Blender Tutorial : Star Wars Darth Vader Helmet - 01

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hey how's it goin everyone this is Steve here with another CG geek blended tutorial and are you interested in modeling and all sorts of modeling tips texturing and rendering and star wars because if any of those things interest you you will most likely enjoy this tutorial because we're creating Darth Vader so Darth Vader is an interesting mouth to create because there is lots of lots of sharp edges but then also this rounded edges and it's kind of a have unique mesh so it provides a bit of tricky situations especially if you've not had a whole lot of experience modeling so it's a it's a good modeling exercise you could say and provides lots of tips to be learned and information to absorb and there should be a lot of fun too so we're going to jump into creating a Darth Vader right so I don't need the cube I'm just going to delete the cube X delete cube and when I'm not seeing my starts to play there we go you get that screen cast go and then let's make that a little bit bigger real quick just so you guys can see that so I'm going to start off with is opening reference images whenever you going to create something something that is well-known like Darth Vader you better get some good reference images otherwise there'll be a lot of people a lot of people upset that doesn't look just like the one from the movie and it's true that if you're creating something you want to recreate exactly so let's open up some reference images I'm gonna start by opening in the background here so just hit N and go background images enable that add in an image and open them now all these reference images will be provided to you in the description or at least most of them the good ones anyways but I have a handful from here and just a lot of a lot of different poses I got like this one here which shows the different parts of the mask construction and stuff and this one without the helmet on it just so you can see what it looks like underneath the helmet but for the front view I'm gonna start with the basic one here so that's just a nice SiC front on shot of Vader let's just do a little bit of center izing tenderizing I don't know if that's a word but let's set up so I'm going to move them over a little bit with these x and y options here and we'll just leave that there for now and I'll go ahead and add in a side view image so I don't want this to be all views I want this just to be the front view so you change the image x-axis to front and then when you hit number one to go to front view you'll have it there but nowhere else all right cool so let's add in another background image now just click that again I'll add another one in and then let me collapse it there and we'll open up a side view so reference image is whoops right there now I'm going to grab this side view I found so this is a nice one just to kind of see how long his head is this might actually be another rendering of him but that's fine and we'll kind of Center eyes Center his a head along the Y here to match that of the other one and along the X now we're not going to get it perfect until we start adding in some geometry so I'm going to go ahead and add in my first piece of jima geometry ah don't may be trying to talk right now and my first mesh basically to work off of let me change that side view to be right I believe it is right yes perfect so now that one's only in the right this one's from the front so adding my first mesh it will be a UV sphere so this is a good starting point for the helmet and I'm just going to tab and delete the bottom half of the mesh so grab that all with box select and next delete those vertices now we got to check this option here if you want to be able to select vertices out of sight behind the mesh so check that again and then we'll have to delete those too all righty and mine as well we're going to be doing this with a mirror modifier so select everything to the left X delete the vertices and I'll go ahead and add in a mirror modifier drop it in and it will fix her up right there choose clip in and we're go so let's get this looking right in view so I'm just going to scale this up pull it down scale it up and we might have to move our background image a little bit to keep it Center so let me go ahead to my front image here and just kind of barely move it to the center there if that's better the image is not perfectly straight so we got to deal with what we got to do and that's pretty good there so now I'm going to the side view though and you can see that it's off quite a bit that means we need to scale down our side view image or right view image here so we have a size option here where you can just jump that down a bit and then we also need to move it slightly along the X so getting it lined up like this is very important and really makes life a lot easier when you get back into more of the modeling aspect of it so when you have that and they're both matching life is going to be easy much easier so let's go ahead and start working on the helmet then so I'm going to start off by kind of getting the shape on top here not doing this Ridge first though because I'm going to add that after I give an overall thickness to the helmet if that makes sense so I hit Z to go into wireframe what I'm going to do is basically grab the center line of vertices here's an option click it and yeah we got the whole loop there and I'm going to uncheck clipping right now and basically pull this back and I'll have to turn on proportional editing too so use O on your keyboard enabled proportional editing and now we can pull it back with everything moving with