Blender Cyberpunk Building Tutorial | Polygon Runway

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foreign [Music] welcome to my new tutorial today we are going to make this cute cyberpunk building illustration and I really hope you will enjoy this one and if you do please don't forget to leave the like and if you're new to the world of 3D and blender and you want to learn in the most effective way be sure to check out my courses I carefully designed them to take you from beginner skills through locally and stylized illustration all the way to full character illustration in the shortest time possible and there's a new one now focused on texturing too so if you're interested please check out the link in the description now let's jump right into empty blender file and first of all I will just select everything here press X and delete and now we'll start with some bass so let's press shift a and add a plane now I will tap into the edit mode press s and 4 to scale it four times and confirm with enter and now let's round the corners a little bit so let's press Ctrl D then V or Ctrl shift B if you prefer that way and now let's create the bevels and I'll increase the number of cuts with the mouse wheel and confirm it just like this now let's press a to select all and E to extrude like that and now let's hold shift s and snap cursor to select it that will move it right here so let's Tab out let's press shift a and we'll add another plane and now we'll scale it up and create the shape of the building so let's press tab into the edit mode press s and scale it up like this and you can always refine that later so let's Tab out first and let's press G then shift Z to move this on X and Y axis a little bit to the corner so we can have a little bit more balanced out composition and just place it like this and now we can tap back into the edit mode press e to extrude and create the building shape like this and now I want to create the rounded corner here so let's hit 2 for it select select this Edge right here and press Ctrl B and create bevel with the same number of segments as before something like this and now we can make it a little bit interesting by selecting this Edge holding control and selecting this one they'll select this Loop all around and press Ctrl B to Bevel this as well but to reduce the number of segments to just one and confirm it like this so that will create this interesting futuristic shape and now we'll reuse a lot of geometry so for example I want to create the balcony here so I will just select this Edge right here again and press shift d to duplicate right click to release in place and press p and separate the selection they'll separated here into a new object so I will tap out now select the new object tap into the edit mode press a and then move it down by pressing G then Z to lock it on the z-axis and move it like here and now we'll press Ed and Z to extrude on z-axis tiny bit and now we are able to extrude it outside so press a to select all and first of all let's make sure our normals are correct so let's press shift n to recalculate normals and then press alt e and extrude faces along normals and let's create an extrusion like this and I want to create the railing here so again we'll reuse some of the geometry so let's click here hold Ctrl select this Edge and again shift d and then P enter to separate and again we'll Tab out select the new object tab into the edit mode press a to select all and E then Z to extrude up like this now we can insert this a little bit so let's press a to select all and ALT s to move this along the normals and we can additionally press s to enable even scaling and move it like this and now we can select these edges on the side press e then X and extrude them like this so they connect with the building so let's do that on the other side as well and now we can press a to select all alt e and extrude faces along normals and press s for even scaling and create a railing like this and now it's time to cut in some windows so let's step out select the main building shape let's tap into the edit node and first of all let's create some Loop Cuts so we can divide this shape so let's press Ctrl R and create the cut right here to separate the stories and now let's press Ctrl R and create one right here so we can have two windows right there let's go for face select select these two faces right here let's press I to inset and to make this even let's hit 0.3 on the keyboard and confirm with enter and we can do the same right here so I 0.3 and enter so we have two same windows and we can now hold period on a keyboard switch to individual Origins and press s then X to scale them individually a little bit like this and now we can hold period and switch back to medium point and let's press alt e and extrude faces along normals and additionally s for even scaling and let's extrude them inside and to make this more interesting we can duplicate and separate this as well so shift the right click to release P enter to separate and we can leave it in place for now we can continue with the building so let's go right here and create an inset like this and we can switch to the edge select by pressing 2 select the bottom Edge press G then Z and move it down a little bit like this and now we can go back to the face delay by pressing three select this face and extrude inside and again we can press shift d enter and P enter to separate to another object and let's now continue down here but before we do let's enable x-ray View and let's select the bottom face you can see this dot right here if you click near it you will select it press X and delete faces we don't need that one anymore and now let's toggle the X-ray again and we can select these two faces press I to instead but now since we remove the bottom face we can press B and that will snap to boundary so we can create an inset like this very easy now two for Edge select select the top edges and move this down a little bit and now we can go back to the face select by pressing three select these two and E to extrude inside and additionally we can remove these two so press X and delete faces and we can do the same on the other side so I you can see the boundary is still enabled built and we can move this down and extrude inside let's remove this and now to make this a little bit more interesting we can select the top press I to inset be careful around this corner and E to extrude down to make this a little bit more detailed and interesting okay something like that and now we can tap out and we can select these