Blender Developers AMA - BCON18

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hello the traditional nowadays developer ask me anything means in the audience any questions you have something you really really wanted to ask this a lapel you can ask whether you want to have a good tip you should ask them something they both immediately start coding afterwards right so you have to share simple questions very simple easy things that they think ah that's a great idea what kind of questions are very good but before we start I would like to ask the developer to say another name and what do you do for blender I am sibron and I've been working on a lambic support and caching and some modifier stuff for two point eight I am in Assam Aida the nickname is Brita and I'm a bit of a generalist I'm mostly interested in tools and I'm working part-time as a volunteer I am passed I've worked on many areas of blender but mainly if worked on cycles and at the moment I'm coordinating the 2.8 development [Applause] I'm Jack I worked on animation notes in last few years and now I moved to Amsterdam to work on 2.8 and everything notes hi my name is Thomas Peck I'm a volunteer as well I hope to fix bugs and I tried to help porting the single operators to multi-object operator mode [Applause] Hamilton and I've been working mostly on let's call it data management in bandar hello i'm sergey and working mostly as a senior software janitor check I can post anything you want them to do everything so I didn't have very nice to have money to do it but I am Gemma Foucault and I'm coding the view new viewport and Eevee hi I'm Lucas Buckner I'm mostly working on cycles specifically right now animation you know it's again cycles network rendering my name is William Rainey and to be honest I often find myself on the other side pleading with developers to help out with UI topics but even so I do some UI work from time to time I am guru and I've been working on the viewport last year and on the crowd same and b2c 101 stuff I am be noble see I was very active 10 years ago to revive the game engine and I'm back on the team to implement a new vendor interactive mode into context hi I'm Howard tricky I'm a volunteer I work mainly on mesh tools in particular I've been spending a lot of time on bevel hi I'm Monique I've been working on a crowd simulation for blender doing some patches now and then and bitterly one one good okay let's go to the back who has a question who dares to be the first yeah yes of course thank you for everything you you are doing right now and I have just a very simple question can we expect to have a military object scouting scouting skirting sculpting I'm not sure if it will be in 2.80 but it's like July is basically adding multi objects everything like one by one to the modes so I'm not sure we'll be in 2.80 but it's definitely plans to be added so what is the access one well I now have a question so so how is a physic physic is falling behind opacity being or that kind of stuff so who here has that on the radar physic anyone I don't think there's really I think that is assigned to me but it needs to be thought happen in the past like three months oh we gave it to him I would love to work on it but it requires a few more members of the Development Fund that's bad that's really smart [Applause] hello from Russia especially for have some hellos for Sergey from our Russian community and there there will be I think pretty complex question because we have some guys that work in a pretty big studios and they are trying hard defending their right to work in blender in the studios and there was there are complex computer systems which are supported by system administrators and people have no access to their own systems now straight to the questions he asked me to advocate for I even don't know what it is it's G leap C version he said it's a new version in Davis and it was old version in stable release and he wants to use it but he can't because their system administrators don't let them update their systems themselves so is there a way to compile blender with static libraries Lincoln I I don't understand those words so I'll just try to remember so the short answer is it's a mess the longer answer is it's of course technically possible to create static link with older Lipsy in reality it has like some downsides for the people who has newer systems because near Lipsy often has more optimal mass library so if you want to have a really fast rendering and you have new your lips here on your lips having two different bills will be very confusing so for now maybe it's easier to the built environment for in your studio where you can just create build specifically for your platform it shouldn't be that hard nowadays because they have all scripts ready to be compiled on specific Linux and it should just work the static work account link static logins lips here so this is this not his lips ellipses dynamic and that's the only dynamic dependence we have and we can't have it static I think I mean usually the question for these old chillip C version is for like redheads versions like sent to us and on deaf talk top there's a thread where people have figured out how to compile blender statically on their like there's instructions you go there you you copy the commands and in principle you should have a static build that you can use so that's so that's technically possible right yes we're just not providing it ourselves at the moment but you can make your own build to make sure that stupid people like me also understand it I mean in the past it was also developed a branded we had a static version always next to the dynamic version and mainly for testing because people then always knew that independence what installations are asked you can run blender older or newer libraries so we made a static version that has everything in it every library that was depending almost asleep she was in it and that's the one thing that wasn't that was never in the only way you can have static ellipses you have static everything you cannot have static x11 and OpenGL libraries you cannot bundle static lips in there no way but there is no vault so yeah I'm concerning a viewport I tend to use a lot cat imports and Blenda which means you have like 5,000 objects 10,000 objects but between 5 and 15 million polygons and I really see it every year that it's real weakness of blender it really slows down working on it and it does ton it does so and I mean it's it's unfortunately it's possible if I look like 3d s look at three aspects to look at Maya so please keep on working on making the viewport fast it really makes us artists making work even faster so thank you what's the question I know a little bit of this the baby people ignore me and say I'm not wrong but this question popped up a couple of times at this conference - if you have 10 or 20 or 30 or 40,000 objects in the viewport you create a lot of overhead for the whole system in blender as a dependency after the draw command I think that object is setting things and has to upload textures and prepare materials it also CLS and so a lot of optimization is happening on object level a few main that are seen is about balance so you have not more objects in the scene then you can manage yourself so usually even have this Sheen here this is 80 people but still and you could say whatever the person's one object could be one group or so and then the dependency system and the drawing system can optimize things better that's one of the reasons because for example I don't