Blender 3.5 set to destroy Maya and cinema 4d?

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everything I say in this video is based off how I see the industry from afar the struggle most beginners go through and how the system works this might be hard Truth for some but guess what I'm not here to tickle you but rather give clarification to the lost and confused through this artist let's try to keep this clean in the comment section below without being rude I love blender and I love my 3ds Max let's begin on some good notes blender has been used for a lot of effects in some dozens of commercial TV shows and movies besides blender was the main tool used to create the Netflix movie Next Gen blender is becoming more popular every day especially in small shop work where the use of blender often goes unnoticed if this is it then someone might ask why is blender still on the streets being the favorite amongst most small Studios well blender is a jack of all trade and a master at Nan there is no other single tool with as broad a feature set as blender if you have to pick only a single tool to create all visual content blender will win that category with it you can pixel paint Vector paint mesh model sculpt in multi-resolution or dynamic topology 3D texture paint rig script animate simulate render VFX motion track compass grade cut assemble and do tons of other things and you can use all of those tools without a single import export working entirely within blender oh and it's totally free this is especially advantageous in smaller VFX projects now check this out Autodesk pulled in 150 million in Revenue last year in their creative tool department while blender Foundation is probably bringing in under 2 million in annual blender support whoa right such a big Market margin if that's what you're wondering well aside from obvious differences in selling softwares versus accepting donations and the fact that more blender users could donate many seats for 3D tools exist at big studios and blender isn't yet great at fitting into big Studio pipelines let me explain blender's power comes from handling the entire pipeline not by being the best at any given piece of pipeline blender sometimes has challenges in integrating with other tools and proprietary code because it's less popular on the level of production blender isn't as marketable as skill now this makes it harder to hire senior skilled blender artist and that has contributed to its less popularity on highly marketable projects and I hope you know what this means right large first world Studios used best of breed tools when a trained 3D artist salary is 80 260 000 plus USD per year and an artist typically specializes on one to two twos in a specific area of the pipeline spending two thousand to five thousand USD for two spare artists is very affordable therefore larger Studios standardize around the best tools for the job independent of the cost imagine a studio using zbrush substance painter Maya Houdini Arnold and nuke even if all their artists were magically blender experts which piece of pipeline should they swap out for blender to get better results and efficiency the answer is usually none of them as broad as blender's feature set is it's not always the best at a given task blenders modeling sculpting compositing rendering and VFX tracking tools are pretty well respected but are not the best in the industry and in other areas it's more than a decade behind stage of the art blender modifiers and procedural abilities are very far behind decade old HSI ice and Cinema 4D more graph not to mention modern Houdini also blenders clothes simulation while improving from 3.2 and above is still less usable than decade old Maya and cloth as we've talked about above this situation is very different in a small Studio especially in less developed countries if two artists are each being paid 50 000 per year then buying them each 20 000 worth of software licenses to run the above pipeline as massive overhead for this reason using blender is much better especially if you know it can replace the entire pipeline for free with low quality but better efficiency maybe one might ask so then why doesn't blender fit well into multi-tool pipelines well I hate to make bigger statements but the real truth is blender has challenges fitting into pipelines let's just see for now simply because it used both as One-Stop shop and sometimes within people's pipeline however there's a difference between an artist doing a task with blender and a studio designing their pipeline around blender in order for Studios to do that it needs to bring them notable advantages of which lower cost is only a part of it with low risk unfortunately there are some risks and roadblocks associated with a big Studio going blender blender has some awkward obituary limits and a couple of them will be limited in and out support and sometimes uses the GPL just imagine having to deal with frustrating awkward data limits limits like 16 materials per mesh HUV Maps per mesh and the fixed 20 layer grade system that was before right don't get me wrong if you are old enough you would remember the famous quote where Bill Gates once said 640 000 was more than anyone needed it turns out we need more than 640 000 more than 16 materials more than 8 UV maps and more than 20 layers blender's recent updates