Blender 2D illustration to 3D Model | Making of "Nope"

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yo what's up this is cliff from art bloop today i'm going to be showing you how i turned this beautiful drawer ross painting into this shiny shiny turd [Music] of course where i first start out with i set up blocking out the head the base model doing the ears dies all that mess you know scoping getting the sort of the sharp edges of this model to kind of get that stylization going it's pretty fun process going through this look a little weird at the beginning of course after i get the base going i start immediately moving to modeling out the additional shapes like the eyebrows and the eye socket as well also model the hair out too just look a little weird of course look like a little bowl on their head but the fun part was really modeling the eyebrows and the eye socket too but it really started to come together really well had a real real fun modeling out or really sculpting the base model and right after doing that i was like all right let's let's move on to read topology um that's pretty pretty nice tried out different different techniques and different things trying to get this going took quite a bit quite a bit of time to be able to get that done and with the retopology i just you know went straight into cleaning up the model i actually upped the subdivisions on the model as well then i went straight into just modeling the clothes it just duplicated parts of the model for the chest and the shoulders and like all right let's just make a make a shirt out of this real quick i'm not going to make this too complicated and just go straight for it it wasn't perfect but it did the job and i did the same thing for the little bandage on the person's face and it really just duplicated the eyes went back worked on the cigarette and all those small little details to kind of get it get it to where it needed to be and i actually redid the hair again before i had the subdivided mess from the sculpt i just duplicated parts of the head and then just created the hair out for that just molded it together sculpted to make sure that it sit on the head the right way and i came out pretty well i had to read apology i'd have to redo any of that just really simple real easy to do so right after doing of course doing uvs i went straight into texturing and i made several attempts several failed attempts at texturing this character in blender and i was like this really isn't working so what i'm going to do is move straight into photoshop instead i want to see if i could text you know traditionally texture this model in photoshop and that did not work out very well i learned really quickly that this wasn't going to work for me so i i said we're going to back we're going to back that up and we're going to move back to blender to rather see what i'm doing directly on the model kind of like substance painter but i really want to do this in blender so i was like we're going to test myself today so really with my first attempt at texturing this character i started out with some basic shaders i'm throwing a fresnel on there to get that sort of added highlight along the edge of the model and then i was like we're going to do hand painted textures and we're going to try and make this as complicated as possible that did not work out very well i thought it was looking cool as soon as i put that into a runner started messing around with the shaders and the lighting and it was like no it wasn't wasn't wasn't looking that great looking pretty poor it just looked like i don't even know how to describe it it looked almost like a kabuki mask which is pretty cool but not for what i was doing it was not looking right it was looking a little a little a little suspect so i went backwards i backed it up again i said we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna do this again we're gonna try this again we're going to see if we can do a different method so i went to the bare bones and rebuilt the shaders and tried to add in a lot of what joe ross did with his his paintings and his style and i said all right we need to get some of this noise in here we need to make sure that there's a little bit of texture when it comes to the shading from the lighting so added a noise texture in that couple of different noise textures and i use the voronoi texture in here somewhere as well from his paintings like the blue the the saturated red and the pink that was originally with the painting and started experimenting with it and seeing what would work and saying like all right this is this is not bad this is actually looking okay so i went a little bit further added some more highlights and uh some more interest to it i'm like okay test it out with some lighting was saying that it was looking a heck of a lot better than it was before so i was like okay we're on the right track so now after doing all that it was looking pretty pretty pretty decent so i was like okay i think we're at a good place to start adding some actual visual interest to the shader here so like let me take some some uh noise textures and some wave textures uh wave procedural textures and avoir noise and i was like let's let's let's let's shake this up a little bit let's add these markings that i was seeing on some of his paintings and making it feel like it was more uh like they were marking out with i know like a pencil or some sort of some sort of handheld handheld switch or something i don't know and i also added some texture in there that made it feel like it's a mixture of noise and a voronoi and i was like let's try to make it feel like there's more paint strokes on this because the way the shader is with the lighting it was like just sort of a noise and it was made it look 2d but it's also making it still look a little 3d so like let me see if we can add some of these brush strokes in here as well beyond the markings and see how that would add to it so i made it real light and turned out really well and i started adding that those parts of the shaders to the different different parts of the model really started to come along and i'm like all right let's move on let's make this cigarette which is like the star of the show don't smoke kids added the you know added the glow added emissive onto the cigarette there with a roof and and use some of the shade that i built in for the rest of the model on the smoke which is pretty really fun part what really was fun was doing the eye after having some experience and modeling stylized eye with a previous model that i made i was like all right let's let's see what we can do here with this except let's not add any gradients let's make it flat a little bit more 2d like that turned out really well and so i was like okay now we have a good shader this is looking pretty good without any additional you know texture maps i'm like but we need to push this a little bit further so i simplified it this time and i realized after doing this the second time after making the shaders first so like this this is the way i should have gone the first time and it turned out really well so i just add added some markings that were similar to the what was already presented in the shader i started adding these details to the eyes and the third eye and adding some some some type on there as well so draw him hand lettering can't talk and after doing that i was like all right this is looking great it's like time to go back to the shader let's let's push it a little further and added some blue in there kind of like one of his paintings started and i was like this is it's looking pretty sweet and with that we started i added the smoke make sure the smoke looked right and then it was like this this looks good and here's the painting i hope you guys liked it it came out pretty decent surprisingly and i'm very happy with it peace out guys hope to see you guys next time i hope you liked the video and if you want to see more of this stuff like subscribe if you have any suggestions of things you'd like to be interested in seeing let me know feel free to comment below alright you guys peace out you guys have a good one peace
Channel: ArtBloop Media
Views: 5,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kq-rXSj73Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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