know what kind of objects are you talking about is it a 50,000 watt cache or leaves in a tree or so yeah I imported like proper CAD import out of Katya of cars and I think I ended up with 250 million polygons and like I could just really handle it if I split it up in 24 separate binary files and I linked these binary files into a master file where I rendered those but working with 250 million polygons is no fun it's like really it really remembers you of working like with a console you you really have to think okay well hotkey do i press and then you wait for a minute and it's yeah one of the ways how to solve it well is to make sure that at least the test files and the SVM but we have one or two test files that will boost this limit with lots of polygons are lots of objects and make sure you don't select that click click without able to wait 5 seconds and that you can handle this for rendering our other purpose that you can use it but 250 million polygons is the limit right a celebration party but 5 million should be fine a blunder totally so that's where we have to push the limits turn to go to 10 20 30 50 and move on but anyway but I know the other object problem is existing right will you guys number 2 master of profiling I see ok where is all the over had gone to see the graphics cards related is it dependency graph or what is it that's a good topic I've had some experience of this and most vehicles know people order them first of all and a finite element analysis packages and if you can use the output from the efi packages that will actually control how many faces that they put out so that's how we to look at it don't just start from the card look at the finite element package that they used to generate the card and then you got much lower cone on their faces the unity bonnet it's a blender so it's an option no question hi this is a question specifically about rendering and glass and caustics most of this seems that we work on have interiors real-world interiors and they're full of metal and glass and wonderful things like that and I know it's difficult for ray-tracing rendering but what is the future for glass and caustics and transparencies working well better in both cycles and if possible and evie maybe impossible but that's what I'd really like to thank you well any V there's so much we can do with without retracing so that's what we are doing right now it's like screen space acts when we will be supporting or tracing in the future maybe we will get to the cycles point but there's no there's no plan for it for now yeah so in cycles they're sort of two ways we could try to improve this one is use one thing I would really like to do is basically have better automatic approximations kind of to caustics render with little noise which are typically the things that are used like in print like movie production and the other way it would be to go like all the way to bi-directional and an MLT type algorithms but then you get you know much longer render times and so working at least on the approximation and having it so that you can add a glass material by default and it sort of renders with a reasonable amount of noise is something I really like to work on I don't know when exactly but it's definitely in the plans hello just one thing to add to the bi-directional path tracing yes that's something that's been requested in cycles quite a lot and for quite some time obviously especially for architectural visualization and scenes with heavy caustics the thing is in practice bi-directional path tracing is not that useful for the vast majority of scenes it's really a specialized subset where it helps but it makes the code a lot more complex and it's incompatible for a lot of things that cycle offers for example cyclists there a visibility stuff and you can do quite a lot of advanced and weird things and shaders which are all absolutely incompatible with bi-directional path tracing so if we were to add this you would get quite a complicated mess where some features only work in conjunction with some other features which is why we're kind of hesitant to go into that direction it might be necessary in the future but it's not as easy as it sounds and there's definitely trade-offs there okay I would like to return to this question about all the glyphs of addition because I also had the same problem on old computer labs so maybe there will be an idea to ask the community effort for creating such blender compilation and put it in graphic or for example we know that on graphic or this website we can download some experimental and long typical blender versions and maybe that could be the solution for you maybe somebody will do that for us or or maybe somebody of you put that kind of compilation though so that's that's the idea thank you Thanks um did you talk about the blender interactive mode that's replacing the game engine what the plans with that and haven't heared mention there's a plan which is on the wiki I will make the link public so that everybody can follow the progress of that project it will be in steps the first step is to have a physics continued physics mode so in the you have the viewport and objects are falling on in real time and you can still at play the animation and so on so animation will be able to run while the physics is running and then then we will create an event system by which every possible things happening in blender can create events that can be fed into logic system and the racism will be no three node based and so will be done in collaboration with look yes yes so that's the idea at least it will probably take a year from now but we hope to get there then it will be enough to make prototypes and walk through it excited the most beloved topic I um I'm probably a bad example and using 2.79 and I don't know maybe I know 200 or 300 shortcuts if I go into three per 2.8 I really struggle to get my efficient workflow going because a huge amount of shortcuts of course we have removed but also some sub menus when you open my opinion Wheatley designed like they control Eve for the edge mode there are so that's and then it is usually like twice as big in 2.7 I know it was half the size and then as a pop up in second layer why do you do these kind of things I've not just keep the second layer and make it a single layer menu because with shortcuts you go onto the menu with another shortcut but I can press the second button and then you do remove a layer of shortcuts so it's much much quicker so is there any reason why you have made this decision to make it and second layer popup menu in this case I could try to answer that somewhat one the first question was why have some keys being removed and that's part of the - is part of the concept of the minimal key map because over time as you know most of Glenda's features have been a map to keyboard shortcuts and over time the keyboard has become really full with features meaning that if you want to add your own keys to certain features that you like to use a lot it's impossible to find a free shortcut and as we add more features we have this problem where everything is really sort of been filled up so for 2.8 Tom had the idea to kind of call the keyboard somewhat so that things can be paired back and add more room for users to add their own keyboard shortcuts a specific thing with the menu you can show me afterwards we could look at it yeah address in case with is you know either the quick favorites which is kind of the solution to the too many road cars in my opinion I would like clove have that