Blender- Make This Scene With Projection [Blender 2.83 Alpha]

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hello everyone and welcome to another tutorial today I'm gonna show you how to make this scene right here call it sci-fi futuristic fantasy whatever it's just a really cool little scene believe it or not we're just gonna be using two images to make the scene we're gonna be doing some UV projection and stuff like that and you can actually see this is the scene right here and I'll be making the two images we're going to be using available in the description below there are free to download so you don't have to worry about any sort of cost so that's in the link below one is going to be an image of a vending machine and one is the picture of a grungy brick wall with graffiti on it and then we're just going to be doing some really really basic modeling and dish duplicating it's a lot of cheating a lot of quick dirty techniques but it really does healed quite an interesting result and this is a great thing you can use for concept and stuff like that also I'll be making these files available on patreon for those of you guys on patreon thank you for supporting me by the way there are some of you on there already and I also make patreon exclusive stuff on there so go ahead check that out anyway let's make this tutorial oh let's make this scene I should say we've been he's seen open up in blender 2.8 free go ahead and delete everything except your default cube so we're gonna just have this guy right here we're going to go and tap into edit mode and with all of this geometry selected we're going to go s Z and hit free on a number pad to scale it up three times now we go in a front orthographic view just got SX and we're gonna go to about something like that and then s Y just just quell it in like this just so we have a box this check we're gonna get s and then not s we're gonna go G Z and just move this guy up to the top here of the red line and here we have a box so let's start unwrapping it so first we want to do obviously she's got our tech materials here this should have a material apply it by default because it's the default cube I'm going to go down here to this base color simply click on this little circle thing here and then go to image texture and open up the image which is the coca-cola vending machine which is the one I'm going to put in the link below so I've put that on my desktop it's this guy right here I'm gonna open it up and then we're going to go into our UV editing over here in the UV editing I'm gonna go to my face select your own select the face on the front of itself front view it should be disguised right here and I'm gonna go you and unwrapped and what I'm gonna do is guys ed and just go into my viewport material viewport my material preview sorry and what I'm gonna do now is over here on the side panel I'm going to hit 8 to select all of these vertices you can see if I move them around we get movement over here so I'm gonna go s to scale this in and I'm going to rotate it till that free is the right way up and then what I'm going to do is zoom in here and grab this row to see at the top and go G move it to here grab this guy move it up to the corner here and this could be really rough as long as it makes visual sense grab this guy here and just bring this here so you can see at the moment it's looking a little bit too rough so I might just bring this in just mess around a bit too you get something that works but I'm going to go with this maybe lift this one up a little bit so just play around of it just make it work it'll eventually get taraf you if you mess around of it long enough maybe bring these guys out okay so that's done I'm going to grab this face here and I'm gonna go a just lick this guy and I'm going to bring it over here and go art rotate it I'm gonna grab this vertice over here bring it over here grab this one bring it here and then grab these two and bring them down so I'm just gonna put it on this bit here whatever this thing is I think it's like a door or something right over there okay that's done I'm going to grab this guy over here and we get a just like this and then bring it over here are to rotate it around and I'm just going to grab these vertices and place them somewhere like sir so I'm just finding parts on this image and placing this thing till things make sense to me it doesn't have to be exact you can make it as if rough as you want and I'm gonna get to the top and grab this guy and just move it on top of here and yeah just be as rough as you want especially if the top we're not really gonna be seeing that as much and the back of it you don't even have to worry about because when I can be seeing that and yeah I think I'm gonna leave it at this for now so let's go and do some basic modeling so I'm going to go back into I'll just stay over here and tab into edit mode or we already are in edit mode sorry in edit mode we're going to just add in some loop cuts so what I'm go control our Adam the loop cut and then hit GG to slide it I'm going to slide it up to here and then go control are in here GG to slide up and we're just adding in some more detail control our GG slide it over here control our GG slide over here then I'm going to grab this guy to face select grab this face you ain't got to extrude end like so and then what I'm going to do is go control our add in a loop over here and then ctrl r GG slide it to add in the loop here and I'm going to grab this guy here and go e to extrude out a bit and then II just kept and then s to scale it in a bit and SZ just scale it down a bit and then again and just scale it in like that and I'm going to grab this door panel here and then we go I just to bring it in and then E and extrude it in like so to give it some depth tell me our control our GG just to slide this edge sleeve up control our hit GG to slide this edge loop up and then all I'm doing here as you can see I'm adding in new geometry but gun control R and then hitting GG sliding it up and just extruding certain parts of this to give it to more detail bring that out and you guys can make details wherever you want I'm going to keep this really basic for this tutorial control R I'm just adding in some really quick and dirty geometry and we're not gonna be animating this so it doesn't really matter it's not going to be deforming that's all I'm doing is this and you guys can spend as much time on this as you want I'm just keeping it simple and showing you the basic principles of this techniques I mean control are double G and to get might grab this guy he extrude anywhere we can add in little bits of detail like this was just gonna help really bring this to life like this little over here grab this and then what we can do let's go control a we can add in a cylinder our x90 hit enter and then G Zed bring this guy up and then s to scale and you can see here we're