Blender 3 | Stylized Rocks the Easy Way | Create & Texture | Full Tutorial

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[Music] hello everyone it's neil here from 3d tutor and i'm back i'm back with another blender tutorial and this time we're going to actually look at stylized rock so a really really easy way to actually create and actually texture stylize rocks pour in a shade a pro material and really create something really really fast with just a few simple techniques so the first thing i'm going to do is just bring the cube so i'm going to press shift a mesh bring in a cube now i'm going to do is i'm going to bring in a few modifiers we don't need to alter the cube at all so don't alter it just come over to the little spanner over the right hand side i'm all going to do is add in a modifier first modifier we're going to bring in is called a subdivision surface let's put it on simple because we don't actually want to change how this actual cube looks the reason we don't want to do that as well is let's say you've already created some mesh and you want to actually change it into some stylized rocks you will be able to do that as long as you don't actually click on simple next of all what you want to do is you want to set the levels up to 5 like so and now because it's on simple you can't actually see the actual levels have gone up but they have alright so let's now close that down and actually bring in the next modifier which is going to be a displacement so we're going to click on displacement you're going to click new and you're going to actually rename this so if we rename this to something like stylized rocks then you can save this blend file out and you'll always have it there actually saved in there all right so let's click enter come down to where it says actual strength and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to set the strength to 0.2 and the mid level to 0 like so now as well because we've actually named it stylus rocks if i actually come down now to where my texture tab is this button here you'll see that when i open this up i've already got one that's called stylized rocks and now we want to do is we want to actually give this some kind of noise texture so what i'm going to do is where it says image or movie click the down arrow and come down to where it says musgrave and you'll end up with something like this now you want to do is you want to come down to where it says noise basis and you want to change that to varoni f2 f1 and then it will change to that and then all you want to do is just turn the size to one finally just for the displacement what you want to do now is come down to where it says color scroll down and you'll have one that says color ram click this on open it up and now we're going to do is just bring in another one of these points so i'm just going to press ctrl and click and you'll end up with a point that comes up and then what you want to do is check um the position so click on the position 2 0.23 something like that finally then all i want to do is just change this color now and what this is basically doing is it's changing the actual noise based on this color here so if i move this up for instance you can see it gets darker lighter and that's what's actually changing how these rocks are actually going to look so now i want to do is just change the actual color as well because the color will also affect what these actually rocks look like so if i come to my color i'm going to go to where it says v i'm going to change that to 0.867 then i'm going to press the tab button and come down to the a i'm going to change that to 0.5 and you can see now what difference that actually looks like and you can actually see that we're already starting to actually get rocks all right so let's come over to where it says the little spanner again what we're going to do is just close this up and now let's bring in our next modifier which is going to be a actual decimate and the reason we want to use a decimate is because at the moment you can see that this is really really high poly 12 288 polygons and it makes it pretty hard to move around as well once you've got a few of these in there so it's a good idea if you want to put this on other buildings or things like that that we actually start to decimate it first and all we're going to do with this decimate is just put this on 0.1 you can see here we've got a face count of 6144 as soon as i put this on 0.1 you'll see now we go down to 1167 which is pretty low poly for what this is and how many rocks there are but you can also see that it's actually really really looking much nicer now we've actually collapsed that down all right so the next thing you want to do is just put that down and now let's bring in another modifier and again we're going to bring in another decimate this time we're going to put on planar i'm going to set the degrees 215 something like that so 1 5 and then come down and click this all boundaries on and now you can see we're down to 541 polygons which is really really low and it's looking a little bit blocky at the moment so what i want to do is i want to shade smooth and then what i want to do is i want to come over and put this on where it says normals and just click autos move on and you'll see now that it's actually started to smooth those out flatten those faces and things like that and don't worry we're nowhere near done yet so we can do a lot more with this so let's come back to our little spanner let's actually click this up and let's bring in our next modifier which is going to be a smooth so if we come down and bring in a smooth modifier you can see really really actually start smoothing those off now and basically what we want to do with this is we want to repeat the amount of smoothness now if you click these up it takes a lot longer so just click on it and