Blender and Substance Painter - Creating a Combat Knife Game Asset - Part 4

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Oh [Music] hey what's up this is Chris plush from CG masters and in this tutorial we're gonna finish up our knife game asset by texturing it in substance painter this is beginner friendly for anyone new to substance painter I highly recommend checking this program out even if only for the free 30-day trial you can use to do this tutorial and finish up the knife now if you didn't follow along with this series and you're just watching this to learn substance painter you can download the knife files that you'll need for this tutorial in the link in the description then you can just skip ahead to when I start using substance so to get things started I'm gonna show you how to bake normal maps in substance painter now this is actually necessary for you to do as well the normal map that we used or that we baked in blender gave me some issues with the curvature map that gets baked in substance I'm not really sure what the technical issues are there but the normal map baked in substance painter actually comes out a bit higher quality and the baker is actually a lot easier to use that in blender so it's really useful to know this stuff now I've got my final low poly knife a file opened up here and what we're gonna do is separate each of these into their own objects in order to have them bake individually instead of as one group object so I'm gonna tab into edit mode for that I'll press the P key and I'll separate everything by loose parts that gives us our three individual objects back now I'll start with the blade up here I'll press the end key for the right side toolbar and in order to have this match up with a high poly blade object to bake the normals for what we're gonna do is rename these with suffixes underscore low and underscore high so I'll rename this in the right side toolbar to blade underscore low I'll do the same thing for the handguard I'll rename this to handguard underscore low and also for the handle handle underscore low then hop one over to the first layer by pressing 1 on the number row and just rename these the same exact way but this will be blade underscore high and this is hand gourd under handguard underscore high and then handle underscore high and now we can export these so let me select just the three low poly objects I'll go to file export FBX and make sure selected objects is enabled down there and we will save this to the desktop I'll save this as knife underscore low FBX and press ENTER and we'll do the same thing for the high so let's go back to the first layer just all the high high poly objects go to file export FBX and again make sure selected objects is enabled and will rename this to knife underscore hi so now we have both files that we need to pull these in a substance painter and get some nice normal maps baked now over in substance painter let's start a new project so I'll go to file click on new and up top we've changed our template here there's other templates like Unreal Engine but I'm gonna set mine to unity 5 and I'll keep the other settings the same including the document resolution of 2048 you can look at this as more of a working resolution because this can be changed at any time without any loss like it says next to it substance painter basically just recalculates the textures we made so let's select our mesh up here now so find knife underscore low and load that in and then click on OK now we need to make different maps for this so let's go over to our texture set settings tab over here and we'll scroll down and click on bake mesh maps now from this dialog we can bake all these different maps over here including our normal map and ambient occlusion and curvature I'm gonna bake all of these because some of these are used for different things in different materials that we might end up using so up top I'll keep the resolution the same and let's go down to the high definition meshes dialog right here and I'll click on that button and we'll load in our high poly mesh that we exported so I'll scroll down and load in knife underscore high so now it's gonna use that as the high poly mesh to bake the normal map and you can see down here that these are the suffixes that are going to be used and that's how we named our objects so we're good to go now we just need to change how it matches up so let me click on that field there and I'll change that to by mesh name that way it's going to basically explode bake it'll take our entire knife object and separate it individually by the different meshes within the object and I'll match those meshes up with the same meshes on the high poly object and it'll bake them all separately and put them all onto one map now it's named well anti-aliasing to smooth out the lines obviously the higher you go the slower the bake is going to be but the quality is definitely gonna be better I'm gonna go with 4 now let's go over to the ID tab now color ID is a specific color assigned to parts of a mesh that identify it and that's useful for things like masking so just in case we end up using this let's color our mesh by the different mesh names we have so let's go up to color source and we'll change this to mesh ID that'll give each part of our knife a different color now let's go over to the curvature tab right there now the curvature map assigns grayscale values to sharp edges and crevices on your mesh and that's gonna be useful for things like creating at where around the edges or maybe some desert in the crevices so let's first turn off enable seams if we don't do that and it's go and draw some black edges around where we put seams on our knife to UV unwrap it all right everything else looks good I think we're done here so let's click on bake material mesh Maps so all of mesh been baked now and you can see our normal map has