Blender Hair Tool -creating custom hair cards for new hair system - geo nodes

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hello hair tools users I am going to do a quick demonstration uh Slash tutorial on the new geometry node hair system and hair tools and using custom collections of hair cards so as you can see uh under the profile settings really quickly just to show you where it's located under profile you can choose mesh profile you can use either choose one card or you can choose a collection of cards so you can make multiple different types of hair clumps out of cards and put them into a collection and I have them under collection number one so I have these three different hair cards uh under collection oops under collection under collection one which I then chose here so then it's going to randomly um it's going to put those cards in there and then randomly spawn them basically all over the head as hair and you can have the width and then you can change the seed just to change like the randomization so that's um basically what I'm going to be showing you how to make the cards at least how I make my hair cards so that's what I'm going to be showing you here today so I opened up a new new scene here and I'm just going to kind of show you how I do this so basically and it's super simple um I basically just create a plane I bring it into my scene I can go find it I'm going to go here I'm going to rotate it 90 degrees and then I'm going to scale it on the oops on the y-axis so I can make like an actual hair card here so say that's my hair card and of course I'm going to go to edit mode I'm going to add some Loop cuts oops and then I'm going to bring in a texture shift a we're going to load in a reference image so I'm going to choose my opacity map there we go I have to make sure extras are enabled in order to see it we're going to kind of make this a similar size click on your hair card we're going to change the visibility to wire there we go now we can line it up to our haircut and what you can do is you can literally just do this and then you have your um it can just be um well I'll show you tired to explain what I like to do is I like to have like a similar size so that you have room and it doesn't there's not as much intersecting so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to take my plane here I'm going to start lining this up with my texture and then what you can do is you can if you want to do which I can probably just run through this really fast um can duplicate this oh I think I got my okay I can go ahead and hide this and now you have your yeah so I got my my uh cards here so now I need to UV them oops so if I go into UV editing I'm going to start with this one edit mode and I'm gonna go UV projection from View I think that's the best way to do it if anyone else has any other ideas and I believe resize this to looks about right okay so that's that one let me just do the same thing with the rest okay so now we can go into our shaded we are in shaded so now what I can do is add the hair texture or the hair material which you would then um create that in the baking scene or whatever other program you use but I definitely recommend the baking scene um there are definitely tutorials on that but you can load up your material I just have one called hair I believe it's hair yep and I'm just going to load that up onto all these so now if we look at it I got our hair so now you have your hair cards which we're going to go ahead and put into a collection now the fun part is actually creating those clumps of like custom hair card clumps meshes that you can use so your custom meshes you don't have to you can just use cards individually if you want but doing it because this custom way is actually extremely handy and I feel like it makes the hair look a lot better so what I'm going to do is I'm going to figure out my clumps um I'm actually going to go with I'll take this guy here and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to make copies I don't want to I want to keep these here as my my originals then I'm gonna make copies so I'm going to make a copy of this one and I'm going to move it over here and this might be easier if I turn on wireframe so I have that guy over there and I'm gonna make a copy of this guy move him over here on top of it but I'm going to rotate it oh that's because I did it 180 90 degrees sorry so we got that so now if we go back into shaded mode we can see that but if we want to even go further like I like to do I'm going to create I'm going to copy copy it again bring it over here again it's not lighting up I'm going to make another and then I'm going to copy it again move it over here so now I kind of have a cool looking little Clump there so if we look at it shaded molecules we can get rid of that wireframe okay so now if we look around the mesh you can see from each side it looks full versus like uh these other ones they disappear if you try to look at it there it doesn't even exist anymore so that's one thing about these clumps that are really cool it's like from each side it has volume and you can kind of customize it the way you want I used a lot of the smaller are the less transparent ones and put like a little bit more one in the middle so I mean it really just depends on what you're going for but this is just an example so this is my Clump so now we need to combine all these into one so now I'm going to select all of them and I'm going to do Ctrl J to join them all and I'm going to rename it Clump one all right so now what I did was I brought my custom hair cards over into the demo scene that you can download so this is the demo head and