[Blender Tutorial] 서브컬처 캐릭터 바디 모델링 기초 튜토리얼/Anime Character Body Modeling /VR Chat/[블렌더 강의]

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Hello, this is Chicha. This time, in the second video of creating a subculture character, I created the body of the character following the head I made last time. I plan to make hair and costumes in turn, so please subscribe and like. I think it will be of great help in video production if you press it once. This time, I created the body using polygon modeling without sculpting and retopology, so I recommend that even those who are not confident in sculpting try following along. Press shift A to create a Cube from the mesh. Click Generate in Modifier to apply the subdivision surface twice. Press Tab to enter edit mode, use alt z to make it translucent, select half of the object, and press del to delete the vertex. For shape, I will select the neck of the head and pull the edges downward to the body. Select sculpt mode in the mode at the top left to further shape the shape through sculpting. Press Grab Brush and mirror to the x-axis at the top left, then adjust the size of the brush and shape the polygon. For reference, if you are curious about the basics of sculpting, there is a basic sculpting video among my videos, so you may want to refer to it. I will create the basic shape using Grab Brush while rotating the screen. Once the appearance has been created to some extent in sculpt mode, go to object mode. Select the object and press shift d to copy it, then move it down to create the waist area. Select sculpt mode again to shape the waist area. Go to object mode and copy another part that will be the buttocks. If you make a copy like this, the number of edges will be the same, so it will be convenient to combine them later. Each worker's style is different, but I prefer to work in sculpt mode like this while creating the basic shape. For reference, when selecting an object, hover the mouse over the object and press alt q to select it. Once you have the shape to a certain extent, go to edit mode, press shift to select the vertices that are facing each other in the part you want to merge, and then press the del key to delete the vertices. Press Shift to select all objects that will become the basic body and merge them by pressing Ctrl J. Press shift to select the vertices you want to merge, press m to select at center, and merge them into one. Select sculpt mode to rearrange the basic shape of the body. Enter edit mode, select a vertex that will be the arm, and delete it. Press Ctrl+R to loop cut to add the edge of the chest area. Then, select the vertex where the chest will appear and press the del key to delete it. Press Alt and select the edge of the chest area, then select relax in the loop tools to make it smooth. For reference, loop tools are added to preferences in edit, so you need to search for them and add them. Select relax with the edge of the arm to make it soft. I'll select the vertex where the leg will go and press the del key to delete it. I'll select the vertices one by one and press the g key to create their position and shape. This is a part that takes a lot of time and effort, so I work with patience. Enter sculpt mode, select slide relax brush, press shift, and rub the object to straighten the wire nicely. I will make the disheveled shape prettier again with Grab Brush. Go to edit mode and select the edge of the chest area to extrude it forward. After creating the basic shape of the chest, press Ctrl+R to make a loop cut to divide the sides. For the center edge, select the grid fill of the face to fill the face. Please note that grid fill is applied only when the number of vertices is even. I'll select the vertex on the arm side and press the e key to pull it out. At this time, you can create your arms by choosing whether to use T pose or A pose. Select the leg side and press the down e key to pull out the edge. Instead of pulling out the entire length, pull out a small amount and go into sculpt mode to reshape the body. For the chest area, I will press Ctrl+R to loop cut and divide the sides once more. It's good to create a shape by pulling out the vertices, but it's also good to get used to creating detailed shapes in sculpt mode like that. It is easy to correct incorrect parts and adjust the shape by pulling it around with the brush. The good thing about blender is that you can easily go back and forth between sculpt mode and edit mode. Once the rough shape is created, I will press the e key to shape the remaining arms and legs according to the body shape. For the limbs you created, press Ctrl+R and turn the mouse wheel to loop cut as many edges as you want. Use the knife tool to divide the edge of the collarbone. It is best to work in sculpt mode while continuously rotating the shape. Since creating a pretty body is the priority, it is recommended that you refer to the reference image when making it. Since the shape and proportions of the human body are largely influenced by individual tastes, I am cautious about saying what is good or bad, but always raise your standards by looking at many pretty images. It is recommended. When it comes to subculture modeling, I think you should stick to the principle of not doing a lot of deformation in special forms or working too realistically. After shaping it to a certain extent, select the edge of the knee joint and press the shortcut key I to