put in four and now you'll see that it really really starts to actually smooth those off now the thing is you'll see well i've lost all of those rocks and things like that but don't worry because what we're going to do now is actually bevel it so if we close that up now come down to where it says bevel and bring in an actual bevel now what we're going to do is we're going to put the whip type onto percentage and we're going to turn this percentage up to 10 like so and now what we're going to do is we're going to put this on to angle and just put your angle down something like 20 like so and now you'll see that well it looks like rocks but they're not stuck out as much as they were before and now all we want to do is bring in a weighted normals to actually uh fix that the last thing though before i actually come off the bevel is if we come down to geometry just click off the clamp overlap and that's just in case you actually want to mess around with pushing these rocks out and things like that if this clamp overlap isn't ticked off you won't actually get the beveling actually working so just make sure that's ticked off now let's come up and bring in a weighted normals which is this one over here and now you can see they're really really starting to look really nice and again you can go back to um your actual texture here and you know play around with the colors and things like that to make them stick out more or less or whatever you actually want now then um the actual weighted norms can stay exactly as it is all we want to do now is close that up and we actually want to triangulate this now so if we come down and hit the triangulate button you'll see we end up like that just keep the normals on and the reason we're triangulated is because um if we don't do that you're going to end up with a load of end guns and things like that in there so when you apply actually all these modifiers the mesh is actually going to be a mess at least where they're actually triangulating it if you want to send this through to another piece of software like zbrush or something like that it's actually triangulated ready so it's actually ready to go now we're not done yet so keep following along if you actually want to learn how to actually texture and add a shader onto our actual stylized rocks and then finally just close that up and there's your actual rocks now the best thing is with these rocks is i can now come in and i can actually grab this face and let's say i want to pull it out i'm going to press e press the tab button and what you notice is now it actually stretches it out if i press tab again press ctrl r bring in an edge loop left click right click and then come in and let's bring this up so let's press e bring it up and there you go so you can see it actually conforms to any of the shapes that you might actually have already within your scene so that's really good now if i press shift spacebar bring in my move tool put this to the left hand side let's press shift a and what we're going to bring in now is an actual uv sphere so bring in a uv sphere let's not make it bigger straight away let's first of all come down and just alter the amount of segments and rings because at the moment it's got way way too many when you're dealing with something like these rocks it's better off actually to have it lower polygon because we're already actually um subdividing it anyway so let's come in and put this on something like 12 and 12 like so and now i'm going to do is i'm just gonna shift select this one shift select this one press ctrl j and then what will happen is this will inherit all of those actual rocks and as you can see now let's press tab let's come into our little um uv sphere let's press s and bring it out and as we bring it out those rocks now are actually going to get bigger as well press p selection separate off and there you go you can see exactly what that looks like now let's bring in some light so we can actually see what we're doing here and let's get rid of this one we only want one of the rocks in the scene anyway so let's delete this one let's bring this up first of all i want to set the actual orientation to the center of my rock so ctrl a all transforms and then right click set origin geometry like so and now i want to do is i want to pull it up a little bit like so all right so let's now come over and what we'll do first of all we'll put this onto cycles so i'm going to put this on cycles i'm going to use my gpu instead of my cpu so i'm going to put on gpu compute you might have to use your cpu we're not going to go through in this tutorial how to change that or anything like that just put on gpu or cpu and then all you're going to do is just click on the denoising in the actual viewport so we can move around and actually see what we're doing now if we put it on cycles right now you will see that we've got nothing in the screen scene but you can see as i move around there's none of that actual noise or not a lot of noise because we've put denoising on so now let's bring in first of all a plane so shift a bring in a plane bring your plane right out so we can actually see what we're doing and now finally we'll bring in some light so shift a come down light let's bring in a sun and there we go now we've got some really nice light i'm going to bring it up rotate it around with rx and then rz rotate it around just so we've got some nice actual light on there and there we go you can see just how beautiful those rocks actually are alright so now it's time to actually give these rocks on material so let's come over click on our rocks come over to our material panel which is this one here let's click new and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to call this stylized rock so double click it stylized rocks like so and then what i'm going to do now is head on over to my shading