these are my hair cards they're not on the demo head right now this is just the default hair tools hair material I haven't not done anything yet except bring my cards over so just bring in your custom uh clumps of hair cards and make sure they're in a collection so I got this collection number two which I can name my cards you can name them whatever you want and now I'm going to click on his hair make sure it's the hair curves here and then I'm going to go down to profile I'm going to change this to mesh profile and I'm going to choose my I mean my collection use collection and then choose your collection which is my cards now obviously you're going to want to change the width so 0.01 actually looks pretty decent we can maybe go 0.20 I mean 0.02 might be too thick but uh oh and then you have to change the material so I have to change the material to the hair because that's what's on these make sure you whatever material is on I don't know why it says there's two of them there whatever material is on on your hair cards make sure you put it over here as well and or make sure it's on are listed here under your hair and I think I can make that smaller 0.01 there we go it looks better and then you can change the seat around which then kind of wrote It's randomly um puts these two different cards but if you had more cards obviously there would be more of a difference a notice be able to notice it more and I mean that's pretty much all what I got there so I mean now you have your custom hair cards I think it actually rotated them it's kind of hard to tell because I didn't yeah it did it rotated them so whatever you do to these is going to do it it's going to happen to your hair over here which you can use um the nodes to really add any anything like that if you really want to I that's pretty much it and then if you want to once you want to convert your hair to mesh it's pretty simple you basically just go down I'm actually gonna full copy this so I don't lose it in case something happens gonna go down to hair operations first you have to convert the hair assist or transfer the hair system and now you can hide the other one now you can take the hair curves right here and then now you would convert hair to mesh and then you hide that one I mean you hide all right now this this should be the mash we'll find out when we go into edit mode select everything and go into UV editing and there we have it there is I can find my has it uh it's UV and everything so you could transfer this to a program of your choice all right well this is the final result brought into character creator uh four uh I applied the material that I had applied in blender I had smart material there was no scalp so you can kind of see the original head scalp I just brought in the head just because the hair fit right on it so I it was just a good demonstration for being you know a quick test and I honestly think the hair is actually they're in the room going in the wrong direction I think the roots are the tips and the tips of the roots it still looks okay but I kind of figured that out when applying soft cloth which The Roots decided to just go away for you know it went in the opposite direction but anyway I'm going to kind of show you a few tips and tricks that I've learned along the way I thought you'll run into it I just thought I'd show you kind of like the final render here with some hair different hair coloring applied using all the different maps for character creator um and it's not it's not too bad unfortunately the poly count is extremely high I have to figure out why the simplifying is not working I still have not figured that out um so I will try to figure something out otherwise um yeah I am going to show you some tips and tricks now okay so one thing that happened to me when I first started doing this is I noticed that the hair was going in the wrong direction like it was sideways and then when I tried to make it longer it was like just all just doing some really crazy stuff so basically in order to fix that you have to go into edit mode click on your hair card and you have to kind of just play with the rotation of the hair card until you end up getting it going in the right direction and in order to make it easier to see I would maybe recommend applying um viewport visibility uh the wire frame because that's really going to tell you if it's going in the right direction or not oops so then if you go back into your card and select all so if we rotate it and if it's going the wrong direction you'll be able to see that you can tell right away by looking at it so yeah make it wireframe and then play with the rotation the tip is here okay so now I have to go back into edit or object mode and then flip it again okay so this is the bottom this is the root and that's okay so now we can tell that the right it's moving the right direction it was just because that's kind of hard to explain but that's basically one thing that you'll find out is if it's just not cooperating right you have to rotate an edit mode and then move it back into object mode and then that's kind of how you'll get it going in the right direction so I think that's pretty much what I have for tips and tricks I haven't really messed around with the all the different settings in here I I don't really know much about geometry nodes and getting this all set up is a little bit daunting for me so um this is all I got and once I learn more I will probably post more video
Channel: Dorothy Jean Thompson
Views: 20,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4jtdRGmH9z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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