Blender | Make This Desktop Fan | Part 1

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hello guys and welcome to another blender tutorial so i'm going to be showing you step by step how to model this stylized fan in blender i'm going to be using blender 2.83 and we're going to be rendering an eevee so this is part one where i just cover all of the modeling and it is step by step no time lapses and then in part two i'll quickly just cover the materials and the lighting and stuff like that so that being said this model here is available on my patreon so you guys can check that out in the description below and you guys can share what you make on instagram i do check out what you guys show me on instagram i don't always reply as i get a lot of stuff but i do really like what i'm seeing and you guys are really awesome so let's get into this tutorial i hope you guys are able to like it and just get something cool out of it okay so when you've seen open up in blender what we're going to do is we're going to go shift a we've got our mesh options and we're going to add in a cylinder now once you've added in the cylinder you're going to move it selected you're going to hit r then you're going to hit x and then 9 0 and hit enter we've essentially rotated this 90 degrees on the x-axis and then what we're going to do is we're going to tab into edit mode if all of this is selected we're going to go s y and scale it in on the y a little bit i'm going to come over here ctrl r so ctrl r add in a loop and then what we're going to do is we're going to just select this loop of vertices here vertices at the back so shift alt click on this loop here hit x and then go delete vertices we've got a half of a cylinder here go to your modifiers tab we're going to give this guy a mirror modifier and just quickly tab out of edit mode and we've just selected so we're in object mode again we're just going to go ctrl a and just apply the rotation tab back into edit mode and now if we come here to our mirror modifier under the modifiers tab we're going to disable the x and enable the y so now we're now mirroring this guy on the y axis here and we also enable clipping just like that so once we've done that we're going to go shift alt click on this loop of vertices at the front we're going to go x to delete them just delete faces and then we're going to do is we're going to come in here so in fact just select the loop again just select it and go s to scale it we're going to scale it just like this i'm going to come in here hold down mouse cursor over here go control r once again you see the yellow line up here click and let's just scale that up like this it's just scaling it so we're not creating just the case here very simple on top of this modifier let's add a subdivision surface modifier and i'm just going to minimize the mirror and i'm going to come here to the viewport display of the subdivision surface modifier and bump it up to 2 and i'm going to come to the render mount and bump it up to free so now i'm going to tab out of edit mode and now we're back in object mode go to object and enable shades move now if you're getting this funny thing going on here just drop down your mirror and just make sure clipping is enabled and if you're still getting this what you need to do is just tap into edit mode hit a to select everything and then go g and then z and just move this in a little bit and then gy and move it out a little bit just to make sure that those snap together that's where we have the clipping enabled here so now you can see we don't have that sharp line over there anymore so we just have this guy here and um what we're going to do just back in edit mode is just select this loop here and we're going to go e to extrude and s to scale just a little bit out then we're gonna go g and we're gonna go y and just moved forward a bit so we're just creating this shape here and then in edit mode again we're gonna go oh sorry object mode we're gonna go shift a we're gonna go to our mesh options again add in a taurus go over here to the add taurus settings and we're going to come over here to the minor segments and make it eight and once you've done that drop this down tab into edit mode with this torus selected and what we're going to do is we're going to go alt and s i'm going to scale this in on its local oh it's normals so alt s so not s but alt s i'm going to scale this just like that tap out of edit mode and then we're going to go rx90 and hit enter so this is an edit mode um object mode and what we're going to do is we're going to go g and we're going to go y and move this 4 to the front here and then s to scale and we're just trying to put it right here at the front we're kind of trying to attach it to the front here just scaling it a little bit hitting s just so it's sitting right on there what we're going to do is holding in shift we're going to select the case here so you can see this is now active so grab this guy first holding in shift select the case go control l sorry go ctrl j and that's going to join us so this guy is now joined to this one and it's all one object okay so here we have the case pretty much done we're now going to add the um the guard so the guard is going to be simple in fact we're going to go shift a again just add in a torus and we're going to tap into edit mode of this guy again go alt s and we're going to scale it alt s going to go something like this tab out of edit mode and then what we're going to do is we're going to go s to scale let's scale it down to here then we're going to go rx90 and hit enter just like that and what we're going to do is we're going to go g and then we're going to go in fact just tab into edit mode so tap into edit mode and with all of this selected inside of edit mode we're going to go g y and we're going to move this forward then go to your right orthographic view by hitting three on your number pad and we go g y and just move this guy in so it's lining up with the front here and then hit one to go into your front off graphic and now we can see we have this guy here so what we want to do is scale this guy in edit mode we're going