separated objects and let's go into the edit mode press a to select all and we can press I and disable the boundary to create the frame like this press X and delete the inner face press a again and E to extrude and we can go all the way outside like this and now type out let's select these two objects tap into the edit mode press a to select all I to inset let's create frames like this press X and faces to delete them and we'll press a alt e and extrude faces along normals like this and now we can do similar thing down there but we didn't separate any geometry so you know it's up to you if you want to have something like that there I want another frame right here so I will just go ahead and select this Loop right here by Alt clicking it and now shift D and P to separate Tap Out select the new Loop and extrude in a similar way as before and now we can tap out and we can create like a garage gate right here so select the building tab into the edit mode and we'll separate this Edge on the top so two for Edge select select this one shift D and P to separate Tab out and select the new object tab into the edit mode and we can just press A and E then Z to extrude this down like this and now let's Ctrl R and increase number of cuts with the mouse wheel like this and now we can press Ctrl B and bubble it very slightly press X and delete those and now additionally we can press e and extrude this inside and press a and move this all inside a little bit so now we can continue with some more details so let's Tab out and shift right click here we'll create like a sign here so let's press shift a and we'll add a plane now tap into the edit mode press R then X and rotate 90 degrees let's confirm with enter and now we can press G then X and one to move this one meter and additionally we can select this Edge press G then X and move it closer here and now press a g then Z and move this up so the origin Point stayed here so now if you extrude this and let's Ctrl alt click these edges around this Loop we can press Ctrl B to Bevel them slightly with two or three segments and now if you tap out um you can just scale this up and down according to the origin point and it will stay in place so that will be first sign and now let's shift right click here we will create like a pole with the sign here so let's pre shift a and we'll add a single word if you don't have this option here go to the edit preferences and add-ons and search for extra objects and just check the box right there and you will see all these additional options right here and you can add single word now make sure you switch to the vertex select right here or press one and press e then Z and extrude this up they'll just extrude one vertex but then you are able to tap out right click and convert to curve and in the curve settings you can add some bevel geometry right here and they'll easily create a poll for you and now you can type in select the top control Point hold shift s and snap cursor to select it now Tab out let's push shift a and we'll add a plane now we can tap into the edit mode press s then X and scale it on x-axis and now since we know this is 2 meters wide we can press e then 2 to extrude these two meters up and confirm and we can round those Corners here too so go for Edge select here Ctrl alt and click this Edge to select all those around the loop and Ctrl B to Bevel so now you can adjust this and for example make this pull a little bit wider or if this too high you can you know bring this down or whatever you like and now there are a lot of details you can create around here so for example let's just quickly add a circle by pressing shift a and I will just reduce the vertices to something like 24 tab into the edit mode scale it down press F to fill and E to extrude and Ctrl B to Bevel so this will be like a trash can or something or some like generator or whatever detail you want to create basically you can go really wild here you can create um Street lamps you can create railings you can create Street barricades um trash cans um a lot of stuff you can add details on the building create like electric boxes but I'm on a very limited time here so I will just create one detail right here that's the air conditioning on the roof but you can go you know much wider with your details so let's step out and let's select the building and I will again reuse some geometry so let's dab in and I'll go for face select and let's select some of these faces so hold shift and select them one by one I'm interested in this one and I don't want to select the roof because there is an excess of vertices up here in the corner so I will just leave that one out and select this one here by holding shift the one in the back and this and now let's press shift D and P enter to separate this select the new object tab into the edit mode and now let's make some adjustments so first of all let's go for Edge select select this Edge and the opposite one by holding shift and press F to fill so we connect them now let's look from the top and let's enable X-ray and you can see they are misaligned a little bit so let's select those on the side press s then Y and zero to scale them on y-axis and the other ones as well and basically that will make them aligned now we can move this a little bit closer together and now let's look at the geometry so press one for vertex select and you can see there are some excess vertices right here so we can press Ctrl X to dissolve them and let's bring this up and these two we can slide so press G twice and slide them towards here and now we can press a to select all alt e and extrude faces now normals and press s to scale evenly and confirm like this and additionally to make sure we can press a and shift n to recalculate normals so this will be like an air conditioning duct or something like that so we can tap out disable X-ray and now we can shift right click here press shift a and add another plane tap into the edit mode and scale it down then s then X to scale it on x-axis as well let's make this a larger a little bit and move it in the object mode tap back in extrude and now we'll create a bevel here so two for Edge select and create a bevel okay let's step out and let's make sure the normals are correct so let's press a to select all tab into the edit mode press a and shift n if you want to see you can always enable normals right here so you can see them and then press shift n and see if something changes now let me deactivate those and now we can add some build modifiers so select the building and let's go to the modifiers panel and