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hey what's up guys are welcome back to ask NK so today we're looking at one new cool feature that is now available in blender 2.9 0.0 alpha it is not this it's not the new sky it's none of those it is a pretty cool feature and at the same time he has nothing as well to do with any of the things that we've talked about that looks like this alright no it doesn't it's nothing like this you know all of this stuff which we talked about two weeks ago nah it's none of those the feature which were looking at today is how you can now convert your animations and also your 3d models to 2d now just in case you haven't seen this I'm definitely going to show you guys how that works so for example we have a cube here what I'm going to do is just simply press tab on the keyboard tap three just to switch to face click right here press I to insert this and press e to simply extra that all the way up now we've talked about a couple of other things before like you know going through here and making some changes if you know this is what you're going for and at the same time talking about the bevel thing which we've already done previously so how this works is very simple so you're done creating a stuff all you need to do is simply go over to object go to this part code combat so you can see grease pencil from mesh that's exactly what you can do now and once you do that you have yourself a grease pencil now this is very interesting and and it's going to be a lot of use case for anyone who is into 2d animations and stuff now we've already talked about the lamp ER and lamp er seems to simulate an idea that looks like this but now they are actually refactoring and reworking the whole NPR thing in a different mode not like we looked at before but this feature is very very interesting now the idea that you can now convert this is going to save you tremendous amount of time so I went back to take a look at blender 2.83 which is now looking a little bit obsolete now because if you go over to the object mode and you go over to combat you only have grease pencil from curve you have mesh from curve and you have called from mesh and text so these are the basic ones that you have and you know if you're using blender to point a triple with a brand new version here you can now easily play with this and actually get some pretty cool stuff so if I go ahead and have the selection and press the tab key you can see automatically we are in the grease pencil zone so you can now start noticing that I can move things around and I can play with this thing and then start getting some pretty cool stuff now if you've seen this and you're like okay so what other use case can distant be useful so a very good one is by press n on the keyboard and select it a gravity rope or you know the the traffic to which we've talked about before but the first one which I'd like to show you guys is the building tool so we've talked about the building tool and you got a lot of reception and the huge shout out to all of the developers that worked on this so if I go through and make a change like that so let's you know make a change like this and then press the tab key click on any of these points press a to select click right here to add a floor I'm just simply going to bring this all the way to this point and add a roof now if we add this roof and switch this from flat roof to hip roof which is looking nice we can also add one point here and simply proceed to add for door so if I add this tiny dough here let me increase the size of the door about that point bring this little bit down to a point like that and you can go ahead and add a couple of windows imagine you are trying to work on a scene where you have a couple of 3d models all right or maybe you're trying to work on the layout and you're thinking about how you draw this in perspective now instead of drawing this in perspective you can now easily convert this and an interesting part about this is once you make this conversion automatically creates material for the line and also for the fuel so you can go over to the field section and you can start making adjustments click right here and make a couple of changes alright so you can see that that's really really interesting you can also go over to the stroke and within the stroke you can still make the changes that you want now this is also going to be very useful for a lot of people and if you are considering what about animation what if you want to animate does this support animation so sometime in March this was also teased by the blender development you know guys and it's really interesting to see that you have that feature here although I have a little bit of things which I would like to talk about don't talking about this and I'd like you to stick around for that so if I click right here and you know press I on the keyboard I can create a location key I can also move this all the way to 40 and simply raise this all the way up and right now you see we have another key right here right there I'm going to go all the way back to one and now let's rotate this bad boy but before we do that press I and click on rotation just to keep that dead go all the way to 40 and I'm simply going to rotate this so if you've seen the video where we talked about animation there you see that if you're trying to layer stuff this is going to be extremely useful so with this here if you're also thinking about making it truly animation but you want to have that 3d animation feeling to it not really with the shading but you know you want to animate things in 3d then you want to implement them in 2d then this would be extremely useful because right now once I go through and play back this animation you can see it's a 3d looking animation right but if I select this and go over to object scroll all the way down to where we have animation I can now bake match to grease pencil lovely so with this now you can start noticing that we have a pretty cool thing going on actually you don't really see it because if i zoom all the way out you don't see that all right let's turn off the auto key and if we go back and get close to this object you would notice we have the cube and we have the grease pencil if I turn this off you can start noticing the grease pencil the first thing that you notice is everything looks right but then because we're working with this grease pencil and it does automatically what it does for your normal models if I go over to this part where we have code lines we can go down to this path called stroke and we can increase the thickness of the stroke so if I simply start increasing this you can start noticing that we're having