been applied to the knife and it looks fantastic now let's rotate let's rotate the scene and check out the knife if you're completely new to substance painter the way you navigate the 3d view is by holding the Alt key and you can left-click and drag to rotate the scene hold alt and right click to zoom in and out you can also use the scroll wheel and then hold alt and middle click and drag to pan it and in order to get perfect alignment views you can hold alt and shift and left click and drag and I'll snap to the closest views and you can also switch orthographic and perspective off and on by using f5 or f6 or this menu right here so let's check out our mesh maps real quick let me press the f1 hotkey to split the window and get our textures on the right side and we can scroll through our textures using this menu here so we've got our normal map which looks great and then there's the ID and you can see each specific color assigned to the different parts and our curvature map this is where we have the information for the sharp edges and the crevices and yeah so everything looks like it came out pretty good let me press f2 to go back to just this screen and I'll switch our menu back to material up here and now we can start texturing so to start texturing this what we're gonna do is set up masks that isolate each different area that has a different texture so we can text your things separately so let's head over to the layers tab here and I'll delete the default paint layer we're gonna add a fill layer that just fills the whole layer so I'll click on this button here to add that in and we have the properties for the fill layer down here let me click on that drag it up so we have a little more room to work with I'll scroll down and under base color here we'll just change this to a brown just for right now just to tell us what this layer is going to be and that looks fine and let me create a new folder so I'll click on this folder or I'll click on that icon to create a new folder and I'll rename this to handle and I'll click on that I'll drag it into the handle folder now let's click on the handle folder we're gonna add a mask to this to mask all the contents of the folder so to add a mask let's go up to the mass menu here and add in a black mask so it'll make everything black to start off with which means everything's transparent now we just need to color in the sections that we want to visible so let me go over to our polygon fill tool over here and right now I could click on any of these triangles and we'll fill it with white and that will be visible but I want to fill in the entire handle mesh so let me go up to this option called mesh fill I'll click on that then simply left-click on the handle mesh that will fill it all in with white so the entire handle is now visible and we are actually done with this layer for now we're done with this mask and we'll do a similar process for each of the other objects let me click on that icon to collapse it and let's start on the handguard so we'll do pretty much the same thing we'll add in a new fill layer and that'll add it on top of the handle and we'll go down to the base color and change this to black and now let's add in a new folder above that so I'll click that icon and we'll rename this to handguard and pummel because we'll be including the bottom of the handle in this as well and let's drag that layer up into that folder click on the folder to select it and we'll add a black mass to it so go to the mask menu and add in a black mask now I'll zoom into the handguard and make sure your polygon filled tool is enabled as well as mesh fill and then just click on the handguard there now actually going to have to hand paint this separation down here so to make our lives a little bit easier let's enable symmetry so let's go up to this menu click on that button to enable symmetry and the red plane there is which which access it's mirroring on and I guess that's fine we'll just paint on the side let me get a nice flat view of this so I'm gonna go up to the menu here switch over to orthographic then I'll hold alt and shift left click and drag until the view flattens out for me let me pan it and zoom in now to start things off let's go up here and switch our tool back to polygon Phil and now we can just left-click and drag over all those faces there and I'll fill them in and that'll get the faces on the bottom of the handle too now we just have to paint that little section above it so let's switch over to the paintbrush and right now you can see we're painting in black but we want to paint in white so go over to the properties panel scroll down and let's change the color here to white now let's change the hardness and the size of the brush and you can do that by holding the ctrl key and then right click and if you drag up and down it changes the hardness so I'll make it about that hard right there then if you drag left and right it changes the size so I'll drag you that down to there now let me just sweep across here and paint in that seam very carefully let me rotate the see get anything I might have missed over here and if you paint it over the edges what you can do is just change that color back to black then you can paint out anything that overlapped all right so there we go so our mask is now set up for our handguard and our pummel I'll turn off symmetry and now we can get to work on the blade now let's go over here and I'll click on that icon to collapse the folder let's add in a new fill layer and we'll give this a silver color and let's add a new folder for it and we'll rename this to blade let's drag that layer into the blade folder and we'll add a black mask to this so I'll click on the blade folder go to the mask menu and add in a black mask let me pan the scene up and let me enable perspective view again I like working in that a little bit better and with the mask enabled