blendOS Linux - Containerize EVERYTHING!

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hello everybody this is Tech Hut in this video what we're going to be doing is checking out a kind of new-ish Linux distribution called blend OS here is the distribution I have already installed it I've been playing around with it and it actually just updated so that's super cool basically if I were to compare this to something this would be very similar to vanilla OS that we checked out about a month ago that's primarily due to two main features one the operating system is immutable meaning that the actual core system is read only and you can use various package Managers from other distributions most notably we can use Ubuntu Fedora and Arch and I do believe that the actual base of this operating system is Arch if we dive over to our settings real quick settings and then we go down here to a boot you can see blend OS looks like they probably should switch that out for a SVG or PNG but this is running in VMware Player so we are in a virtual machine at the moment so we're not going to get the most uh or at least perfect performance out of it but that's not really what I'm looking at I'm looking at the features this is running in Weyland we have the 6.3 Zen kernel from default if we go on their website here you can see that there are two main versions one with gnome and one with KDE plasma and if we scroll down to what we get blind OS is a immutable operating system but it does differ a little bit because it allows you to install system packages normally and that's thanks to kind of yeah overlay system as it states here that allows you to communicate from your systems terminal with various operating system containers you can use Android applications which is cool that that's installed but it's still not like a good experience web apps are super cool use any package manager directly and there are some set steps to set that up that I will show you in just a sec they also have their very own installer I already did install this but it's very simple it kind of reminds me of the new Ubuntu installer super clean super simple all the settings and everything that you need and when the assistant does actually install it just gives you kind of a terminal so you can actually see what is going on and unlike a lot of other installers sometimes you actually have to interact with it which is different they are currently on version 3 and if you're interested in the progress that they have been making I will of course link to this down below now before we get into the actual nuts and bolts of this operating system I do have to thank the sponsor of the node makes these videos possible not only can you choose just a base install of a wide variety of Linux distributions but they also have a Marketplace of one-click apps in which you could spin up a variety of services such as game servers nexcloud and a whole bunch more with a single click a few options and you're good to go I've been using linode quite a bit to host some of the backend services for my website such as plausible for analytics and really anytime I want to spin up and test a service that I'm not going to put on my home lab I just use the node they charge you by the hour so if you want to play around with the service for a couple hours chances are it's going to cost you pennies and speaking of pennies you could get a lot of pennies specifically a 100.68 credit if you go ahead and use the link down below so in blend OS here what I'm going to do is open up the application page to kind of show you what's going on one thing you'll notice that's different everything is automatically put into these folders and that is part of their uh one of their few customizations that they do here under system tools I have blend OS settings so if I go ahead and open that up we can see it right here we have containers I've already set up a few if I go over to system here this is where you can disable that app grouping that I was just talking about but for now I'm going to keep it so there's two things there's containers and there's associations and you can see I have yay associated with Arch and dnf associated with Fedora so if I open up our terminal here I could kind of show you what's going on so the base system is Arch now if I did something like pseudo Pac-Man s and I wanted to install neofetch type in my password it's going to fail this file system isn't read only now since I did the association with yay with the arch container let's do the same actually I think I've already installed that another example would be something like so if I did yay and it's going to call to that container and you can see all the options I have I want to install let's install all these packages and now it's going to run through and install all those packages in my Arch container so now if I go up here under our applications and you can see it was put right here it wasn't thrown into the proper folder but that's okay you can see the gnu image manipulation program running on the arch container if I open that up it would open up like any standard application just installed on your base system and you can see gnu image manipulation program on arch.blend and then I could do the same thing with dnf for example so if I did sudo dnf install and we want to grab you can see everything it's going to install in this specific container and there it goes and it's cool because now in this system well it is Arch anyways but now we have access to the Aur as well as the APT package manager and a lot more which I'll show you after I open up this version of so you see it's complete if I go over to active activities applications you can see it there the icons sometimes take a little bit to get looking good but you can see for example Graphics this isn't here now so it kind of figured out where it needed to go if I open up this containerized you can see this is just going to be the exact same situation that we saw in the arch container boom there it is on fedora.blend absolutely beautiful now let's say we wanted to run a different container because I have Arch and Fedora set up so I have access to yay and dnf let's set up something else click here we can see some of the options we have Alma Linux Rocky Linux we get some Centos going on Kali Linux Fedora so with Cali it comes with a lot of a penetration and kind of hacker man type tools but