full of crew keyboard the shortcuts and uses and just put the L stuff which I like in the quick favourites again sorry the solution with you remove all the shortcuts and let people assign them right kind of kind of works also by the click favorites like you just make your own kind of menu where we at your shortcuts what the things use most but just keep them for your keyboard because they have the single quick favorite thing if yeah they're just my view keep the short the keyboard full of shortcuts with all the functions like we Haven and if people have a feature that you want to use more often and there's no shock offered they can add it to the quick favourites anyways so it's not a reason to remove all the shortcuts from the keyboard we definitely do not want to remove all the shortcuts if you say it using a minimal key map which we maintain and keep it official after the commutation based on it something we agree on only what we agreed on if you don't agree on the key we should not put it in the default key map because we don't agree on it that means that you want to have a par or a shine to 10 frames blush and the animators want to have a pear OS and to God to go to the next keyframe or shell you can never agree on it and instead of trying to then have some kind of compromise where you get some keys to the animators and some keys to the crisp and so people and come to the decided well let's not do it if we put a minimum key map in place that has the virus support from everyone and then make sure that people then feel more welcomed or invited to at their own complete map we should then also should be able to share so you can say well you can say Angela brush map or you can have your personal map or you can have a scoped map and we even have the concept that pearl workspace you can even switch shortcut defaults if you like to register what we have to test so that's why and I think that's a positive thing hello in there we are thinking in for the next road map in the Equus pencil it's integrated with pencil with Evie so what is yes for us was is the thing will will be the main problem to integrate that with pencil in need it is just mother of work or there is a potential problem in in this area what do you mean by integrating it into Evie like for example like the responsible objects interact with the tough or fall with lighting lighting things all this kind of stuff the side yeah the shadows all well i've trees i don't think there is much problem it's just a matter of the chris pencil geometry to be aware i mean ii v to be aware of the chris pensive geometry so i don't think it's a major problem it's very easy to do and be done next week back later today I asked use me my English it's a stupid question for a viewport it's many possible for change of size of area face length age under extra it's no possible it's a new future for possible this you mean if you see the relent example active at length of age the size of the font it's no change in no change in interface in no perceiver for change is many really it's a bug so we'll fix it you could just use the measure it done there is an option to - there is an option to - to measure to that to display the length of the edges yes but angle displays the face area and I record it and it was working when I recall it so if it's not working looks like little plates or show it to him or them look at it I have already three questions so somebody has to ask for that the question is will the VSC go some more laughs and is there somebody just going to do that should I repeat so the question is about the video sequence edit or my favorite rolling binder from four years really got some laughs in the near future so that's the first question god of one tab under the torque subscribe today don't delay subscribe - everything was very active in the first ten years of the decade has gotten more tea coming back and that oh I have a nice shop I want to have a nice shop on blender and I thought of - video sequencer what do you think so it it might happen but I don't know the physio Sheikh wasn't my favorite part of Burma personally but they threatened to keep it to throw it out or show sometimes but not going to happen right not going to happen keep it but it's called that hasn't been in support since 2.5 so in eight years time the only kept it work but it doesn't have the have the love and attention of developer and the sooner I find such a developer put them on it yeah so actually I want to support the envious request actually we are startup from Israel we use blender introduction to render a lot of videos thousands of videos per day actually the blender interface is great because my colleague which is also in here is that stand I'm the developer and basically we use blender in production as Python model and my question is related to the Python model whether in 2.8 are you going to support it the wiki article about compiling the Python model is actually outdated like for many many years and I would appreciate some love and attention towards that perspective as well you know I guess it's kind of our now to-do list I mean we don't plan to drop it so it will be supported for the beta or during the beta phase that yes we're not dropping it you mean that option show started by combo or something like experimental thing and now the full industry relies on it yeah we're definitely keeping that yeah but isn't is also an issue with technical documentation in general and this whole so because we are going to do the better in three weeks part is there documentation for path of the beretta some parts are okay some part are still missing so it's ongoing work the other documentation expert now this is also something the community of course was really really should help us there's so many things in development and the developer should be developing most of the time they have to write a little bit decent logs and commit look but good technical documentation and Social Work look at the how does III walk you should have for example a two point eight migration document that explains in a way that somebody can in half an hour show has all the highlights of what has been changing or what is new how do I bring back things that I like to lose so there's a big opportunity for people who like to write or the video tutorials peoples a light make a two point eight my question video and you got a million hitch a better service now most people do that hi I wanted to know if there will be the question actually about the interactive mode maybe some rigid body bones where you can maybe tweak some elasticity and to have some overlap and new animation when you can tweak like the physics and between handmade animation and physics and it will be possible of will be integrated well it's a bit early to answer the question I can't really say this moment except that everything that will be in blender will be in the interactive mode so if such bone exists I implemented in blender then they will be available in the entrance so the concept of this new real time interactive mode is that it supports everything blender hi period so if we have elastic bones or bendy bones or metal balls or smoke fire particles share via frames as with them then they can do is available in over the fire frames like this so as it a blender can do is part of what you can control an interaction mode and we are not going to add features there which is not in the animation system or which is not available elsewhere so if you say I would like to have specific freezes for characters or to control