the thickness right here so the area or the time where you want to spend you know a crazy amount of time I'm trying to work with you know perspective stuff I think blender is beginning to close that gap it's pretty easy for you to create a 3d model and convert it with 2d looking stuff and at the same time you can go in and start playing with all of the you know interesting and amazing tools that comes with blender so if this is you know something for you if this is something that you like to work with of course you can take advantage of all of the tools that exist right here so it all this said I also noticed that there are certain things reached I pretty much don't really like with the whole of the not like I don't like them it's just that I wish that over time they should actually consider this while they're trying to implement or while they're trying to round up this I'm looking at the fact that you cannot really control of course you can control the stroke that's not a problem yeah of course you can control the stroke which isn't a problem at all you know you can do all of these things with the stroke which is not a problem for me I just wished like if they can find a way to make it possible that you can play with the amount of stroke that you have so I'm going to show you guys what I mean what I mean by this is if I go through and delete this hold down shift and tap a and simply bring out Suzanne the monkey we can go through and also make control to on the keyboard right click smooth shade her go right here click right here which is also a new feature in case you haven't seen this in apply but then with this here if I select this object and then alright and then I come down to this part and convert this mesh you know to a greased pan so I have all of these lines at this point it is either me or you know I don't know how to simply play with this so if this is a something that is from them I really wish maybe there could be this outline looking thingy where you can simply mark them out lines that you want but despite that this is just what it is so for the most part you have this tool looking like this and you can barely you know change all of these things the only thing you can change is the strength of the stroke which is already something that we've looked at right now so if you want to change the strength of the stroke that is very possible you can do that but you cannot really matter lines and say maybe I'm marking the spots as seams and I would like to get those paths to be the path there will simply have the outline so this is just you know what I think what I think that I would like to also chip in before we go is if you're trying to work with this and for example while looking at working with a building tool and maybe you've gotta head to apply textures and all that stuff at the end of the day if you simply select this and you go over to object and you choose to convert these to grease pencil from mesh you're going to get a black and white image now the whole idea here is once you do that you can choose to keep the original file you can choose to play with the thickness of what you want you know play with the stroke play with any of the things that you want to get but you would not be able for any reason at all to keep the textures and this is one thing I wish you know that what they can actually take a look at and from here you can also choose to get only you know edges if you just want only same edges but if you don't want that you want all of this you can proceed to get in that and another thing that you would also notice is the minute to convert this all of your materials actually change all right so the materials that you've applied to you know various parts of your model they just simply change all the way to white so if there's a way they can convey this stuff so once you have your materials like this so all of these materials I have right here once you have them and you proceed to convert this they can convert that way it would make a lot of sense so for what we have here I've also got ahead to add you know some array meshes of course I understand that this is 2d 3d thingy but right now we don't get to see those but if you're trying to work with modifier and you want to be able to see your object you know with the modifiers you need to make sure that you have this modifier as active if the modifiers are not active for any reason and you switch this so you know that you see you get to lose the modifiers but the modifiers are active in your viewports this would make a lot of sense because right now you can simply go from here convert and convert this so all it does is it collapses the whole layer stack collapses everything and gives you you know image of the 2d image that you're looking for so from here what you can do now is just simply select any of them and it automatically selects all of them and you can go from this part stop making changes so any of the changes that you've made to your previous material you lose them but you can now have access to those materials as they turn them to 2d materials and you can simply start working with them but despite these the animation part works it doesn't work for heavy scenes at all so I try to go to heavy scene it doesn't work for it at all but it works if you're just an amazing you know basic objects you're just doing normal key framing all right that works it doesn't work for amateurs didn't work you know I tried it didn't work and you know that's just basically so this is the new feature right here and I just felt like a shipping it to you guys notice so just in case you're thinking about doing something with this you can definitely take a look at this and also get going with it so tell me what you guys think about this in the comment section and if you like this video you learnt something from this you can go ahead and give it a like and don't forget to share with a friend and if you're new here is gonna be amazing for you to hit the subscribe button and also turn on notifications so that you don't miss the next video or the next update and until I see you guys again with a tutorial update free Friday tutorial Tuesday tips and tricks things like this peace
Channel: askNK
Views: 175,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 2.83 lts, blender, blender tutorial, blender 2.90, blender 2.9 new features, blender 2.9 asknk, blender 2.9 alpha, new sky, new blender features, blender 2.83 feature, blender 3d modeling, blender usd, blender guru, blender tutorial. grease pencil grease 2d to 3d, grease pencil update.
Id: lriYv4P4TcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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