Blender 3.5 new features might be bigger than Maya.

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thank you where do you see blender in the next five years your thoughts would be appreciated in the comment section below personally I think blender in the next five years would have a permanent place in the industry and we can see it doing a lot of storyboardings in most bfx houses already but whatever it takes to fit or even replace a software within a big budget pipeline this is an important question because if it's able to attain this feed the confidence for other houses to make their switch will be high thus cutting down a lot of post-production costs real quick if you are a newbie piling up cash to go in for nude Maya Houdini or Cinema 4D well the best I can do is to congratulate you on the slow tactical investment you are making advances on those softwares cost hundreds and thousands to license and oh not just that in to make your money back you need to make sure you have a business running just so you can keep up with your Perpetual sales this makes it difficult for beginners to learn and too expensive for most Independent Artists and Developers for this reason most people have dropped their morals just so they could fit into the crack world industry standard software for a very long time kept being the main go-to regardless of how tight you were on budget though most companies did their best to provide minor versions to their main software at low cost they were still not enough for newbies and Freelancers who wanted to build something from scratch without limitations the awful part is there was no competitive alternative that sold for Super less or went for free this meant people with little to no budget had no chance of making their 3D dream a reality most people could have sought out a blender back in the days but the thing is blender wasn't good in those times job new Blended lagged behind in terms of usability controls and simplicity blender 5 to 20 years ago wasn't a software you could confidently install on any computer the software was just too old and took on a different learning curve which was some type of a case to any of its users who had moved on from other softwares [Music] blender by default choose to use right click to select something instead of left click which most people included me had no idea it was optional from the preference tab meanwhile every other 3D program used left click as it select both blender illiterate back in the days including me couldn't use blender simply because of this default option I had blender installed back in 2012 but never touched it until 2017 simply because the right click to select was just too odd for me this was a decision blender made in the 90s to separate selection from action to create a faster workflow weird right well it's cool if you are used to it but this default selection was extremely unintuitive for new users to learn blender because it went against years of training and muscle memory from other softwares blender's user interface was also much boring in its early versions the middle gray considerably looked cool in the late 2009s but it looked very outdated by the 2014's to 2017 and this is something blender users had to deal with for a long time until it was changed in 2019 besides the outdated look blender had also managed to accumulate a lot of bad user experience lack of features reviews regions and bad blog posts over the years before 2017 I tried blender the first time in 2013 but it didn't feel great using it besides I made a lot of mistakes but the good thing is I had a backup copy of 3ds Max from my teacher and for that reason I simply went back anytime I felt discouraged using blender that was easy my muscle memory was built around 3ds Max so going back from other software was easy for this reason most of my early 3D modeling UV map and texturing and rendering were made in 3ds Max however as a student paying for newer licenses wasn't good for my health As Time flew by I became a bit knowledgeable with the subsequent blender versions and could model it's called UV map but I always felt Limited by the software since it was free I just took it upon myself to keep studying the software for the next five years now this is the luckiest coincidental decision I ever made because it only took a year or two for the next big thing to happen to blender which I never imagined possible [Music] blender 2.8 arrived in a class of its own this particular release was its most impactful update in its long history blender has finally swapped their default right click for left click awesome but you could still opt in for right click using the preference tab if that's the control you were used to however while the selection button is certainly the most memorable change blender 2.8 has also made a lot of improvement the user interface received a well needed modernization and now has a cleaner and better structured dark gray interface the 2.8 update also added a real-time render engine that can be used in the viewport and final renders called EV Eevee speeds up your workflow by giving you the ability to preview your shots in real time before rendering since then EVN Cycles have been going through a series of massive updates leaving workbench behind this is can have a photo realistic Life preview in Evie just to have a quick Glimpse on what your final render would look like in Cycles I have a video on why you're rendering stocks in