let's go over to our polygon fill tool switch it back over to mesh fill and click on the blade and there we go now our blade is going to have multiple textures we're gonna have the black paint on top of the blade but also the steel underneath it so let me click on the fill layer there and I'll add a new fill layer above that let's rename both of these well first let me recolor this one to black or a dark gray and I'll rename this to black paint and let's rename the one underneath that to steel now let's click on our black paint layer and we're gonna add a mask to this so we can get the steel showing up on the knife's edge on the left side so let me go up to the mask menu add in a black mask and let's make sure we set our grid or our polygon fill tool to mesh fill and I'll left click on that and now what we'll do is switch back to polygon fill and we'll click on each of these triangles on the knife's edge and we'll color them black so that the steel shows through first to make things easier let's set up symmetry again I'll click on that and we'll change the mirror to mirror on the Z so that's slicing right down the middle in that direction all right cool now let's change the color to black and I'll just left-click and drag over those two triangles there and it should paint them for me nicely and it should paint the other side and it does so I'll just do that all the way up all right with that all filled in let me turn off symmetry let me just rotate the view make sure everything was painted in correctly and it looks good to me now let's go over to our black paint layer and click on the actual layer and not the mask and let's change a few settings before we work on the steel first so I'll rotate the view like this I get a nice shine from the light you can also rotate the light around the scene by holding shift right click and drag well I'll keep it right about there let me go down here and I think I got it set to a good color let me just change the roughness down and Metallica let me turn metallic all the way up I'll turn roughness down to 0.23 so it's a little bit more shiny a little bit more glossy and let me change the height value as well I want the pain to lift up off the surface of the steel just a tiny tiny bit so I'll change this value to point two zero one and that'll be more visible later on when we actually have some wearing and chips in the paint now with the block we're done with the black paint for now so let me click on that button there to hide it and we'll work with just the steel layer so let me click on the steel layer and let's let's assign one of these materials down here in the materials folder let me drag that up a little bit and let's see we're gonna use one of the steel ones so let's click on steel rough and it'll automatically apply it to that layer for us so that's pretty good start for our base steel our steel is not going to be that visible through all the scratches anyway so we don't have to go too crazy with this we just need a little bit of texture to it and some shininess so let me go down in the properties panel now I'll change the steel roughness value to 0.25 make it a little bit shinier now let's expand the technical parameters here and let's change the normal intensity because I think this is a little bit too bumpy so I'll turn this down to point two and that's better so that's gonna be our base steel that we're putting the black paint on top of let's go over to the black layer I'll reenable visibility and now you can see the steel poking through on the side there with a little bit of texture that it's got so that's pretty cool and you can also see the bump detail shining or coming through as well that's because between the layers all of the bump and normalmap detail they're combined we can override that if we want to but in this case it actually makes sense so let's go to our black layer now and add some edge wear so I'll click on the mask for the black layer and I don't want to look at the polygons so I'm gonna switch over to my brush tool over there and let's add in a generator so with the mask selected I'll go up to the effects menu and add in a generator and down here in the properties menu I'll click on that button and we'll switch this over to metal edge where now you can see it's happening effect but kind of the opposite effect that we want so we'll click on the invert button and that's much better now the first thing we'll do is bring back the knife edge by changing the blending type for this generator to multiply and there we go now there's tons of parameters down here you can play with like how much where that you want how much the curvature affects it how much ambient occlusion affects it and things like that you're free to play around with all these options but I've already messed around and figured out what settings I want so I'm gonna go through and tell you what I've changed so let's change the contrast up to 0.8 and I'll change the grunge amount to 0.4 and let's change the grunge scale to 3 so that the textures are a little bit larger and now let's change the curvature weight down to point 23 just so it's not so consistently worn around those edges that looks decent and let's take a look at our height map so you can see a little bit of bump there but it's not really that noticeable let me click on the actual black paint layer there go back down to the height value and we'll change this to 0.02 so it bumped up a little bit more that looks pretty good alright so far so good now I want to hand paint some damage onto this so let's go over and click on the mask for the black paint layer and now we can simply left-click and drag and paint on this let me press ctrl + Z to undo that let's use some color brushes though so let's go over to the alphas Channel and I'll use some of these brushes right here I'll start off with brush paint line cloudy so I'll left click on