characters interactively when we have to make sure that our animation system supports it and then everybody's happy both animators also want to have that kind of control I'm sure I have a question about interactive mode to just this is like if you consider that if it wouldn't be better to do kind of a marriage with one of the open source engines because I think like what might happen that if you do some simple interactive mode then users might bump you with feature requests because they think it's an a game engine actually so aren't you like afraid of this that like the I intend to do something simple and people who like take it like it's something else this interactive mode well we're doing it for blender for sure that's the idea and it will be more like a prototype tool than the game engine definitely not a game engine as the way you're thinking as a way people think usually so it will be for blender however we will keep in mind the possibility to export especially the logic we try to design the logic in a way that it can be exported and if you can export the blender object and their characteristics - like - today you do it already - unity or - order to go out or so then it will be nice if the logic can also be exported we just try to make that possible although the first release will be for blender only and then after that things can happen so I noticed that there was a summer code project on improving volume rendering support cycles I was wondering what the status of that is because I haven't seen much happening there and it would be really great to have better general for your ending support for cycles especially for scientific data so the state is is there's a few things that need to be solved before we can merge it because there's it's just if we could merge it now it will break a few things so it's basically a matter of me or some other cycle developer having a week or so to dedicate to it but it's definitely at least something I really care about and hopefully you like what in the next I don't know I don't want to promise a date but it's like pretty high on my priority list yeah okay so the question is probably to you Brecht or somebody else who is actively maintaining cyclists the wrong rumors are about the cyclist or Evie or materials created with them using nodes will be somehow compatible with Unreal Engine so that's the first question is that true or how it will be going in the future and another one is that some of you already mentioned there are some new shaders plant and we can just about Italy okay so in terms of compatibility I mean the thing is we adopted the principle bsd f which is like the standard shader model used in unreal and it's also in unity and so on and so it's it's mostly a matter of making our exporters export its data correctly into FBX and I guess gltf and those file formats and actually I think they're already doing it in 2.8 quite well or gltf did quite well and 2.7 but we can still improve it but it's you know it's not a complaint but I mean in fourth DX at least we are still using the standard function so it's a conversion between the principal node we have in blender and song shader we have in epics because I'm not sure that if takes actually has a way to represent I mean to have custom shaders which is like weird complicated stuff don't have a basic representation of principal shaders I think it does but I have to take over so it's so I think we can I mean I think I'm quite sure as possible at least the gltf exporter exports the principal shader like it's an add-on you can download and it should be compatible with unreal I believe and the other part is new shade the other question was new shaders I don't have major plans for initiators I think the main thing we're missing in cycles is more flexible texture extra nodes to create all kinds of textures there's a few patches under development there so that's I think those are I'm not sure if you're thinking about specific ones but mainly new texture notes it's what I'm thinking of hi I wanted to ask if there is plans for any improvement in the tracking and specifically the implementation on at least a Summer of Code project for having to be do sources follow the same for the same tracking I don't know if you know why talking about I know what they're talking about monitoring that project there were some remaining issues to be solved in in in in that integration and at some point I lost activity from the student so I'm not sure if he's still interested or not and currently I don't have time to look into tracking myself but like improving tracking is like I would like to do this yeah new developer Sunita so I can spend time on the more fun stuff yeah okay thanks I am I have a user interface question and with the new tool panel and the new gist most already the blender user faces a lot more touch-friendly and I wanted to know if there are plans to to go even further and maybe create workspaces or modes where for example we could maybe sculpt without relying on any keyboard input or something like that that goes into that direction well right that it's like you could say one of this we have been thinking about this to make it shirts make it so that you can use it blender better with less keyboard use or with no keyboard that's why you have the little viewport gizmo in the corner and a few other changes so that should make it more flexible but like if you're thinking about like blender for the iPad or something that's not there's some other issues licenses and other issues with that so it's not anything we're doing in the short-term but other kind of touch enabled and pen driven systems we want to make you know support that better hey I want to bring up everyone's favorite topic are there plans or is it would it be possible maybe in the future to have different display transform / display so that if I have a RGB monitor and then my HDR monitor really have two different monitors a not yet but it depends like if this will never be supported why would I buy an ATR monitor but if there is a chance that there might be support for different different display transforms then it would make sense because our colorist he is working with the HDR monitor and of course a rec 709 for tester interface display but yeah like working for a film that would make a lot of sense to have HDR output side by side how much does a good HDR monitor cost because in the thousands or more so this is a typical professional topic like the fenders of those HDR queens why don't they if they look at this video they should support this but then the top assures that they want to sell more of those screens they could get the code and make sure the blend that works very well with calibration for color because it's a very difficult thing to code if you don't have all the hardware and all the knowledge the passion and the motivation to do it so you can ask him to do it right and he likes it no just to add to that even if you have two identical monitors that might still be interesting to use different profiles because if you are calibrating them the monitors aren't exact so if you really care about color you're gonna have different proof calibration profiles on both of them and generally the entire user interface color management thing is an interesting question before for example new Macs often have like non rec.709 displace so if you want to use user and face themes the entire user interface might look different on the other system because the user interface inside and then there's currently not color managed so