to scale it select it scale it to about here and then we're going to go alt s we're going to thicken that up a little bit just like that we're going to go shift d to duplicate it and then s to scale to here i'm gonna go alt s again and make it a little bit skinnier just so it's the same thickness here shift d to duplicate s to scale one more time like this and then alt s just make it a little bit skinnier and then shift d scale this guy up and then make it with alt s again just to thin it out a little bit just trying to make sure they're all the same thickness so tab out of edit mode so this is what we now have let's go to our modifiers tab i'm going to give this guy a subdivision surface modifier go to object and enable shade smooth so now we have the guard here what we're going to do is back in edit mode i'm going to go shift and alt click on a loop here just to select a loop of vertices inside of here shift d to duplicate and then we're going to go e to extrude and s to scale to here and then we're going to go e and we're going to go x sorry y e and y to shoot it forward a bit and then s to scale it a little bit and then e to extrude s to scale and we're gonna hit f to fill those faces you can see we have some funny shading going here going on here so we're gonna with these guys selected hit l that's gonna select all of this and what we're going to do is we're going to go alt n and we go recalculate outside it's going to fix that for us so tab out of edit mode go to object again and available smooth now we have the um the guard at the front here but we need to add this rib these ribbing here or the spokes that kind of connect us to the case the um kind of like the structure so these rings aren't just floating so i'm going to show you how to do that shift a we've got our mesh options add in a cylinder again this time go to your cylinder settings we're going to bump the vertices down here to 8 just like that and then we're going to do is tab into edit mode select this face up top hit x and delete faces and do the same thing to the bottom just delete that face we're then going to hit a just like everything and we're going to go s to scale it i'm going to scale it quite small so go to your front view if it helps front orthographic and we're going to scale it down that much so it's almost a little bit thicker than this the guard here i'm gonna make it a bit smaller i'm gonna tab into okay so while we're yet in edit mode we're also gonna go to a vertex select just quickly make sure to select the top vertices here and then go g z and just bring these guys up so i'm going g z bringing them up to the top here like that and then i'm going to tab out of edit mode i'm going to go g y and i'm going to move forward just so it's sitting right there and go to object and enable shade smooth so we're going to leave that there for now but what we're also going to do is we're going to go shift a and we're going to add in a empty so go to empty options add in a cube and in your front orthographic view and so hit one to go to your front or graphic view we're going to go r and we're going to go y and we're going to go 60. so we've rotated this 60 degrees on the y-axis the empty and if you want to make sure it's correct hit n on your keyboard go to item and you should be able to see here under the y rotation it's set to 60. we're going to select this guy over here the rib and we're going to go add modifier gives this guy an array we're gonna untick a relative offset i'm gonna enable object offset click on the eyedropper and select the empty it's now using the mt as a reference for the array we're gonna bump up the count here to six now at the moment it's all over the place so we got to grab this empty go to your right orthographic view go g y and move it forward and we want this empty's origin point to be at the same origin point as this rib over here this spoke so easy way to do that is just select the spoke here we're going to go um shift s we're going to shift s we're going to go cursor to selected they're going to select empty and we go shift s and we're going to go selection to cursor so now let's place that empty precisely where i wanted and if we want to move these spokes we can select the empty hold and shift and select the spokes so this one first and then this one so you get them both selected and then we can go to your right orthographic view g y and you can move them back if you want to just a little bit just so they're not penetrating through here too much also you can select this um these spokes go to edit mode anytime you want to select everything and then go alt s and scale it in on the normal so make it a bit skinnier so it's really up to you so this is going to go something like that and at this point in edit mode you want to select this top loop of vertices go to your right or graphic view and we simply just want to um bring this in a bit so grab this guy here and we're gonna go e to extrude and you could use the spin tool i'm just not going to use it so you're gonna extrude it to here e to extrude again and then r to rotate you don't have to do this part just a little detail e to extrude rotate it a little bit and then he takes two one more time like this and then we're gonna hit f to fill that and i we're gonna hit the i key and just inset that a little bit then go alt s just to bulge it out a little bit just like that tab out of edit mode and let's give this guy a subdivision surface modifier as well so just like that now we have the spokes that's holding this all together what we need to do now is mirror this over to the other side so what we're going to do is we're going to select this guy over here and on top of this we're going to add in the modifier so we're going to do the modifiers we're going to give this guy a mirror modifier click on the eyedropper and select the fan um casing so this guy here this outer part so now it's using this guy as a reference so click on this guy again and what we need to do is untick the x and select the y so now it's mirroring on the y axis and let's do the same with the spoke here so select the spoke and just minimize these two here