Blender tutorial: Create dynamic Mountains based on Modifiers

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hi he is Chris with a new small tutorial for blender today I show you how to create this dynamic mountains here you can control the mountains you can rotate them you can move them around of course you can scale them and if you want you can change the structure so let's see how this works okay so first we start with with a plane I add a mesh and use a plane and this plane will be hotter huh our plane here for our small landscape or mountains here it's a great and then we need to we go into the edit mode and subdivide this mesh I do it by using the right mouse button and succubi dimension once we can do it sometimes so you can use a shift our key to make some more subdivisions maybe one more okay so this is our plane and I give it a name so this is our turn Ram great so the next what we do is we will add a modifier to this Tara so i will use displacement modifier this modifier will displace our plane to give it a structure to it a structure the structure will come from a texture to to create a texture for the displacement modifier i make it a bit white here so we can read it we click here on new or go here into the on this icon then we switch to this texture tab and we can now create a new texture for our displacement modifier so i call it mountains okay our mountains are really flat so we have no structure here so we have a black texture information so our mountains our displacement zero so what we have to do is I will we need an image for example so we see our texture has the type OS image by default or a movie and we will use not an image we will use another or another different a different texture we will use a math texture and let's say we use the clouds here and now we see already the the displacement modifier now displaces this plane our terror with this texture we can manipulate the texture here in the clouds Elementor we can give it more more brightness or we can make more contrast and all the stuff okay we want to control we want control this texture to do this we need a controller a second object so to do this I add another object this time a small UV sphere I make it a bit smaller 0.2 meters here it is this is our small controller sphere and here we see it I give this fear a small name and say this is our Tehran controller okay so and every time when I move this sphere our Tehran will move and will change dynamically to do this our Tehran have to know about the controller so we go to the displacement modifier and we say your texture coordinates are not controlled anymore from this plane they are controlled by an object so now you see here is another input field and this element here this display segment needs an object for the control so I go here into this pulldown and we use our terrain controller now the sphere is controlling our texture coordinate for our plane already so when I move it you see our clouds our texture is moving okay we see it better when I change the size of our image here of our textures so we can see it a little bit better so for this I go to the mountains and create and edit change here the size of our clouds I make them bigger so a bit bigger like this for example then I make more def to milk make them more like small mountains okay so now you see when I move it to the X direction the mountains are moving okay the same is happening when I rotate then the mountains are rotating so I'm controlling this by the sphere but we don't want to control the whole terror we want to control just an area where the sphere is how to do this we must define the area that have to be changed so to do this we need some vertices that are controlled by this fear so what we do is we go now to the Teran we go to the vertex groups there are no vertex groups here now I go to the edit mode and I select all vertices if not already I press a and all are selected okay and now I create a new vertex group and this is our mountain area for example and before we leave we assign the selected vertices to this vertex group all Buddhist groups in blender are empty when you if you or as soon as you create them so I will assign now by clicking here this vertices to this mountain air let's it okay but this is not all we have to tell our displacement to use our vertices we can use it by the vertex group here and we say this vertex area have to be used by our Turan controller and have to be displaced so it's a moment not much happened because we selected all vertices I will show it to you when we go into the edit mode and let's say we select just those and we set the weight of the here of this vertices to zero and say assign then we see just a part of our of our plane of our turnaround will be changed so this is how this works before I use or I will be before we go further to the next step I will add the weight of one again sign it so every vertex have the weight of one okay so let's go again to the move modifiers so what I want to do now is I want to overwrite this vertices by our control object I want to use this object to paint or to control these vertices to do this we click on the plane again on our Terron and we add another modifier this time we add a modify modifier a modifier that modifies our mesh and this time we use the vertex weight proximity modifier you see it's red because there is no vertex group controlled and there is no target object that have to be useful as control but but before we use this new modifier we have to change the order so we move it up because this modifier have to change the vertices first and then the displacement will use the new control or new changed vertices and react okay and act great so first we say which vertex group have to be controlled by our vertex weight proximity it's the mountain area vertices because we want to control them the next is which target object have T control this vertices it's our terrain controller it's here this sphere okay so it's as you can see not much happens because the sphere is very near or exactly at the same position where is where our our plane is where our Tyrannis so what does it mean at the moment we control the distance from an object to our Tehran and this object is the terrain controller so when I move this here then you see the mountains getting bigger and they move because we control the coordinates so I show it to you again I move it to the z-axis and the far our sphere is go from the mountains or from our plane the more we see them okay but what we want to do is we want the opposite so the more theories or the closer the sphere to the plane the more mountains we want to see - this is weak - to do this we go to this plane and we change the lowest and the highest distance values here so what we want is it's the lowest so as er the closest parts have to be one meter and the the highest or the far away parties have to be 0 so we invert it so when I move this up it became smaller the mountains are getting slower or smaller so what now the next part is we are still not controlling an area we are still controlling the whole object to this as we