apply inset faces to split the face inward. The edges of the bending part are divided into two sides so that they can be folded naturally. I will divide the joints of the arm in the same way. While watching the flow of the edge, if there is a section you do not like, it may be a good idea to boldly select the edge, dissolve edges, and recreate it with the knife tool. I'll go into sculpt mode in between, select the slide relax brush, press shift, and rub the object to straighten out the messed up wire. To express the abdominal muscles, select an edge and press ctrl B to apply bevel to subdivide the ventral surface. It is a good idea to touch the entire shape from time to time by rotating the screen in sculpt mode. To create a neck, select the vertex near the neck at the top and press the del key to delete it. Select all edges while holding down Alt and select circle in looptools to make them round. I will apply bevel to the edge of the inside of the chest by pressing ctrl B to further refine the face. This time, to make the belly button, use the knife tool to cut the inner edge into a quad shape. Select all the cut edges and press Ctrl B to apply bevel to bring the face inward to create the shape of the belly button. The edge of the neck on the face side is not needed right now, so delete it and create the neck by pulling the edge upward from the body side. Add edges using the knife tool to create the hip valley. It is also a good idea to make the triangular face into a square if possible by adding an additional edge like this. For the buttocks, I'll move the vertex with the G key to make it look pretty. To create a foot, select the edge and pull one step downward with the E key. Select 5 front parts of the pulled out face equal to the number of toes and pull them forward taking the size of the foot along the y-axis to create a shape. If there are insufficient faces, of course, press Ctrl+R to loop cut to divide the faces. To create the toe, I will select the edge of the big toe and press the e key to pull out the edge. Press Ctrl R to create a loop cut to create the toe joint. To create a more detailed shape of the toe, use a loop cut to divide the sides and organize the shape. I'll create a shape by rotating the screen and pulling out the vertices. For optimization purposes, we produce in a way that creates a pretty shape without using a lot of polygons. Once you have created the big toe, select the face to copy and paste the other four toes and press the del key to delete the face. I'll select the toe and copy it by pressing shift d, then use the s and r keys to adjust the size and position it. Press shift and select each vertex of the part to be connected, press m and select at center to merge them into one. I'll copy and paste the rest of the toes in the same way to attach the vertex. It may look a bit complicated, but I'll make it translucent with alt z and attach it to every corner. I will continue to refine the shape of the parts that are lacking by rotating the screen around. Basically, when creating a human body, whether 2D drawing or 3D modeling, you need to study a lot about the human body you want to create. In order to do that, I recommend that you draw and create a lot of good images and references. I think the best way to study is to be exposed to many images, regardless of whether they are simple images or complex and realistic images. I think I need to add a little more detail to the feet, so I'll add an edge using the knife tool and loop cut. To create the ankle joint, I will select the surrounding edge and press Ctrl b to give it a bevel to make it protrude a little. Rotate the screen to make your feet look pretty. To create a hand, create a Cube, adjust its size, and place it in the position of the hand. After flattening the cube to create a hand shape, press Ctrl R to make a loop cut, then turn the mouse wheel to create 3 more edges to make room for 4 fingers. Loop cut the horizontal part as well, dividing the edges to create a space for the thumb. It makes room for you to enter. To express the indented part of the finger joint, use the knife tool to cut it into a triangular shape. Then, if you cut the middle edge with a knife tool and loop cut, it will turn into a square face. Select the face that will be your index finger and press the e key to extend it forward the length of your finger. Likewise, for the part that will become the thumb, I will refer to the reference and draw it appropriately to create a rough shape. I'm going to make the index finger properly and copy paste it to the other fingers, so I'll delete the face of the part where I'm going to paste the finger. Add edges using loop cuts to create finger joints. Add and select the edge of the fingertip and press the shortcut key I to apply inset faces to divide the face inward to create the part that will become the fingernail. For the tip of the finger, I'll use the e key to pull out the edge, then press m to merge the vertices into one at center. Select all the vertices of the index finger, then copy them with shift d and move them to the side. Just like when making a toe, move with the g key, adjust the size with the s key, rotate with the r key to set the position and shape, then select the vertices to be merged, then press the m key to select at center and merge them. For reference, to select the vertex, press the ctrl numpad + button. When you press repeatedly, the