let's add the Bell modifier I will increase the segments to two and in the shading enable Harden normals don't worry about the warning here and in the geometry switch this to Arc to have a better Corners inside and now to actually see the amount in the geometry section we can disable clamp overlap and that will allow us to really see the amount that we have set here so let's make this smaller here something like 0.01 they'll do nicely and now with the building selected let's press a to select all and you can see the building is still highlighted in yellow that means it's active so we can now click here and copy to select it to copy the same level modifier to every object and now we can right click shade Auto smooth and increase to 180 degrees and that will make this smooth and beveled all around our scene and now I don't like the amount on the bevel so with all of the objects selected we can hold alt and the modifier will apply to every object and let's increase the beveling on all of these something like this so it's more rounded and stylized so now I want to create more interesting details so for example now with the bubble active it'll be quite easy to reuse the geometry so let's select the AC unit up there tap into the edit mode we can go for face select select this face right here press I to inset and E to extrude and now we can just press shift d right click to release and ALT s to move this up create few Cuts there press Ctrl B to Bubble them press X and delete those faces and now in the face select mode press 3 select these three and extrude them down and they will create nice detail like this and we can also press a and shift and to recalculate normals and now Tab out and I can see we have a glitch here with the build modifier so we'll need to individually you know reduce the bevel right there on that object and I want to have like an interesting pixel like neon sign here so let's tap into the edit mode select the face in the front hold shift s and snap cursor to select it and now we can Tab out let's look from the side by pressing 3 on an armpit and let's press shift a and we'll add a plane now let's press R then Y and 90 to rotate this 90 degrees let's tap into the edit note and let's scale it down like this and now we'll subdivide this so right click subdivide and let's enter something like eight and now while still in the face select it's really important to make this easy press Ctrl B to Bevel and I'll create this bevel in between you know those squares so we can create a really small bevel like this press X and delete faces so we now have all these individual faces and we can select by holding shift some interesting pixel shape so for example something like this and now we can press p and enter to separate that and now choice is yours you can either leave everything in place and make them different color or you can delete the other ones so in this case I will delete the outside and just leave the selected in place tap into the edit mode and extrude them and of course we can type out alt shift select the other object with the Bell modifier on and copy to select it now we can reduce the amount right click and shade Auto smooth so we have something like this here and I want to create something similar here as well but this time I will use the other approach so tab into the edit mode I will first create an inset here and extrude this inside and I can clearly see we need lower amount for the bevel and now tab into the edit mode hold shift s and snap cursor to select it and I will fill this up with the plane so Tab out press shift a and add a plane now tab into the edit mode press s to scale it down are then X to rotate 90 degrees and we can scale this three times so press s then Z and three and now let's press Ctrl R and create two cuts with the mouse wheel like this now press a right click and subdivide and again we'll subdivide this few times to create those squares um something like this should be enough let's look from the front by pressing one on an armpit and now we'll go for face select press Ctrl B and create those small bevels press X and delete faces and now we are able you know to select some different shapes right here um it can be basically anything you know like some alien language or something like that and now I'll press p to separate this now I will leave both of those in place tapping to the error node press a to select all extrude them and transfer the bubble modifier here reduce the amount but additionally hold alt so it applies to every object like this right click and shade Auto smooth and I can see we need to adjust bevel here as well because there's not enough angle there and I want to you know reduce the height of that sign because you know our display doesn't fit so let's move this down and right here we can tap into the edit mode enable x-ray select all of this and just move it down like this okay this is ready for the materials so now we can go to the render settings and enable ambient occlusion Bloom and Screen space Reflections and in the Cycles options enable GPU and sound the noising I will reduce the samples to 512 and the same applies for tiling and basically we are ready to add some materials so hold Z and go to material preview we can hold shift s and snap cursor to world origin press shift a and add a plane now we can tap into the edit mode press s and scale it up that will be our background Tab out and now press n and I will find the pr ISO cam add-on if you don't have it you will find the link in the description just download the zip file and here in the edit preferences and add-ons you will click install and just locate the zip file and then check the box for the isochem add-on and it's just a simple tool that enables you with some you know camera presets like this so I will just click here and create isometric camera with 43 ratio and now I will hit n again to collapse the side panel go to the output settings and change the resolution to something like 1600 to 1200 and press G and Z to move the camera up and in the camera settings change the auto scale to something like 16 or maybe even more we'll see about that so now let's select the background and create a new material there I'll call this background and let me just reduce the value so it's all black and now let's select the road and let's create you know like a dark gray material there and here we can increase the bevel amount as well and now for the building I want this metallic so let's go create a new material and let's increase the metallic all the way to one and we can