Blender VFX: Fire Power Compositing

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hey everyone I'm kidding profit here with another blender VFX tutorial we're gonna be making some firepower in blender this is my beautiful wife here who was kind enough to help us out so this is the example footage I'm gonna be using I'm gonna waste no time and jump right into the motion tracking tab and load in my footage you can see she just holds her hands out here so that leads us to step 1 track those hands now we weren't really smart and we didn't put any tracking markers on her hand but thankfully she was wearing some jewelry so if I press ctrl and click I can sort of track some of the jewelry there and it gets off a little bit so if I just press a G and move that tracker in a position I can kind of do some manual tracking and this really doesn't have to be clean because I'd really just want a general placement of each hand so that by the end of this it should have two tracks that relatively follow her hands and that's gonna help us out a lot I'm gonna come over here to solve and under geometry I'm gonna link empty to track don't do that for both of these this constrains the camera to an empty and we can kind of adjust our camera a little bit so that those empties are at a size we like and you can see they follow their track to her hands cool now let's load in our background footage should just be under our camera clip settings and there you go two tracks that follow her hands nice step to add your fire elements now this is not a blender fire sim tutorial you probably know a blender has a pretty cool fire simulator and it can do a lot of cool things but it also takes forever to bake and to render so if you want to use your own fire element that you make and blender by all means do that I'm gonna be using some stock footage so I'm gonna simply import images as planes and I'm gonna load in this clip from action VFX comm I'm gonna set my emit strength and make sure you click alpha as well I can even set this key right inside that add-on so now I have this really cool fire element from action VFX and I can just position it so that it matches up with her hand and then I'm gonna parent using control P to that empty boom fire you might think this is cheating but come on guys it's it still looks cool and is it cheating when it looks cool oh no I don't think so anyway I'm just gonna turn on automatic keyframe and adjust the scale and rotation of this to kind of get sort of a growing animation effect this is all certainly to taste and how you want to do it I just sort of had that flame growing out of her hand for the first few frames that I wanted to pop on with automatic key framing on I'm just gonna continue to make some small adjustments remember our track wasn't very perfect so we're gonna kind of fine-tune it so that it stays tracked perfectly to her hand and scale it in places where that hand gets closer to the camera I'm gonna do the exact same thing for the other hand and in the shader of this fire material I can actually offset those frames and use the exact same element and get a different result step 3 rendering and compositing under film settings gonna make sure I check transparent I can actually render this in cycles with just one sample because I'm using a video clip so we don't need samples cool another reason why I like using stock footage let's jump into the compositor I've got mine set up so that my viewer node is up here in the top right hand corner yours might look a little bit different but hey we're artists here make you a compositor how you want it I'm gonna drop in a movie clip node and if I ctrl shift and click on that I can view my footage nice so I'm gonna drop in a few scale nodes just to do some housekeeping and I'm gonna press shift a and drop in a mix node and set that movie clip to the top of that mix node and set this bad boy to screen nice I'm gonna drop in a blur node and Bloor the heck out of it hey where'd our fire go well that's not what we want so I'm going to duplicate that screen node by pressing shift nd I'll take my original render into the first green node and then the blur output into that second one boom so here we have our render with the fire composited ha ha we have glow fire glows but it doesn't glow that much so let's dial it back now let's add some hue and saturation adjust that so that that fire looks a little bit more like it belongs in the scene ok we're done yeah not really that fire has a sharp edge there and it doesn't really integrate with her hands so step for rotoscope the hands let's go back into the masking section and I'm gonna create a new mask name it hand or left hand right hand if you want to be specific I can ctrl and left click to start creating a mask I can set the handle type and I'm just clicking along here masking out the part of her hand said I want the fire to be contained inside remember I don't really have to be very careful here I just want to make sure that the fire doesn't bleed out the edge of her fingers so that it looks like it's stained contained to the inside of her hand this obviously is completely to taste for your footage and if someone is holding a really flat palm then you'll have to do even less masking than what I'm doing here I can press alt C to close that mask or option C and then the rotoscoping comes by animating that mask so I have automatic keyframes on and I'm just jumping every 10 frames or so and adjusting the mask to fit her hand and then I'll go back and fine-tune that as needed Podcast in music time music time podcast and music time all right I'm gonna take that mask output and drop it into that very first green node of our fire composite element and then you can see aha the fire is contained inside the mask you might need to invert it there we go now if you created two separate masks for each hand like I did just duplicate that mask node and add those bad boys together a math node works pretty well set that to add and now control shift click we have a really ugly looking matte there we can plug it into the factor of our screen node and voila but it still has a sharp edge so let's blur it I blur everything just half of compositing is just blurring stuff all right so there's my blurred matte let's view that integration galore just like that okay now we're done yeah not really let's join those all nodes together do some housekeeping and make it look nice your node tree has to look nice guys that's it's it's a rule so I'm gonna add in a mix node step 5 add the bounce light a lot of different ways you can do this I'm gonna use an RGB node pick a color set it to soft light we're screen nice but we really only wanted to affect her face and body so we need to create another mask so that stays contained to just her body so back in the mask section I'm gonna mask around her torso here I'll see to close that mask more rotoscoping you can see I'm not being too careful here every 10 or 15 frames or so till I have a rotoscope around her torso and then I'm just plugging that mask in as the factor of that soft light and boom bounce light let's blur that just blur everything so there's our mat blurred now it sort of looks like light nice so many other things you can do here drop in some color balance sure maybe a glare node streaks uh-huh a lot of fun things you can do here guys make the eyes glow make the fire bloom make it your own there's some ten-minute fire power for you quick and easy using some stock footage from action VFX I'll link them in the description they have some free fire but you can certainly purchase or make your own and blender I want to see what you do with your newly discovered fire powers in blender if you do this effect drop a link in the description and I'll check out your result thanks for watching guys see you next time
Channel: Kenan Proffitt
Views: 304,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, vfx, tutorials, visual effects, blender vfx, actionvfx, compositing, news, covid, skills, sponsor me
Id: Lu0IcYyISqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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