are really massive very stable they've managed to overhaul layers into collection with no limits and the 16 material limit is now removed along with blender eternals it's unclear if all when the agv map limit will be removed though there is supposedly a workaround before version 2.5 even blender simple obj support had problems since then it improved and good alambic support is really helping support for udim showed up in their 2.8 release which was super exciting to hear however they can be very complex and very stressful to work with at times not forgetting the elephant in the room which is fbx fbh is still one of the easiest way to move certain things between tools like rigged animated characters blenders FBI is still really limited though we can blame this on Autodesk for creating an implemented defined standard with the library license incompatible with GPL Studios don't care they just want to get the work done game engines like on real Engine 4 and above have solved this issue with custom i o plugins for blender however in order to fit into a broad spectrum of large pipelines blender needs a robust way to move complex data in and out of other tools especially actually rigged characters colada which was designed to fix this problem was an industry failure hopefully jitf or opengex will eventually rival fbx for this kind of work personally the GPR has always been a double-edged sword by using the GPL blender can never get into the stage where it's dependent on a bunch of commercial plugins to be effective however this also makes it harder to fit deep into commercial pipelines first of all the GPL makes commercial integration plugins hard or impractical to create because commercial closed C or C plus plus code is not allowed to link with blender second the GPL makes internal integration with the in-house C or C plus plus code base 2 legally dangerous the question is what happens if you give a binary to a vendor would you call that a release does that mean you have to open source all your internal codes corporate players recommend against linking any proprietary code with GPR software in the corporate world you can use GPR software you can improve GPR software but you can't link any Eternal proprietary code with it GPR proponents are quick to point out success stories like Linux which has dominated both servers and smartphones however the GPR works well for the Linux Canal because Linux applications don't need to be under the GPL license because they live in a separate address page now blender does not have this luxury because 3D plugins need to live in blenders address space which means the GPR requires them to also be under the GPL I give that for blender the right license to support the hybrid open source nature of lineage success will be the lgpl or mpl2 that way blender's code will be free forever but H2O could support non-gpr plugins across specific plugin API boundaries this and many more limitations blender has to deal with now the question is how does blender overcome these limitations obviously it's very simple blender needs to become the best at every task humor aside blender would continue to make inroads in the corporate world as its feature set improves and as it becomes better at fitting into multi-tool pipeline as this happens more artists will try it out and some of them will grow to like it the more these artists use blender and grow to like it the more Studios might standardize on it now the more that happens the more marketable blenders knowledge will become and the virtual cycle will continue blender is going to make great strides the software now has a real-time PBR viewport renderer called EV which unifies shading setups with cycles and some dramatic improvements to include simulation meanwhile work is already under away for one of the next big pushes dabbed everything nudes which I'm pretty sure would Place blender on a more competitive level with Cinema 4d's more graph espresso 3DS Max's MCG and Houdini this is my best advice to newbies if you are still saving up money to purchase Maya Cinema 4D Houdini or any other software that cost much it's a waste of time I'm not going to lie to you kill those lazy times using blender it's much easier transferring those knowledges to other softwares always remember to place your skills ahead of the tool because if you were to jump on a different software after years of using blender you lack nothing and because you have developed the skill all you need to do is to make some few changes to the new tool you just hopped on and boom you are good to go instead of making excuses as to why you can't find a job you know what create one because blender is free
Channel: Gear Solid
Views: 14,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender vs maya, maya vs blender, is blender better than maya, maya or blender, blender vs maya animation, maya vs blender animation, maya vs blender 2022, maya vs blender vs zbrush, blender vs maya which is better, blender 3.5 new features, blender 3.5 release date, blender 3.5 animation, blender 3.5 geometry, blender 3.4 new features, blender vs cinema 4d 2023, blender 4.0 release date, blender 4.0 roadmap, blender 4.0 download, godot 4.0 blender, blender vs maya 2023
Id: Oa_VYQlyr1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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