Blender Addon for Rendering | HDRI MAKER

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in this video we're gonna take a look at one of the best blender add-ons when it comes to adding hdri or what is known as high dynamic range images to your cs to be able to render high quality shots or videos this add-on has a 400 hdri images that can help you capture any type of mood lighting time of the day or season of the year using sdri maker you can get full immersion in an hdri environment and you will easily be able to control various parameters usually with one click or slide these parameters will allow you to control different elements in the scene like adding animated fog adding a background material to any object on the ground and you will also be able to create animated videos inside the dome that the add-on will automatically create for you and much more the interface of the add-on is designed to be simple and intuitive the developers have changed the preview system and now they are very large to allow good preview that immediately gives you an idea about the background that you are going to choose in addition to that you can choose the quality of the background whether it be 1k 2k 4k or even 8k you can choose it from 23 categories which will allow you to remember and know where certain high dynamic range images are when you need them generally speaking this addon is fantastic for rendering high quality videos and images if you want to check it out you can find the links in the description to explain how this atom works first of all we're going to use this airplane as an example as you can see here and before we do anything we need to install the add-on so we're going to go to edit preferences and we're going to go here to installation and find the installation file as you can see there are two versions that you need to download if you have a 2.83 or older depending on what you have and you're going to choose one and then install the add-on then you're going to come over here and you are going to look for this zip libraries path you're going to choose the path of the files that you're going to need to extract the hdris so there are actually about 19 of them actually exactly 19 and about 40 gigs you're gonna find them here on the website these are the 19 files that you need to download each one of them is two gigs and you need to download them all one by one in order for this to work after that you're gonna accept and close this and choose the installation path and install the files and then you're gonna wait for a couple of minutes until this is done all right so to start testing this add-on first of all we're gonna go to categories and choose one category among these uh for instance we're gonna choose open world and we're gonna look for something interesting for example this one here number eight and we're going to change the resolution to something like 8k because it is the best quality possible and we're going to add it we can't see anything because we need to activate the viewport shading and since we are working right now with cycles this is going to be a little bit kind of something that is going to take a little bit more time to clear the noise and stuff so we better work with ev which is better for real-time rendering and getting the most in real time okay so now we have it and we need to start working with some parameters first of all we need to use the background controls and we need to add the synchronization of the sun this allows us to see how the sun is actually affecting our object and as you can see it is and there is one very important thing to do first of all before we do anything which is to check this box hdri projected it allows us to create a ground underneath our airplane uh and since we are inside a dome as you can see this is very effective and it is it makes things way more realistic we can change the intensity of the sun like this we can change the inclination as you can see we can change also the rotation we can change the light coming from the intensity of the light coming from the hdri we can change exposure colorization we can change also saturation which is great and we can change the position on the x of course of the hdri i mean on the y and rotation on the z as well if you want to rotate the sdri also um there are a lot of parameters you can control that we're gonna talk about one by one since we are here we are gonna actually test also the shadow catcher and one of the most important features about it we're gonna go to add and we're gonna add a plane as from the keyboard to scale it a little bit as you can see this is gonna allow us to actually see the shadow of the airplane better and this plane is gonna allow us to catch the shadow and see it in more vivid details as you can see if we rotate the shadow around the airplane we can see that it is much more clearer and higher and higher when it comes to the definition okay this is one thing i wanted to talk about we can delete this if you want to but for now we're going to do something really interesting which is actually um using the fog in this add-on which is fantastic as you can see to activate the fog we need to go over here to show the fog and there is a lot going on here so we need the first thing we need to do is to change the density if you want to we can change the level of the fog and we can change the emission or the emissive value all right so the most important thing or the most important features i think here that that is going to affect your scene positively is the value of the patches as you can see it allows us to actually um or it allows the fog to form patches around the airplane which is fantastic and the the nice thing is that this fog here is animated as you can see it is moving around the airplane we can increase the density to see it better and we can see increase also the quality we can change it to high or very high or even best but yeah depending on what you want whatever you need fantastic we can also um change the scale of the patches we can increase the the speed of the wind which allows us to increase the speed of the fog as well as you can see if we push this to a higher value we can see that the patches are more clear and stuff also the density if we increase it and reduce the the value of the patches a little bit we can see different results and the speed i think it is a little bit too high okay fantastic great and we can say