Blender Video Editor

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Believe It or Not blender has a video editor and uh we're gonna be playing with it in this video so let's go ahead and just get started we're going to go to file new and click video editing now you can also click the plus sign over here go to video editing this way created a new video editor tab cool so it comes in with the file browser here this might be something you want to use I personally don't because I have two monitors so I like to switch this over to graph editor so I can play around with the curves and stuff here so I can press in that little panel over there good to go now uh I want to bring over my browser window here or default browser and uh go to my assets and let's see what we got let's do video okay and so I got some videos in here that I've previously rendered let's toss this one I'm gonna toss it into channel two you can drag and drop to move forward I'm going to put this off on my other screen so if you see me pulling stuff in that's how I'm doing it I'm just dragging and dropping uh audio photos whatever right video okay so we got this one now let's uh go ahead and check it out let me actually turn off audio so that you guys don't hear it for now all right so there we go it comes in like so you can press play yeah yeah there's a video track an audio track you can grab these both hold and shift press G do this number to move it around right click cancel left click okay cool control Z go back all that good stuff now um this is where things are going to get interesting so I'm going to take another video Drop It On Top okay so now it's up here all right I press well I don't have to press play Let's just drag and we can kind of scroll through this right you can see that this one right covers up the one below so it's like the layer system in Photoshop but basically you can grab it select it and over here on this side you'll notice we have blending methods as well so I can select any of these blending methods or you can hold Ctrl and mouse wheel and you can just uh kind of scroll through them and see what you end up with here so maybe I want to do something like that yeah I'll go with that so now when we play this back get something like that going on right all right cool so there's a lot of different things you can do where do we start right you know so uh let's go ahead and add a background to this so we're going to add a background color here and it just happens to come in wherever my timelines at so I'm gonna put it at the front and we can click here and believe it or not this is a handle that you click once you actually press G and move it around but you have to click here again to unselect it otherwise you'll keep moving it around so cool all right I want this to be shorter and uh when it's playing here you can see it just keeps going so I'm going to show you guys something kind of interesting I'm going to bring it down like this we can press s and it doesn't scale it but what it does is it shifts the clip so you can shift Clips around a little bit inside of that little area where it's supposed to be playing it's something you can do I'm going to control Z back though but we can also cut this by placing this wherever we need it and then pressing K and this is selected press K there you go cuts it okay so that's how you can do things like that now let's go ahead and uh Ctrl Z back one more time there's another option here that we can do go to time and we can change the speed Factor here and we can push it down now a little bit of a warning here playing with the speed setting here like this sometimes it can make the video pretty choppy I think blender has a little bit of an issue with timing I'm going to move all this just forward a little bit um but it seems that it doesn't handle switching the speed here very well there's other ways of doing it such as using a an effect strip and adding a speed control which is nice except on blender 3.3 here I was getting some weird jitteriness going on it has something to do with I think the buffer slash um yeah proxies okay so if you the buffer is just kind of like how many frames are being rendered ahead of time or whatever and but the proxy is a basically the preview image here however translated over into the actual outputted render which I don't or like when you try to render the video I don't understand why or how that happened or occurred but that's what happens so this one just seems to be doing fine now so we're not gonna mess with it um but the reason why the black background is here because sometimes you need like a little break every now and then right so you can fade in and out to to just pure black and then have titles come up or whatever the case may be and so you can do that but if you didn't have this here you would just end up with a transparent background and you can't really blend on that real well so those blend methods all right anyways uh so what if you do want to have these things fade in and Fade Out so we're going to fade this one in and out and we can do this by going and right clicking on it after selecting it we can fade in and fade out or just fade in or just fade out whatever the case we're going to do both on this one and so after we do this you can see the graph editor comes alive and it's what it's done here is at the very start it's put a keyframe you see over here opacity it's set to zero and the little Diamond indicates it's keyframed it's a circle it's not so and then as we move forward you can see the