that and let me press ctrl and what is it right click yeah right click and then drag to the right to resize that so I'm gonna add some more I'm gonna add some chips along the knife's edge over here you can see the brush kind of rotates with the surface in order to change that let's go over to the properties here scroll down to alignment and we'll change that to camera that way it stays flat based on the viewer in and let me resize this a little bit I'll just left-click right on the edge right there to create some damage there so that's what I'll do all the way up the line I'll resize this I'll rotate it I'll add just some random damage along the edge there may be some extra damage on the surface like that and I'll just go through and customize it and feel free to look through the other brushes as well maybe you can find a nice scratch brush in there create some extra scratch scratches here and there and I'll see you in a minute you all right so I painted my chips on both sides and this is ready to go now the surface is still a little bit too clean obviously this knife has seen its fair share of wear and tear so we're gonna need to rough up the surface a bit so let's go over to our layers and click on the actual black paint layer now go up to this menu and we'll add in a filter and from the filter select here let's scroll down and choose matte finish rough and adds an instant layer of grunge and just roughness to the surface it's really really cool and now there's also a bunch of parameters you can play around with over here I'm just simply going to turn the brush intensity down to 0.25 and call it a day that looks perfect to me all right so we've roughed up the surface we gave it some chips now we're gonna add one extra layer of grunge and it's just gonna be for some scuffs and some some scratches let's go back over to the layers and click on this button to create a new fill layer let's rename this to scuff marks now let's go down to our properties down here and scroll up to the top so here's the main material settings right here and this is the number of channels and the types of channels that are affected by this layer we just want to affect the roughness of the surface just like our matte finish effect of the roughness of the surface so I'm gonna disable everything except rough so now this layer is only affecting how reflective and glossy the surfaces now let's go back down here and click on roughness instead of just using a regular roughness value we're gonna load it in a grunge texture so up in the search field I'm gonna type in grunge scratches dirty and this is the grunge map I'm looking for right there so click on that and it loads that in as our roughness you can see that things are way too rough though I just want to add some more faint scuff marks to the surface so let me change me bringing the balance okay yeah I'll change the balance down to 0.45 just a little bit lower and the contrast up to 0.75 so it's looking pretty good except for the fact that it's actually making some parts more glossy I already have the glossy in the glossiness I want set in the black paint layer so I just want this to detract from that glossy and make em you know scuff marks here and there so what I'll do is go over to the channel up here on the layers tab I'll change this to roughness and now we can switch the blending type over here and also play with the opacity of the roughness of this layer so let me change the blending type from normal to screen that way it's not gonna make any parts more glossy it's just gonna detract from the glossiness and I'll turn the screen value down to let's go with something around 30 just so those marks are a little bit more faint just like that that looks pretty good now let's turn that layer on and off make sure it actually adds value yeah I think that looks pretty good so you can play around with those settings if you want but I think I dialed it in how I want it to be now we're almost finished with the blade we just have to add those text stamps at the bottom of the knife is everything I wanted to do over here yeah alright first let's go up to the layer channels up here and we'll switch this back to base color so now let's go up to file and let's import some resources for that let's click on add resources and we'll load in both kabar bump and USA bump and let's change the type of both of these files from undefined to alpha that's actually important because that's how substance painter defines what these resources can be used for and since we'll be using them as alpha channels for a paintbrush I'm switching them both over to alpha and I'll import the resources to my project and then click import and now what we're going to do is use these as part of the paintbrush to paint that height information onto our blade and we're going to do that on a new layer so let's go over here and we'll click on that icon there to add a layer and this is just a regular paintable layer this isn't a fill layer and I'll rename that to text stamps and let's scroll down to the bottom of our properties over here now and right here we only want this to affect the height channel so let's disable all the other channels and let's change the height to something negative so this actually engraves so it'll be real small I'll put it negative point zero five and we'll see how that works out let me scroll up to the Alpha here now all we have to do to load one of the images into that alpha is just simply left click on it over there and it automatically puts it there for us and now as you can see it's part of our brush and now what we'll do is straighten this view out so let me go up to orthographic view here then I'll hold alt and shift left click until this view flattens itself out for me and now we can paint this on there so let me resize this now I'll hold ctrl left click I mean right click and drag until that's the right