making this little piece of geometry over here that guy scale it in to about here and then we're going to go you and we're going to go project from view then one over here we've got a and then we're gonna go G and moves us over here and then go s to scale it down just so we get that so that's going to give that a little bit of dimensionality and then we can also just shift alt and then loop select these loops here and then get you and then we can go smart UV projection go okay then we're going to grab all of these guys over here and scale them down and just bring them somewhere where we can add some sort of texture to them I'm going to grab this guy here like that okay that works and yeah go ahead spend as much time as you want I might even come in here control our just add in one more little bit of detail sliding down grabbing these guys control our loop here select these guys and then go E to extrude that in one more time so we're just adding some dimension to this and then what I'm going to do is go into my modifiers I'm going to add modifier add in a bevel make it angle and then if i zoom in here I might decrease the bevel a little bit to something like this and then increase this segment like that so what you can see here we're going to wireframe we now have a bevel around everything and I'm going to leave it at that we don't have to add a lot of the subdivision surface or anything so you've got object and also just enable the shade Smoove so here is our machine and let's get back to our layout here and then what I'm going to do it's my front orthographic view I'm gonna go shift a I'm gonna add in a cube and a tab to edit mode to go G Zed and holding ctrl and move it out till it snaps to the floor then I'm gonna go sy and scale it along the way something like this and an sx and you can make a room as big as you want I'm just gonna go something like this and then grab this reef bring it up and you can delete this front entrance here so we just have a room that looks like this and you could totally make it like I said make it a volume you want I think I'm just gonna go give something like that and then went a bit of edit mode grab this guy and then go rz9 zero hit enter that's gonna rotate it 90 degrees I think I'm good my top view go to wireframe then go G bring this guy over here and I'm gonna shift the Y and just move it down to here and then go and shift our just to repeat this a few times so I get these vending machines and you can make the room I might just make the room a little bit not as long and if that done I'm gonna grab these guys here and gosh if T X move them to this side and then go our Z 180 to rotate them around 180 and just move them up against the wall here so we should see this in our front view something like that looks good and we can grab one of these vending machines got shift D and just bring them over by going X then RZ 9 0 and hit enter and this one is just going to be here at the end of our a little room here so we've got a front of you guys shift a we can add in a camera let's go to camera settings make the focal length something like 35 and hit enter then go G Z move this camera up and then go G Y move it back a little bit so place a camera where you feel it's quite a comfortable view you can hit 0 to go into camera view and go to solid view and just hit your G key and your middle mouse wheel with the camera select it and you could pull in and out I'm going to be leaving the focal length at a value of 45 that's gonna be fine for the scene and let's do some unwrapping for this guy here so what we want to do is give this a material as well so I'm going to go with this box this room selected go new we're gonna do the exact same thing we did with the vending machine so click on this little button here we're going to go and give it an image texture and let's go get that second image that's in the link below that's gonna be a grungy brick texture so open and that's going to be this grunge wall and open that up and now if we hit Z and go into a mature love you port you can see it's kind of by default applying but it's not exactly what we want so let's go to our UV editing and just make sure in your material view and what we're going to do is select this floor first wall and we're gonna go a select it over here and guess and just scale it up till the scale of these bricks makes sense you can also get SX to scale this along to X in this viewports I might bring it in like this and then go s to scale it up so just get a scale that works for you I'm gonna do the same thing with this guy at the top and we're not really going to see this one as much but you can totally do what you want I'm going to scale this up just get them all roughly to look the same grab this guy here and this guy at the same time and you can scale them both up as much as you need to and just keep working at it that and just place them around on my friend just go over here and just go s to scale it up rotate it 90 degrees bring it over here and just do the same thing of this guy rotate it 90 degrees and just bring it up to here and just like that okay so here we have to brick walls area and grab this guy at the back and just make sure you scale that guy up as well rotate it if you have to just make things make sense okay that looks pretty cool but look at my viewport okay that's looking really awesome and what I also did is I came in here I gave this another material so I go plus new material make this one a mission and we had cabin to edit mode or control our add in the loop cut and then GG just slide it we can slide it to about here and control our GG to slide in another one and we're going to control our and gg to slide over here and in control R and we're just adding like a little light at the top here and go to our face select grab this guy here and then go e to extrude it up and then es to extrude it in and we're going to give it that emission material over there okay and then we're going to come over here their control are in the middle of our room and then doubled you just slide up a loop like so and then we're going to go if you go into your wireframe you can go you'll see better I can go control B to add in a bevel so I'm going to make it something like this then I'm going to go e to extrude right click to let go and then I'm going to go alt S and just expand that out a little bit like that and I'm going to give all of that geometry there also that same emission material so now if we go into a solid you can see this is what we have so I'm going to tap out of edit mode then I'm going to hit Z and go into my material viewport and that is it so let's go to a camera view here and I'm going to quickly go back to my layout for now go into my camera view here make sure I'm in rendered mode and then what I can do is come to my render settings make sure it's evey render enable ambient occlusion enabled bloom that's very