Blender+WM Twin Planets Series EP 1: Semi-Procedural Lava Planet (WM Textures in Description)

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right hello everybody so i had asked you guys all people on my discord server what you'd like to see a tutorial about for this lovely fourth of july occasion uh and there's some interesting concepts so i chose to go with a like a binary planet system it's very close sort of like heavily interacting i'm not really working off concept art i'm not really sure how this is going to turn out just curious to see what i can do with it so without further ado let's get started i'm going to turn down my tunes a bit so i could think clear alrighty um so brainstorming i want these planets to be different so i'm thinking one would be like loved planet one might be an ice planet um one might be like a forest planet maybe uh we'll see all right i'm gonna check this to make sure all right looks like everything's working all right let's get started so we got a cube let's subdivide it a bit make it a sphere and then just for good practice um let's make sure we normalize the radius to one you can do that by just taking this dimension setting them to two then up here an object apply scale and then so i'm gonna just use a low resolution base mesh um and then a couple sub surfs that's probably good let's switch to cycles um let's get our lighting set up properly uh i general there's a lot of people that like to do fancy space lighting i don't really see i think you can get a good result just by using one sun lamp boom so i want to do some of this procedurally some of this uh with some textures so i'm thinking i'm gonna do some of the lava procedurally for the lava planet uh i know i found a few good ways to do that so let's just start making a lava mask here how about that i'm just gonna make this one be the lava planet let's see so you want texture coordinate and then i'm going to do a convertible vector math and i'm going to plug this object in the first thing and then set to normalize what this is going to do is it's going to allow us to use some like real physical displacement to actually um uh to actually and the texture won't be freakish and mess up so it's going to be fun let's see so i'm brain part of me let's add in a texture let's do musgrave scale vector and we're going to use multifractal dimensions like 0.1 uh 0.0 is a bit too much but 0.1 tips work pretty well change the detail up you don't need to be excessive with this but just so that it looks detailed enough at close enough ranges then we're going to add in a few math nodes first one multiply the second one we want to do a power and just crush that in and that's an interesting texture uh the issue though i'm pretty sure you've already figured this out is it's rather uh it's rather it doesn't flow so how you can do that is you can add in a noise texture and then add in a few mix rgbs actually factors that one i actually added a subtract node here that way it doesn't move the entire texture when i'm adding this to it and then a multiply then i like to add the value it's important to use mix rgbs because they preserve three-dimensional color data rather than the this is what happens with a regular math node not very fun but yes that's given us a little bit of flow but it looks a bit weird so i'm increasing the detail decreasing the scale now i'm going to push this up a little bit i think that looks pretty good and then i'm going to use a converter oh my converted vector mapping to squish it a bit i generally like to do this with planets because sort of there's a lot of features that align themselves with the rotation i think the lava just looks a little bit i don't know it looks a little bit better that way i think yeah so mess with this um yeah this is what i like to do for lava uh generally i just for shading it i just use regular mission shader and then set the color to like reddish orange and then you can mess with you cannot multiply and just message the power here to get the result you want and so that's that now i'm gonna actually um i'm going to break the custom here and i am going to actually go into world machine to build out a terrain for this landscape for this planet if you don't have the software uh i'll i'll put what i create in the description how about that uh because it is a paid software and i think that you should have access to this to what some maps i'm using yeah it's pretty capable i if i if you're to get a terrain creation software which i highly suggest you do uh for landscapes and even in this case planets i think you should get uh world creator i haven't really messed with the world machine seems like it's getting a bit old still a good piece of software though um now i'm going to attempt to explain what i'm doing here so you can sort of see the logic behind it but uh since it's not blender for purely blender users it just be warned it's a bit confusing so there's different types of nodes this advanced purlin that's advanced purlin noise so it's generating a basic noise map that's what it looks like then you have curves which will adjust the height so that's that with and without curves this is with curves without then the erosion node all it's it's erosion and then change the resolution a bit relatively fast built nice i'm gonna increase the persistence of it here looks pretty good maybe make a bit yeah so erosion this is a very fun no way to mess around with you can get so many interesting results all righty i think that looks pretty good all right so here i'm just gonna think for a sec what i want to do with this text all right i think i know what we should do let's add in some distortion here to this noise because if you look at it it's quite plain luckily there's a distortion node so i'm going to duplicate that just keep the settings change the persistence down a bit obviously generate new seeds filter displace displacement change this to vector there you go that's nice let's try this this might this is going to probably break up our uh erosion pass a little bit which is going to be good because you don't want a whole lot of straight lines and yeah much better hmm okay is there anything else i am going to keep myself from obtaining okay this is one planet i do want to try and recreate that's sort of what i'm referencing for this by the way so i'm not completely without reference material okay yeah let's add more to this distortion and let's change this curves to be a bit sharper that looks lovely yeah i'm happy with that yeah let's let's work with that so let's create channel combiner add green blue that's going to be nice then a bitmap output open the xr all right save that actually nope not yet then let's also exr no i don't want to do that ah whatever let's call this i'm going to do my coloring in blender by the way it's just it's a lot easier all right and then roll commands i'm gonna increase the size a bit that's a reasonable build time all right let's build this i'm just gonna give that a second to build almost done i think maybe cool all right i'm sorry for making you wait through that but we're now done this is gonna be a nice flat map all right now let's write the outputs to disk this may or may not work i didn't like look good so maybe i'm gonna just use a texture but how are we doing on time by the way not bad gonna keep that right there prom one alrighty let's disconnect that let's add an input we don't need that let's add in a texture what am i doing should i principled b s d f and then ctrl t open up the file let's send to tutorials there we go all right generated and then keep on not sphere box is what i usually like to use then you can fade it this looks promising then a vector displacement then hmm change this displacement