the roman numeral six tattoo which obviously is vi so it's like with the just with the lines over uh uh above both and beneath oh my god above and beneath so it's really cool but yeah it makes sense it makes sense that was really freaking awesome um yep that's gonna do it so that that was episode that was episode uh four of arcane that was incredible as per usual at this point i mean that episode was more on the level of one and two but honestly it might have still been better than one and two it definitely was not better than three but we've elevated the story i feel like so i feel like it's just natural that these episodes are gonna be uh these episodes are gonna probably be better than um overall are gonna be better than the ones in you know in um i was about to say arc one in act one uh so super interesting stuff i don't even know where to start so so kate's an enforcer now and she's kind of like a low mid-level enforcer and i'll say lower mid-level enforcer and so not she doesn't have much clout she obviously is part of a rich family show she has so she's kind of a you know most enforcers are kind of more of the common folk of pelt over she's kind of above it and that but you know she really wants to do it it's the type of thing that she wants to do interesting stuff there uh and then of course her parents were like [ __ ] off and of course you know she's kind of like essentially pretending to be an enforcer still in order to um you know track down leads about which she's unaware about jinx but she's trying to track down leads about her really cool stuff jinx was phenomenal in this episode she was amazing we got our first real look at jinx um and she's not what i was expecting i mean she's [ __ ] crazy it's it's funny so i thought with the way they built her character in the first act i thought she was going to be more crazy outwardly and less crazy inwardly i thought we were going to go more in a direction where she's [ __ ] psychotic and it's kind of a coping mechanism for how she acts now don't get me wrong outwardly she's pretty [ __ ] insane but not too legitimately less than i thought she'd be but i think she actually is more insane than i thought she would be if that makes sense i think um because i like i said i was thinking that she would act out outwardly as a coping mechanism for everything that happened in episode three and and all her like trauma in reality she she comes off as a quirky weird as [ __ ] girl who's kind of psycho and in reality she's actually a lot crazier than she comes off because of her trauma it manifests in an almost opposite way of what i was thinking and i think i like this more because i feel like the character is simultaneously a little like she's less like okabe rintero and she's um and she's more like a [ __ ] uh because i compared her to harley quinn but if you're familiar with um steins gate she's a little less like okame who is my favorite character of all time to be fair um or at least one of them uh but she's more like um i'm trying to think of a good example i'm just gonna i'm not even gonna bother with an example i'll just say she's got a different vibe that's jinx i suppose but she's absolutely psychotic let me no let's not get it twisted but i think it's less it's less a coping mechanism but it's more almost like she's actually worse internally than she is outwardly and then sometimes it leaks out when she starts having those i wouldn't say panic attacks but she has those moments where it kind of almost gets out of control and she goes another level of nuts and that's a really interesting dynamic that she has that'll be interesting to see how they play out in the in the coming episodes um so yeah really good stuff i still have a little more to say so i'm gonna cut here and i'll finish my discussion all righty we're back to talk a little bit more about episode four of arcane um obviously you know i was talking about how jinx is [ __ ] amazing and i think her character is really interesting because like i said just based on nothing but fan art and just how they built up the first three episodes i thought she was gonna be different than what she is uh i [ __ ] love what she actually is but she's a bit different than what i was necessarily expecting really cool nonetheless but just a little different than what i was expecting as far as where i think this goes it's going to be really interesting to see where her character goes because she's clearly been very helpful and she's clearly incredibly loyal to silco and i wonder if silko does have a legitimate uh emotional attachment to her or if silko is going to be more willing to throw her out like dirt when he doesn't need her anymore and she essentially does something like she did in episode three where she completely ruins everything for him but again because he's the villain that would be kind of weird because even though it would you know ruin things for her in a sense it would still kind of be like a good thing because he is essentially the villain he's the closest thing to the villain in this story depending on how far we go down the road of jinx being the quote unquote villain of this story we'll see where jinx's character goes but um we're definitely meant to like her and feel sympathetic to her even if we can disagree with how she's handled things when she was a kid and you know a lot of stuff but we are definitely meant to feel sympathetic for jinx and to understand her plight and why she's become this psychotic sexy [ __ ] um it's really interesting though it's really interesting so with jace i'm definitely curious to see how they play this with jace because jace is going to be a really