size I think something like that looks about right maybe a touch bigger just like that and I'll Center it right in this region and then left-click and there we go cool now let's swing around to the back and do the same thing with the USA so I'll hold alt and shift and left-click and drag until we have a perfect view of the back here and now I'll hold shift and right click until the lighting is in the back and now let's click on USA 12 11 and we'll resize this by holding ctrl right click and and drag left until this is about the right size I think that looks good and I'll Center it right in there and then left click there we go we've got both of our text stamps now let's add some wear and tear around the edges of this height detail so let's go over to the layers and we'll add an effect to this so go up to the effects menu and add in a filter and from the filters let's choose matte FX damn or what's that called matte FX detail edge where it's left click on that and this is going to allow us to add some edge detail and some edge wearing to things like normal maps and height maps right now the input mode is set to normal so let's switch that over to height and you can see it's giving us some damage now let's go down to settings and right now all the wear is at the bottom of these letters so let's get that up on the rims so let's enable invert curvature and right now it's way too extreme so let me turn curvature intensity down to 0.15 and let me scroll up now I'll also decrease the wear level to get the right look I'm going for I just want a hint of that where around these letters and that looks good to me and right now it's just basically white it's not the steel behind the black pain because this isn't acting as a mask so we're gonna need to basically mimic the steel material behind the paint so let's go into material settings here and expand PBR metallic roughness we'll change this to a gray same as the the actual steel material we have a metallic set to one let's turn roughness 2.25 the same roughness we have on our steel material and that just helps it blend in a little bit better so we're done with the blade and now we're just going to use the same material for the handguard and the pummel so let me go over here I'll click on scuff marks hold shift select black paint and steel then press ctrl + C to copy them now let's go down and expand the handguard folder click on the fill layer in there and then press ctrl + V and it'll paste those layers we copied above that now we can go down and we can delete that fill layer we don't need that anymore you can see only the steel showing up here and that's because we have to go over to our mask right there click on that and our metal edge where here is set to multiply that's because we were using that in order to mask out the the edge of the knife over there so let's reset this back to normal and there we go so you can change the edge damage if you want by editing this generator there but I think everything looks good as is so now we can just move on to the handle so we'll need to go into our handle folder but let's close the other ones up first so I'll click on blade to close that and handguard as well and let's expand the handle folder now let's go over to our shelf scroll down and click on smart materials it's just a collection of more advanced materials and I'll scroll down we'll click on rubber dry and drag that up and on top of the fill layer in the handle folder so this will be the base rubber material we'll be working with what we're done with this layer underneath it so I'm gonna select that and press Delete to get rid of it and then let's expand the rubber drive folder so I want to change the look of things just a little bit and we're gonna do it on this layer right here so I'm gonna click on the mask for rubber worn there and then it has a mask generator there I'll click on that as well and let's change this generator so I'll click on that option and we'll change it over to a metal Edgware generator you can see that changes the look a little bit now we'll just edit this until we like it let's change the wear contrast down to 0.25 it looks a little bit better I didn't really want to look scratched up just want to look like there's some cake dirt on there and it's dry rubber and stuff like that and now let's go up and click on the actual rubber worn layer now let's change the hike value and the roughness value on this so I'll change the height value to something small point zero five gives it just a tiny bit of height detail and will change the roughness value down to 0.5 so things are a little bit shinier oops I didn't actually change that hey real alright that's not bad let me tab into full screen now and check things out it's looking pretty good let me switch back over to perspective and I'll hold shift and right click and drag to move the light around see how things look alright that's looking pretty decent I think the paint might be a little bit too dark let me tab out a full screen I'll go up to my blade folder click on the black paint layer and let's just increase this a little bit maybe to a value of point zero one looks good to me just a little bit brighter and we'll have to do the same thing for the hand guard as well I'll click on the black paint layer there click on the color and for the value over here I'll type in point zero one alright cool now let's do one more thing if you scroll down and zoom into the pummel here you can see that the height detail from the rubber handle is actually poking through that's because the pummel is not masked out on the handle there so all that I did all that height detail is combining so what we'll do to fix that is just go over here click on the hand guard and pummel layer and let's switch to the height channel for the layers and let's change the blending type to replace as you can see that fixes that because now the