Blender Diamond

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hey there everybody and welcome back to another blender tutorial where today we are going to be making a diamond which is actually pretty simple to do so we're going to use an add-on for this so make sure to go to edit preferences and then in add-ons go to extra objects and make sure that's enabled for mesh the reason we're doing that is Diamond is actually a preset on there so we don't need to model it okay so shift a mesh and then you're going to see all these extras go to Diamonds and then you have three kinds I like the brilliant Diamond I like the way that looks uh this would be kind of difficult to model ourselves especially with all these like uh curved edges and stuff like this uh but let's make it look good so I'm gonna put it on its side so the diamond is kind of resting on the floor and we need to give this a kind of reflective see-through material okay so in shading what we're going to do is we're going to make a very simple material that's actually very effective we're going to start off very simple we'll make it more complicated later with a glass bsdf which right now you're gonna see does nothing because there's no light to reflect or refract right the background is just gray so first of all I'm going to go to cycles and you can see now we're getting a bit of that reflection uh but really we need a background to actually see this with so I'm going to load in an hdri environment to do that and now you can see our Diamond looks much more diamond-like because there's actually light or things to reference where the light's bending and stuff like this a couple things about a diamond the ior or the index of refraction how light bends through it uh that value if you look it up is something close to 2.45 I'm just going to do 2.4 and you can see how that changes the look basically this is kind of like how light refracts um inducts of refraction refracts through it so make sure this is close to 2.4 and maybe add a bit of roughness so it's not perfectly shiny okay uh so this is the beginning of the diamond we can kind of set this up with a nice background so I'm just going to extrude this and give it a bit of a bevel and make this thing a bit wider and now you can see it's resting on a nice surface and this is looking like a nice Diamond but we're not getting any kind of like chromatic aberration or light splitting uh kind of where you see the diffraction in a sense I think it's called where we separate the red green and blue so let me make this material more complicated so this is a trick a lot of people use they add three glass bsdfs the first one is going to be completely red so you can see we have a red diamond the second one is going to be completely green and the third one is going to be completely blue you can probably see where I'm going with this um all we need to do is we need to kind of add these together so I'm adding so red and green make yellow and then that plus blue uh makes white so this is no difference different than having an original glass bsdfs you're like what's the point of this here's the point for our original we're going to keep it at an ior of 2.4 for the next one we can bring it down a bit maybe not by that much but 2.35 and then for the next one we bring it down a bit further and now you can see we're actually getting some of that light splitting it's probably a bit too intense right now so let's actually bring down that effect so I'm going to make it close to 2.4 and then 2.5 so these are kind of closer together and you're going to get um and I meant uh two point what did I mean two point three five yeah there you go uh you can see that the kind of rainbow light splitting that you see right here is kind of more subtle so this is just how to get some of those colors inside your diamond that you're probably going to see and by default it should actually be using caustics and stuff like this if you go to your light paths and go to Acoustics that's already using those there's just not a direct light source to actually see that with so we can actually add a direct light source and make it much stronger and now you can see we have our shadow and a bit of caustic over here although make sure to enable for your ground plane in the shading make sure to enable cast and receive caustics and same for the diamond and that's just going to make sure we have our caustics and if we were to disable these you can see the difference it just adds a bit of a refracted and reflected light over there so that's how you make a diamond it's pretty simple you you basically use the extra objects add-on and make a super simple Shader hopefully that helps somebody
Channel: Default Cube
Views: 31,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, diamond
Id: 0LrqpNRc_1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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