let's give it a mirror modifier click on eyedropper and select the main fan housing and disable the x and enable the y so now we have the same thing happening at the back so now we don't have to model it all over again at the back so what are we going to do next i think the next part will be modeling the actual fan blades in the inside okay so to make things a little bit easier what we're going to do is we're going to select one of the spokes or just the spikes because it's being mirrored so with this selected holding in shift select also the um empty that we're using so both of these selected then hit three on your number pad to go into right or graphic view and if it makes it easier just hit z go into rendered view and if these two selected go shift d and then y and just move it in towards the middle and don't worry about the other one coming closer to it so just not quite in the middle but just about here and with the this new um one we duplicated here just select that spoke there and let's just come here and get rid of that mirror and under the modifier we don't need it because we're not trying to mirror it onto the other side and now we have a nice starting base for our fan blade so we're going to do is with this inner spoke selector we're going to tab into edit mode so you can see we have it selected here when we're in edit mode and what we're going to do is we're going to select all of these top vertices here i'm going to hit x and delete vertices they're going to hit a to select these vertices left um here on the bottom we can go g and z and just move them up a little bit like that we're going to go e to extrude and z and bring it up just like that so you can see what's happening here in fact if it makes it easier just select this this grid here at the front and hit h to hide it then select this and go back into edit mode that makes it a little bit easier for you in fact you can also select the spoke here and just hit h in object mode hey h to hide it select this guy and go back into edit mode if that's easier for you so what we're going to do is we're going to go g z just bring these vertices up to here go s to scale it up like this and then we're going to go e to extrude and then z move it up a little bit and then sx and scale it out in the x like this and e z and then we're going to extrude it up to here and then we're going to come in here control r add in the loop and we're going to go s and we got x and scale it out along the x and then we're going to select this top loop of vertices here and just hit f to fill it and then e to shoot up a little bit and then scale s to scale so just creating something that looks like this and you can come here shift alt click on the sleeper vertices here and you can move them around go s y scale them in or out a little bit to try and create the kind of um style of fan blade you're going for so i'm just going to go with something like this ctrl r add in one loop up here s x and scale it out along the x g z move it off a bit so this is totally up to you just creating something that looks like this like that then we're gonna hit a to select everything in here in edit mode and i'm gonna go r z and we're gonna rotate it on the z like this and then we're just gonna select this bottom loop of vertices here and go g z just bring it down so it all comes to a point and then we're done tab out of edit mode go to object and enable shade smooth so we've got the smooth shading and there we have our fan blade so we're going to go alt h in edit mode so alt h to unhide everything we've hidden and there we have a fan blade now we can also just grab um in fact let's put in a cylinder we're gonna go shift a mesh options just quickly add in a cylinder again go to the add cylinder settings let's bump it up to 16 under vertices and then we're gonna go r x nine zero hit enter s to scale and we're gonna go g y and move it back and that's just gonna be the bit that kind of holds it in fact once again um just if you want to just select this stuff at the front here and just hit h to hide it and all we're going to do here if this one is go g y move it back a bit and then e to extrude s to scale and then alt s to expand it out a bit and then we're going to select this loop of vertices at the back e to extrude s2 scale and an e y to extrude it out a bit and then e y one more time hit x and delete faces go to your modifiers and give this guy a subdivision surface modifier tab out of edit mode go to object and enable shades move and under your subdivision surface settings this gives the viewport a display of 1 and a render here a value of 3 there and there we have that part done in fact i might just go in here again to select this loop e to extrude as to scale just clean it up a little bit so just like that and you can also add in a motor at the back here but i'm not going to do that because really you're not going to really be focusing on that much or seeing anything if you want to you could add in a little motor at the back there and then some just support structures holding it in place maybe with a wire running in there but i really think most people won't notice and it's really fine for something that's stylized like this i'm just going to leave it at that and here we have it so the next part we can add in the little bits and pieces that hold this all together but at the same time i think i'm going to select these blades quickly just tab into edit mode and if all of these vertices selected i'm going to go s x and you scale it out and x a bit i just feel like it needs that a little bit just like that in fact i might just select a vertex in here and a vertex on the back there enable proportional editing and i'm just going to go g roll it smaller with my middle mouse button and just kind of create an indent here you don't have to do this i just feel like that makes it look a little bit more concave a little bit more i don't know like it's going to catch air just something like that you guys can experiment as much as you want i'm just going to leave it like that so let's get into the next part which is making the stuff that holds this and the base of