next keyframe pops up right here and it's set to one so it's done this automatically for us and it went ahead and called it a blind opacity right we can actually remove these by right clicking and clearing them as well but if we do fade it with this here we can actually adjust it quite easily so we could select everything just using drag right tilde key we can frame the selected frame all or go to the current frame so we're going to frame select it and you'll see this number happen which is pretty cool we can Mouse wheel in and out doesn't matter but we can also hold down control in Middle Mouse we could do this number right so this is really useful when you're trying to make finer adjustments and sometimes the graph is all crazy like so just keep those little methods in mind when you're trying to use this thing all right so you can of course adjust this however you see fit but you might want to say like make this run a little bit longer so I can grab this and press G I can move it and rotate it by hitting r or S to scale and so that's all good you can also hit G and then X so you can move only left and right or get G and Y move up and down in this case I'm just going to move it over there and so now we get this going on these right here okay if we were to right click we can actually change the handle type okay we can also use the V key or you can change the interpolation mode as well so you can use things like elastic or bounce or whatever right and there's last but not least up here at the top we're not going to go over this in detail on this one but the add F curve modifier so when you press in again if you had an F curve for one of these little points or whatever the case may be you can actually adjust it here as needed and um so just keep an eye out for that right so when we take a look at this video now you can see clear as day um okay fades in Fades out good if we want to add titles we can do that we can add text right here so we can just type in some text change the font whatever the case may be do all that fun stuff no we're not going to go over all that in detail but this is going to work very similar to dropping in images all right so that's what we're doing next let me go ahead and browse to a folder where I have some images at so go ahead and pull in this one and I'm going to go ahead and pull this one and we'll go ahead and pull in um this one as well why not okay so this is very simple we can just put these on different lines if needed and all I'm going to do is select all of them and hold shift and select all those and I can press G we can make them all the same length right click fade fade in fade out just like that done and uh generally speaking you want to start bottom here because everything's gonna start going in this direction so you can line these up and now we have set it up so that they fade in and swap like so all right if we want to make them longer of course we can always grab them grab those little handles here's something interesting when you press G again you can see that the curve doesn't move so you got to actually clear it you don't necessarily have to clear it but you can just fade it in and out again that's the easiest way to do it so I just slide them up like that all right you could set up all kinds of crazy blending methods but we're not going to worry about that right now um it's outside the preview range so if we were to hit play right now it's just going to stop and start over right there preview range you can do pretty much automatically just by like selecting something right clicking it set preview range and there you go now you'll actually play in only that area which is cool but if you want to turn that off just check uncheck the little uh block down here turn it off however when we go to render this what's going to end up happening is that it's only going to render to frame 250 and so we can actually just press a to select everything and now we can go to view here and under range set frame range to strips okay and then it's all it's all good to go you can see it's adjusted to 400 uh 29 now so that's good pull this out more if we wanted to just put it right there gets a little bit better than this though we can actually add in whatever else we might want so if you have a bunch of sound effects or whatever the case may be have those as well so let's go ahead and pull up some sound effects real quick I don't know what I'm gonna pull in but we're gonna see what happens okay City traffic with birds nah we'll do ambient effects basketball game okay I got all kinds I'm on the other screen right I'm sorry but all kinds of weird sound effects in that photo we're gonna skip that one ghost go to something else squeaky squeaky chicken toy okay I got too much here we'll pull it over so you guys can look take a little second here cinematic ambient sandals okay lunar did they say lunar yeah lunar Ambience uh 43 seconds okay we'll do that one I guess we'll just pull the one in since it took so long but let's hear what that's let's hear what this sounds like I'm gonna turn the audio on now for you guys all right yeah um yeah definitely creepy I'll give it that so we can keyframe this as well and so over here at the start of this thing with it selected the volume's at one right now we can set it to zero hit I right here or click little button you just hit I it's easier and then um that's going to set it to zero we can have it come in a little bit I don't want it to be as loud as one just real paint Maybe okay so you can see I can adjust that