important and also your screen space reflections now if we grab this building here we got our materials we can go to this emission material now we can drag this value up as much as we want I'm going to go something like this and the color is totally up to you I think I'm going to go something like a nice kind of green like that and then what we can do is also add in a light so I'm going to go shift a I'm going to go to my lights add in an area light go to my right orthographic view and then go G and bring the light a bit here and then rotate it and then just increase the scale of the light and you can get SX to scale it along 2x a little bit and then we can increase the strength to something we like so I'm going to drag it up to to a few hundred and go Z render tons you see what it looks like and then I'm going to make it a little bit yellow it's just a little bit like that and you can increase or decrease this as much as you want you can come to your world settings you can make it darker if you want a bit more contrast in there I might do that okay so that's looking good for now so let's quickly go into our and shader editor just to do some work of this I'm going to grab this one of these guys here and then I'm gonna go to my shading and then what I'm going to do is go over here into my camera view Z make sure I'm gonna render it here on my shading view and we're gonna start with this vending-machine material so by default it would have just made one of these nodes here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go shift a I'm going to search and get a color ramp node okay and I'm gonna plug this color into the factor here and then when I take this color out Luke and plug it into the roughness here and it's gonna have a bit of a think about it and what we want to do is come and mess around of this till we get some variation to this so for now what you can just do is drag this roughness into the surface here let's see what it looks like so we're gonna drag this slider in a bit and then drag this guy in a bit then we're gonna hit this little + so we have another little slider in the middle and what we want is just to make kind of like a rough roughness map and it's not going to be perfect but it's a nice quick little way of getting some variation to you roughness so let's plug this back into the roughness plug this principal psdf entered surface and let's have a look at that okay so the reflections are looking a little bit more interesting at the moment you can see yeah it just gives it a little bit more detail and you guys can mess around with this as much or as little as you want and show you get something that just works I'm going to leave it at that they're going to grab this guy here the room better my materials make sure I have that first brick material we applied the there's one at the top and I drag this image texture out and then we go shipped a I'm going to search and get a color ramp as well and this time we can plug the color ramp into here then we go shift a we're going to search and get a bump node click the bump node place it down here take the color plug it into the height of the bump node and then take the bump and plug it into the normal of the principal shader and at the moment it's gonna look quite crazy so what we want to do is just come in here to the bump and just bring that strength down something like this I'm just gonna leave it at that for now so what we also want to do is duplicate this one so go shift D duplicate this noise this color ramp bring it up to here somewhere they're gonna take the color plug it into here and now we're gonna take the color and plug it into the roughness of our principal cheddar down here and what we want to do is mess around with these sliders till we get a kind of reflection that we like now this can be quite finicky so you know try shopping them around even if you want totally up to you you can see the reflections over here maybe that's a bit too much maybe I swap them around just miss around a bit till you get something you like so I might just leave it at that for now I'm gonna add a little bit and you can mess around with the strength as well if you want so I think something like point two four works okay and this is just a very rough way of doing it you guys can totally spend more time at some fancy materials but this is just a really quick way to get a concept going so let's also go to our world settings here and we what we want to do is go to our bloom and if we decrease this threshold we're gonna get a bit more of a bloom as well a little bit more haze maybe 2.5 is okay and let's quickly give this a test render to see what it looks like yeah this is what it is looking for like safar you can see that some of the reflections here a little bit intense on the floor shader so let's just quickly get back and see if we can work on that and but the vending machines are kind of looking at okay maybe a little bit too reflective in some parts but they're looking quite quite cool for something we've made in a few seconds so let's just minimize it close this off here and I'm gonna keep working at this so this is going to a rendered view and work this okay so this is what I'm gonna leave it at you can see over here go ahead mess around a bit like I said this is more dish introducing this kind of workflow to you and it's more for its really good for quick concepts and stuff but this is what I'm gonna leave it out so let's go back to our layout and I'm gonna give this one final render and let's see what it looks like okay there we have it I think this looks pretty awesome for something we did in the time we did one thing I could you could probably do is bring that bring that roof light down a bit so if we close this just go to back into editing on this you just grab this guy over here those faces and then Gogi is that and just bring them down a bit see what that looks like it's rendered okay that is looking a lot better I might just grab this camera and go G and then middle mouse wheel just to pull it back a little bit like that give it up a bit totally just make it Joan scene so I hope you guys liked this tutorial if you did please give a like subscribe if you want to support me you can support me on patreon I put a lot of really cool acids on there and stuff that you guys will really like and some patreon exclusive tutorials as well so I'll see you guys next time for another tutorial thanks for watching
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 11,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender tutorials for beginners, Easy Blender tutorials, Blender Animation, Blender Sculpting, Blender Courses, Blender Motion Graphics, Blender 2.8, Blender 2.81, Blender 2.82, Blender 2.83, PIXXO 3D, Ducky 3D, CG Matter, CG Cookie
Id: wL4KgVQhcZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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