the fan so what we're going to do is we're going to go shift a and we're going to go add in a cylinder or sorry a taurus we're going to add in a taurus and we'll leave it as it is we're going to go r x 9 0 and hit enter the tab into edit mode we've all just selected just disable the proportional editing if you have enabled go alt s and just scale this in on the normals like this tab out of edit mode and go to your write-off graphic view we're going to go g and then we're going to go y just move this so it's in the middle of the fan here go to object and enable shades move and then we're going to do is in edit mode so just tab back into edit mode in your front view you're going to scale it a little bit just like this just so there's a little bit of a gap in between here hit z to go into wireframe and then you hit b and box select all of these top vertices hit x and delete vertices so now we only have half a um taurus here and what we're going to do is tab out of edit mode and we're going to go shift a add in a cylinder tab into edit mode go g and then go y sorry x so g x move it over to the side and then s to scale it down for now and go to modifiers and give this guy a mirror modifier go to your right or graphic view tab out of edit mode and once again just go g y and move this back just in the middle here it doesn't have to be perfect and we can also go shift s and you set the cursor back to the world origins i probably should have done that before but it doesn't really matter so with this cylinder selected back into edit mode again just hit tab in your front view you're gonna go r y nine zero hit enter and we're gonna go g x move this in to here and then we're going to tab into edit sorry we're going to shift alt click on this loop here to select this loop of vertices i'm going to e to extrude s to scale and then e to extrude and extrude into here and then what we're going to do is we're going to come in here ctrl r double g to slide this into here and then we're going to shift alt click on the sleeper vertices here and g y sorry g x and move it in a bit control b to bevel so control b or command b and then roll the middle mouse button to add in more segments we're gonna go with this and then we're gonna give this guy a subdivision surface modifier just like that tab out of edit mode go to object and enable shades move so now we have that guy there so go into front view and at this point you can grab this guy here tab into edit mode hit a to select all of the vertices and you can go alt s and you can thicken this or make it skinnier depending on what you like i'm going to thicken it a little bit more and i'm going to grab this guy here tab into edit mode and just bring these vertices out on the x a little bit more just like that just going with something like that nice and stylized and cute and we can now come in here i suppose we actually need to create a little bit more of a gap with this so just select this guy tab into edit mode and shift alt select this bottom loop of vertices enable proportional editing and then go g z bring it down roll the middle mouse button just a little bit to get some fall off and just bring that down like that okay that's a bit better that's what we're looking for so now we're going to go shift a we're going to add in a circle i'm going to go g z bring it down to here in the bottom we're going to tab into edit mode s to scale it in proportional this the disable the proportional editing and if these vertices selected we're going to go e z and extrude it up s to scale it a bit and then g z bring it down just like that then e to extrude s to scale to here and then hit f to fill that shift alt click on the sleeper vertices here and then go ctrl b or command b just to bevel it out you can roll the middle mouse button to add segments or take away segments shift alt click in this loop here e to extrude z to bring it down once again shift alt click on this edge here and then ctrl b to bevel it roll the middle mouse button to add or subtract segments i'm just going to roll in one and then we're going to do is shift alt select this loop here shift the s to scale it a little bit e to extrude z to bring it up and then e to extrude s to scale like this and we can go g z and bring it down like that we're then going to go e to extrude to z to bring it down to here s to scale and the bass can be however you want so this is just roughly how i'm doing it so just like that in fact i'm going to go shift alt select this loop as well so both of them and just go s to scale it and this is up to you how big you want the base of your fan to be so i don't want to be too big i don't want to be too small so i'm just going to go with something that feels right something like that okay so that's better so i'm gonna go shift alt click on this loop here ctrl b i'm gonna bevel that as well shift alt click on this loop down here e to extrude s to scale in like this and then shift alt select this edge here and once again control b just to bevel it then we're going to go to modifiers and give this guy a subdivision surface modifier tab out of edit mode go to object and enable shades move so now we have the base of our fan and what i'm going to do in the viewport here in edit mode hit a to select everything and make sure nothing is hidden so just go alt h to make sure nothing is hidden we're going to hit a to select everything g z and we're going to bring this up so it's sitting on our floor here so you can see the red x axis line here so now we have that there and if you want you can select both of these empties here holding in shift to select both of them hit m and we're going to go new collection call it [Music] empties hit okay and now it's created a new collection so you can come over here to your scene collections so you can see we have the main collection then we have the mc's and you can just hit the tick here and that's going to untick that or hide that and if you want to bring it back you can just click on here it just keeps our scene a little bit more clean so what i'm going to do now that that's out of the way is simply go shift a add in a cylinder and then scale