additionally reduce the base color value so it's a little bit darker and we can then create another one that will be a little bit brighter so for example here we can use the same material just duplicate it and make it a little bit brighter and here use the Dark One and same for these signs let's add the materials there as well and for the frames we can go the dart material and you can see I'm not creating a lot of materials here because I want to keep this fairly simple because the most of the color will come from the lighting so let's add some more of these metal materials and the fact that they are metallic and you know reflective will make this easier it will create a lot of interesting gradients around and you know you can really get playful with the lights and the colors so let's give some metal material here as well and now we can create our first emission lights so first of all let's make this black and here in between we can create a new material switch print support to a mission and increase the strength to something like five and give this some color and you can have a nice you know pixel sign like this and here we can do the same thing only with a different color so we can duplicate this and change this to like purple and maybe increase the value here a little bit like this and now we'll add the mission to those windows so let's select the building tab into the edit mode and with the face select by pressing three let's select these inside faces for the windows and doors and let's create a new material slot let's create a new material and hit assign you will see change here so you can tap out of the edit mode and here we'll change to emission again and increase to something really strong like 25 this is too strong with the bloom in EV but don't worry about that in Cycles it will be different and now we can go something warm like this and to create a nice contrast I will shift right click here press shift a add a point light and you don't see it happening here that's because we have disabled scene licensing world so let's enable them in the viewport as well and now we can change this to something you know blue and move it inside so press G then X and then G then Z to move it up so we have some light coming from the garage door maybe it can be even stronger we'll see in the cycles and now speaking of Cycles will need some surrounding lights as well so let's hold shift as snap cursor to Old origin let's press shift a let's add aerial Light press G and z and move it up let's make this larger a little bit and let's change the square to disk and now I want to rotate this around the cursor so hold period and switch to 3D cursor and now R then X and 45 minus and let's rotate it around z-axis so R than Z and let's go opposite of the camera now let's go for camera view and let's hold Z and switch to the render preview and now we can press Ctrl B and limit our render preview only to the camera bounce so this is quite dark but you can already see um the emission creates really nice lighting um on the building we just need to create some additional Ambience so first of all let's increase this to something like 1500 and make it like a blue and already you can see the friends and you can for example bring it down a little bit to shine a little bit more on the background that will create those nice gradients there let me duplicate something here so we have more details in place and that's basically everything I want to do with the lighting here um just one basic step in the world settings let's increase the world Ambience and let's change its color to something purple and you will see how nicely it Blends the colors together and now to disperse the light colors even more we can press shift a we can add a cube tapping to the edit mode make it larger press G and Z move it up and this will be the fog and to be able to easily find it here in the outliner you can press f2 and just call this fog and then in the material settings create a fog material now remove the principal bsdf from the surface Shader and add the volume Shader principled volume here and this should look differently and sometimes this happens um basically probably the normals are flipped and when I scale the cube I probably went to the minus values and just flip the cube inside out if it makes sense so if something like this happens to you you go into the edit mode press shift n and you will see that will recalculate the normals and create the fog because with density one it really should be barely visible and now we can reduce this to 0.015 or something like that and you will get this nice fog you know with all of these disparate light here and now in the render settings you can go to color management increase the contrast for example to medium high contrast and play with the exposure and right away you can see how nice this illustration looks with all of these lights this emission inside that fog Blended together with that world color and now additionally to make it even nicer let me go ahead and render this first we can now go ahead into the compositing I know with blender 3.5 now there's a viewport compositor but it doesn't work with the glare node which is the one I will use right now um so that's too bad I hope that will get fixed so in the compositing let's enable use notes and right here let's press shift a and we'll add filter and glare and let's change the streaks to fog glow and additionally press shift a and let's add output and viewer so you can preview your result from this node right here and now you can see the result of the glare node which will create basically that bloom effect you could see in the EV preview but here I think this is too strong still so let's reduce the size to something like six and now you are able to go ahead render this again so that's the simple stylized cyberpunk building I really hope you enjoyed this one and again if you did please leave that like and if you are new around here please hit that subscribe thank you all for watching and have a wonderful day [Music]
Channel: Polygon Runway
Views: 27,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, tutorial, blender tutorial, 3d modeling, blender modeling, blender modeling tutorial, modeling tutorial blender, blender lighting tutorial, blender lighting basics, 3d modeling tutorial, blender cyberpunk city, blender cyberpunk tutorial, blender cyberpunk building, blender cyberpunk building tutorial, blender cyberpunk street
Id: vMTwAQPbgKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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