and all the way back here let's go ahead and uh just cut it right here so K press X you can delete and we can go ahead and add in a an extra keyframe right here and then we'll fade it out to zero again and press I keyframe it all right so you can see what's going on the keyframes are actually way over here so we just press a tilde Key View selected frame selected all right and that that's going to work out so we can tweak this however we see fit and maybe bring it down a little bit or whatever the case and so I'm pretty happy with this I'm not really looking to modify this much huh just kind of looking it over I guess but oh so but anyways so when you change these by the way if you move them you can see the graph down here that's what's going on also if you want to line certain things up to the audio in the track you can always just click display waveform right here which I feel like it should be on by default but there you go display waveform there is that there's also a few other things we can do such as let's say we want to add an adjustment layer so adjustment layers are really cool I'm gonna put it up at the top here bring it on out to the side and so there's a couple different ways you can add modifiers you can add them right here and you'll actually have to go to that menu anyways but also add them over here under um strip so you have modifiers right here as well okay I'm gonna go over here though and do it so we're going to add just uh do Hue saturation or hue correct curves color balance so nothing too crazy you can get some basic editing nothing fancy brightness and contrast though perhaps and then you can just tweak things as you see fit so if you want to change the brightness and the contrast you can make things pop a little bit more getting a little bit more like so all right I believe you can fade this in and out as well but I'm not really sure yeah you can and so it's going to go from its kind of regular okay anyways we don't really need that but I just want to show you so all right and then I'll bring that right out to the back here so these should all stop at basically the same area Mouse wheel here as well and you can also alt and mouse wheel to change the timeline ever so slightly right okay so now no mouse click to get over okay oh what happened there you beep too too late okay sometimes you can slide audio by accident so be careful with that when you press the S key it slide things you don't want to get a misaligned and all that stuff anyway so that looks good to me and there's certainly more stuff you can do absolutely just keep in mind uh anything in here you can actually pretty much compress I on most anything add keyframes to it something I didn't go over that I really wanted to touch on I just completely forgot about is the fact that you can go under transforms there's also a color video prop stuff but position rotation and scale here so this clip selecting it I'm going to press I I and I so we have a starting point here for this section and this one at the very end of it okay kind of hard to tell where the end is sometimes but we're going to go ahead and do is we're going to come up here notice how it's highlighted this is what's kind of cool you can actually say like maybe we want to zoom this in slightly okay I don't think it's adjusting it though oh we can't see it because it's fading out oops uh we're gonna Zoom it in slightly so it's kind of hard to see this one but and we're going to move it on X so G and X scale It Up Blue so that it's in the frame that's the most important part of it's still in the frame this needs a slight little bit of movement to it okay so now we can go ahead and press I on this again not worried about the opacity one frame off I think so you can always line things better with the curves but because it turns transparent it doesn't really matter but now you can see that it actually does in fact move a little bit right here okay and it actually starts a little bit too small so here's a trick up here you can turn on a frame overlay just in case you need it it's really hard to see some of this in here right now but I want this to be fully encompassed from the start so we're going to actually scale this one up a bit more I messed up I didn't keyframe it you gotta re-key frame it when you do this I I didn't need a keyframe turned off right here at the end let's scale it up a little bit more just move it over I really should have just um done that a little bit different you can play around with this however you want but basically at the very beginning of it you might want to have it larger if you want to do like a side scroll basically and just move it to one side and then just press um eye on everything and then as it moves to the other side you might just press G and x and move it like so and then also press I on everything yeah so now it's just going to scroll back and forth basically more or less pan scroll pan whatever but you can also do zoom in zoom out and you can also add rotations so this one here this one if I was to go ahead and press s move it down a little bit like so press I move it over here at the same time just slightly rotate it that's why I'm doing all of them at the same time because you use scale rotate move it but I did that the wrong way I didn't move it yet messing up on all my keyframes here so that's all right we'll just go with what we got down a little bit and rotate it a bit press I okay so that'll rotate slightly which is nice and we can do that probably to this one as well so we could probably