interesting character now that he's on the council that's obviously a big change and that's probably going to also put victor into more of a position of kind of running the um hex tech stuff but i mean like because victor is going to be doing more of the actual science i imagine at least until he dies because it's very possible he could die in one of these episodes given his uh health condition is obviously [ __ ] and yeah i'm like really excited to see where that goes so i'm definitely looking forward to that jace's character's interesting because he kind of pulled a 180 on us in a way that i didn't expect when he actually kind of decided to try and hesitate and then of course jinx pulled her jinx [ __ ] and ended up getting the uh getting the uh the the [ __ ] hex tech crystal whatever whatever they called it that's the uh you know that obviously in the hands of soco and jinx is gonna be [ __ ] insane because uh those two are [ __ ] smart as [ __ ] and they're gonna come up with some crazy [ __ ] with that and that's going to kick start a war between the underworld and pelt over in all likelihood and it's just going to be chaos and you then of course you have kate who's doing her whole thing and she [ __ ] she you know she's no longer an enforcer with everything that happened but she ends up trying to find the guy and the guy gets his ass [ __ ] beat by of course an old friend quote unquote in in vi and at the end we get the reveal of kate going to see vi and vibing like who the hell are you and they show we see her back we see she's [ __ ] buff as [ __ ] she's [ __ ] like you know you know do you lift bro yeah my [ __ ] lifts bro holy [ __ ] like she was a badass and she was strong as [ __ ] when she was younger [ __ ] she's like a full [ __ ] 20 something year old i don't know i don't know how old she is but she's a [ __ ] like beefy girl and that's pretty hot um i don't know if it's assassins but vi's got some vibes i'll say that um and she's just like who the [ __ ] are you basically and it was really great i think she said who the hell are you but you know who the [ __ ] are you um but it was really great because kate's going to kind of go over all this [ __ ] with vi and vi is probably going to be able to figure out that jinx was responsible for this [ __ ] and this is going to lead to some really interesting [ __ ] and again we are building to that moment where we're going to get that fight between vi and jinx and we're either going to get potentially a reconciliation between their characters or potentially a point of no return where they become like mortal enemies destined to fight to the death i don't know which way this show's going i don't really want to assume one way or the other because arcane has definitely given me vibes that it because the story does like even though there's so many interesting characters and again i don't know how many of these characters are champions probably quite a few but um i think they're called champ no they're [ __ ] called legends or are they called champions champions another game [ __ ] i don't know i don't play any of these [ __ ] games i'm not really a a big you know i'm not really much of a game video game guy in general i'm i really plan to mostly the games i'm gonna mostly play i'll probably just play on the um on the channel and most of those will probably be visual novels because that's that's more of my speed to be honest even though i used to play a lot of video games when i was younger but uh yeah it's really interesting to see what's going on with um with vi and how she's going to take this how she's going to help kate how the two of them are probably going to kate and vi feel like they would get along i like that pairing i feel like there's some stuff there where they're they're going to have good interactions and i feel like they're going to probably have good chemistry and i think they're gonna help each other uh how kate gets by out of prison though i have no [ __ ] clue because kate has no power so unless she's able to convince jace because jace is a councilman now so i imagine councilmen council women have the power to just pull people out of prison if they if they feel they could be useful for one reason or another and honestly vi because we i mean obviously vi has been hardened by by years in jail so she's a [ __ ] like bad ass [ __ ] like she's giving she's the she's that she's that girl who um she's that you know that you know the jokes right like in [ __ ] prison in the in the the the men all like you know sorry all the buff dudes like trying to [ __ ] each other and and the female equivalent right um let's just say i mean she already gave off the vibes before holy [ __ ] does she give off the uh i don't even want to say butch but almost like the butch vibe the kind of like that tough like gay girl like who's like they can [ __ ] some [ __ ] up and it's like the the more kind of masculine girl in that you guys know what i'm talking about and the more like traditional um kind of uh you [ __ ] know what i'm saying but she's a badass and like manly's not the right word but it's like tough but like you know in like uh uh you know the [ __ ] vice vibe is what i'm trying to say she's got a [ __ ] vibe like she'll i'm trying to say she's yummy like let's just go with that but uh [ __ ] great [ __ ] [ __ ] great [ __ ] um i'm so excited to see where vi goes with this and uh yeah it's gonna be fantastic so we're gonna see where that goes i'm trying to think there's anything else i really want to discuss in this episode because this was a really good episode it's weird to not have vander in the story you know even though i'm not like