that so far we're getting really really cool results and this add-on is actually gonna allow you to do a lot of different things if you use it right okay right now we're gonna test other functions of the hdri maker add-on and um we're gonna actually add this uh background as you will see and we're gonna as usual activate the viewport shading and change the render engine to ev as well okay nice uh we're gonna do the same things we've done before sync the sun hdri projection and one thing that is going to be different we're going to change the size of this shoe dramatically we want it to be something like this probably or even smaller probably something like this and we gotta also move it a little bit probably probably to something close to this and we are gonna zoom a little bit as you can see fantastic uh there are a few things we're gonna add to this scene in particular for example uh for example we want to create um add something to the ground we're gonna actually go to add we're gonna go to plane and this plane is gonna be our uh our is gonna represent part of our ground okay so we're gonna probably rotate it a little bit and we're gonna go to sculpting tools or sculpting mode uh go to tools reactivate dino topo and change this to something like five and we're going to create something around this around around our shoe to create kind of an even ground here to create a certain effect that we are aiming for and as you can see this is a fantastic way of dealing with uh kind of adding depth and the third dimension to something that is flat we can do this real quick for a purpose we're gonna use later and you can create actually uh anything you want related to adding these effects to the ground also another thing i want to talk about which is the fact that we can literally add bricks or anything you want to add to the ground as well for example we're gonna add a cube here of course we're gonna make it way smaller and we're gonna move it over here we're gonna rotate it a little bit and scale it again okay i'm gonna move it once again and what we're going to do right now is we're going to also add it to the ground and as you can see it is not perfect but we can fix it real quick okay so now we're gonna also go to the sculpt mode do the same thing we've done this is important because we want to actually control how this is looking right now and how it is uh being integrated with with the ground we have for example this here should not look like this so we're gonna fix it and remove hard edges and stuff because this does not look natural right now we're gonna smooth it out as best as we can to make it look more realistic and believable okay that's nice we can do the same thing over here [Music] [Music] so and and as you have seen this was just a quick example of what is uh what we can do using this add-on and how we can add geometry to a flat surface when it comes also to um this plane we added here probably we're gonna add a little bit more depth to it like um we want it to pop out a little bit because we're gonna do something interesting here we're gonna go back to object mode we're gonna add another plane this one is gonna be smaller and it's gonna be directly underneath this uh shoe over here and we're gonna make sure that it is a little bit all right nice and if we select this uh plane we created and change this from simple or probably to reflection or water we're gonna see different things so for now we're gonna choose water effect and uh again we're gonna actually try to add the shadow catcher and as you can see we are seeing a water effect taking place over here which is nice uh there are a lot of parameters also when it comes and control when it comes to working with water in this add-on uh we can change the range probably a lot of them you can see because the surface is very small but if you have other surfaces and other opportunities to work with this add-on you're gonna see its power you can you can change the reflection you can change the roughness you can change the probe size that is actually where as you can see it is this is not really needed so uh depends on the situation of course it depends highly on the situation all right so we can change also one of the very important parameters which is whether the water is static or flowing so if we try flowing water we can see that the water is actually moving which is a nice thing we can add we can also um change the speed at which the water is moving all right if we change this we can change water speed which is not realistic but we can actually use it for different situations the water detail also uh and of course the the larger the surface is the more details we need and if you are using also uh us uh for example in an open space you need waves and stuff and as you can see this is a really nice cool effect that we can add whatever we want and whenever we want also if we want to apply the other stuff we did before like fog we can do it as well we can show fog as you can see we can change the patches the density the level and the emission we can change the force of the wind and as you can see this is a cool thing we can do inside this fantastic add-on for rendering and stuff hdris and everything else so i hope you found this video useful and i hope you will take a look at this add-on sdri maker you can find the links in the description there is actually a promotion code that you're going to use provided by the developer andrew and if you want to check it out you can go to the blender marketplace or you can also go to the gumroad page where you can find all the necessary files and the download links that are going to use to work on your projects again i hope you found this useful and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: InspirationTuts
Views: 15,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HDRI Maker, Blender Addon, HDRI MAKER ADDON, Best Blender addons, Blender addons, Blender new Addons, Blender best Addons for fast production, BlenderPLugins, Blender, VFX Addons, VFX, 3D, VFX tools, Visual Effects Addons, Visual effects Tools, professional visual effects software, 3D Software, VFX software, Blender simulation addons, Blender modeling addons, Blender animation addons, Blender rigging addons, Blender sculpting addons, Blender texturing painting addons
Id: xdSp8aucJtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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