render where I explain EVS Cycles into details how impressive blender 2.8 was when I first tried it I hardly could remember any other software that had undergone such massive updates like blender 2.8 now to the big question does this mean blender now had a shot to compete with other Industrial Level 3D software well time will tell [Music] at December 10 2021 and blender Foundation had announced the release of blender 3.0 to make the Mark the beginning of a new era open source 2D and 3D content creation blender has finally leveled up the first Total version chained for the incredible powerful widespread open source visual software in over 20 years the software had a couple of features improved such as a number of improved viewport animations control and aesthetic theme changes the addition of an asset browser was the main killer update blender users were waiting for and finally showed up in blender 3.0 the company also mentioned a couple of supports they were getting from other major manufacturers such as Intel AMD Nvidia and apple and it's working to ensure an equal and fully compatible experience disregarding the platform or operating system at that point people who thought blender couldn't function at a certain level in the industry are beginning to change their minds most blender users are new decided to support their workflow with blender because why waste money on something blender can do for free foreign [Music] painting breaking and animation the interesting thing about this was that blender's old proxy system for managing linked access from other files which was previously replaced by the new library override system is now completely removed from blender the Old Post Library had been removed as well with the old panel still there but grayed out next to the button that converts the poses to the new pose assets may they rest in peace their updates also made in the rendering space you could now bake udim Textures in Cycles previously baking only worked in the zero to one texture space Cycles AMD GPU rendering on Linux machines is now available at least for our DNA and rdna2 cards like on windows at long last compositing and video editing also got to receive an update in the 3.1 release things are looking good stable and wrong at this moment I already made a video on blender 3.4 you can watch later are you ready to give up who you once thought you were I am a few years ago blender was the main go-to software for beginners but the hard work dedication and consistency of blender Foundation has granted the software a place in the 3D and VFX industry most big companies are adopting it into their workflow and many of them have opted to support the blender project Ubi soft game loved EA Sports Infinity Ward Microsoft epic games just to mention a few have implemented blender into their workflow also is used in most anime Studios and Hollywood movies a quick question here who thinks blender has a shirt to replacing any industry software within a pipeline personally it's a bit dicey to take an absolute position at both yes and no most companies have Blended running within their pipeline but it's mostly used on less dense projects the reasons are many a couple of them will be one blender support team is small two have BS is still a mess in blender 3. commercial closed C or C plus plus code are not allowed to link with blender 4. pipeline proprietary code is still a challenge sometimes for blender with this said if you choose to go with blender on a Disney Live complete animation and you encounter a problem dude you are toasted but wait a minute touch just one side of the story because blender is open source and for that matter it's possible to create your own plugins or even change the source code of the program itself just like Houdini quick example big 3D Studios could Implement their own extensions that are specific to their workflow in this case if you really want to use blender badly on big project and you feel it's missing anything just patch it yourself this is amongst the few reasons why blender is the best free complete 3D software in the world you can check out our new BET an indie filmmaker who released impressive 20 minutes short film salad mug Dynamo dream which was made completely in blender by himself blender has arrived in the top tier of 3D modeling and vfa software and can compete with industry standards in some features blender 3.5 is said to have everything node merged into the software this is big news everything nude is set to take on Cinema 4d's more graph espresso 3DS Max's MCG and Houdini with more and more money implementation of blender into bigger pipelines support from bigger companies and the help of technically inclined men being put into the project blender as a complete 3D suit would become a first to reckon with in years ahead
Channel: Gear Solid
Views: 9,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 3.5 new features, blender future, blender new features, geometry nodes, blender 3.5, blender 3.5 alpha, blender 3.5 release date, blender 3.5 features, blender vs maya 2023, blender vs maya which is better, blender vs maya, blender maya comparison, blender vs maya animation, blender modeling vs maya, is blender better than maya, blender vs maya comparison, Blender 3.5 alpha features, blender 3.5 beta, maya vs blender, blender 2023, maya or blender
Id: svPGG6vcfmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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