it using your mouse wheel or page up page down I believe yes and the keyboard if you don't have a mouse wheel all right so do that and now I can extrude this one more time uncheck proportional editing with O and then turn clipping back on and we'll just snap this to the center again cool so now we have that extra row of vertices in here which we can use for the center bump there all right so let's now start start basically getting the shape and then the helmet so with proportional editing on again it will be your friend you'll want to keep an eye on for most part I'm going to select this vertice here in front and just kind of pull up this mesh and kind of follow the crease you see here all right so we're going to basically arrange our vertices to follow that crease there this is the back first no this is front yes you want to make sure you grabbing the front ones and not the ones in the back so now we can jump to side view here as well you can kind of see that it's not matching exactly so we might want to tweak the position of this a little bit more just to try and get it matching on as best as we can maybe just lower it down a little bit like I said the different images actually the more if I said but I should have said the different images might vary a little bit so the proportions still might be off in my images a little bit so you kind of have to find a happy medium and that's close enough to being on for me and now let's kind of grab the vertices and match them up along the back end here grab that back and vertices there I'm going to kind of pull the helmet down just a little bit to match this edge here so let me get that one kind of pull it down to match that edge there grab these two and scroll the scroll the amount down now a proportional editing just kind of following that crease that continues along here excellent just not too bad and that's looking pretty nice pull it back just a little bit and maybe not quite so much on top there we go so now we go to a front view and we have that as well not looking too bad we can kind of pull these edges out a little bit as well and we have the basic shape of the top of the helmet already coming along nicely so before we go any further we'll want to enable smooth shading and we'll want to drop a subsurf onto that mesh as well so do that add a subdivision surface crank it up to two and we got it coming along nice so now we tap back in edit mode and go into wireframe helps to kind of see the mesh underneath and let me see here all right I'm going to go ahead and extrude this and pull it down along these edge you'll have to turn off proportional editing pull it down and it will match this line here just kind of now we want proportional again so you want to get comfortable turn that on and off freakin freak for weak she's frequently there we go that came out right can't talk today all right so I just kind of pulling these verses down and matching it up nicely until we get to about this point here already where will where we will extrude it further all right so we got that that looks about right this does kind of flare out now so we can kind of do that from the side view flare these out a little bit more to give it that that flare of a helmet no right and the one we do now is pull these vertices back a little bit here and let me see what this looks like from the front view all right not not too bad right there well this vertices here is going to extrude down for this part so now I'm going to grab that versi and these along here and extrude pull this downward I got to turn off portion editing there we go and not too bad just kind of line that up there and then move the vertices to match again proportional editing back on and just kind of matching it up along the bottom here got to pull this back here and then just match up a few vertices not nothing nothing too hard all right and this needs to come back a little bit there cool it's looking good now you can see here we have a little bit of an issue it's not quite letting up so we just got to move some of these vertices to match it already pull them around of course we'll have to tweak it in front view then yep they don't come out far enough so grabbing this corner one here actually yeah maybe grab one down here more will grab this and kind of pull it out to match the flare that we want all right cool now as you can tell it's not coming down far enough let me see this is already further than that so this is one of those problems where the the images don't match up tight enough so when I have to come up with our own happy medium so I'm just going to kind of wing it now and pull them out a little bit further on my own so we got to kind of round this off a little bit here to have a little bit of an issue there all righty I was looking good keep everything looking proper not too bad all right so we have a helmet coming along pretty nicely like I said these have to come down a little bit further and if I go to front view you can see that basically this whole ring needs to come down a little bit just to match the front image a little bit better and maybe rotate it so I'm hitting R twice and kind of rotating it backwards pivoting it back just a little bit and then pulling it down anymore all right pretty happy with that now if we go side view you can see it comes down a little bit further then this image but I'm fine with that all right so let's just do a little bit more smoothing out here let's throw another edge loop in there and let's get rid of our lamp here this is kind of in my way now we have a nice helmet coming along so few more things now before we add some thickness and whatnot to it first let's make sure we have a right