let's just get apps let's get the latest version of Ubuntu I'm going to be super creative and I'm going to call this Ubuntu let's add that and then it's going to pull it from Docker so that is kind of the background of how it is doing this and starting blend it may take a few minutes which by the way it does giving us perfect time coffee break all right listen is a webcam so you can see it's kind of follows me around I'm testing it out pretty cool oh it looks like we're finishing up here oh it exited I was trying to catch that in time but there you go it automatically turns off we see Ubuntu now of course we can access everything with associations but we could always just dive into the actual console of Ubuntu so then I go run something like Boop pseudo apt update and actually manage these containers one on one so there's something to be updated so let's do a pseudo apt upgrade Pearl base let's go for it and there we go our system's updated and now if I wanted to do install neofetch specifically in here if you want to do kind of the terminal programs actually interact with the containers you're going to want to uh be in the actual container these Docker images really don't have a lot of dependencies so the first couple applications you install might take a little bit because there's a lot of other things it's going to need to grab but with that we can neofetch and you can see this is Ubuntu Dot blend and we have access to our full kind of host system here now with that of course I can run apt in here but if I go over here just as another example open up our terminal if I type apt here it's like what the hell oh there we go it's like what the hell are you even talking about command not found what is apt well I'm going to tell it what app is the binary name is going to be apt and I'm going to have that associated with our Ubuntu container so if I add that there we go let's see if it works out of the gate enter there we go so now it knows what app does it knows how to communicate with that container super super cool stuff especially I think if you're like a developer or a programmer your preferred environment is Linux really easy access to all of these granted you could just spin up your own Docker containers but being able to have the association built into the host system is really really nice so from there we're going to move on to Android applications and if you've ever tried to install Android applications on a Linux system you probably know is not a fun time this right here saves you a couple steps but it will still lead you to the same not very fun time that you're gonna get if you just install everything yourself so we have the Aurora store F Droid if I open this up it does open applications but it's really really going to depend on the application whether or not if you're going to have a good time I've clicked open and I'm waiting for it still and I don't really I don't really want to spam it let's try to go about this a different way I've already installed some of these uh Android applications whoa there it goes phone is starting all right so it needed to fire up the back end just took it a minute I'm going to try clicking open again wish me luck there we go the Aurora store unable to resolve of course it is okay try that one more time how about we try opening settings let's see if this works it was working for me earlier it just updates so something might have broke which again really would not surprise me in the even as slightest a bit um okay let's go over here go over here try to open the Android app through here you can see the apps I have I I got Outlook light this was one of the applications that actually worked okay I had Instagram doesn't work very well it throws it to the side and won't load anything but let's open up Outlook light because this if it will open okay well let's reboot sometimes you just gotta reboot right this time I'm gonna just try diving straightened the application that kind of worked so Outlook light let's see what we get all right phone is starting maybe if we opened up like a system app let's open calculator haha okay I I restarted the system again and just opened settings up directly and now it seems to be kind of working and if I kind of like drag where's my little thing there it is about phone this is Android version 11. we could see the phone is just an x86 device we have our build number so this is running lineage in the background which is kind of cool I think we've checked out lineage in the past on like a really old actually I don't know where it went I got these two uh Linux phones here so that's cool honestly Ubuntu touch is running better than this on a computer okay so now that that works maybe we can actually open an application it doesn't think I have any app stores anymore so that's fun Android apps calculator I'm throwing it a a softball nope it's not taking the softball okay let's hit install Aurora store again and see if I can open it after reinstalling open open open open open man okay I promise you that this was working before it updated I had uh the Outlook running and all that still crappy experience but I did get a lot of the applications too actually work regardless the main point is the Linux containers here super fun stuff and then just other than that it's kind of your typical immutable operating system still a lot of things to do really fun games here this was on the container Fedora I don't think this ended up actually launching let's see if it will after an update okay so yeah this is running containerized and it's actually working now last time it was like when I would hover over the buttons it would be like two buttons down the cursor wasn't like aligned properly but let's just jump into an AI game real quick oh my computer's cooking wow it's a little laggy but we're kind of running a virtualized and then containerized so if I didn't have this in the virtual machine I mean it would probably be a much smoother experience but it's working it's working nonetheless it didn't work last time so I've lost Android apps but I've gained uh containerized gaming so I'll take that trade I'll take it
Channel: TechHut
Views: 15,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, linux tutorial, desktop enviorment, blendos, arch, ubuntu, fedora
Id: tzUtcPEVnZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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