I think there's something to look into yeah in blender we rely on a driver's side calibration for the monitors there are no plans to integrate software side calibration supporting multiple like supporting like per window probably on display spaces is technically possible there is like no technical limitation under the hood of the color management pipeline it's more into how you set up your work in a blender in a way that it's reliable and understandable and also reliable in a way that you save blend file with two windows and open in back and that windows don't get swapped onto the monitors it's like all fun like this like that that's where all the fun is going but hey unfortunately I'm not technical enough to understand the whole dynamic linking or gilepsy but just to put flat back on Serge's radar it actually was built to address one of these use cases so people are running old rail systems and running modern apps on them and also flat but I mean blender is already distributed as a flat pack by a third party mafia burden is belek based on your recipes to build them so I would love to like make you aware of a possible solution to that problem there were all those things it's in in practice you always need to have something pre-installed for to run those things and that day of blender get like any blender distro if freshly install it could download stuff from blender double click and it just works so that's what you want to do to support as much as possible but they are not against of like other stuff for distributing blender like surely especially where there is someone who wills to maintain it then yeah hi I had a question for Lucas specifically about denoising since we now have my support fulfillment for high dynamic range scenes III did some tests and I mean it works fantastic but I did have some edge cases where they are still like it's a little rough around the edges specifically when you have scenes with high dynamic range like really really bright lights and antarcticine you get some pretty weird out effects in the scene is there any way or is there any plans to still like improve the denoising is there some you know new iteration coming with tapenade first of all yes there absolutely are plans to improve the diner sir as I previously mentioned I'm working on animation denoise and so that's going to be published as a patch and like an hour I guess it's very close to being finished and regarding the high-dynamic-range there are two reasons why these problems map there the first problem is the dinner uses a Firefly detection algorithm to remove fireflies and image before the noising so that can be a problem for single pixel highlights or extremely thin reflections on curved edges for example so but in this case they would just be removed there wouldn't be an artifact the second case is that the numerical algorithms aren't exactly stable so if you have like one pixel with value of ten thousands that might be a problem there is a way to fix that which I have not tried yet but which is very easy it's from some paper released a few years ago where basically apply a lock transforms their colors then do the denoising and then transform it back which might change the look a tiny bit but I have to try it out so yeah thanks for the reminder I have a very boring question but I think it's very important it's more or less about 2.8 UI and it's especially about workplace economics because I think all of us want to have a long and healthy career and I think that optimizing the new interface needs to consider economics as well so for example things like making by single column layout is super cool to be able to read like full tags but after a while you know what they mean but it kind of adds up that you really have to go there's more and more scrolling more and more clicking to go submenus and popovers and scroll to reach menus and I think that's on the long term it's really adding up for a certain kind of people who maybe work a lot as a designer and then they go home and they have a hobby that's kind of the same so those clicks they add up and I think we need to think about that as well for the UI into my very short follow-up it's something I just remembered if you can share this file please just create a bug report like I suppose it's technically not a back but I would if you can share it I would love to look at it and have something to test thanks it's a very good point and we have a few things to try to remedy this a little bit one of the things that we've added is the concept of sub panels so things are more hierarchical now so you want to find certain properties you don't have to have everything open at once which should reduce scrolling a whole lot and by default now most of our panels are closed meaning they take up a lot less vertical space so you'll have to just dive in to the hierarchy to find what you're looking for the other thing we're thinking about adding is a way to search for properties there was someone made a nice demo of this where there could be at the top of the properties a search box and you could type in a few characters which would be another way to locate what you're looking for the third answer is a lot of things like modifiers are little bit clumsy when you have many many many modifiers also in 2.5 and until now you'd have to scroll a lot but that whole area is being revised with the node based modifiers as well but in I mean in general it's an important concern to think about ways to always present you know easy ways to finally looking for without scrolling and searching yeah III can see the positive changes I just wanna points to the bad changes for this kind of concern and I think like having it right there is good but the best case is just to have as much information in one screen as possible at the same time so it's just right there like if it's nested it's all collapsed and I have to uncollapse it every single time this also adds up but like I think removing or reducing padding as much as possible while maintaining a really good UI which is very hard tasks I think like all the padding and getting things closer together the two limits that helps more than these things I think yeah I mean the nice thing is we have a scalable user interface so you can make things really really smooth about the but to say the super Fallot and this family needs a bigger and a big dua team to do research and make versions make another configuration with different tunnels try to find out how to have lash options in London because the particle system Muslims have looked at the panel's notice no nobody needs all those buttons all the time but how do you select this how do you make a way that you can have in blender there are 10,000 buttons or 20,000 how do you combine that in a way that you can use it know everything no Genelia 5000 notes and then how do you find your note what you layer no chanting note he was last thing to your point before because I think it is a you know valid concern another thing we have talked about is for the outliner to make a more context-sensitive outliner there are some technical issues with it but you could imagine a way where in where you in which you could using the outliner more narrowly define what you have selected and what you're editing so you wouldn't have so many panels and so many options in the property properties that it's at a given time this should also alleviate this issue somewhat I'm sorry I wanted to reply because I've worked on this topic like as an adult developer and I developed and I don't that it's