panel which is this one here again i'm going to put this onto cycles rendering just so i can see it like so and now i'm going to do is just zoom out a little bit and i'm just going to come over to this side now what i'm going to do is i'm going to do two things with this actual rock first of all i'm going to bring in some ambient occlusion that then will make sure we've got control all of the recesses and cavities and edges and things like that making them as dark or as light as we want to and second of all we want to make sure that the rock has different colors on it depending on where the actual parts of the rock are so in other words if you've got rock faces that are facing outwards where they're catching a lot of light they're gonna be naturally a lighter color and it's a little trick that you use in stylization when you're actually painting it you paint parts that are deep in cavities much more darker than the edges of things because the edges of things are normally much much brighter than the actual cavities and for instance down here it's going to be darker than up here for instance and that's exactly what we actually want to do without all the work of actually painting it all right so the first thing we want to bring in is an ambient occlusion so let's press shift a search and then you're going to put in amd and you'll see you've got one called ambient occlusion now let's bring in an actual color ramp so we can actually do something with this ambient occlusion so shift a search color ramp bring that in and now let's finally bring in an overlay so shift a search now you won't find one that's called overlay it's actually under mix rgb so if you come to mix rgb you'll see it says mix here but if you click this little down arrow you will have one that says overlay all right so now we want to do is plug all these in so our ao wants to go into our color ramp and our actual um color from our color ram wants to actually go into the bottom of our overlay because in the top of there we're actually going to put the different colors and things like that all right finally the color of this then wants to go into our principle like so and you'll see already what's actually happening you could see as i take that out it's really light in there and as i plug it in it's really dark in there we've got real darkness even down at the bottom and that's exactly what we want now if i come over and i mess around with these so if i pull this all the way up you can see exactly what's happened there we're basically getting a lot of darkness in here now if it's too dark you can actually bring this down as well to actually drop it back a little bit but what you can do is click on this black and just make it a little bit lighter and then it's not going to be quite as extreme but you can see now how much difference that actually makes just bringing in some ambient occlusion and i would say um at this point just to really play around with it a little bit i think actually that looks really nice all right so now it's time to actually give our stylized rock some actual materials and we want to do it in a way where we can give it um quick materials to make the rocks look like it's actually been hand painted and give it that real stylized look and feel but without all the work so basically how do we actually do that so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to bring in a mapping node so if i press shift a you can do a search you'll end up with one that call is called mapping so this one here bring that in next of all i want to bring in a geometry node so shift a geometry and we're bringing this in basically to tell blender where we actually want to place our different colors so let's now bring the pointless and put that into the vector of our actual mapping and then we want to do is bring in some math notes so if we um shift a again math bring one in and i'm going to duplicate this one so shift d then i'm going to grab them both with shift click and then shift d duplicate them both again and now i'm going to do is plug all these in so basically i'm going to plug my vector into the top and just work my way down plug in all of these in oops like so and then what i'll do is i'll just grab all of these and just move them over here with the actual g key now i want to do is actually want to plug um this into something basically to allow me to have different colors so shift a color ramp like so and then finally what i want to do now is i want to plug this into the fact of here and i want to change a few of these maps now so what i want to do is i want to change this to modulo and i want to change this one so the second one to multiply and now i just want to play around with some of these values a little bit and as i say always don't play around with your values until you've actually seen what i'm actually going to do and then you can play around with them to your heart's content so let's put this on 0.6 let's put this one on 1.4 let's put this one on 1.060 and this is probably the actually most important math node now what i want to do is i want to plug this i'm not going to put it through the overlay i'm going to plug it into my base color first like so and you'll see everything disappears and we've only got at the moment some actual um black parts on here and the rest of it is actually white and that's exactly what we want now if i zoom in a little bit and what i want to do is bring in a few points so i'm going to click ctrl click ctrl click and bring in the first color so we'll bring in the first color set it right up there and let's put it on a blue or something like that next color let's uh put this on a green set it right up there and the reason i'm doing this is so i can actually see the colors really really well and they're really going to stand out and let me know whereabouts everything is okay