height detail for the hand guard and pommel layer is overriding that of anything underneath it now let's go back here and we'll switch this back to base color and now what we're gonna do is add a general dirt layer over everything now let's go over here and we'll collapse all of our folders and select the top one so we can add a new layer above it and click on this button to act to create a new fill layer now let's go over to our materials and let's choose something that looks like dirt leather bag is surprisingly a nice-looking dirt material so I just left click on that and it automatically assigns itself to the fill layer so our knife obviously now needs some kind of mask to show it where the dirt should go so let's go over and play with the smart masks over here in the shelf so all these smart masks are really cool you can just left-click and drag them on the layer and they'll automatically apply these really cool masks to it so you can play around with these I find sharp dirt to work really well but there's other cool ones too like we can choose moss from above drag and drop on there and it'll be dirtier at the tip of the knife and get less dirty as it goes down let me press ctrl + Z so that's pretty cool but I'm gonna go with where is it sharp so left click that and drag it over to the fill layer and now it's giving me some dirt around the crevices like at the bottom of the blade and in the ridges and the handles that's exactly what I wanted let me drag this down now I think we're done with that and let's go over and select our dirt generator here and is that the right one let me scroll up to the top yeah here we can control the dirt level I'm just gonna add a little bit more so we play with the dirt level and it starts adding it kind of all over which is exactly what I want but maybe not quite as much as that so I'll bring it to a value of 0.5 all right that looks pretty cool let's play with the height value of this as well so let's go up and click on the actual layer here for the dirt not the mask and let's scroll down expand technical parameters and we'll change the height position here from 0.5 which is neutral basically no height up or down we'll change that to 0.5 one just for a little tiny extra detail catches the light a little bit better now I just want to make a quick note about the handle here let me zoom in real quick so on the ha on the side of the handle you can see that there seems going down at the middle I think this is being generated by the curvature map even though we disabled seems for that there's still a hint of them there now we could probably fix this but these handles in real life actually do have a little seam there so I'm going to leave it and another quick note about the texture going through the seams you can see that's not going through seamlessly which again would make sense for this type of handle since it's two parts being pasted together and we have a seam in the middle but just in case you want your textures to go through seamlessly I'm going to show you how to do that real quick so the texture we have here is from the edge where on the handle so let me go to the handle I'll expand that and go down to where is it the rubber warn mask right there and then click on the metal edge where generator now there's a there's an option here called use try planar wherever you see these options if you turn that on and it's not going to make the textures based on the UVs it'll make the textures in such a way that'll go right through the UV seams so you can see that's going through the middle of the handle seamlessly now but I'm gonna keep that turned off but just keep that in mind wherever you see that option that'll enable you to allow your textures to go through seams seamlessly now let me show you how to export the textures for this and then I'll show you how to render it in substance painter so let's go up to file go down to export textures and up here you set the folder you want to export to as well as the format for the images and here's our configuration and set to our project configuration which is unity 5 and let me expand this so down here is the maps that are going to be exported I'll explain them in a minute and over here we have the document size and like I mentioned before you can actually increase that size and substance painter will recalculate your textures without any quality loss so I'll leave that set to 2k though now let's go over to configuration and I'll go down to the one we chose which was unity 5 standard metallic so by default these are the maps are exported under this configuration we have our albedo and transparency we have the metallic information in this image saved to the RGB channels and the smoothness information saved to the Alpha Channel then we have our normal map here which also includes the height information you know you're not going to get a separate height map out of this export that's going to be combined with the normal map and then in a mission map if you have emission materials now let's say you wanted to include ambient occlusion as an exported map as well to do that let's create a new grey map and then over in the mesh maps left click and drag ambient occlusion over to the grey Channel and then choose gray Channel and now let's rename this let's give it the same naming convention as the others so I'll copy that text paste it there and just rename the suffix to AO so now this configuration is going to export an ambient occlusion map as well now if you don't want to export maps to unity and you want to export maps for a more general PBR metal roughness workflow then let's switch over to that configuration here and you'll see we have our basic color map their roughness metallic normal height emissive all the things we can easily use in programs like blender so let's create the ambient occlusion map for this as well so I'll click grey under