crate super surprised he died it's still weird not to have him because he was a really cool character uh and uh yeah not as much for milo and um clagger but it's still sad that they died too of course uh [ __ ] silko and jinx relationship is slightly like it's it's exactly what i expected but it's like it's not too weird like she wasn't sitting on his lap she wasn't calling him daddy it could have been weirder i'm sure there is a [ __ ] ton of fan art of that uh if there wasn't again i don't know how this relates to their relationships in uh league of legends but if there wasn't before this show they're sure as [ __ ] has been since this show holy [ __ ] they that is some honestly that was almost the most like it still wasn't like it could have been a lot worse but that was almost the most like harley quinn vibes i got out of jinx was actually there because that was huge like joker and harley vibes except jinx has a slightly different type of crazy and of course uh silco isn't [ __ ] batshit crazy like the joker he's a more uh he's a much calmer you know antagonistic type character so but but the fact that she was seemingly getting [ __ ] high and he he he took that shot of of of shimmer and i don't know what the [ __ ] was going on but she was clearly like tripping balls and probably got high hanging out with daddy which is really [ __ ] weird and i love it but also [ __ ] of course she's on drugs now that's unsurprising i mean one where she lives and two stinks i mean she's [ __ ] insane and she has hangs out with a lot of bad people so i mean it all all the hints are there that she would probably be on drugs um or shimmer i mean it's basically drugs i don't even know it wasn't very clear like it was clear that she injected a tiny bit of shimmer into silko's eye maybe like just a tiny amount is like it doesn't [ __ ] with them or maybe it's making more i don't know but it seems like it's helping sustain his eye or something i don't [ __ ] know what it's doing but it's probably helping him maybe stay alive or whatever who knows but um yeah maybe shimmer in really low quality quantities is like not qualities in really low quantities can be like a [ __ ] drug which would make sense because in like high quantities it turns you into a [ __ ] beast so uh yeah i don't know they've obviously uh they've obviously you know perfected that relatively speaking and they've had a lot of time and now like i said selco and jinx got their hands on some state of the art piltover tech that's not even released to the public yet so that's pretty crazy um i think man i didn't write a single person's name down the only thing i wrote down was shimmer uh which i called the goo but i actually didn't get anyone's names because it's all either characters i already have the names of or it's characters that i still don't have the names of but weren't like new characters there wasn't like any really relevant new characters in this episode and there might not be for the rest of the series i don't really know but that was fantastic again arcane amazing probably the second best episode because holy [ __ ] jinx kate is amazing uh jace is really interesting and um the vai t's at the end was so good that [ __ ] tattoo so badass i imagine that that's like her normal look like i said i don't i don't really like know about um like i'm not familiar with um basically any character in this show the main one i've seen fan art of is jinx which is really funny that she ended up being a main character of this show but i know she's one of the most popular like league of legends characters ever so it kind of makes sense i don't know how popular vai is but she seems pretty [ __ ] badass based on what we've at least gotten in the show and i imagine at the very least she's probably more popular now than she was before even if she already was really popular but so curious to see how this goes i can't wait to see vi's reaction i really hope they start with kate and vi and whatever's gonna be going on there so that was awesome um but yeah i i'm just gonna end it here uh i i've got i've talked about this episode i feel like almost as long as i talked about the last episode i'm really trying to there's a lot to break down because these are long episodes and even though i've done it with invincible a while back uh i'm not used to talking about these like long form episodes i'm so used to talking about like 11 minute or 22 minute usually 22 minute episode so i take like a 40-minute episode and i feel like i have so much to talk about because i do and that's another reason why i want these to be single episode reactions because not only is the episode long but i have a lot to talk about and a lot to discuss so um yeah i think that's gonna do it for episode four so i think i'm gonna jump into episode five which you guys will obviously see next time but uh yeah if you guys wanna support the channel you check out the patreon down below in the description there's discord server you wanna hang out there you guys know the drill links down below in the description anyways ladies and gentlemen boys and girls those who have not decided and everyone else who likes to [Music] show up here it is time for me to bid you adieu flame and shark signing out hope you guys have a signing out hope you guys have a wonderful fantastical day and i'll see you next time with another video thanks for watching peace
Channel: TheFlamingShark
Views: 46,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: syHJwFe8mb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 6sec (3906 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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