called tops it's one on github and kind of it it's a way of the way I think about it is for like to enforce muscle memory and it basically that makes any property reachable through two clicks i but and yeah i check it out online it's like it's called taps and it's on github well if it's also about economics have you thought about left-hand users can we switch around everything now at the moment just build our own viewport away switch around left-hand nerd mm-hmm but do you see specific problems as a left-hand user yes I think especially if you're modeling and you go here and you want maybe to have your tools on the right hand hand some things you can get used to anything but you're you you wanted to switch things can I ask you is this something that the OS you're using does is that your other tools do this flip the whole the mouse and the whole interface around or no but why not have I was just asking for clarification not for the oyster some of them will do like flipping the mouse button so your left mouse click becomes on the right so when you flip the mouse on the left side it's like you still click with you finger is left handed keyboard where all the buttons are flipping there are such a keyboard believe I believe there are such a keyboards already yeah I was just gonna say that I noticed in the blender cloud videos that Andy has like a split keyboard so if you kept all the shortcuts almost uh sorry if you kept most of the shortcuts on the left hand side of the keyboard and then had an option where you could just kind of move them on to the other side maybe that would be an option it doesn't but this is file we have this minimum key map to not to make it easier for people to maintain their own first years and share it we can't make everybody happy with one thing about overcorrection multiple configurations one default though I don't call it default that also help just a configuration the minimum mr. builder someone on the tour thank you I have one question for Jax look on every knot or simple notes for a beginner it's possible when you were the Newport 3d panel between the viewport 3d on T panel you can add very fast some knots for the Alpha of the of the brush or you can add a multiply for one more run done some basic notes I'm not exactly sure what we are talking about to be honest like just some some option to insert certain notes faster or it's just for a big you know for for they don't open a shudder oh no no no the shadow yeah and we do with with the notes you can activate some not very fast No I think I mean as I understand that you're asking as about the way to edit know quickly quickly without having to open a node editor so you can just murder don't have to open go and open a node editor instead I mean we kind of did something like this for cycles where the material properties also show the notes I don't think it was entirely successful but I think when we do the everything notes project we can reevaluate present nodes in a compact way without having to open the node editor for simple stuff I even have a cool name for it note rigging huh no try again and start to imagine how note raking looks like so you have notes part million and then you rake them so that they are in control of the user huh you see the picture you see the pixie okay good I would like to ask about two other very hot themes its I would like to know about the current state of adaptive sampling in cycles because I'm personally waiting for a long time for this it's really would be really cool feature and I would like to ask about current state of panoramic camera in a VA might be a 360 rendering or even 360 stereo rendering would be cool so for adaptive sampling I don't really have any news on it the only thing I can say is I think it's really important and like if I had free time it might be the one feature I would like to work on if I had a bunch of time but at the moment it's not under development I think to give some background on the animation and on the adapter sampling that's a topic that we really like they really care about me it was my first about patch for cycles was actually the wrapper sampling the problem there is it's easy to make an adapter sampling that works for most scenes that kind of works for most scenes it's extremely hard to make an adapter sampling that works for all scenes because for example the problem is if you have caustics which have an extremely low noise level you might render 8 samples then the software looks at the image to say it's cleaner we can stop rendering but actually if you continued rendering for like 50 samples 5 lines will start to shut up and would become obviously a lot of samples so eventually you end up with this problem where some tiles have randomly detected Firefly so they got a thousand samples the other students so to get like we need like four samples if you can see nice blotchy image and that's only a tip of the iceberg there's so many problems there that in theory it sounds like it should be easy but it really isn't so yeah that's kind of the problem there to me just seems like an interesting technical thing to be solved the easy question and to answer the question it's planned and I already had some touch working so it's definitely possible yeah very quick about the adaptive sampling I think it's not really a problem that adaptive sampling sometimes can detect some for example barely visible fireflies and then continue rendering because you could just add some settings like minimal sampling maximum sampling and here you go it's it's just on the user side software doesn't need to decide on such corner cases it might be possible to do it in a very conservative way where the problem is when people hear that the sampling they usually they like they wanted to weren't perfect work perfectly like it should immediately stop and everything if we do it a lot more conservatively why like you said the minimum renders samples of like 128 and 10a checks that might work but it has to be solid because if there's one thing the users don't want its to hit f12 wait two hours and then again image looks like because some spots are still noisy so it has to be perfectly reliable and that's the hard part another thing to figure tuning in the production is one have I call those like nobs to control your render time it's like you don't really know what happens in your in your shot which could consist of 500 frames and then you have like hundreds of hours of render time and then realize okay so my settings were mostly worked for for 90% of the frames then yeah the rest you need to re render and because of those things they're not really unbiased you need to render everything so like trade offs and I have a weak question and like when you do a grass scene in in blender the particles is like just with a few grass particles like 3 million or something the file size gets so large can I expect that if there's transporter to animation nodes or like everything notes that the file size will be smaller I don't know maybe I guess when all the information can be stored in nodes that's necessary then there could be an option that the the generation of seagrasses done at runtime only and not certain D file and then it has to be generated every time you open the fire could be this particles especially gonna have some simulation enabled there will be all the cash saved in a blend file and the reason for this is done then you can reopen it follow real quickly but yeah this is just like topic for reconsideration gets to see where we are and how much we can