our flare it's not too bad kind of kind of coming off a little bit here pull it out a little bit pull this one out a little bit - just posing it how I like to kind of match the image back there - keeping that mind of course ready let's pull it out just a little bit further all right sweet looking pretty nice now what I want to do is kind of add that crease in the eyebrow here that we don't have yet so let's let's line this up again in case it cut off which it looks like it has a little bit already not to Tibet and what I'm going to do is go ctrl R and put a crease in there basically tightening up that right there and then I can select the other edge that we already had there and basically move this a little bit you've got a term proportional ending off but this has to come out just a little bit so I want to basically scale it I guess but just outwards so we'll scale along the Y just so slightly just a tiny bit if you want to do more precise scaling you hold shift and then kind of shift the whole mesh that way so a little bit and you can see we get this nice kind of Ridge coming along there and this seam going around the whole thing which is what we want and now I'm going to kind of tweak that again this time you'll want proportional editing odd because you'll be wanting to move both those verses at the same time right so that's looking something good got the crease there and it's looking good so that crease is just a little bit well it's not flaring out here enough so this has to come flying out more whoops all right get that flare coming around that's looking pretty good and you might just want to crease that a little bit more about one more edge loop in there there you go and that's looking pretty sweet I think not too bad so let's go ahead and add in some thickness now to this helmet once we're happy with it I might just pull it down a little bit further in the back still all right something like that and you want to make sure that you keep this row pretty Square to this one so you can always come back and kind of straighten up this gap this row by selecting both of them like this and scaling them along the whoops turn off the portion editing scaling them along the X straighten them up a little bit which will be nice when we put date but bump down the center all right so I'm pretty happy with that now and I've said that a lot but this time I think I am pretty happy with it so let's go ahead and add in the thickness so many of the thickness with the with the solidify modifier so we'll just drop in solidify and you see it automatically adds in some thickness that is sweet now we're going to use our reference images here as how much thickness we want so maybe a little bit more and then there's some it's the nice options here that you can play with let me see I think clamp yes clamp is one that you might want to use that looks pretty nice and think that's looking pretty good though crease right here this is something that we might want to change just so we get the sharp sharp edges we can choose the rim all right let's choose any which one is going to do the one I want though not really seeing it do this might be after I apply it anyways this is looking okay let me choose even thickness there's that it's a little thin to me all right so the clamp option is kind of providing some issues so don't use the clamp option but a little thicker something like that already and with all the creases turned on and we'll try applying it right now all right so the crease does apply out after you apply the modifier now I see that but I'm not too happy with its I'm going to command you that I think I only want the rim let's try that again boom now let's just do the crease manually and turn that all off and then we can apply our modifier alright so that's a little bit of an issue happening here because of the the mirror modifier but that's something we can fix up pretty easily I think I just have a row of faces in there actually yeah so if you can just grab that row of faces that it puts right there all right we don't want that along the center line there so I'm just going to grab that row with if you don't see alt right clicking it you just alt right click it boom and now I'm just going to deselect everything else with C and then that's a circle select I'm going to X delete faces all right now you can see that is better and what is with the crease down the middle though that might be a normal issue or it might be that they're not touching woops turn off the portion editing okay all right let's see if that's a normal issue select the whole mesh and go to shading UVs and we can click the normals I'm still not seeing what what is causing with that let me see here ready maybe I want to just select that row uncheck clipping pull it away check clipping again snap it back alright that's need to clean it up so if you have an issue like that playing around just a little bit we'll fix it okay so now that I have the mirror modifier applied few things we want to add some mean creases you can do it with extra vertices or mean creases in this case a mean crease works well so I'm going to do for a mean crease is turn the mean crease up here in our transform options on the properties tab turn that up to 1 so we crease the inside and the outside ring is there just option right-clicking them and give them a crease and you can see that sharpens it up and that's what I want so do the inner inner edge along here as well grab those two boom and the outer edge as well you don't necessarily have to go a hundred percent mean crease but for now I'm just going to crank it all the way up and I can tweak it down if I don't want quite so much all right look