selection area of ​​the vertex increases, and when you press ctrl numpad -, the selection area of ​​the vertex decreases. I'll select the face of the wrist that will be combined with the arm and press the del key to delete it. Enter sculpt mode and use the Grab Brush to properly shape the hand. Since the shape is not clear, return to object mode, right-click the mouse, and select shade smooth to make the surface smooth. I will adjust the size and position of your hand to your wrist. Adjust the length of the hand to the wrist, press Shit, select the hand and body, and press ctrl j to combine the objects. Select the vertices to be combined with the hand and wrist, then press the m key to select at center and merge them. To create underwear, press Shift A to create a plane in the mesh. Select the vertices in edit mode, then press the m key to select at center and merge them. To attach the merged vertex to the body, select the face from the snap at the top. I will create the shape of the underwear by pressing the e key on the vertices attached to the body and adding them one by one. If the face is in an abnormal state, click the viewport overlay in the upper right corner to check the face orientation to check if it is normal. Then, the part where the face is flipped will appear in red like this. After selecting all the faces, select normal for the mesh at the top and press flip to flip the faces. For underwear, we will add edges as if we were doing Retopology. If you are not familiar with Retopology, please watch the previous video, Head Making Video, as it is explained in detail. Continue adding cotton using the e and f keys to create the shape of the underwear. If you are creating a face and the edge flow is wrong, it may be a good idea to press ctrl z or delete the vertex and try again. I will organize the edges and shapes in sculpt mode. To give the bra thickness, click Generate in Modifier and select solidify. You can adjust the thickness by adjusting the Tickness value. Since the number of polygons is small, there are many parts that stick out here and there. Enter sculpt mode and inflate it a little using the inflate brush. To make panties, select one face of the body, press Shift D to copy one, press Esc, and then press P to select Selection to separate it. Also turn on the snap at the top. As with the bra, continue adding cotton using the e and f keys to create the shape of the panties. If the retopology edge is hard to see, check in front in the viewport display to make it visible in the front. Don't just create it, but count the number of vertices that meet and make sure they are not misaligned when filling the surface with the F key. For the panties, I will not apply solidify and will only increase the size by pressing the S key with snap turned off. Then, go into sculpt mode and rub with the inflate brush to inflate it a little. Since we don't need the inside of the bra, I'll apply solidify to erase it. Hide the body for a while, then select the face in edit mode, select the face inside, then press del to select the face and delete it. Once the polygons are organized, we will select the edges and mark seam to create the uv map. If you left-click on an edge, the edge will be selected up to the selected location. Click along the edge to divide the body into front and back, then mark seam. Mark seam by carefully selecting the edge with your finger back and forth. If the mark seam is wrong, you can erase it by doing a clear seam under the mark seam and try again. It calms you down by turning the screen with patience. I will separate the arms and body and mark seam the body front and back. I will mark seam the legs to separate them. The reason I leave the mirror alone and mark seam it is because when I apply later, all objects on the other side are marked seamed, so I don't have to do it twice. Separate the soles and insteps by mark seaming. The criterion for selecting a mark seam is to estimate the UV when the surface is unfolded. You will get a feel for it after unwraping it a few times later. I will divide the underwear part from front to back and mark seam it. When all mark seams are completed, apply all mirrors to combine them. Select uv editor on the left split screen, click new to create a UV map, change it to the desired map size, name it UV, change the Generated Type to Color Grid, and click ok. If you select all vertices of the body in edit mode and unwrap them in uv, the uv map will unfold on the left. Go to the material tab, name the material UV, click the yellow dot on the base color, select Image Texture, and apply it. Save the created UV image in an appropriate folder. Click open in the material tab to load the saved UV image to apply it. Select the underwear objects one by one and apply the created UV material one by one. I will also unwrap the bra and panties under UV and adjust the size before putting them aside. By selecting all in Edit mode and looking at the uv, you can see whether the map is correctly entered and the size is appropriate. I will select uv one by one and use the s and r keys to organize the size and position. I will also select underwear and place them in a position that does not overlap the body. Now, let's select all the objects that will be included in the uv map and place them in an appropriate location inside the map. To create a body texture map, click new, change it to the desired size, give it a