just rotate it a little tiny bit and we'll do that to this one wait for those to turn yellow so I know it's time to uh it might be a way to key this differently but this is what I've been doing so there we go so now we can see what's going to happen let's do a quick preview on it let's see if it all plays through pretty good which you should all right yep lunar noises I think work here it's not too bad all right cool let's export this thing now this is what we're gonna do um we already have it set up for the most part except we've extended this a little bit so press a select view I always think it's under select range set frame range okay we're good so we're at 451 now and it's set to PNG this will export a bunch of okay first of all let's talk about one we're starting at frame one and at frame 461. we're going to Output to a folder okay so we're going to go to the desktop and that's our folder the desktop okay I'm going to set this to a different format now there's a lot of different ways you can render different file formats you could render with so if you want to use um if you want to do images and do image sequences that's probably the best way to do it it's also the most robust meaning like go back and uh keep your like if your render crashes you can go back and start it over again it's kind of like rendering a animation regular and blender but um you could certainly use things like ffmpeg encoding and right now it's petraska I don't know how to say that but uh impact 4. all right H2 64 medium quality good and so there's a lot of different options you can use in this case it's just RGB right if you were doing some compositing later on like you want to combine videos with videos you could use QuickTime and you could set this to the QuickTime qt1 here and you'll notice you have rgba accessible so you can actually do this with transparency as well but we're going to be doing an impact 4. h264. changes back to constant bit rate but we're gonna go back to Media quality it's a good key interval okay audio codec right now set none so make sure you're usually by default it's set but um maybe just doing an AAC nothing special here something like that okay and all right last but not least the frame rate here I want to talk about this when you first start your project it's going to be at 24 frames per second if you change this and then add a clip from what I understand it changes the project frame rate back to whatever your clip was and when you add a clip and then like if your Clips have different frame rates and you force this to a frame rate you're going to have like timing issues and then the buffer or the proxies end up acting weird for whatever reason at least they do on my side so just simple video editing not going crazy with this trying to do 60 frames per second or higher or whatever the case using multiple different frame rates just trying to keep it all pretty standard at 24 or 30 or something and then bring in the files after you've set that frame rate and you know for sure it's going to stick there so you might have to bring in one clip it might change to whatever readjust it then bring in another clip and then delete that original chocolate and it should be set pretty well you shouldn't have trees but you might have issues with it buffering or having weird proxy issues still so just keep that up it could be a little bit tedious sometimes it's not the best perhaps video editor ever but it's usable and it you can see what we've already done it's really not that bad and so when you're trying to do just basic things you're pretty much good to go at this point we can pretty much render this out and so we're going to do that real quick here render render animation so control F12 and you should be good to go all right and it's just going to go through this whole process real quick it shouldn't take too long we had a little bit of dithering issue here so it's just these are low quality images they're like screenshots for the most part um so like a not a dithering like a stepping like I ran out of bit information in the gray area basically and so it renders pretty fast when you're doing something real simple as well it's really not that bad at all and so now that that's done go ahead and load it up and watch it there you go so now imagine laying layers on top of layers that are transparent or video on top of video that's transparent and imagine what you can do with the Parallax effects and all of the fun stuff so anyways that's pretty much it for this video I hope you enjoyed watching this one I hope you throughout the blender video editor I hope they keep improving it as a blender keeps on getting more developed as to use on anyways thanks for watching this video I'll check you guys on the next one all right take care
Channel: PzThree
Views: 20,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, how, to, guide, easy, fast, quick, explination, blender, 3d, modeling, game, development, dev, concept, art, design, visual, use, tools, what, does, where, pz3, graphics, beginners, indepth, advanced, best, practice, simple, basic, artist, uv, mapping, unreal, engine, addons, review, pzthree, 3.0, effects, learn, detailed, pro, studio, lighting, materials, normals, maps, substance, painter, designer, mesh, for, sale, face, vertex, color, modifier, decal, baking, cycles, eevee, environment, hard, surface, 3.1, 3.2, models, asset, pack, download, free, 3.3
Id: ifjKkEKrPt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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