looks nice good good good good let me slip those to Porsche let it in just tweaking it a little bit more these two need to come up maybe slightly all right so it looks pretty nice cool now let's do that that Center Ridge there and we should be finished with our helmet model for lord Vader so this middle Ridge goes all the way down the mesh so I'm just going to select that row and that's on both sides so that's good I just don't want the inner row so I have to go to side view hit C on my keyboard and just unselect everything on the inside they're a little tricky neat but not too hard we'll just select that round so we're keeping only the outer vertices selected there we go and almost there up one more there we go so now with this done all I have to do is extrude it and pull it up with force leveling off of course pull it up cool tap out and you see we have that nice edge few little issues that will be fixed but not too too bad like this one for instance I'm just going to double tap G and we'll slide that down to there and then pull it away from it a little bit cool and we have a little issue here as well with these two double tap G slide those down and grab those two whe slide them down kind of want to keep these in line with the other vertices along here so - doing it cool now this little tip here needs a little bit of a mean creasing as well let's just crease that so it goes all the way up to the edge there and that's look nice a little little issue along the edge here and that's because we want to be in crease there as well so a mean crease there and then a mean crease there just so these are sharp edges and that looks that looks pretty sweet if it's too big you can grab that row of faces on top there boom and we'll have to deselect the ones on bottom again I guess but it's a little easier now because they're further away and you can just move them down words get that one I think I might have one just a tad bit too high but that's okay alright so deep grab all those and just pull this downwards slightly cool and then maybe scale amount along the X just slightly as well I'm sorry the scale on the Y holding shift just to push them out along the front and back scale on the y scale all the way there we go yeah cool now we have that even Ridge across anywhere you don't have it enough you can you sweep it by hand but that looks pretty nice not bad got'em increase the bottom corner here just like we did the top grab this row this is a little edge here I guess straighten it up grab those two vertices increase to one those two vertices may increase to and no we don't have to mink reset cool so there is our helmets mesh done and dusted I'm pretty satisfied with it one last thing this tip needs to be whoops not all that just the tip needs to come down little bit further so it's a little bit of triangular point there that looks sweet and then of course these few verses should probably been increased to them as well for that tip cool maybe it doesn't have to be a hundred percent there though maybe 0.8 or 0.6 just so it's not too sharp there that looks video crank your subsurf up another way another view port renderer I guess yeah you can see what it's looking like a little bit too clearer and it's looking pretty nice so that's the helmet and now it's time to move on to a little bit more tricky geometry and get to the the face part alright so starting on the the face now so I'm going to go ahead and hide my helmet mesh there with H and before I get quite started on the face I want to show you a reference image I have of the different parts of the mask disassembled this is a very helpful image to kind of get the idea of what we're modeling exactly so I'm gonna switch over to my UV image editor here so I can open up this image to show you guys real quick there'll be a link the description for it you can see this one here so basically we already got the helmet done we have this which is the most complicated piece I'm not going to be covering all the the complicated circuitry and it's helmet there that would be something that might be fun to do but just gentlemen all the time and a tutorial to do it so if you want guys if you guys want to push it further and do all that that's cool but in my render you won't be seeing it anyways so this this kind of complicated face mesh and then this bottom part are the two things we have left to model the face mask part will obviously be what we're starting on now and I'm going to start off similar to what I was doing before with a UV sphere so shift s let's put our cursor to the center and shift a add in a UV sphere so I'm going to go ahead and delete two quarters of this no three quarters of this by box selecting the bottom half deleting the vertices and box selecting the left half deleting the vertices adding in a mirror modifier right there and subsurf cool and turn it to smooth so we'll place this as kind of the skull of the lord Vader here and that will work for the inter-school instead a little bit for the skull underneath the helmet there so there's still some work that used to be done to line up the way the eyeballs match the front and back because these images are slightly different and if I get those lined up properly it will save a lot of time so what I'm going to do is I'm going to quick set it up so I can have those lined up perfectly basically and I'm going to do that by quick adding in a piece of geometry here just as a reference holder so I'm going to add in a plane rotate 90 degrees along the X scale it down and basically this will be the eyeball sockets so this fits right in the eyeball there so that's my reference geometry for what I need to have this be and you can see