Blender 4.0 - New Rigging Features & Pose Update!

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[Music] and while wait for the final release of blender 4.0 here's something I think a lot of you guys would love especially if you're into rigging so with 4.0 open right here if you choose to work with amateurs you can now have more fun working with this and this deals with how you get to preview your joints and amateur when working with both the pose mode and also the edit mode so by default if you're trying to make more arms or more you know amateur limbs if you press your type key you switch over to the edit mode and if you tap e you can now proceed to do all of this now creating this and switching over say for example we have all of this selected and we switch over to our post mode you notice the color Remains the Same nothing technically changes except for the fact that you are now in pause mode and this means that you can select any of the joints and make some changes to them and that becomes the pose that the object has but what if you would want to have specific big colors for specific reasons maybe you're creating a character and the character has some extra limbs or maybe it has some extra joint and you want to texture that joint so you can remember what that joint is specifically for or probably you would like to return to that joint later in time and do some more work with it how you can now do this in blender is very easy so with 4.0 you can select any joint go over to the Joint section and now you notice we have viewports displayed so you can click on the viewport display which makes it easy for you to either hide or unhide any joint now you can select that joint and give it any color you want so you won't give it that color that's fine whatever color you want to give it you can actually go to town with it and color your joints however you want you know you can just have as much phone as you want in terms of coloring your joint and this is super super cool if you switch back to your pose mode I want you to notice that the joint now contains the same color and the pose Remains the Same Way We Made It previously but right now there is also an extra update now what the update is is this that within your post mode you can choose the posing model however you want but then what if you would like to see your joints in a specific way when posing and that is where the next viewport update comes in so if we come right here within the pose bone color we can give these joints a different color so we can say we would like to see this say in a very interesting color of blue at any point in time we are doing this we would like to see it in this color or maybe bluish green I have no idea what that color is but we can select all of that and at the end of the day this is what we're going to be seeing our joint as you can definitely change the color anytime say maybe you want to make it more brownie so you like to have brown colors whenever you're doing your pose mode you can of course go ahead and select brown colors all true and this is the color that you're getting when you're in pose mode so if you switch back to edit mode you have your formal color if you switch back to pose mode another color this is lovely I sort of like it a lot but there is also something else I like which you not see in other versions of blender because it is currently available only in blender 4.0 and that is this that if you select any joints say for example you're reading your edit mode and you select these joints if you press M on the keyboard instead of this invoking the layers this now invokes collection so you can now put these things in a collection I can call the 0.1 or zero one click on OK and put them in a collection I can select this join I can hold down shift and select this other one and select this other one and then pop M on the keyboard and put them in another collection say collection two and they would exist there but now where do you find the collection we know we Blended 3.6 on later versions you find these things in individual layers which might be bit tricky to track but now it is even easier because if you go over to your data section you now have them so you can select on individual joints and see where they exist if you also select this other one you know it exists there you can choose to remove it from there and plug it in here and that is where it's going to exist you can do the same thing with this other one so you can have that selected and you can see where it exists here and you can have this other one selected you notice existing number one you can select this other one and choose to maybe remove that from there and put this right here so what makes more sense is you can have this joint in collections which you can hide and reveal and you can do that back and forth so depending on what you're trying to do this makes a lot of sense this is not the only place it stops you probably notice that when we switched over to the pose mode we had this interesting stuff so how do you work with this one for this particular one we're going to load up a simple scene in with the early 3D character which you can get within the demo section of blender so this character comes as a demo file so you can pick it up now instead of having this shelf which used to exist here which I'm just going to go ahead and push this to the point so instead of having that shelf that used to exist here you now have all of these right here this now takes advantage of you know the whole design idea of the asset browser and all that to position this here so you now have that so at any point in time you can have your models and you can simply select select and change the features of your poses you can also choose to blend with the factors here so you can do a blend factor and get something good and you can also do the same thing with this other one so you can select whatever facial feature performance that you want and you can also choose to blend that so depending on what you're going for you can do it and instead of the mirror tool which we used to have you now have a flipped so you can now flip that you can now flip this and let's find something that is one-sided which can be flipped yeah so you can flip that and you know you can click on this button and flip it and this looks really really good so for anyone who has been thinking about oh what is the new features coming over to blender 4.0 especially for rigging there's a few more that is coming but these ones are one of the cool ones I think you guys need to know so this is it for those who are thinking about exploring it probably you're into rigging or maybe you're into anime 18 and you're just thinking about something that is pretty cool that you can work with then you can go over to the link in the description and jump on this one and start working with it and for those who like to see a full video about all of the cool things coming to blender 4.0 links to that is also going to be in the description so do well too check it out tell me what you guys think about this one in the comment section and of course if you like this video or you like something from this you can go ahead and give a like and don't forget to share with a friend and I'll see you guys in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: askNK
Views: 45,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asknk, maya, 3d Tutorials, Houdini, BLENDER, asnk, blender2.9, blender2.91, blender 2.92, blender 2.92 new features, blender 3, blender 2.92 released, character creator, 3d character creator, reallusion character creator, blender 2.93, blender, blender 2.93 new features, blender 3.0 new features, b3d, unreal engine, rendering, free assets, free 3d model, blender 4.0 features, blender 4.0 alpha, blender 4.0 new features
Id: iY53C6_n6zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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