it down like so tab into edit mode and then select this bottom loop of vertices and go s to scale it in g to bring it up just like that and bring this guy up here and we're just creating the little stop the little um stoppers at the bottom to kind of like stop it from scratching just a little rubber feet go out of edit mode give this guy a subdivision surface modifier go to object and enable shades move so just go back into edit mode just delete this top face here and then select this bottom loop go e to extrude again as to scale just a little bit so we just have this little stopper here you don't have to add those but if you hit seven or control seven it's going to go to your bottom orthographically i'm gonna go g and just move this guy to the front here and i'm just doing this by eye so i'm gonna place this guy here shift d place another one back here shift d another one here and i don't mind the little bit of randomness just makes it look a little bit more natural placing one here shift the one here as well and then shift d and yes you could use a circle array if you wanted to i'm just keeping it simple here it's very easy to do that and it's not a major thing that you're really going to see so just something really simple and basic like that will be fine then i'm going to go shift a just add in a plane and then scale it up a bit so just like that we have a super cute little fan here with a nice little base and let's quickly add some placeholder material so i'm going to select the main housing of the fan i'm going to go to my materials tab hit new and call it case and we're going to just quickly go down to our viewport display and i'm just giving it a viewport to display color now this is not our main material it's just the viewport to display so i'm just giving it something like this then i'm going to select the grid at the front here i'm going to give it that same material so this guy here so go to my materials go to the drop down and give it the case material then i'm going to select this guy here the spokes go new and i'm going to call this material chrome and i'm going to go to the viewport display and just drag this metallic slider up and bring the roughness down just so we have this metallic looking surface in our viewport and i'm going to select this guy here go to the drop down and give it that same chrome material and i'm going to select this base here i'm going to go to the drop down give it that case material come over here to the plus go to the drop down and then select chrome tab into edit mode and then select a vertex on this guy here hit l that's going to select all of this loose geometry and with chrome selected hit assign tab out of it mode and then we can select this guy here and give it that same case material then select these guys at the bottom go new and this is called this rubber and in the viewport display let's just give it a black color like this and obviously you just need to select these guys here so hold and shift and just select the rest of these guys here and then holding and shift still select this guy as the last selection hit control l and just link those materials now they all have that material and you can go alt h just unhide the floor if you hit it so there we have it in fact let's just select the floor as well go new and it's just called the material floor so now we have everything with placeholder materials um oh yeah also just select the fan blades here go new it's just called the material here fan blades and this is give it kind of like a any kind of color you want really and just give it a metallic um slider here i just like to look at that you can make it whatever you want for now it's just it really just is a placeholder material that's all it really is and then just select this material here uh this object here and just give it that um fan blade material as well now like i said you could easily model in just a cylindrical motor in here with a little wire running down here if you wanted to add that but i really don't think people are going to notice so much for this kind of stylized design so here we have it i really like the way this looks so i'm going to quickly add in a camera so i'm going to go over here shift a adding in a camera this camera selected i'm going to go to my camera settings bump up the focal length to 95 go to my output settings and i'm going to make the wire resolution 1920 and hit enter then with your camera you're gonna hit the zero with your camera selected that's going to go into camera view g middle mouse button and just zoom out like so nng z g and z bring this guy up now this is completely up to you i've done a thousand videos probably already explaining this um it's just really simple to set up a camera nothing complicated about it so just get a camera that you position or a camera view that you like it really is up to you there's no right or wrong really so i'm just going to move it around until i get something i like then i'm going to select the background here and once again just a very simple backdrop just select these two vertices at the back e to extrude z to bring them up and then g y move it back a bit and then e to extrude z to bring this up hitting a to select everything and then s x scaling on the x a bit and then giving it a subdivision surface modifier bumping up the viewport and the render tabbing out of edit mode going to object and shades move see here we have a nice backdrop you can go in edit mode control r add in another loop and just slide it back just to tighten this up a little bit if you want it doesn't have to be too complicated just a really basic backdrop so hitting zero to go under camera view we can now see we have our floor we have our complete fan here and we have the placeholder material so in the next video part two we're going to be creating the materials and doing the lighting setup for this guy and our final render
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 9,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.83, Blender 2.9
Id: iq_yw43JwsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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