go again to this modifier and say we don't want to control the distance of an object we want to control the distance of on geometry of this object so what we do now is we click on geometry and now you see I have an area that is controlled by the distance of the geometry of the sphere so the geometry of the sphere there are the vertices that are used for the distance information so the closer the vertices to our sphere vertices the more information is displaced okay so I can use for this vertices edges faces and so on so what we now can do is we can move for example a sphere and the sphere is controlling our position and as soon as I am rotated you see it's rotating the rotating and as soon as I move it away the mountains are smaller or bigger okay so now we want to control the resolution to see more of our structure to do this I go and add another modifier it's the subdivision surface modifier and as you can see already it's a much finer but the problem is it's subdivides the whole object when all is done when all information of the displacement is done to the lower to the low poly object so what we have to do is we have to subdivide before all this other modifiers so I go up for the subdivision and up again and now you see we could do it here after the vertex weight modifier - but I want to do it here so okay here so now we have it and you see the subdivision as a default Cadillac version so you have this round corners we don't want to have this around corners we just want to subdivide pure subdivision so I click on simple and two corners again now okay okay I can now subdivide my mesh and now we see a very nice a very nice subdivision and it works very clean and as soon as ice scale our sphere so we can see the influence scale it's two and we see another interesting thing we have very clean yeah here's a clean area we can control this influence too so we go to this modifier we go now to the vertex weight modifier and we say we don't want to use it linear a linear curve we want to make it for example sharp as soon as I move it up so you can see it's now much better than before I switch back to the linear this is linear us okay you see a very hard a hard border here and when we use a sharp or smooth then it's very smooth and we can move it around or down and so on the interesting thing is this vertex weight proximity works not only with this complete fear it's working with one thing of vertex 2 so I show it to you I go into the sphere select all vertices and then I merge them to the center so we have only one vertex here and I set the position down so here we have this vertex you can see it here this is a vertex at just one vertex and you can control it by one vertex and you can scale the vertex and you can rotate the area if you want if it wants to increase the height you go to the displacement modifier and can increase the height for example okay this is very nice interesting and if you want to change the middle level so our area have to grow so we can put it to zero and I pull it here just one and we have a regular amount so as soon as I'd go down or up yeah here it is the current controller sorry down so it can grow and so on very nice and I go to the texture and change the size for example a bit bigger or smaller whatever you want and it works to see our small another maybe another example here with our vertex let's see let's say we go into the vertex so it's a moment the vertex is just one wait I will change the view here to 0.1 okay so the vertex is just one vertex here one wait I go to the vertex mode waits appears edit mode here just one vertex we have selected it so I can move it I have one vertex so what I will do now is I would create a small curve so we have some vertices and I go now back and now you will see I hope so actually it should I know it's small here it is so you will see the vertices are influenced here and wait I will go to the visibility and show it in front so we can see it here it is yeah it's a bit a bit small I make it bigger wait I make it bigger the influence will be changed wait wait wait wait wait this placement no I will take this here and I say the lowest is here and we got this controller and with K say control here wait I will do it you buy the cursor ok and you can see the shape of our controller here that this controller was first filled our shape can be changed and so in this way we can change the mountains to change this influence you go just here to this to this elements and you can change them bit the more vertices you have the better it is and go to the loop tools and say relax now it's all clean and now we see we can change or create some interesting shapes I go now to this placement and go a bit down here scale up or down and move it around and so on very interesting what you can do ok to create and just change the subdivision we can go up and we have a very nice subdivision and make the shading smooth and if you want change the texture you can go and use Voronoi for example and with the contrast the brightness you can change it too if you want contrast all the things you can do here so the size can be changed here like this the intensity and so on the same here for for an image or a movie I can use an image though I open one go to my assets and my textures I have some algorithmic information here height and let's say we take this one here open and as you can see it's working with the texture too so I can move it and I can scale it and so on yes okay this is how this works here and if you want you can change it again and let's say we I don't know we take no we take this one and we have a very nice object so as soon as you delete the vertices for example so in this way and now we can wait here it's a controller sorry I try to scale it here now okay so now we can move it around and so on we can rotate it that's very nice all possibilities are now possible one two let's set two and say a bit down like this and we have interesting interesting mountains okay so I hope you liked my small tutorial here and if you like if you want I can explain you how to create a nice texture that is dynamic that means at the water level you have water and here at this level you have green parts and here at where the mountain as you have snow if you want to learn how this works just drop me a line or drop me a command a command and note and we can yeah and I show it to you okay thank you very much and have a nice have a nice day bye bye
Channel: Christoph Werner
Views: 46,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D-Coat, graphics, tutorial, malen, painting, drawing, zeichnen, modeling, normalmaps, video games, game development, Computerspielentwicklung, computerspiele, texturen, Texturieren, textures, modellieren, uv-koordinaten, uv coordinates, uv, uv settings, uv-mapping, modellierung, sculpting, animation, game, video game (industry), games, Paint, Draw, 3D modeling (film job), how-to, lernvideo, Artist, Learn, Digital, Sculture, Blender, b3d, material, shader, Blender3d
Id: hUILySfQ3ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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