saying to displacement and bump and we'll see how that looks about displacement only okay this light is way let's do 1.5 okay let's add some bump back let's just do pump displacement and bump yeah that's nice so this interpolation type top one i like to use cubic out for a height maps because it's smoother and it's not like you can see it's sort of now bumpy instead of sharp how many polish do we have a decent amount okay let's let's see how this looks on this is a naming failure just ignore it please okay so the displacement looks like it is subtle enough so it's not screwing up our texture so it looks like we might still be able to make this work without having to um create sphere projections and stuff let's converter separate rgb all right that's nice okay let's put that back in there and then i'm gonna import another texture and this is going to be like an image texture on planets this is probably my favorite texture to use for desert planets it's a really nice texture so this is what i'm going to be using for sand and i think i'll just use let's look at our let's look at this reference again and i'll figure something out for the rocks hue saturations are always a good bet here okay so i'm just messing with some settings here trying to make this mask a little bit more convincing here creating color ramp and saying it to ease always helps you bring out a little bit more contrast so i like to do that a lot okay so foreign all right i'm gonna create a more i'm gonna instead that's okay all right you know this might be a bit difficult in blender let's try a new tactic just hold up this guy and let's see what he can do so oh my much better let's use um we got a bit map up but let's use a scene view this is gonna be texture um well actually let's let's give ourselves a render boom that's looking pretty good yeah i should have done this from the start it's combiner um let's add a little bit of surface detail and i'm going to select convexity just take this then set this to multiply that's that's a bit that's good all right let's change this to color save png write it to disk come on all right let's try this now probably don't need that let's do a little bit of color correction here it's a bit blown out i think we can change that hmm just a little bit of white there let's we're gonna have to patch that up inside a world machine there you go that's a bit more uniform yeah it's a lot better um all right i think that's our work here done why is it taking so long yeah we're like more than half an hour in still on one planet next one will be faster don't worry yeah i'm not super satisfied with that maybe it's just the colorant that's doing that all right i'm gonna just uh select the i'm gonna add so i'm gonna show you a little trick i found to deal with this sort of stuff if you don't like the texture on a certain object a separate hsv and then you can separate you can choose a saturation this okay and then value let's try that then you can always just power multiply and set the cycle 0.9 so you still get some variation okay all right that's now um converter math then power or not power multiply actually let's just convert our vector math then add i'm gonna scale this negative one and this is basically this is just a lava mask this is going to indent it a little bit i'm going to duplicate this power and make it a little bit less harsh says linear good all right let's see what this looks like let's also shader add shader and then we can add this to that all right it's gonna take a little while to load probably hey thinking displacement only is the way to go for this one alright yeah it doesn't look so good let's all right let's change this back to like three all right i'm wondering what would happen if we just duplicated this instead use let's see actually that's compared perfect that's going to be nice so okay let's try changing this dimension up a little bit more and then multiplying it by a bit more that actually looks really cool not gonna lie there maybe a bit much on the distortion but i think that we've got a winner in terms of it's nice i love those cracks yeah this is nice it's probably one of the better love plans i've made so far um let's add an atmosphere and some clouds to it though that will really add a lot um yeah atmosphere first how about that let's call this the ground to be all right let's duplicate this this would be atlas here you don't need those crazy subdivision levels um no you could literally just copy the atmosphere from my other planet tutorial the um most recent on the fast one but i'm going to recreate it here uh slower speed so that it's a bit easier for people to see and understand what i'm doing i might actually just end up not using it because the model itself might just look better without it i'm planning on using it alright so i'm going to keep that texture coordinate uh converter vector map length not distance length okay oh by the way um we need to add in a displacement vector displacement mid level zero scale one add in a value this is just going to make it a bit more procedural if you want to um this is a thick this value represents the thickness of our atmosphere yeah this is going to make it a bit more procedural so that we don't have to change stuff every time we want to change the atmosphere divide the length actually we want to first subtract one then divide this by that i'm actually so i don't want to really get too dense um lower down so i'm going to um make this a maximum this and zero so that's basically it's going to cut off at zero it's not going to go to the negatives so let's add in a power base 0.5 let's actually let's multiply this and then in converter math multiply this is going to be overall strength of our atmosphere so i'm going to add another and then shader volume scatter see how that looks let's change the density of it see you can scroll in i think this might look best without a thick atmosphere so i'm just going to keep this very thin for now so that you kind of get like a haziness effect but it's not super pronounced and then i'm also gonna forms maybe set like 12.1 foreign let's do a render test all right i'm gonna i think i'm gonna finish this up right now and then i'll do the i'll do another i'll do the other plan in the next tutorial which might be tomorrow or the day after uh and then we'll do some more special fancy effects on yeah it will do some fancy effects uh on like third installment or if the second one goes fast maybe there should have set my tile size to something more appropriate but it's working all right so i'm going to use this for this remaining time for a little bit of self-promotion i guess uh so if you aren't familiar we have i have a discord server i've been communicating with my followers and for a little while now we've got almost 300 members and we do competitions and fun stuff like that so if you're interested by all means we'd love to have you it's really fun i'm trying to grow my community there and yeah let's wait for the surrender by the way you can also ask questions about the tutorial there can i just hang out i do a lot of uh streaming and stuff on there seeing the voice chats um but yeah i will link the texture i created the textures i created in world machine uh in the description because i think that those would be helpful to many people here because you don't want to have to buy a world machine um almost done and now with that being said uh that being said i'll see you guys later uh all right see ya
Channel: Samuel Krug
Views: 2,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wEQ86I9-46k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 36sec (3456 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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