so the last one let's set that on let's say um have we got a blue something like that blue so you can see at the moment that our main colors are this one here but if i actually start to move these now so if i move this red up for instance you'll see that we actually start to get some actual red appearing and if i move this green up we'll see hopefully that we should now start to get something in those cavities now this might be a little bit lower i might need to move them up a little bit closer together so if i bring this blue up you'll see we don't really get any blue at the moment but if i zoom in a little bit so let's zoom in and bring this up a little bit like so and then bring the green up a little bit and now finally bring that blue in we sure just get a little crevice of actual blue so what you can see is happening here is um on the the red is really the outside the blue is actually reflecting a lot of these light particles and things like that and then finally we've got the yellow which is down here which is like kind of the crevice and then the actual blue which is actually the deep crevices now you can see how easy that was to do and all we need to do now is actually if we put this on something like the spline you'll see now it actually kind of washes them all out and things like that but we still keep that color you can also put it on something like cardinal and maybe not wash it out as much and you can see now it's a slow gradual look now what i tend to do is i'll tend to come in and change the color of the rock so i'll grab this one and then what i'll do is i'll come and put it on a color that i'm actually sharpie with so i'm going to put it on a little tinge of blue i'm going to bring it down to a little bit darker and just first of all just set up the actual color so actually grab that one and then come to your red um and grab the pipette so if i grab this you'll see you've got a little prepared click on there and then click click on the gray and then the next one grab your little pipette click on the gray and then finally the green pipette and put it on there all right so now we know that the outside so this one here is um should be a little bit lighter so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come to this one i'm going to put it a little bit lighter like so and i'm going to come to the next one and this one should be a little bit darker so a little bit darker like so and then finally the last one which is this one here should be the darkest of all like so and now you can actually come in and change the actual color of them so if i come to this one now i can actually make it a little bit lighter as you can see and come to the next one then and make that one a little bit lighter as you can see and now you can actually see that we've got all of these different colors in here now the final thing to do once you've actually got that is play around with these even more if you like get the right colors at the moment i think we could go a little bit bluer or something like that so let's actually do that so i'm going to put a little bit blue something like that i'm just going to finally play around with them a little bit more like so and then i'll come to this one and again a little bit overall blue and just blend them in much much better as you can see and then also play around with um any of these trying to get that actual look that you're looking for all right finally then what we can do now is we can actually change the overall um brightness of these drops so if you're not happy with the overall brightness what you can do is you can press shift a co do a search and put in curve and you'll find one that's called rgb curve grab that drop that in and now if you come and just click on this middle part here you can actually make them brighter or darker however you actually want them so it's as simple as that then it gives you control over the whole of the actual node tree all right so finally now let's bring in our actual um ambient occlusion so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull my overlay over here and then i'm going to grab my curve drop it in the bottom and then finally drop my overlay over here like so and i think actually i put those the wrong way around so what i'm going to do is put that on the top and then put this on the bottom like so and there we go and now you can use you can drag this up and you can actually bring in more ambient occlusion or less ambient occlusion or you can actually control it through here as well as you can see so now you can see you've got a lot of control over your rocks you can see that they're painted in a really really nice and easy way you can see they're the same all the way around and that everyone is how we actually do stylized rocks the easy way so i hope you enjoyed it um drop a comment down below if you did and let me know what you thought of it or if you're having any problems with it and as always if you want to check out my courses or memberships and things like that especially patreon where there's 230 hours of courses right now which you can get for free then check out the links down below alright everyone so until next time happy modeling bye [Music] you
Channel: 3DTudor
Views: 45,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mesh, modifier, blender, 2.8, 2.7, new, guide, lesson, youtube, 3D, 3dtudor, tutorial, how, create, maya, best, top, number, one, asset, obj, fbx, model, modelling, textures, materials, 2019, course, beginner, video, game, warcraft, eso, wow, warhammer, cycles, eevee, rendering, lighting, uv, unwrapping, retopology, material, texturing, low-poly, low, mobile, modifiers, prop, Blender 3 Stylized rocks, Blender 3 Rock Shader, 3D Rock material, Blender 3 Node Guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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