regenerate from the scratch and the reasonable time and how much stuff you really need to dump in the blend file is there a certain reason that the icons got black and white because if you go to the properties panel you have these tiny little icons where everyone has the same color now it's really really hard to this between distinguish okay okay I can say a few things about the new icons that hopefully should answer your question first of all the new icons are sort of they're drawn in a different way so we refer to them as a monochrome icons but they're really more like glyphs than little pictures and what that allows us to do is actually to theme them so I'm sure you've seen inside of the outliner that the monochrome icons are actually colored depending on you know they're color-coded depending on what type they represent and so we've discussed ways to expand this to more areas of blender so that these the theming of icons can be added more places and one of them could be the the header of the properties so you could more quickly identify what you're looking for the other thing that's a bit lacking there is there's not a lot of spacing around the icons which really hurts readability because that's not there's not enough negative space around their shapes making them kind of hard to quickly identify so those are two things that we were working on to try to improve that but it's a good point okay thank you people care of course a lot about our blender looks and the UI and design and there's really a big group active on reviewing and the design process it's not very principled but it is very open as you can go to a desk talk oh you can probably search for icons and find the threat and there's also as a developer toward blenders dot or website called design topics but design reviews people can post designs and then get feedback from people and those most of those topics especially for the icons that go on pages and pages of pages so most of these things have been shed have been looked at and then we make a new version another version and I think they still optimizing this based on all the feedback we got and design help is welcome right even have icons yet to be designed for certain tools and super so yeah - you did good it's a shiner come on board all right make mock-ups community ideas that we take all I understand the requirements of the new system but this and isn't that way we can make it more fishable and more clean or more clear - to show the functionality that is super super good - three there's a question I think Tony you'd mentioned the past was a plan to the animation system and revisit that for up the I think you mentioned animation 2020 or something I just went that there is an update on that animation 2020 right we want that's what is it well III simply because I've been working also with the studio stands at animation with all the studios and France and there's people from the nimble collective doing high quality work extreme works people the animation is still not only my passion but I think animation is the core of a tool like blender has is modeling what animation I think is really what it what it is about and the design of the current rating system is from the 90 very early 2000 that and 90s early 2000s when we designed it and it was based on how hash animator works you know hash animator but that was done very popular animation tool and a little bit with a slant I looking at what Softimage is doing and that's how we were designing this and I think we have to do it all over again at least or take a couple of steps back and say okay so this is what we have this what we want what do we have to fix rather to be ready for the next decade and you always have to make sense for the future but for the past 20 and we have still 18 months huh so the service no less 14 oh my god we have only 14 months and then is 2020 so yeah after maybe you call it 2021 then so now that the idea is to collect the brainpower of some of the bigger studios people who designed the Nemo and presto but also people like Daniel passar and the top readers who has at our community to find the specifications for a better living system in London but probably it will be part of the essence in note because the riggers want to have notes as well whatever dog based system and we should cut the drivers and constrain should also be no based right modifiers should be note based so if you have all of that already as a note based system I think the rigging can also become much more advanced that you don't have to abuse the regular system like it is now and I expect that with a good design that's within and animation also be much faster faster Toulouse that's that's a little bit 2020 and my goal is to get the funding and the people on board for it and interest the studios out there with hundreds thousands of animation studios who all want to boot Autodesk and they're all looking at blenders and I don't know my animations really good can blender okay for the same level of support us what barriers and I think yeah I think we're close we can't replace my I am but but even better we I want to work on the next decade of animation tools and the people in Autodesk are not interested in that and that's why people should come on board and help us making brand they're awesome just 2020 [Applause] my question is really specific it's about can we expect to have an improvement for the bevel modifier especially for the auto smooth because when we auto smooth with the bevel modifier it's really difficult to have a very convincing result because of the normal interpolation I think have you tried the 2.81 it has the summer students normal in there as an option and people who've tried it seem to feel it's much better than the old one or are you talking about the 2.8 one I haven't tested in 2.8 he's here right now yes thank you very much just a very simple question what's the status on free freestyle does anybody know is it gonna be in the beta yeah I mean I think it's working I'm not aware of major bugs in there so I mean the thing is people were mostly using it in conjunction with blender internal so but it should continue working with eevn cycles so yeah it will work if it's not working it's a bug that's the other thing yeah but I don't know if they will be in today I heard that there are some panels with options missing but I guess it's am bugging in Python script so we just need to fix those but like that was a big fall down to support this a new dependency off another thing so evening woo isn't that meant to replace the other causes it could replace it no because boot [Music] surprise I am looming whoo although okay it's not sure thanks is there a plan to work on the parts of a blender impact by the Linea workflow like for example curves that now are you really need to play the really the bottom of the calf - to adjust contrast for example like a middle gray became [Music] 0.18 so if you want to make contrast with curve it's really you really need you just have a really a small part of the curve to play with okay so I mean I think there is fundamentally there is no like middle grade that's that works everywhere but I think what we what we can do and I think that's something that the core management people have been asking for is basically to add in various spaces places and user interface to be able to say I want to edit the curve in this specific color space and so any place where we have curves it would make a lot of sense to have a way to say like edit is in this color space and that middle gray