that this is off by quite a bit so I'm going to hit end to bring up my properties tab and let's work on this right view to make the eyeball match so first off we need to take the scale up quite a bit something like that then we need to move it down along the X just slightly somewhere around there all right right around there would be kid and we need to take along the Y to about there now maybe take the scale down just slightly or up a little bit more maybe just kind of playing around with what we need to fit that in there and that looks a lot better than what I had before so now these images will actually be helpful because you can see now this bottom line which is green when you're in the right view but it's red because it's different access when you in front of you now lines up with about the bottom of his mesh helmet breathing portion there whatever you call his nose area lines up to the bottom of that and it will be a lot easier to work with so go ahead and delete that plane now and let's start some modeling so I'm going to start off by just grabbing these two vertices in front there go to front view and let's just extrude these down so I'm go ahead extrude we want clipping on our mesh so let's undo that clipping extrude alright somewhere around there extrude again I write extrude and extrude now we have to go to side view and obviously that's going straight down we want to take this we can turn proportional editing on and we want to pull it out to be his nose area all right now pull this back and this all has to come out quite a bit still oops let's just move that that's one there right and you have to come up to there not too terrible I think this might need to be a little bit your on top too let's grab that whole area not with what we just did there and scale it up just a little bit all right front of you yeah that looks better okay so we have the nose coming down and looping out we can kind of grab these vertices now and give it some of that height that it needs alright just getting the rough geometry in place so now let me take these vertices along the top here and kind of form them to the eyeball here with fortunately editing on we'll pull this down matching it up a lot fair match you up along there match you up along there basically just pulling into place alright and then we'll have to extrude further down from there so now I'm just gonna grab everything else back there not in front here unselect these cool and pull them down a little further - alrighty so we have the eyeball kind of forming there and now I'm gonna grab these two rows of vertices there and extrude down extrude now I'm going to extrude and rotate something like that make sure that's like at night now it's not like a knife from the side view we have to rotate basically the mesh like so kind of deform it like that pull it out around there it's looking a little bit better and then extrude across twice to kind of match the vertice layout we have up there so everything is kind of done in squares all right and then we can add a face to there well so there's our eye ball sockets coming out not too shabby let's grab these pull them down a little bit all right I just put in a little bit just doing the tweaks that are necessary but that's not looking too bad now what we need to start focusing on is where the vertices will line up along here now this is important you need to have the vertices along this crease here basically you can see if I hide that maybe make this background image a little less opaque you can do that with the opacity option here we'll take it take them both to a point seven this crease along here we really want that to to be vertices so let's hide our mesh hide our helmet though and we need to kind of line up the vertices to match that crease this is actually little tougher to see when it's opaque so let me take the total yeah all right so I'm just going to kind of pose these vertices along that crease there I'm going to have to add in a row here this is going to have to be double tab G slide that up I'm gonna have to add in another versity for that there because this one has to be pulled down and along that crease there excellent so just do that along there along there and then this is starting to wrap around the backlit face there which is what we want all right cool so it's a nice progress there not looking too bad at all and making making some good progress so you can see how if you do it right it doesn't take too long and you can make some good progress and everything is all nice geometry right now nothing is out of whack in crazy so that is important I'm just kind of working that nose a little bit there he that nose looks a little out of whack alrighty so that will do it though for the first part of this modeling tutorial series of Darth Vader let me just fix that nose there you'll want to check back for part two which will be out soon if it's not already depending on when you're watching this of course and part two we'll continue with the the modeling and getting that lord Vader coming to life rise alright so um I'm just kind of poster yeah ready looking pretty good and that'll do it for me my name is Steve and this has been a CG geek tutorial I'll see you then part 2
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 172,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Starwars, Darth Vader, Lord Vader, Helmet, Modeling, Model, Tutorial, How to, Realistic, Blender (Software), Hard surface, fun, beginner, easy, 3D, Star wars 9
Id: GfmD9XMrdYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 10sec (2050 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2015
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