create drag ambient inclusion from mesh maps over all into there choose grey channel and again we'll copy and paste that name over and switch the suffix to AO so now we've changed that configuration as well to include exporting an ambient occlusion map now if you're using this configuration there's one thing to keep in mind and that's the kind of normal map being used right now you can see that normal map for Direct X is being used but if you want to use this in blender we're gonna have to change this to normal OpenGL so what I'll do is just click on that drag it on to the RGB channel of the normal map there and then choose RGB channels so now we'll be rendering out a normal map for OpenGL so we'll be able to use that in blender now we have to go back to our export tab and choose whatever configuration you want to export and then we will just click on export now you can see it popped up with a warning and you can see that in the log below here says Matt knife low material emissive can't be generated well that's because we don't have any emissive information so you can just ignore that and I'll click on open folder and we'll check out the maps we've got now make a note that when you export textures the height detail is combined into the normal map so you don't actually have to export a height map unless you're using it for displacement so I did a quick test render and I wasn't crazy about all the grunge and the dirt and so I simply turned that stuff down to achieve a cleaner look and if you want to get the same results as me I'm going to quickly show you the settings for each of my masks and textures so let me go over to the layers and I'll click on the mask for the dirt layer and go down to the mg dirt generator so these are the settings for that generator if you want to copy these over then you can pause the video now and copy them and now let me go down to the blade folder I'll expand that I'll go down to black paint and go to what let's click on the mask for that and click on the metal edge where generator and these are the settings for that and now let me go to the regular black paint layer and I'll go down to the mat finish rough filter and these are the settings that I changed for that I think I just lower the brushing intensity for this and now let me go down to the handle I'll expand that we'll go down to the rubber warn mask and click on the metal edge where generator and these are the settings that I changed here I think I might have just lower the contrast and so basically I just turned the dirt down and the metal Edgware and gave me a cleaner look and I think that looks a lot better in the renders so that's what I'm gonna stick with so once you've got your textures dialed in what we're gonna do now is just make a nice friend ER and substance painter so let's go up to the top right here click on the camera icon to activate the Irate renderer so at the top right panel here we have our render settings you can set your number of samples or you can set your max time and whichever maximum it reaches first the rendering will stop you can always pause the rendering at any point as well and at any point you can save the render too you don't actually have to let it finish all of the iterations and down here you have the resolution settings by default the viewport size is the resolution but you can override that by enabling that option and typing in your own resolution settings there now down here in the environment settings you can switch your HDR environment if you want to but I'm gonna leave mine set to panorama and if you scroll down there's some other options down here including turning on and off the ground right now it's kind of hard to see with this but it is casting a shadow so I'm gonna turn off the ground because I also want to turn off the background by enabling clear color and I'll change this to a darker gray and if you scroll down you've got some camera settings here including field of view the higher that is the more perspective the scene will have the lower it is the more orthographic it will be and we also got some post effects down here so you can enable that and enable things like glare and I'll add some shines to the brighter parts of your image and you can play with those settings if you want and includes lots of different shapes as well I'll set mine to bloom and just gives me a nice little glow and some horizontal streaks like that all right so now you can just rotate your scene zoom in and out find the perfect view and also remember you can hold the shift key and right click and drag to change the environment rotation so get the right lighting get the right post effects get the right settings and let it render then hit save render and that's it and that'll actually do it for this video so if you enjoyed it hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe for new videos every week and also check out my new training course I've been working on it's called master car modeling and blender and I'll be taking you through the step-by-step process of modeling this Corvette Stingray you'll learn all the secrets to hard surface modeling you'll need to create perfect curved surfaces you can check out more about this in the link in the description so until the next video I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: CG Masters
Views: 60,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, 3d art, blender, modeling, 3d modeling, texturing, texture, animating, animation, rendering, compositing, cycles, pbr, raytracing, cg, cg masters, tutorial, tutorials, training, learn, how to, substance painter, exporting textures, game textures, game asset, texture painting, explode baking, normal maps, beginner
Id: wK7vd10Uh4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 2sec (2282 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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