might be like around 0.5 or something so I think that's something we can definitely add yeah not that I'm aware of it I'm not aware of any patch for it no he's asking for it you know pushing for someone to add it but I'm not aware of any active work on it hello thank you very much first of all for all of your hard work and I wanted to ask you because I most years lately spent in game development and in tools like Houdini and substance designer which is heavily node-based is there any plan to improve the note editor in general for example like and you are trying to add a new note changing the default shift a for example to something like space or make it available to change it in preferences or quick toolbars of adding most recently used or placed note and stuff like that which could really improve the UX experience I guess when we use in note editor much more there will be many there will be many new ideas so we can make a workflow faster I'm a try it quite a few things in animation notes as well and I try to get some of the good ideas into blender hello here my questions about hair dynamics any plans to improve the collision system I mean that's like related to physics topics and we don't have a lot of people working on physics currently so yes it's plants its planned of course like new fluid new smoke I mean how many years do we need with all of you full-time working around there to have everything done they should group you would want to have what do you think what is your counsel 2.8 or relays and stop like for incommode backtrack or backtrack are still aboard and delete everything I start over and then you don't have any bugs the best one discussion I had with Zacharias is not even mention sculpt a sculpting is super important and popular fits here but it feels like is a little bit behind in support level and like the competition is sculpting much faster and that Amanda is sculpting so is there any developer who thinks yes I'm going to pick sculpting up a spy there are lots of technical stuff which is similar to what is Holden dependency girl so I guess there is one guy who will be looking to dos but like they're also a cutter things we can't alter like some algorithmic all stuff to to reduce amount of computation which happens forever it like strokes that which which is like but how would you also have been looking at modeling mesh modeling as you ever looked at the sculpting kotor is completely different no I haven't looked at sculpting my next thing after bevel is bully and I'm gonna make boolean better and what's the current state of attract I'm not sure if it's in beta or not and is there future plans for for it a current state of attract is that it needs some extra love for one I have to make it the the attract add-on compatible with two point eight because it's doing OpenGL drawing and I need to convert that to the new GPU module we have plans of making the integration between attract and flamenco better so you can go into the attract interface and say I want to re render this scene for example maybe change some settings sample count that kind of stuff so we have all kinds of plans for for the future of attract and maybe as some kind of calendar for every user for know what tax have seen each day or week yeah that should be relatively simple to add so I write a ticket about this on the developer plan others org assigned to me the cutting close to the ant I would like to do a little experiment for silly idea because people talk about democracy people to vote for food Cheers so I thought let's try it if you can't find out if we're going to do a vote here for a thing and I will try to found out if we can make it happen what a nice idea but the feature should have a majority of this in this group so we first have to figure out what is that feasible that might have a majority here in this group and to make it more feasible should not be more than one month developer time right one more to develop return and I will found out who can do it and talk to the guys but what is the one month feature you would like to promote here and the people then will start falling for it you know one what one month our sequencer should be possible right in one month yeah yeah a sequencer of course sequencer yeah no no you said one month I mean I know come on you can do it in one month that's a challenge maybe a sequencer editor exactly just bring it up to us we don't have to remake it just bring it up okay hands up for their video sequencer for a compositor faster better and nicer see here please make compositor great again what idea to start 4 to 4 you have form like groups or light linking and scalds it I want that light groups like you have an object and you have like a character but I wanted it's not there if it takes less than a month then it's ok but I really like that what was the issue with light group there's no fundamental issue I mean there was one at one point the patch from tangent animation which I think did it the wrong way but we can do it the right way it's not super complicated but it's more like a fish you think it's problematic as in design wash or is it well I think generally if you're using I'm not a big fan of light groups in general as a workflow I don't have anything against adding it i but i if i was like running an animation studio and I was I would say like please don't try to use it as little as possible because it it causes all kinds of problems if you have would you advise to instead that would also work as good as light group no I over they would license to do no I mean I would advise to have a workflow where you design your materials and test them in different lighting environments and ensure they responds well but it doesn't work for everything if you have like a more a less realistic thing it you might want them anyway but I mean I have no problem against it adding them so if someone writes a good patch for it I will happily accept it I think this topic Estelle's the design stuff right they'll have to agree first on how to do it so is there another third idea you know maybe not idea just the question to you Oh Tom can I can I ask you one question of the official standpoint can i okay okay so let's vote first idea to start to float in for all right you have fun real-time video streaming of evey over HTTP of Eevee over HTTP why okay so now now that the body has to make up their minds right so you have a real-time is to dip in video YouTube and an easy we have the compositor and we have the video sequence editor what everybody made up their mind so what is the selects fault for our compositor who wants a compositor it's like one third the all who wants video sequencer and who likes to have YouTube and iffy it's a great feature by the way well ok then we touch phone calls away standoff between the compositor and the failure sequence editor failure sequence editor compositor what do you think I think the video sequencer has won the vote conference we will see the result of this experiment okay thanks everyone online thanks everyone here and pick applause for the developers [Applause] you
Channel: Blender
Views: 6,430
Rating: 4.9064326 out of 5
Keywords: bcon18, amsterdam, suzanne awards, blender, blender 3d, Blender Conference, animation, lightning talk, presentation, grease pencil, cycles, addon, de balie, conference, #bcon18, #b3d, render, eevee, 2d, b3d
Id: y6iManmFCvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 52sec (5092 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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