name, change Generated Type to Blank, and click ok. To save the map, click save as on image and save it in the desired folder. Go to the material tab, click New to create a new material, give it a name, click the yellow dot in Base color, select Image Texture, and then delete the existing uv material by pressing minus to apply it. Select the underwear objects one by one and apply the created body material one by one. To apply a shader like the head, copy and paste the head shader node to the body shader node, then connect the nodes, open the body uv map, and apply it. Now you are ready to map. Just go to Texture paint mode and color. When creating the head, select the base skin color saved in the color palette on the right, select fill, and click the body to color the entire map. Press Alt Q to select the underwear object, then select the desired color from the palette, select fill, and click to color it. If you enter render mode, you can see that the map looks pretty. Be sure to save the map by pressing alt s. The mapping of subculture characters will vary depending on the concept, but it is best to keep the coloring as restrained as possible. I'll color it a bit simply so as not to make it look too realistic. Basically, it's a good idea to select a color, color it with a draw brush, and rub it with a soften or smear brush to make it soft. If there is a color you like, be sure to save the color by pressing the + button in the color palette on the right. Rather than painting a lot of colors, I'll select the area that will be shaded, paint only the basic color, and repeat rubbing it with softener. Drawing a line with a dark color on the borderline is a common method for coloring anime characters, but I will just use the basic coloring technique with a little simplicity added. When it is difficult to choose a dark color, it is a good idea to set the brush's blending mode to multiply mode to determine the color of the shadow. You can think of it as a similar function to Photoshop. After deciding on the color, don't forget to return the brush's blending mode to mix mode. Check the cartoon shadow applied in render mode and make corrections to see if it is too excessive or if there are any abnormalities. Select all the body and underwear objects, merge them with ctrl j, and then apply the outline. Click Generate in Modifier and select solidify to create the thickness of the outline. After checking flip and high quality in normal, set the material offset value to 1 in the material. You can set the thickness of the outline by adjusting the Tickness value. Let's go to the material tab, create a new material, and apply the outline material applied to the head. Of course, I'll make hair and costumes later, but would you like to simply apply animation to what I've made now? To simply apply animation, all head objects are combined and body objects are also combined to divide them into two objects: head and body. In file, select fbx for export, give it a name, select only mesh, and export it as an fbx file. Go to a site called https://www.mixamo.com/ and simply rig it and apply animation. After logging in with your Google account, select Upload Character and drag and insert the Albadi character you just exported. When you see the character, press next and simply rig it by moving the point on the next screen. There is nothing difficult. Just move the circle to the appropriate location. It's really simple. Then, if you press next, you will see the rigged character after a while. If you select an animation that looks reasonably good on the left screen, you can see that it has been applied to the character we created. Now download the applied character. Now, if you return to blender and open the fbx file downloaded from import in file, you will see a character with Mixamo animation applied. It appears gray because the texture is not applied. Click on the character's shader on the right, copy and paste the shader node to apply the same shader, and then connect the nodes and it will look normal. Now, if you press the animation play button at the bottom, you can see the precisely applied character moving. It turned out better than I expected. It is not difficult to add animation like this, but it can only be done with simple characters, and characters with complex shapes may look very strange if you do this. Anyway, I made it, so I installed a camera and did some rendering. It's just an Albadi character, but it looks good with animation. Next time, I will be making hair and costume videos one by one, so I would appreciate it if you could subscribe and click the like button. I hope you have a happy day and be filled with only good things. See you in the next video. good bye.
Channel: 치차ChiChaArt_Blender
Views: 5,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender Tutorial, Modeling, Sculpting, Sculpt Paint, Blender 3D Tip, 3D modeling, Character Modelling, Texturing, Blender Sculpting, Blender 3D Modeling, Beautiful 3D Girl with Blender, Character Sculpting, 블렌더 헤어, 리토폴로지, 텍스춰페인팅, blender tutorial, Blender Beginner Tutorial, Blender for Beginners, realistic skin shading, texture painting, 블렌더 강좌, 블렌더 튜토리얼, 블렌더 강의, 블렌더 튜터리얼, Retopology, 블렌더 스컬핑, 블렌더 리토폴로지, 서브컬처 캐릭터, Anime Character, VR Chat
Id: 8kg_CpOkoDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 10sec (4270 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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