Blender Quick Tip -{ WALK ALONG THE PATH }-

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hello everybody let's jump straight into the blender so you have some thingy and some curve path road whatever and you would like to move the thingy along the path that's super easy just put a follow path constraints on the object select the curve check to fix position and animate the offset value as your heart desire this offset is actually a fraction of the length of the curve which means that when you change the curve's length the speed of the cube will also changes you can combat it pretty well by changing also the timing of the keyframes but what if the thing isn't just a simple cube what if it's a full character with bulk cycle this one is from by the way it has nice looping motion captured work with constant speed you can try the same method put a follow path constraint on it fix position follow curve and keyframe the offset make the interpolation linear and with a little experimenting you should find the right sweet spot for the second keyframe nice but as soon as you edit the curve you have to look for a new sweet spot well scratch that and try another way with even less effort you should be able to find the right speed for the armature if it moved only on a straight line i've keyframed just the y location and use the generator to find the right coefficient and when i was happy with it i've turned it off and animated a new object instead this new helper is just a mesh object with exactly only three vertices and now is the time when the magic happens i will not put a constraint on it but curve modifier instead ta-da you can see the pivot the object is still moving on a straight line but those vertices nicely flow along the path now i will just parent the armature to those vertices yes parents to vertices not to the object you have to go to the edit mode before parenting it works flawlessly but for some reason it's usually upside down nothing you shouldn't be able to fix either rotate the helper object or change the tilt of the curve that's all we just mapped the object's y location to the curve so 10 meters of movement on the y-axis equals exactly 10 meters of movement along the path regardless of its length or shape i hope you will find a use for it in your projects thanks for watching until the next time happy blending you
Channel: Wiresoul Studio
Views: 35,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 2.83, how to, tutorial, quick, tip, animation, walking, along, path, curve, walkcycle, motion capture, follow
Id: L2EaqaMr6Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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